7012015Donald Trump, ILLUMINATI & SATAN
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This picture is so arrogant and blatantly Satanic that it doesn’t really need an explanation and the mouthy Donald Trump doesn’t seem to have attempted to create a Smoked Mirror or ILLUSION to explain it away. I accept it for what it is worth- A SATANIC STATEMENT by an elite Diabolical EVIL Cabal. The man pictured with Donald Trump is Jesse James, the husband of popular HollyWeird screen actress Sandra Bullock. He is a distant ILLUMINATI BLOODLINE of the infamous 19th century racialist and vile criminal, Jesse James.[1]
Outlaws Jesse and Frank James with the CLAW Hand Sign of the Knights of the Golden Circle (Dawn)
The outlaw Jesse James was a 33rd Freemason and a clandestine high ranking Satanic Knight of the Golden Circle linked to the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln and the re-institution of African Human Bondage- Slavery in America.[2]
Bloodline Jesse James- Hail HITLER
Not only is Jesse James, above, a blatant Bloodline Satanic High Priest in HollyWeird’s secret Satanic Cult Underground that undoubtedly Sandra Bullock also belong to, he is a NAZI. The Nazi female shown with Jesse is his Satanic lover, Michele McGee. In child custody documents filed January 2010, her ex-husband says she “makes the Nazi salute“, and has a swastika tattooed on her stomach.[3] A photographer who reportedly worked with McGee on a raunchy photo shoot accused the model of having a split (Classic Dual Satanic Principle) personality that “flips instantly” from angel to DEVIL.[4]
This image of Donald Trump and the drawing of a hooded member of Ancient Germanic Brotherhood of Death displacing the hand gesture of the Satanic “inverted pyramid“ also doesn’t require a great deal of explanation.
Donald Trump & the ILLUMINATI National Humiliation of Rudy Huxtable

Most recently on primetime Sunday night, Celebrity Apprentice show host, Donald Trump, used his national television show to deliberately humiliate a MK ULTRA traumatized Keshia Knight Pulliam. As an impressionable child actress, Keshia starred as Rudy Huxtable on the Bill Cosby Show.[5]
Trump asked Keshia if she had contacted Bill Cosby to ask him for a donation in a Celebrity Apprentice team challenge. Notice that she immediate went into an instance temporary POST HYPNOTIC “Trance Formation” when confronted with his name.
Trump: “Did you call Bill?
Keshia Crying in Tears: “I did not. I have not talked to Bill Cosby on the phone in I don’t know how long. So for me to pick up the phone, having not talked to you for five years, except for when we run into each other for a Cosby event- I feel that’s not my place to do.”[6]
Trump immediately fired her from show. He says that he had advised Keshia to contact Cosby before the recent Cosby Sex Scandal exploded. Trump said the show was taped before the recent scandal.[7] Later Keshia Knight Pulliam tried to defend Bill Cosby on a national televised morning program, “What I can say is this: I wasn’t there. No one was there except for the two people who know exactly what happened. All I can speak to is the man that I know and I love.”[8]
Does the very mention of the name of the man that she know and love immediately draw SHOCK and TEARS? No. It doesn’t.
For Keisha, the very mention of his name exploded into some subconscious HORROR that she experienced in the past and couldn’t explain. Donald Trump of the ILLUMINATI was well aware that she had allegedly been drugged and sexually abused by Cosby. Trump demanding that Keisha contact Cosby was like some kind of sick and demented inside MK ULTRA joke, an act of absolute Diabolical EVIL.
Destroy the images and ILLUSIONS, look beyond the trick and smoked mirrors, in the rear of the LOOKING GLASS; just behind the shadows lurk the absolute diabolical EVIL of the Bloodlines of WOTAN.
Anna Nicole Smith in POST HYPNOTIC dissociated “Trance Formation“
Just a rare peek behind Bill Cosby, Hugh Hefner, the Playboy Mansion and the tragic picture of former Playboy Bunny Anna Nicole Smith (November 28, 1967- February 8, 2007), you will discover that same diabolical EVIL exist.
Anna Nicole Smith, Mexia & the Satanic Cult of the Dark Messiah
Mexia, Limestone County is a small town that sits approximately 164 miles outside of Houston, Texas. During WWII, the town held a prisoner of war camp for members of General Field Marshal Erwin Rommel’s Afrika Korps.[9] Rommel had been Hitler’s favorite general.[10]
It is generally believed that the Afrika Korps were part of the Wehrmacht– regular German soldiers. Some may have been. However, their identified insignias also show them to have been primarily the dreaded blood oath Waffen- SS forces led by Generalfieldmarshal Rommel of the elite Allgemeine SS- Knights of the Black Sun.
At the Nuremberg Tribunal, the Waffen-SS was condemned as a criminal organization due to its connection to the Nazi Party and involvement in numerous war crimes and Crimes against Humanity.[11]

The Waffen-SS is a circle of blood oath covenant crusading BLACK KNIGHTS of the VRIL and the DARK MESSIAH. Their covenant is to do the will of their master and father, they are LUCIFER’S SERVANTS. After WW II, they should have been taken to Nuremberg Prison and prosecuted for Crimes Against Humanity instead of vacationing in Texas. Naturally or unholy, the people of Mexia and Limestone County developed a lot of love, affection, trans-generational links and Hidden Bloodlines with their Luciferian Nazi cousins.[12]
Heil to the Same Lord- LUCIFER
These grand lords, Knights of the Black Sun, masters of deception, were expected by their EVIL CREED to develop and setup clandestine networks with local chapters of their hierarchical subservient blood oath secret freemasons and Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. They developed covert Lebensborn liaisons with local Aryan women to carry their demonic seeds in America. That’s the way they roll under the veil of Inner Circle of the VRIL and the DARK MESSIAH. Why could it be any different in America that they intended from the very beginning to win by CONQUEST.
