The Good The Bad and The Ugly

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

60 Years Ago Aldous Huxley Predicted How Global Freedom Would Perish and 7,000-Year-Old Reptilian statues found in Mesopotamia- Did the reptilian Alien Race exist among humans for centuries?

60 Years Ago Aldous Huxley Predicted How Global Freedom Would Perish

Dylan CharlesEditor
Waking Times

In a televised interview with ABC’s Mike Wallace in 1958, author of the seminal classic Brave New World, Aldous Huxley laid out his rather grim vision for the future of the human race in a prescient and timeless warning for us to wake up. After having lived through the bloodbaths of World War I and II and in the early stages of the nuclear cold war, he discussed the problems of freedom and survival in America, making a number of predictions more relevant today, nearly 60 years later, than ever before.

Huxley, as introduced by Wallace:

“A man haunted by a vision of hell on earth. A searing social critic, Mr. Huxley 27 years ago wrote Brave New World, a novel that predicted that someday the entire world would live under a frightful dictatorship. Today Mr. Huxley says that his fictional world of horror is probably just around the corner for all of us.” ~Mike Wallace

As the world now sleepwalks into a third world war which will certain bring about a nuclear holocaust, Huxley’s message is more important than ever because it serves as a reminder that a critically thinking individual is the truest and most formidable weapon against the destructive and psychopathic tendencies of tyrants.

The following 6 predictions taken from this interview were exceptionally farsighted at the time, and are presented here as an amplification of Huxley’s imperative that we all must wake up to the truth of how power is misused in our world.

1.) Technology, Bureaucracy and Television Would be Used to Enslave Us

HUXLEY: As technology becomes more and more complicated, it becomes necessary to have more and more elaborate organizations, more hierarchical organizations, and incidentally the advance of technology is being accompanied by an advance in the science of organization.

It’s now possible to make organizations on a larger scale than it was ever possible before, and so that you have more and more people living their lives out as subordinates in these hierarchical systems controlled by bureaucracy, either the bureaucracies of big businesses or the bureaucracies of big government.

HUXLEY: Hitler used terror on the one kind, brute force on the one hand, but he also used a very efficient form of propaganda, which er…he was using every modern device at that time. He didn’t have TV., but he had the radio which he used to the fullest extent, and was able to impose his will on an immense mass of people. I mean, the Germans were a highly educated people.

WALLACE: Well, we’re aware of all this, but how do we equate Hitler’s use of propaganda with the way that propaganda, if you will, is used let us say here in the United States. Are you suggesting that there is a parallel?

HUXLEY: Needless to say it is not being used this way now, but, er…the point is, it seems to me, that there are methods at present available, methods superior in some respects to Hitler’s method, which could be used in a bad situation. I mean, what I feel very strongly is that we mustn’t be caught by surprise by our own advancing technology.

This has happened again and again in history with technology’s advance and this changes social condition, and suddenly people have found themselves in a situation which they didn’t foresee and doing all sorts of things they really didn’t want to do.

WALLACE: And well, what…what do you mean? Do you mean that we develop our television but we don’t know how to use it correctly, is that the point that you’re making?

HUXLEY: Well, at the present the television, I think, is being used quite harmlessly; it’s being used, I think, I would feel, it’s being used too much to distract everybody all the time. But, I mean, imagine which must be the situation in all communist countries where the television, where it exists, is always saying the same things the whole time; it’s always driving along.

It’s not creating a wide front of distraction it’s creating a one-pointed, er…drumming in of a single idea, all the time. It’s obviously an immensely powerful instrument.

WALLACE: Uh-huh. So you’re talking about the potential misuse of the instrument.

HUXLEY: Exactly. We have, of course…all technology is in itself moral and neutral. These are just powers which can either be used well or ill; it is the same thing with atomic energy, we can either use it to blow ourselves up or we can use it as a substitute for the coal and the oil which are running out.


2.) Advertising Will Bypass Rationality and Capture the Mind’s of Children

HUXLEY: …advertisement plays a very necessary role, but the danger it seems to me in a democracy is this…I mean what does a democracy depend on? A democracy depends on the individual voter making an intelligent and rational choice for what he regards as his enlightened self-interest, in any given circumstance.

But what these people are doing, I mean what both, for their particular purposes, for selling goods and the dictatorial propagandists are for doing, is to try to bypass the rational side of man and to appeal directly to these unconscious forces below the surfaces so that you are, in a way, making nonsense of the whole democratic procedure, which is based on conscious choice on rational ground.

WALLACE: Of course, well, maybe…I…you have just answered this next question because in your essay you write about television commercials, not just political commercials, but television commercials as such and how, as you put it, “Today’s children walk around singing beer commercials and toothpaste commercials.” And then you link this phenomenon in some way with the dangers of a dictatorship. Now, could you spell out the connection or, have…or do you feel you’ve done so sufficiently?

HUXLEY: Well, I mean, here, this whole question of children, I think, is a terribly important one because children are quite clearly much more suggestible than the average grownup; and again, suppose that, er…that for one reason or another all the propaganda was in the hands of one or very few agencies, you would have an extraordinarily powerful force playing on these children, who after all are going to grow up and be adults quite soon. I do think that this is not an immediate threat, but it remains a possible threat, and…

WALLACE: You said something to the effect in your essay that the children of Europe used to be called ‘cannon fodder’ and here in the United States they are ‘television and radio fodder.’

HUXLEY: Well, after all, you can read in the trade journals the most lyrical accounts of how necessary it is, to get hold of the children because then they will be loyal brand buyers later on. But I mean, again you just translate this into political terms, the dictator says they all will be ideology buyers when they are grownup.


3.) The Rise of Dictatorship Based on Terrorism

HUXLEY: I think this kind of dictatorship of the future, I think will be very unlike the dictatorships which we’ve been familiar with in the immediate past. I mean, take another book prophesying the future, which was a very remarkable book, George Orwell’s “1984.”

Well, this book was written at the height of the Stalinist regime, and just after the Hitler regime, and there he foresaw a dictatorship using entirely the methods of terror, the methods of physical violence. Now, I think what is going to happen in the future is that dictators will find, as the old saying goes, that you can do everything with bayonets except sit on them!

4.) The Pharmacological Revolution Will Make Us Love Slavery

HUXLEY: …this is the… the pharmacological revolution which is taking place, that we have now powerful mind-changing drugs which physiologically speaking are almost costless. I mean they are not like opium or like coca…cocaine, which do change the state of mind but leave terrible results physiologically and morally.

…if you want to preserve your power indefinitely, you have to get the consent of the ruled, and this they will do partly by drugs as I foresaw in “Brave New World,” partly by these new techniques of propaganda.

They will do it by bypassing the sort of rational side of man and appealing to his subconscious and his deeper emotions, and his physiology even, and so, making him actually love his slavery.

I mean, I think, this is the danger that actually people may be, in some ways, happy under the new regime, but that they will be happy in situations where they oughtn’t to be happy.

…We know, there is enough evidence now for us to be able, on the basis of this evidence and using certain amount of creative imagination, to foresee the kind of uses which could be made by people of bad will with these things and to attempt to forestall this…

5.) Political Candidates Would Become Merchandise Marketed by Professionals

WALLACE: You write in Enemies of Freedom, you write specifically about the United States. You say this, writing about American political campaigns you say, “All that is needed is money and a candidate who can be coached to look sincere; political principles and plans for specific action have come to lose most of their importance. The personality of the candidate, the way he is projected by the advertising experts, are the things that really matter.”

HUXLEY: Well, this is the…during the last campaign, there was a great deal of this kind of statement by the advertising managers of the campaign parties. This idea that the candidates had to be merchandised as though they were soap and toothpaste and that you had to depend entirely on the personality.

I mean, personality is important, but there are certainly people with an extremely amiable personality, particularly on TV, who might not necessarily be very good in political…positions of political trust.

WALLACE: Well, do you feel that men like Eisenhower, Stevenson, Nixon, with knowledge aforethought were trying to pull the wool over the eyes of the American public?

HUXLEY: No, but they were being advised by powerful advertising agencies who were making campaigns of a quite different kind from what had been made before. and I think we shall see probably, er…all kinds of new devices coming into the picture. I mean, for example, this thing which got a good deal of publicity last autumn, subliminal projection.