After the Fall of Nazi Germany in May 1945, members of Himmler’s elite Allgemeine SS rocket team including Sturmbannführer (Major) SS Werhner von Braun moved into Fort Bliss, El Paso, Texas. Dr. Hubertus Strughold of Reichsminister Hermann Wilhelm Göring’s Luftwaffe Air Force and his “Inner Circle of the VRIL and the DARK MESSIAH” setup station at the U.S. Air Force’s School of Aviation Medicine (SAM) at Brooks Air Force Base in San Antonio- just miles outside of Mexia.
From the ninth grade, Anna Nichole Smith was raised by an aunt in Mexia whose primary industry from 1943 had been looking after 3000 to 4000 foot soldiers and officers of Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler’s elite blood covenant Schutzstaffel (SS). From 1943 to the early 1950s, Mexia to El Paso running down to Houston and San Antonio became a SS Nazi corridor in Texas. It stand reason to assume that Anna Nichole Smith’s family bloodline roots; and her sudden mysterious rise to international fame and fortune within a Satanic Circle of the Dark Messiah and the BLOODLINES OF WOTAN lies within the SS Nazi Texas corridor.
Prince von Anhalt, SECOND & THIRD REICH 
Prince von Anhalt & Hungarian Wife, HollyWeird Actress Zsa Zsa Gabor
Enter Prince Frédéric Prinz von Anhalt born Hans Robert Lichtenberg on June 18, 1943 in Bad Kreuznach, Germany to the Chief of Police of Frankfurt, Nazi Germany.[13] On June 17, 1936, Hitler decreed the unification of all police forces in the Reich and named Himmler as Chief of German Police. This action effectively merged the police into the SS.[14] If Prince von Anhalt’s father wasn’t SS or Gestapo, he was certainly under Himmler and a high collaborating Nazi Party official.[15]

Herman Goering, Hitler and Kaiser Wilhelm II
Whatever the case, Prince von Anhalt‘s family ties had enough wealth, influence and power after WW II to buy his royal title from inside the House of the last German Emperor of the SECOND REICH (Kaiser) and King of Prussia, Kaiser Wilhelm II or William II, the foundation of the 1000 Year THIRD REICH.[16]
Wilhelm’s mother was Victoria, Princess Royal, the eldest daughter of Britain’s Queen Victoria.[17] Prince von Anhalt’s royal title attached to Kaiser and King of Prussia, Wilhelm II and the Queen of England, was extremely important in that it arguable immediately put him within the hierarchy of hidden power and influence of the ultra clandestine, influential and powerful German and English Freemason Lodges.[18]Anna Nicole Smith & HughHefner’s MK ULTRA Factory
In 1992, Anna Nicole Smith, stripper of that absurd place in Texas called Mexia, started her so-called modeling career at Hugh Hefner’s Playboy Mansion. Out of all the beautiful women of HollyWeird and the World, Hugh Hefner sent Anna Nicole Smith a plane ticket out of town to join his stable of blood oath covenant guest playmates at the mansion. The Playboy Mansion is a state of the art CIA MK ULTRA Factory.
“The “White Rabbit”in Disney’s primary MK Prog’mg film “Alice In Wonderland” reinforces MK Prog’mg (ALTERS) or mind files as does Playboy bunny logo for Hugh Hefner’s MK factory, Playboy Enterprises …”[19]
Anna Nicole Smith in Classic Sex Kitten- Leopard Pattern Background
Hefner’s Sex Kittens are raised in communal type environments to centralize programmers/handlers’ supervision of individuals, group sessions and rituals. It also provides a centralized location for sex trade– twinning- among the women, and a place for clients of Hefner’s inner circle orgies that reinforce Sex Kitten/Slave programming and training.
Within a year, out of Hefner’s stable of women, it was Anna Nicole Smith of Mexia that rose to a high level ultra secret multiple personality disorder (MPD) mind controlled Presidential Model. In 1993, Hefner anointed her as the PLAYMATE OF THE YEAR.[20]
J. Howard Marshall, the Cult of the Dark Messiah
In August 1994, Smith’s Playboy Mansion handlers married her off to wheelchair bound 89 year old Texas oil tycoon, J. Howard Marshall, believed to worth $500 million.[21] Marshall was described as a fascist oil tycoon and a Hitler devotee.[22]
“Germany has been transformed into a great house of the Lord where the Fuhrer as our mediator stands before the throne of God.” Josef Goebbels, 1936[23]
“His [Adolf Hitler] quality is Messianic; his spiritual trend is ascetic; his reaction is medieval …” Phillips: Germany Today and Tomorrow[24]
Hitler envisioned that, once he had cleansed the earth, he would institute a Reich that would last for 1,000 years. He called this kingdom his “1,000 Year Reich”. This period was a Satanic duality of Jesus’ Millennial Reign, which Christ will set up after he has cleansed the earth of sinners. (Revelation 20:7)[25]
In other words, as a devotee, Marshall looked at Hitler as the Nazis viewed him as the Satanic “Messiah of the 1,000 Year Reich.” More importantly, Prince von Anhalt was part of Marshall‘s Nazi inner circle where he said that he met Anna Nicole Smith. Prince von Anhalt considered adopting Smith to place her within the German House of the King of Prussia, Wilhelm II, the Second Reich. Then, he decided to impregnate her with an heir to something hidden within the NAZI Underground inner circle.
Anna Nicole Smith, Prince von Anhalt & the Dr. Clauberg Factor
On September 7, 2006, Smith gave birth to Dannielynn Hope Marshall Stern in Nassau, Bahamas. J. Howard Marshall died August 4, 1995. Smith died February 8, 2007.[26] After the birth of Dannielynn and the death of Smith, Prince von Anhalt stepped forward to claim her as his natural child. He claimed to have had a secret ten-year sexual relationship with Smith.

The Little Diabolical EVIL Genius SS Gruppenführer Clauberg
In Freeman’s Perspective, his theory is that Prince von Anhalt is a secret Nazi genetic clone product of SS Gruppenführer (colonel general) Dr. Carl Clauberg.[27] In other words, he was one of those “Boys From Brazil.” Where or how Freeman developed this particularly theory linking Prince von Anhalt with Dr. Clauberg is unknown, but it is an extremely interesting hypothesis to say the least.
From my background and education, some of these subjects are like spinning free in the Twilight Zone. However, let’s get one thing straight, Dr. Clauberg was extremely legit and is a important factor in the secret future racialist plans of the THIRD REICH that is often overlooked. Professor Dr. Clauberg was the SS doctor most germane to the Nazi’s revolutionary pioneering breakthrough experiments in artificial insemination.
Dr. Clauberg was widely accepted as an accomplished scientific medical genius and specialist on his merits. He was an internationally renowned university professor. He had published numerous peer review papers and books on the subjects of gynecology under his name. However, his medical research and development in artificial insemination for the SS was Blood Oath Secrecy. In this regard, Himmler played no games. Himmler maintained in most instances a triple layer or more of state security. Violate Himmler’s SS secrecy code, you’re a dead man!1
In 1941, two years before the birth of Prince von Anhalt, Dr. Clauberg desperately sought and subsequently received Himmler’s permission to gain access to human material at Auschwitz to conduct human experiments in the Satanic duality principled science of artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization (positive eugenics); and its opposite- sterilization (negative eugenics).
At Auschwitz with Himmler’s special clearance, he worked with SS Dr. Josef Mengele in positive and negative eugenic live human experiments, but it was really Mengele working along beside Dr. Clauberg to keep a keen eye on him and his experiments for Himmler and the SS. Dr. Clauberg also opened an university in vitro fertilization (positive eugenics) research clinic focused on female infertility just outside of Auschwitz.
At the Fall of Nazi Germany, Russian intelligence were well aware of reports of Dr. Clauberg’s secret work for the SS in positive eugenics- artificial insemination. A special Russian classified security and investigate team was sent out to get him, and they brought him in on June 8, 1945.
For 10 years, Dr. Clauberg had disappeared behind the Soviet Union. In October 1955, Dr. Clauberg suddenly re-appeared in Germany among a massive German- Russian prisoner of war exchange. On November 21, 1955, a little more than a month after Dr. Clauberg was mysteriously released possibly as a double agent by Russians, German officials (SS Gehlen Org) picked him up. Dr. Clauberg tried to open an institute to continue his artificial insemination practice in Germany for a profit.
On August 9, 1957, almost two years later, Dr. Clauberg was dead. Dr. Mengele was now the exclusive CIA/SS top secret artificial insemination expert. The Boys From Brazil, it all came from the secret foundational work of Dr. Clauberg of the SS.
Dr. Clauberg fits within the timeline to have covertly cloned a Prince von Anhalt. It also appears apparent that his family had the resources and power to hire Dr. Clauberg’s special services. Also lets be perfectly clear. Dr. Clauberg expertise and work in pioneering research and development in female infertility is still widely referenced even today in the medical field. Whether or not, Dr. Clauberg was successfully able to clone the human species is a tightly guarded secret of Germany intelligence, CIA and the Russians.
However, one thing is clear in that whatever success that Dr. Mengele developed in cloning the human species lies at the feet of that mad little SATANIC genius, Gruppenführer (colonel general) SS Dr. Carl Clauberg .
Himmler’s Wewelsberg Castle, Empire House of the Gruppenführer- Carl Clauberg
Reichsführer Himmler conducted numerous black magick rituals at Wewelsburg Castle. These rituals were conducted in the utmost secrecy. They included necromancy [communication with the dead]. Wewelsburg had many powerful Satanic symbols, most of these were white-washed and removed from walls and pillars in early 1945.[28] In 1945, under orders from Himmler, Wewelsburg was blown up to keep it from the invading armies. True Paganism which is synonymous with Satanism is known for its emphasis on the Sun -666– the number of the BEAST.[29]
“Himmler stayed quite often – alone or with guests – in the castle. He wanted to hold annual meetings with the highest SS officers in Wewelsburg, along with initiation ceremonies. Even towards the end of the war, Himmler was trying to make Wewelsburg the ‘Empire House of the SS-Gruppenführer’“.[30]
Black Sun Symbol on the floor of the “Obergruppenführersaal” (SS Generals’ Hall) This one of the last photos of Anna Nichole Smith collapsed but still alive inside a swirl at the Seminole Hard knock Hotel and Casino in Hollywood, FL. The spiral is occult symbolism for the Black Sun 666. Anna Nicole Smith either suffered a fatal flashback to a Nazi Satanic Ritual or someone triggered a “termination alter” locked inside the Black Sun. What is so special about Anna Nicole Smith and her offspring, Dannielynn, to the Underground THIRD REICH? – Hidden SS Bloodlines of WOTAN implanted in America. One thing is certain is that Anna Nicole Smith and her oldest son, David Wayne Smith (1/22/1986- 9/10/2006) had been sacrificed to pave the way for Dannielynn to ascend as a heir apparent to some Diabolical Horror and EVIL of the Cult of the Dark Messiah.