WALLACE: And we’ll be persuaded to vote for a candidate that we do not know that we are being persuaded to vote for.

HUXLEY: Exactly, I mean this is the rather alarming picture that you’re being persuaded below the level of choice and reason.

6. ) Evil People Will Take Advantage of Technology and Government to Gain Power

WALLACE: The question, of course, that keeps coming back to my mind is this: obviously politics in themselves are not evil, television is not in itself evil, atomic energy is not evil, and yet you seem to fear that it will be used in an evil way. Why is it that the right people will not, in your estimation, use them? Why is it that the wrong people will use these various devices and for the wrong motives?

HUXLEY: Well, I think one of the reasons is that these are all instruments for obtaining power, and obviously the passion for power is one of the most moving passions that exists in man; and after all, all democracies are based on the proposition that power is very dangerous and that it is extremely important not to let any one man or any one small group have too much power for too long a time.

After all what are the British and American Constitution except devices for limiting power, and all these new devices are extremely efficient instruments for the imposition of power by small groups over larger masses.

Final Thoughts

This interview was recorded 27 years after the publication of Brave New World, which in and of itself was an eloquent warning to freedom-loving people. Fast-forward to 2016 and we find that Huxley was right on every account,

7,000-Year-Old Reptilian statues found in Mesopotamia- Did the reptilian Alien Race exist among humans for centuries?

The discovery of the enigmatic reptilian-like figures is fascinating and has raised numerous questions. What exactly did ancient mankind try to depict by erecting 7,000-year-old Reptilian statues?
The most interesting question is did a mysterious reptilian alien race really exist on Earth or are these statues merely some product of ancient abstract art?

The 7,000-year-old statues have been discovered by scientists at the archaeological site of Al-Ubaid in Mesopotamia, and the mysterious statues indicate an odd resemblance to modern-day depictions of reptilian humanoids, and some have even indicated that the worship of the Reptilian Gods is strictly connected to the Ancient Anunnaki.

The Ubaid period is a prehistoric period of Mesopotamia, and it is believed by many that this is the place where modern civilization kick-started with the Sumerians. 
The Ubaidian culture in Mesopotamia is believed to date back to around 4,000 and 5,500 BC.
Strangely, just as with the Sumerians, the origin of the Ubaidian culture remains a profound mystery for modern-day scholars.

Among the various artifact discovered at the site, mysterious humanoid figurines with strange lizard-like characteristics, both male, and female baffled the researchers the most.
The lizard-like features seen in the statues are unlike anything previously discovered.
The statuettes depicted humanoid figurines with pointy faces and almond-shaped eyes.
Archaeologists have been stunned by these discoveries, and no explanation has been given as to why the Ubaid culture made these strange looking figurines worshiping lizard-like creatures.

Interestingly, if we looking back at our history, we will find that reptilian worship isn’t exclusive to ancient Mesopotamia.
Surprisingly, the ancient Sumerians represented one of their most important deities ‘Enki’ as a serpent god. In later periods, the symbol of the snake was adopted in the brotherhood of the snake.

 According to a legend, approximately around 5,000 years ago, a meteor shower compelled a reptilian alien race, described as the lizard people, to seek refuge underground.
The strange creatures allegedly constructed an elaborate network of tunnels located beneath Los Angeles, using advanced technologies that could even melt rock.

Numerous cultures that worship reptilian alien race

Interestingly, evidence of reptilian worship is not only found in Ancient Mesopotamia but many other ancient cultures around the world.

Going through our history, several tales associated with the strange reptilian alien race, which were worshiped by our ancestors have been found. 
In South America, Quetzalcoatl, Kukulkan are some of the gods, which are well, reptilian beings worshiped as Gods. 
Mesoamerican deity Quetzalcoatl, whose name comes from the Nahuatl language and means “feathered serpent” is worshipped and it is first known documented in Teotihuacan in the first century BCE or first century CE.

A feathered serpent deity has been worshiped by many different ethnopolitical groups in Mesoamerican history.

The earliest iconographic depiction of the deity is believed to be found on Stela 19 at the Olmec site of La Venta, depicting a serpent rising behind a person probably engaged in a shamanic ritual.