October 30, 2004, Hugh Hefner (the DEVIL) and Anna Nicole Smith– Halloween Party at the Playboy Mansion. I suspect that a very select group of Hefner’s Guest Playmates (Presidential Models)- ultra secret MK ULTRA/MONARCH “Sex Toys” like Anna Nicole Smith come packaged with preset codes, keys and triggers programmed special to served a very select elite and powerful Satanic circle.
Anna Nicole Smith & the Secret Dark Messiah MONARCH Code
On August 12, 2006, Attorney Howard K. Stern, Smith’s domestic partner and business manager along with a character named Ford Shelley, a Myrtle Beach, South Carolina Real Estate Developer, deliberately triggered and keyed Smith’s 4 year old MK ULTRA/MONARCH alter and videotaped her because the DEMO was worth a lot of money among the ILLUMINATI.[31]
Within six (6) months of Smith’s MONARCH DEMO tape, she would be found dead in February 2007. After her death, Stern’s secret DEMO video tape of Smith in a multiple personality disorder (MPD) alter was thereafter covertly removed from her home in the Bahamas by Shelley, who allegedly held title to the home.
It was Shelley that exposed MK ULTRA/MONARCH Anna Nicole Smith in mind controlled “trance formation” to the worldwide internet as a possible insurance policy to keep he and his family alive.[32] Smith’s DEMO video tape was reportedly recorded in his home. His wife, Gina Shelley, painted Smith’s face with lipstick. After Smith’s death, Shelley also removed computers, hard drives and other video tape evidence. Shelley claims to have broke Smith’s secret MK ULTRA/MONARCH codes and triggers.[33]
It stands to reason that Smith’s Satanic ritual abuse began around the age of 4 years old, and Shelley by evidence of the DEMO video tape was able to open Smith’s “protective” original personality. It is unknown whether he broke through to any of her other alters protected by the original personality. It also stands to reason that Smith had a wide variety of alters that included ultra secret presidential and executive mission alters. That’s the way they roll.
In November 2011, Stancil Ford Shelley, Jr., age 47, was disposed of by feds. He pled guilty in federal court in Florence, South Carolina to mail fraud in regards to shady real estate transactions. He is serving time at Bennettsville Federal Correctional Institution.[34]
Anna Nicole Smith & MK ULTRA Hypnotic Chemicals
Smith’s autopsy established that her body contained large amounts of MK ULTRA experimental hypnotic drug- Chloral Hydrate.[35] Presidential MONARCH Sex Slave Marilyn Monroe’s body was also found to contain large amounts of Chloral Hydrate.[36] During the 1950s, SATANIST Anton LaVey found and promoted Monroe career out of a strip club. LaVey was an early MK ULTRA Occult Bureau programmer and handler.[37],[38]
Marilyn Monroe opened Hefner’s first issue of Playboy Magazine in December 1953, the year MK ULTRA began.[39]
Large supplies of Chloral Hydrate was also discovered at Jonestown, a secret CIA Medical Mind Control Experiment and Concentration Camp at an isolated offshore site in Guyana, South America.[40]
Hugh Hefner and Bill Cosby– is it at all possible that one would be more absolutely diabolical EVIL than the other?
“MK-Ultra Monarch Programmer/Handler … Hugh Hefner has enriched himself as America’s # 1 MK Pimp for over 50yrs, supplying Global Mgt. Team and whoever else has codes “triggers” and enough money to afford “state of the art” Oz-Dorothy, Jewel prog’md DID (MPD) lovelies. This NSA-CIA asset w/his degree in psychology (read Mind Control Prog’mr) controls an army of BETA-trained Sex Slaves available for blackmail, espionage (honeypots), underground porn and whatever else their ”ALTERS” (mind files) are Prog’md for. Hefner works closely w/MK Prog’mr/handler Heinz (Henry) Kissinger, and operates under full protection of NSA/CIA military-apparatus.”[41]
Hefner and a very close ultra secret inner circle held the overriding backdoor keys to Anna Nicole Smith and the women coming out of the Playboy MK ULTRA Factory. In my opinion, Bill Cosby, attached to Hefner, would be one of few people cleared since the 1950s to be in this type of highly classified Korean War MANCHURICAN CANDIDATE- trauma based mind control business straight from the SS- Knights of the Dark Messiah right out of Dachau and Auschwitz.
Smooth Criminal & the Magical Drug
In 1969, Bill Cosby joked and bragged about poisoning women with Spanish Fly. Spanish Fly acts as an enhancer of the female libido and is taken by females to help them achieve better arousal levels and better orgasms. It also may be used as medicine in some occasions.[42]
At a 2008 Hugh Hefner Playboy Mansion Party, Cosby allegedly fixed 18 year old aspiring model and dancer, Cloe Goins, a drink on the side, then she said, “everything kind of went a little foggy … dizzy.” Cosby escorted her to a bedroom; she doesn’t remember entering the bedroom. Goins said her next memory was waking up “butt naked.”
Goins: “I came to remember seeing this big man crouched over me, and he was at my feet, kind of licking and kissing them and I think he bit my toe that’s what woke me up.”[43]
Most of Cosby’s victims associate chemicals with rape and sexual abuse that produce clear definitive dissociated states, decades long memory loss and amnesia barriers. Many of these incidents of narco rape and sexual abuse involving Cosby go back to the late 1960s.[44],[45]
Spanish Fly is not a natural chemical associated with dissociated states, memory loss and amnesia barriers. Yet, what he said above definitely represents his man’s state of mind from a very early period to callously use chemicals clandestinely to overcome and violate individual free will. Nevertheless, it is not evidence that Cosby in fact used Spanish Fly to violate anyone’s rights or the laws of society.
However, no matter how compelling Goins’ story is, she like the other women have absolutely no corroborating physical evidence other than their controversial repressed memories that any wrongdoing between them and Cosby ever took place. Repressed memories are hypothesized memories having been unconsciously blocked, due to the memory being associated with a high level of stress or trauma. The theory postulates that even though the individual cannot recall the memory, it may still be affecting them consciously.[46]
According to the American Psychological Association, it is not possible to distinguish repressed memories from false ones without corroborating evidence. The term repressed memory is derived from the term dissociative amnesia, which is defined in the DSM-IV as “an inability to recall important personal information, usually of a traumatic or stressful nature, that is too extensive to be explained by ordinary forgetfulness.”[47]
It is almost unbelievable that in over six (6) decades of allegations of rape and sexual abuse that not one of Cosby’s victims can come forward with corroborating physical evidence that he committed any offenses against them. There are no witnesses that saw Cosby spike anyone’s drinks. There is no chemical evidence of any drugs that Cosby could have used to commit any crimes. There are no rape kits- DNA. There is no evidence of any blood, bruises, scarred or torn tissues to tie him to criminal activity.
For these women’s stories of rape and sexual abuse against Cosby to be true, he would have to be a revolutionary new, powerful, smooth and magical criminal that has access to an equally new and magical miracle drug that causes in itself prolonged memory and amnesia blocks- long enough to allow physical evidence of any wrongdoing to naturally lapse.
In fact, I believe that there isn’t a chemical drug alone that can cause dissociated states; memory loss and amnesia barriers without some forms of subliminal suggestions and hypnotism. However, the quest for such a magical chemical/drug and science to destroy individual free will points only in one direction. It’s called Narco-hypnosis.
The CIA & the Magical TRUTH Drug
Since 1953, the CIA, U.S. Navy and the U.S. Army Chemical Corps through Project CHATTER, BLUEBIRD, ARTICHOKE rolled into MK ULTRA have been in search of such a miracle and magical drug to obliterate individual free will with amnesia blocks.
Again going back to the Navy’s ultra secret Project CHATTER, it duplicated and expanded the SS’ Dachau Concentration Camp “aviation series” terminal experiments that also involved “mind control” experiments by hypnosis and narco-hypnosis using experimental chemicals and drugs, particularly mescaline, on victims.
Additional mind control/behavior modification research was conducted at the Auschwitz Concentration Camp under Dr. Josef Mengele, using a range of chemicals including various barbiturates, morphine derivatives and electrical shock torture.[48]
Expanding on the Dachau Narco-hypnosis Experiments, CIA psychiatrists attempted to induce a trance state after administering a mild sedative. A second technique involved a combination of two different drugs with contradictory effects. A heavy dose of barbiturates was given to knock the subject out, and then the subject got an injection of a stimulant, usually some type of amphetamine. As the subject started to come out of a somnambulant state, the subject would reach a certain ineffable point prior to becoming fully conscious. Described in CIA documents as “the twilight zone“, this groggy or “foggy- dizzy” condition as described by Goins above was considered optimal for interrogation, suggestions and hypnotism.[49]
Bill Cosby’s MODUS OPERANDI producing dissociated states, memory loss and amnesia barriers in women that he violates is an advanced and sophisticated form of experimental CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH trauma based Narco-hypnosis straight out of DACHAU and Auschwitz.
The DEVIL’s Playmate Body Count
Highly unusual automobile accidents, drug overdoses, homicides, a plane crash all have claimed the lives of at least 17 of Hefner’s young Playmates including the infamous Marilyn Monroe, Jayne Mansfield and Anna Nicole Smith.[50]
The 1974 death of 1968 Playmate of the Month, Paige Young, is linked to Hugh Hefner and Bill Cosby who used her as a personal “Sex Toy.” When Paige took her life on a Palm Sunday, she wanted to make a STATEMENT and stir an investigation into Hefner’s Satanic Playboy Circle, she left pictures of Hefner labeled the DEVIL, and a large PENTAGRAM that had nothing to do with the five wounds of Christ on the floor of her Hollywood apartment. Undoubtedly, she was trying to tell us about repressed memories of a PENTAGRAM being a central part of a Ritual to indoctrinate her into the Cult of the DARK MESSIAH.
Paige wasn’t far off. Look at Madonna’s odd PENTAGRAM showing a HollyWeird mind control Satanic Cult Ritual with Diabolical EVIL and DEMONIC anchors at each of the five points.
Paige Young and the Satanic PENTAGRAM
In HollyWeird, Paige’s STATEMENT was as it is today a forbidden subject. Palm Sunday was originally to commemorate Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Later on it was combined with pagan activities; today the palm and willow are blessed and carried in the procession. It is ascribed to a pagan holiday where olive and willow are blessed. Powers attributed to the palm are exorcising evil spirits, and warding off DEVILS.[51]
Hugh Hefner and Bill Cosby’s Narco-hypnosis Sex Kitten Programming- trauma based MK ULTRA/MONARCH multiple alters are undoubtedly anchored in the occult- SATANISM. That is one of the messages that the tragic Paige Young was trying to tell us.