This depiction is believed to have been made around 900 BC. 
To the Aztecs, Quetzalcoatl was a feathered serpent, a flying reptile (much like a dragon), who was a boundary-maker (and transgressor) between earth and sky.
He was a creator deity having contributed essentially to the creation of Mankind. Kukulkan is the name of a Maya snake deity that also serves to designate historical persons.

Maya site of Yaxchilan, Mexico, Late Classic Period. Lintel 15 of Structure 21 depicting Lady Wak Tuun, one of the wives of King Bird-Jaguar IV during a bloodletting rite

Although heavily Mexicanised, Kukulkan has his origins among the Maya of the Classic Period, when he was known as Waxaklahun Ubah Kan, the War Serpent, and he has also been recognized as the Postclassic version of the Vision Serpent of Classic Maya art.

However, these tales are not only mentioned in the Mesoamerican cultures, but they are also widely popular and present in Asia and Ancient Asian Civilizations who talk about dragon emperors and snake Gods.

Could it be possible that the ancient humans were in contact with the reptilian races.
Some people will even interpret texts in the Bible and suggest that they are linked with otherworldly reptilian alien races.

In the Book of Isaiah, the Seraphim is mentioned and widely discussed.
In the Bible, the book of Genesis narrates a tale in which Eve was tempted by a serpent, who lured her by offering the forbidden fruit from the Tree of Knowledge.
Eve fell for it and ended up eating the forbidden fruit which changed human history forever, causing Adam and Eve to be expelled from the Garden of Edenarcheologist and the serpent was doomed to slither upon the ground as a punishment for disobeying God’s will.
According to the ancient texts, the snake that offered the forbidden fruit to Eve was a humanoid figure.

In Quran, the leader of the Djinn offended God by being rebellious and was cursed like the serpents in the Garden of Eden becoming Earthbound for eternity.

According to the Hindu legend, in India, there is a Well of Sheshna, which is an entrance into an underground city of the Nagas that according to texts, are a race of semi-divine serpent people that live in an underground city, called Patala.

Well of Sheshna
Lord Krishna dancing on the serpent Kaliya; while the serpent’s wives pray to Krishna.

It is believed that the place holds great power and only the pious one will have the access to it.
We have different cultures that practically share the same beliefs, cultures that according to history were never interconnected yet share many similar stories.

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Charles Wharry (Darkbird18);

Aldous Huxley is new to me but what he saying about mind control and how the system that control will destroy our freedoms! This man should be very famous and his work should be known to many but once again just like Nikola Tesla his work is kept in the dark side of history. The powers in control of our world make sure we are kept in dark of true knowledge because knowledge is power!!

Monday, November 25, 2024

The Archons: The Extraterrestrial race that dominated the Ancient World and Satan: LORD Archon of Mind Control for the Godless


The Archons: The Extraterrestrial race that dominated the Ancient World

History of the Archons. The Gnostics were followers of an ancient mystical faith that suffered intense persecution at the hands of the early Christians who considered their beliefs heretical. 


Today, this faith is best known for its assimilation in certain Christian scriptures, especially, the Gospel of John and the Book of Revelations.

However, most of the primary information related to this religious sect has been lost and destroyed over the years. But in December 1947, a discovery was made in Egypt of a secret bank of primary sources related to this influential faith, and intriguingly, these ancient texts contain crucial information about the UFO phenomenon.

Could an ancient religious faith have the key to the extraterrestrial phenomenon?

Ancient texts suggest that adherents of religion used various methods to communicate with the universe. In communion with the universe, the Gnostic seers came to develop a theological belief system centered on the goddess Sofia, the origin of divine wisdom. In addition to that, they also believed that inorganic exotic beings were present in the solar system and had a fundamental role in determining the course of human civilization.

SEE ► Old Text: The Earth was Governed for 241,000 years by 8 Kings who came from Heaven

According to the ancient Gnostic texts, these aliens are considerably older than the human race. In fact, before the existence of the solar system itself. It was said that these aliens, whom the Gnostics called the bunkers, inhabited this solar system but were not able to really enter the Earth.