[15] Id.
[29] Id.
This picture is so arrogant and blatantly Satanic that it doesn’t really need an explanation and the mouthy Donald Trump doesn’t seem to have attempted to create a Smoked Mirror or ILLUSION to explain it away. I accept it for what it is worth- A SATANIC STATEMENT by an elite Diabolical EVIL Cabal. The man pictured with Donald Trump is Jesse James, the husband of popular HollyWeird screen actress Sandra Bullock. He is a distant ILLUMINATI BLOODLINE of the infamous 19th century racialist and vile criminal, Jesse James.[1]
Outlaws Jesse and Frank James with the CLAW Hand Sign of the Knights of the Golden Circle (Dawn)
The outlaw Jesse James was a 33rd Freemason and a clandestine high ranking Satanic Knight of the Golden Circle linked to the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln and the re-institution of African Human Bondage- Slavery in America.[2]
Bloodline Jesse James- Hail HITLER
Not only is Jesse James, above, a blatant Bloodline Satanic High Priest in HollyWeird’s secret Satanic Cult Underground that undoubtedly Sandra Bullock also belong to, he is a NAZI. The Nazi female shown with Jesse is his Satanic lover, Michele McGee. In child custody documents filed January 2010, her ex-husband says she “makes the Nazi salute“, and has a swastika tattooed on her stomach.[3] A photographer who reportedly worked with McGee on a raunchy photo shoot accused the model of having a split (Classic Dual Satanic Principle) personality that “flips instantly” from angel to DEVIL.[4]
This image of Donald Trump and the drawing of a hooded member of Ancient Germanic Brotherhood of Death displacing the hand gesture of the Satanic “inverted pyramid“ also doesn’t require a great deal of explanation.
Donald Trump & the ILLUMINATI National Humiliation of Rudy Huxtable
Most recently on primetime Sunday night, Celebrity Apprentice show host, Donald Trump, used his national television show to deliberately humiliate a MK ULTRA traumatized Keshia Knight Pulliam. As an impressionable child actress, Keshia starred as Rudy Huxtable on the Bill Cosby Show.[5]
Trump asked Keshia if she had contacted Bill Cosby to ask him for a donation in a Celebrity Apprentice team challenge. Notice that she immediate went into an instance temporary POST HYPNOTIC “Trance Formation” when confronted with his name.
Trump: “Did you call Bill?
Keshia Crying in Tears: “I did not. I have not talked to Bill Cosby on the phone in I don’t know how long. So for me to pick up the phone, having not talked to you for five years, except for when we run into each other for a Cosby event- I feel that’s not my place to do.”[6]
Trump immediately fired her from show. He says that he had advised Keshia to contact Cosby before the recent Cosby Sex Scandal exploded. Trump said the show was taped before the recent scandal.[7] Later Keshia Knight Pulliam tried to defend Bill Cosby on a national televised morning program, “What I can say is this: I wasn’t there. No one was there except for the two people who know exactly what happened. All I can speak to is the man that I know and I love.”[8]
Does the very mention of the name of the man that she know and love immediately draw SHOCK and TEARS? No. It doesn’t.
For Keisha, the very mention of his name exploded into some subconscious HORROR that she experienced in the past and couldn’t explain. Donald Trump of the ILLUMINATI was well aware that she had allegedly been drugged and sexually abused by Cosby. Trump demanding that Keisha contact Cosby was like some kind of sick and demented inside MK ULTRA joke, an act of absolute Diabolical EVIL.
Destroy the images and ILLUSIONS, look beyond the trick and smoked mirrors, in the rear of the LOOKING GLASS; just behind the shadows lurk the absolute diabolical EVIL of the Bloodlines of WOTAN.
Anna Nicole Smith in POST HYPNOTIC dissociated “Trance Formation“
Just a rare peek behind Bill Cosby, Hugh Hefner, the Playboy Mansion and the tragic picture of former Playboy Bunny Anna Nicole Smith (November 28, 1967- February 8, 2007), you will discover that same diabolical EVIL exist.
Anna Nicole Smith, Mexia & the Satanic Cult of the Dark Messiah
Mexia, Limestone County is a small town that sits approximately 164 miles outside of Houston, Texas. During WWII, the town held a prisoner of war camp for members of General Field Marshal Erwin Rommel’s Afrika Korps.[9] Rommel had been Hitler’s favorite general.[10]
It is generally believed that the Afrika Korps were part of the Wehrmacht– regular German soldiers. Some may have been. However, their identified insignias also show them to have been primarily the dreaded blood oath Waffen- SS forces led by Generalfieldmarshal Rommel of the elite Allgemeine SS- Knights of the Black Sun.
At the Nuremberg Tribunal, the Waffen-SS was condemned as a criminal organization due to its connection to the Nazi Party and involvement in numerous war crimes and Crimes against Humanity.[11]
The Waffen-SS is a circle of blood oath covenant crusading BLACK KNIGHTS of the VRIL and the DARK MESSIAH. Their covenant is to do the will of their master and father, they are LUCIFER’S SERVANTS. After WW II, they should have been taken to Nuremberg Prison and prosecuted for Crimes Against Humanity instead of vacationing in Texas. Naturally or unholy, the people of Mexia and Limestone County developed a lot of love, affection, trans-generational links and Hidden Bloodlines with their Luciferian Nazi cousins.[12]
Heil to the Same Lord- LUCIFER
These grand lords, Knights of the Black Sun, masters of deception, were expected by their EVIL CREED to develop and setup clandestine networks with local chapters of their hierarchical subservient blood oath secret freemasons and Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. They developed covert Lebensborn liaisons with local Aryan women to carry their demonic seeds in America. That’s the way they roll under the veil of Inner Circle of the VRIL and the DARK MESSIAH. Why could it be any different in America that they intended from the very beginning to win by CONQUEST.