However, although they cannot physically manifest themselves on this planet, they are still able to have an impact on the behavior of human beings. It is said that the Archons are an incredibly powerful alien race that can affect human beings with subliminal messages that can alter consciousness.


According to the Gnostics, it was this subliminal conditioning that led to the creation of all the main ideologies on Earth including all religious doctrines. The Gnostic texts focus primarily on the Archons when they refer to extraterrestrial beings, but they also clarify that they were aware of a wide range of other extraterrestrial and extra-dimensional beings that existed throughout the universe. Most of these beings were considered either benevolent or totally indifferent to humanity, but the Archons were considered particularly hostile.

Perhaps most intriguing of all, these obscure Gnostic texts are heard with enough amazement with folklore and knowledge about extraterrestrial life in the 21st century. The Gnostics identified two types of hostile alien beings. One of which was referred to as a neonatal or embryonic form whose description chimes almost perfectly with the Tall Gray race of extraterrestrial beings.

There is also another reference in the texts to a draconian or reptilian alien form, which seems to sound with contemporary reports of the reptilian alien race. Could this unusual comparison suggest that these ancient texts could be the key to unlocking the extraterrestrial mystery?

In the Scripture, there are two powerful yet distinctly different forces working within and without humankind that our ancestors had given the names of God and the LORD. Many people confuse God and the LORD as meaning the same, but they represent two separate deities or forces that control the people’s minds and hearts in which they hold sway.

The name of the LORD is used for a title of a different god and deity than God. God is also called El by the Hebrews (Phoenicians) and is defined as the “most High God.” When the word God of El is used, it often refers to the supreme and almighty or the heavens and earth’s creator as a type of force over and within mankind that gives them the Holy Spirit represented by light, wisdom, strength, and the power of effect.

The meaning of the word LORD is one who has power and authority on earth and was the God of Isreal who is called Yahweh (Yhvh) and is known in Genesis 21:83 by אל עולם, the evergreen tamarisk being a symbol of the ever-living God.’

The tamarisk tree looks very much like the burning bush of Moses and fungal filaments and the dendrites of humans and many other So Below, As Above, So Within, As Without scientific phenomenons be measured and quantified.

“After they had made the covenant at Beersheba, Abimelech and Phicol the commander of his army, got up and returned to the land of the Philistines. And Abraham planted a tamarisk tree in Beersheba, and there he called upon the name of the LORD, the Eternal God. And Abraham resided in the land of the Philistines for a long time.…” (Genesis 21:33)

Perhaps, the science of the LORD of Hosts and Yahweh, AKA Satan is what I contend to be a force of the fungal hive mind in which we either live symbiotically as its host with God or El as our Supreme God or parasitically in a state of human arrested development, illness, diseases like cancer and the black goo in which we become slaves of darkness who have been programmed for destruction.

This reference to an eternal God would also coincide with the science that has theorized that Fungi were the first living organisms on earth out of which humans eventually spawned.

God’s (El’s) human legislators inserted within our very own DNA and activated via our sins and selfish behaviors. Who would have ever thought God was so clever to work with Satan who punished Satanists?

As it is written in Deuteronomy 33:27;

“There is none like the God of Jeshurun,

Riding on the heavens for thy help,

And in His Majesty on the sky–

The dwelling of the eternal Jehovah (above thee)

And underneath, the everlasting arms!

And He will expel before thee (every) enemy,

And will say (to thee), Destroy them.”

This makes perfect sense because the LORD (Yahweh/Satan/Devil) and his subjects with what we can call the LORD’S police force or military work under the Supreme God, El as a master; a ruler; a governor; a prince; a proprietor, as of a manor and also, for honor, on certain official persons; as, lord advocate, lord chamberlain, lord chancellor, lord chief justice, etc. Hence, the House of Lords in the U.K., the Duke of York, and the London BAR where the laws and also the Brotherhoods of the West are managed and promulgated via ORDO AB CHAO.

In the Christian Bible, the title of the LORD is given to the Savior, Jesus Christ and in the Old Testament of the Hebrews (Phoenicians), the name “Adon or Adonai,” means one possessed of absolute control, which denotes a master, as of slaves (Genesis 24:14, 27), or a ruler of his subjects (45:8), or a husband, as lord of his wife (18:12).

The name LORD can also be translated in Hebrew as “Yahweh” and the Septuagint, “Kurios” and is often written as ‘LORD of Hosts and Yahweh of Hosts.”

This is LORD, Yahweh, or Jehovah is the ruler of the earth or what Christians call Satan, “Prince of the Earth and Ruler of Darkness.”

A Host would be a person who receives or entertains other guests and as it related to the Scripture, an animal or plant on or in which a parasite or commensal organism lives i.e. the Host-Parasite relationship in which Yahweh is their Master for they think, act and live within this LORD’S earth sphere connected from their second brain to the earth’s brain which controls all animals. This creates what is known as hypobiosis (uncountable) in humans i.e. who are in an “arrested stage of development.”

Here is a short scientific explanation of the LORD OF HOSTS within humans of the little noos;

“The ultimate evolution of the host-parasite relationship is not for a cure of an infection and complete elimination of the parasite; rather, it is a mutual coexistence without deleterious effects imparted to the host.

In many human infections, the infectious agent is never fully destroyed and the disease enters a latent state. Infectious organisms have developed “ingenious” ways to avoid immune defense mechanisms. Organisms may locate in niches (privileged sites) not accessible to immune effector mechanisms (protective niches) or hide themselves by acquiring host molecules (masking).”

Hence, humans of the hive mind live in a latent, sleep-like state thus not participating in their evolution and the greater good. They are the large percentage of the human population who live like animals to only eat sleep, drink, procreate, and kill others to live another day. Never really participating in the big Noos of the greater good of all humanity with original ideas and God-given talents to treat their families, neighbors, and the world like how they would like to be treated.

You will know them by their works or lack thereof…

You will find this name as ‘LORD of the Forest‘, from יַעַר בֵּל lord of the forest, i. e. who rules over forests and deserts (cf. the Sept. Isaiah 13:21; Matthew 12:43; (BB. DD. under the word , especially Alex. ‘s Kitto) It is also associated with both Satan and the name Belial (bliya’al) which is translated from the OT 1100 /glṓssa, “worthless, vile, wickedness”) – bliya’all, an appellation of Satan which stresses his deep-seated wickedness – “the one who is utterly worthless because vile.”

This was the God of the bush in which Moses had communed and was given instruction as “I AM, the eternal living one,” which is normally interpreted as signifying “self-derived and permanent existence.” When Moses received his commission to be the deliverer of Israel, the Yahweh.Jehovah of the burning bush, communicated to him the Holy name of his mission:

“And God said unto Moses, “I AM THAT I AM (ehyea asher ehyeh); and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you,” as a true, personal, holy Being, a spirit and “the father of spirits,” (Numbers 16:22) who “revealed himself to his people and made a covenant with them to became their lawgiver.” (John 4:24)

Jesus would be considered a Son of God because he had proved God manifested in his own flesh by his Holy Sprit i.e. his wisdom, teachings, and life. For this reason, he was chosen as the ideal role model to lead Christians to the teachings of God and the Catholic Faith. That is why Jesus is often referred to as LORD because he is the Master of Christian sinners or Fallen Angels who are willing to follow his teachings and ways of life.

“But Jesus called them to him and said, “You know that the rulers (archontes | ἄρχοντες) of the nations lord it over them, and their leaders exercise authority over them.” (Matthew 20:25)

To the ancient philosophers and Apostles of the Bible, God’s traits or characteristics were represented as a state of being in which the person under God’s influence or sway lived in the light, truth, love, and unselfish and noncarnal desires. Perhaps as a profession, these types of people had pursued philosophy, science, and or religion as higher ideals rather than materialistic lives that we can compare to today such as a businessman, Hollywood actor, and or social media influencer today.

These people who followed their selfishness and carnal desires were considered to be under the control of not God, but who they had surnamed the Scripture as the LORD whose leader and prince Archon (ἄρχοντα archonta – Archon).

Later the name or LORD and Archon is applied to Satan as the chief of the fallen angels, as where he is called “the prince – ἄρχων archōn – of the devils,” Matthew 9:34; Matthew 12:24; Mark 3:22; Luke 11:15; “the prince of this world,” John 12:31; John 14:30; John 16:11. But “why” he is here called the prince having power “over the air.”