After the Fall of Nazi Germany in May 1945, members of Himmler’s elite Allgemeine SS rocket team including Sturmbannführer (Major) SS Werhner von Braun moved into Fort Bliss, El Paso, Texas. Dr. Hubertus Strughold of Reichsminister Hermann Wilhelm Göring’s Luftwaffe Air Force and his “Inner Circle of the VRIL and the DARK MESSIAH” setup station at the U.S. Air Force’s School of Aviation Medicine (SAM) at Brooks Air Force Base in San Antonio- just miles outside of Mexia.
From the ninth grade, Anna Nichole Smith was raised by an aunt in Mexia whose primary industry from 1943 had been looking after 3000 to 4000 foot soldiers and officers of Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler’s elite blood covenant Schutzstaffel (SS). From 1943 to the early 1950s, Mexia to El Paso running down to Houston and San Antonio became a SS Nazi corridor in Texas. It stand reason to assume that Anna Nichole Smith’s family bloodline roots; and her sudden mysterious rise to international fame and fortune within a Satanic Circle of the Dark Messiah and the BLOODLINES OF WOTAN lies within the SS Nazi Texas corridor.
Prince von Anhalt, SECOND & THIRD REICH
Prince von Anhalt & Hungarian Wife, HollyWeird Actress Zsa Zsa Gabor
Enter Prince Frédéric Prinz von Anhalt born Hans Robert Lichtenberg on June 18, 1943 in Bad Kreuznach, Germany to the Chief of Police of Frankfurt, Nazi Germany.[13] On June 17, 1936, Hitler decreed the unification of all police forces in the Reich and named Himmler as Chief of German Police. This action effectively merged the police into the SS.[14] If Prince von Anhalt’s father wasn’t SS or Gestapo, he was certainly under Himmler and a high collaborating Nazi Party official.[15]
Herman Goering, Hitler and Kaiser Wilhelm II
Whatever the case, Prince von Anhalt‘s family ties had enough wealth, influence and power after WW II to buy his royal title from inside the House of the last German Emperor of the SECOND REICH (Kaiser) and King of Prussia, Kaiser Wilhelm II or William II, the foundation of the 1000 Year THIRD REICH.[16]
Wilhelm’s mother was Victoria, Princess Royal, the eldest daughter of Britain’s Queen Victoria.[17] Prince von Anhalt’s royal title attached to Kaiser and King of Prussia, Wilhelm II and the Queen of England, was extremely important in that it arguable immediately put him within the hierarchy of hidden power and influence of the ultra clandestine, influential and powerful German and English Freemason Lodges.[18]Anna Nicole Smith & HughHefner’s MK ULTRA Factory
In 1992, Anna Nicole Smith, stripper of that absurd place in Texas called Mexia, started her so-called modeling career at Hugh Hefner’s Playboy Mansion. Out of all the beautiful women of HollyWeird and the World, Hugh Hefner sent Anna Nicole Smith a plane ticket out of town to join his stable of blood oath covenant guest playmates at the mansion. The Playboy Mansion is a state of the art CIA MK ULTRA Factory.
“The “White Rabbit”in Disney’s primary MK Prog’mg film “Alice In Wonderland” reinforces MK Prog’mg (ALTERS) or mind files as does Playboy bunny logo for Hugh Hefner’s MK factory, Playboy Enterprises …”[19]
Anna Nicole Smith in Classic Sex Kitten- Leopard Pattern Background
Hefner’s Sex Kittens are raised in communal type environments to centralize programmers/handlers’ supervision of individuals, group sessions and rituals. It also provides a centralized location for sex trade– twinning- among the women, and a place for clients of Hefner’s inner circle orgies that reinforce Sex Kitten/Slave programming and training.
Within a year, out of Hefner’s stable of women, it was Anna Nicole Smith of Mexia that rose to a high level ultra secret multiple personality disorder (MPD) mind controlled Presidential Model. In 1993, Hefner anointed her as the PLAYMATE OF THE YEAR.[20]
J. Howard Marshall, the Cult of the Dark Messiah
In August 1994, Smith’s Playboy Mansion handlers married her off to wheelchair bound 89 year old Texas oil tycoon, J. Howard Marshall, believed to worth $500 million.[21] Marshall was described as a fascist oil tycoon and a Hitler devotee.[22]
“Germany has been transformed into a great house of the Lord where the Fuhrer as our mediator stands before the throne of God.” Josef Goebbels, 1936[23]
“His [Adolf Hitler] quality is Messianic; his spiritual trend is ascetic; his reaction is medieval …” Phillips: Germany Today and Tomorrow[24]
Hitler envisioned that, once he had cleansed the earth, he would institute a Reich that would last for 1,000 years. He called this kingdom his “1,000 Year Reich”. This period was a Satanic duality of Jesus’ Millennial Reign, which Christ will set up after he has cleansed the earth of sinners. (Revelation 20:7)[25]
In other words, as a devotee, Marshall looked at Hitler as the Nazis viewed him as the Satanic “Messiah of the 1,000 Year Reich.” More importantly, Prince von Anhalt was part of Marshall‘s Nazi inner circle where he said that he met Anna Nicole Smith. Prince von Anhalt considered adopting Smith to place her within the German House of the King of Prussia, Wilhelm II, the Second Reich. Then, he decided to impregnate her with an heir to something hidden within the NAZI Underground inner circle.