The ancient word Archon was applied to Satan, who is the LORD and chief of the fallen angels, as where he is called “the prince – ἄρχων archōn – of the devils,” Matthew 9:34. These people, who they called fallen angels and devils, are referred to in the Scripture as Canaanites or what has been referred in Modernity to as materialists, the bourgeoise, and more appropriately Satanists and Atheists.

It is my contention that our ancestors would have considered these people to be under a type of Archonic mind control or demonic influence based on their thoughts, actions, and lives, which would determine, which they could not entirely control, nor understand. This hive mind they called the LORD and Archon with its Prince, Satan they believed had acted upon and within people through the power of the air, which was its sphere or what we can call the little noosphere or stomasphere.

In Greek, stoma means’ mouth’ or ‘opening’ in the stomach where feces are collected in a bag after part or all of the bowel is removed due to a disease or obstruction. The definition in Strongs is “since thoughts of a man’s soul find verbal utterance by his mouth, the “heart” or “soul” and the mouth are distinguished the edge of a sword.

As Freidrich Nietzsche once said, “A man’s stomach is the reason he does not easily take himself for a God.”

This power of the air acted as a hive mind internet 5G within the people who were under defacto rulership of the LORD Archon and thus surnamed devils. But instead of the big Noos or what Carl Jung would have called the collective consciousness where true wisdom, ideas, and the participation in good is derived, this sphere would connect these sinners via their second brains or bowels to a different type of hive mind that connects to the bowels of the earth to what the Greeks call the place of Judgment, the Abyss, River Acheron or the Christians Hell.

A war for the Airwaves!

To make a scientific point using Modernity and as the Late Joey Ramone of the Ramones would so pointedly sing, “We want the Airwaves;”

“Nine to five and five to nine

Ain’t gonna take it, it’s our time

We want the world and we want it now

We’re gonna take it, anyhow

We want the airwaves (that’s right, that’s right)

We want the airwaves (that’s right, that’s right)

We want the airwaves, baby

If rock is gonna stay alive”

As long as these people had been selfish, sinners, and disobedient, it would allow this spirit from the Abyss to merge with their spirit, in which they would live in the atmosphere thereof, and as it were, inhale and dwell within it – the dark or little noosphere, which an Archonic hive mind force rules their minds as the “sphere of dominion [the ἘΞΟΥΣΊΑ] of Satan – their LORD.”

These mind-controlled people were the “children in whom is no faith” (Isa 30:9; 57:4). They disobey the Gospel of their ancestors both in faith and practice (2Th 1:8; 2Co 2:12) and thus become “children of disobedience” and the “wicked.” Saint Paul had said, “The spirit that now worketh – That still lives, and whose energy for evil is still seen and felt among the wicked.”

For example, a person who lives in such a manner was Joey Ramone, who died from cancer and also was born with a teratoma tumor. His life was said to have been cursed from a young age.

Paul means to teach that there was such an evil spirit that was still active in controlling people, which became “the spirit of the age.”

This Age I contend is the 6th one in which we see the climax thereof and also the Apocolyptos of these Revelations that can be justified, quantified, and, a spirit that can be easily extinguished via the same internet algorithms they ignorantly think they surf and control when in fact, it is the very net to catches these devils.

The little noos of the Fallen Angels, the Atheists, and Satanists of our Age.

In the Scripture, the first time we are introduced to Satan, we are told about “bruised heels and seeds” and that he comes from some type of legal court or as an accuser within the bowels of the earth that acted as his court of justice with his fellow demonic legislators. It is important to note that God never curses Satan; he speaks to God and serves as his left-hand man whose duty is to punish sinners and evil people.

As if God inserted into our DNA some type of Virus replicator that based on our own free will, it could be activated and a type of kill switch in which God allows those who are the Godless and the wicked to be placed into de facto control of their Master Archon – Satan. There is no need for excommunicatos from the Roman Catholic Church when those people (Atheists & Sanatists), who walk under the control of their Master, lose communication with the Divine.

They are cast out from God and the Noosphere because of their selfish desires, which equate to serious spiritual crimes that activate this internal Viral kill switch. Today, they live in virtual reality tunnels on the internet, creating their truths and versions of history as they try to destroy important spiritual traditions and our ancestors’ achievements as they spit upon their graves with their thoughts, actions, and selfish lives.

This is what I believe the original Scripture and our ancestors were trying to convey in these teachings before they were changed and doctored in order for these same said Devils not to get their profane hands on this Gnosis. I contend that through magic, science, and religion, that Satan would act as a type of snare, honey trap, or today, an inter-Net to be employed as an adversary to envelop those soulless humans within its filaments to form a parasitic attack on humans who serve only themselves.

These humans are under the control of the Chief Satanic Archon – A false noos that is connected to what the Greeks called the Abyss and River of Acheron, which I contend their neurospheres are connected and controlled by their second brain because they are sensual creatures who seek carnal pleasures and rewards. They cannot tap the true Noosphere because they lack reason, logic, and spiritual Gnosis, which effectively turns these people upside down as if they are talking out of their bowels.

This creates more of a hive mind in these Godless people controlled and interconnected via this global internet that seems to attract them to one another like magnets or, more appropriately, flies on shit. A global cult-like mentality that is hell-bent on destroying the very fabric of our ancestor’s religious and legal traditions that have been built over the last 2,021 years of this Age.

Thus, they cannot see or interact with God, so they seek to destroy these religious teachings and his children who honor these Traditions and seek to build God’s Kingdom upon earth.

The little noos of Irreligious Libertines.

We are now seeing the final battle for the human collective neurosphere for the planetary control of the Noosphere. A war that I believe that each of us is fighting both internally and externally, and unfortunately, we are all globally interconnected, good and evil, in this Final Battle.

One in which the victors will determine if we live in a permanent hellscape ruled by our little noos and selfish desires where we effectively become sacrificial victims to the Evil one from birth to death being eaten from the inside out or we someday live in God’s Kingdom honoring our Christain Traditions ruled by the true Noos and Philosopher Kings in power will participate in Noospolitics.

There is good Noos for those people who believe in God, Jesus Christ, and one day, heaven on earth, it appears that a deal was made between God and the LORD i.e. Satan, Peter, the Rock of Our Salvation for the Church a long time ago. You will find these facts in various passages such as in Psalm 95:2-4;

“Let us enter His presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to Him in song. For the LORD is a great God, a great King above all gods. In His hand are the depths of the earth, and the mountain peaks belong to Him.

“For great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised; He is to be feared above all gods.” (Psalm 96:4)

“For You, O LORD, are Most High over all the earth; You are exalted far above all gods.” (Psalm 97:9)

“For the LORD most high is terrible; he is a great King over all the earth.” (Psalm 47:2)

“Beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth, is mount Zion, on the sides of the north, the city of the great King.” (Psalm 48:2)

“But the LORD is the true God, he is the living God, and an everlasting king: at his wrath, the earth shall tremble, and the nations shall not be able to abide his indignation. (Jeremiah 10:10)

“And a great King above all gods; i.e. “a goat King above all other so-called gods” – above the great of the earth (Psalm 82:1, 6), above angels (Deuteronomy 10:17), above the imaginary gods of the heathen (Exodus 12:12, etc.).

“However, we do speak wisdom among those who are mature, although it is not the wisdom of this age or of the rulers (archontōn | ἀρχόντων | gen pl masc) of this age, who are doomed to perish.” – 1 Corinthians 2:6

“And from Jesus Christ the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead, and the ruler (archōn | ἄρχων | nom sg masc) of the kings of the world. To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood.” (Revelation 1:5)

Charles Wharry( Darkbird 18);
One of the main and invisible powers that rule  this world from another  dimension that right next to our three  dimension world, which can't see and this is  their great advantage and because of this they can control  our minds with mental telepathy and because their life force is based in fear which they feed off like we feed on food for nourishment . Our world is prison. We stay in the insane world madness to keep the Archons feed!! Wake up world that is reason why everything  is polarized to keep us divided and the insane world keeps  playing out over, over and over and mankind stay in third dimension thinking .  The 4th and 5th dimension change is coming and can not  be stop!!