Anna Nicole Smith, Prince von Anhalt & the Dr. Clauberg Factor
On September 7, 2006, Smith gave birth to Dannielynn Hope Marshall Stern in Nassau, Bahamas. J. Howard Marshall died August 4, 1995. Smith died February 8, 2007.[26] After the birth of Dannielynn and the death of Smith, Prince von Anhalt stepped forward to claim her as his natural child. He claimed to have had a secret ten-year sexual relationship with Smith.
The Little Diabolical EVIL Genius SS Gruppenführer Clauberg
In Freeman’s Perspective, his theory is that Prince von Anhalt is a secret Nazi genetic clone product of SS Gruppenführer (colonel general) Dr. Carl Clauberg.[27] In other words, he was one of those “Boys From Brazil.” Where or how Freeman developed this particularly theory linking Prince von Anhalt with Dr. Clauberg is unknown, but it is an extremely interesting hypothesis to say the least.
From my background and education, some of these subjects are like spinning free in the Twilight Zone. However, let’s get one thing straight, Dr. Clauberg was extremely legit and is a important factor in the secret future racialist plans of the THIRD REICH that is often overlooked. Professor Dr. Clauberg was the SS doctor most germane to the Nazi’s revolutionary pioneering breakthrough experiments in artificial insemination.
Dr. Clauberg was widely accepted as an accomplished scientific medical genius and specialist on his merits. He was an internationally renowned university professor. He had published numerous peer review papers and books on the subjects of gynecology under his name. However, his medical research and development in artificial insemination for the SS was Blood Oath Secrecy. In this regard, Himmler played no games. Himmler maintained in most instances a triple layer or more of state security. Violate Himmler’s SS secrecy code, you’re a dead man!1
In 1941, two years before the birth of Prince von Anhalt, Dr. Clauberg desperately sought and subsequently received Himmler’s permission to gain access to human material at Auschwitz to conduct human experiments in the Satanic duality principled science of artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization (positive eugenics); and its opposite- sterilization (negative eugenics).
At Auschwitz with Himmler’s special clearance, he worked with SS Dr. Josef Mengele in positive and negative eugenic live human experiments, but it was really Mengele working along beside Dr. Clauberg to keep a keen eye on him and his experiments for Himmler and the SS. Dr. Clauberg also opened an university in vitro fertilization (positive eugenics) research clinic focused on female infertility just outside of Auschwitz.
At the Fall of Nazi Germany, Russian intelligence were well aware of reports of Dr. Clauberg’s secret work for the SS in positive eugenics- artificial insemination. A special Russian classified security and investigate team was sent out to get him, and they brought him in on June 8, 1945.
For 10 years, Dr. Clauberg had disappeared behind the Soviet Union. In October 1955, Dr. Clauberg suddenly re-appeared in Germany among a massive German- Russian prisoner of war exchange. On November 21, 1955, a little more than a month after Dr. Clauberg was mysteriously released possibly as a double agent by Russians, German officials (SS Gehlen Org) picked him up. Dr. Clauberg tried to open an institute to continue his artificial insemination practice in Germany for a profit.
On August 9, 1957, almost two years later, Dr. Clauberg was dead. Dr. Mengele was now the exclusive CIA/SS top secret artificial insemination expert. The Boys From Brazil, it all came from the secret foundational work of Dr. Clauberg of the SS.
Dr. Clauberg fits within the timeline to have covertly cloned a Prince von Anhalt. It also appears apparent that his family had the resources and power to hire Dr. Clauberg’s special services. Also lets be perfectly clear. Dr. Clauberg expertise and work in pioneering research and development in female infertility is still widely referenced even today in the medical field. Whether or not, Dr. Clauberg was successfully able to clone the human species is a tightly guarded secret of Germany intelligence, CIA and the Russians.
However, one thing is clear in that whatever success that Dr. Mengele developed in cloning the human species lies at the feet of that mad little SATANIC genius, Gruppenführer (colonel general) SS Dr. Carl Clauberg .
Himmler’s Wewelsberg Castle, Empire House of the Gruppenführer- Carl Clauberg
Reichsführer Himmler conducted numerous black magick rituals at Wewelsburg Castle. These rituals were conducted in the utmost secrecy. They included necromancy [communication with the dead]. Wewelsburg had many powerful Satanic symbols, most of these were white-washed and removed from walls and pillars in early 1945.[28] In 1945, under orders from Himmler, Wewelsburg was blown up to keep it from the invading armies. True Paganism which is synonymous with Satanism is known for its emphasis on the Sun -666– the number of the BEAST.[29]
“Himmler stayed quite often – alone or with guests – in the castle. He wanted to hold annual meetings with the highest SS officers in Wewelsburg, along with initiation ceremonies. Even towards the end of the war, Himmler was trying to make Wewelsburg the ‘Empire House of the SS-Gruppenführer’“.[30]
Black Sun Symbol on the floor of the “Obergruppenführersaal” (SS Generals’ Hall) This one of the last photos of Anna Nichole Smith collapsed but still alive inside a swirl at the Seminole Hard knock Hotel and Casino in Hollywood, FL. The spiral is occult symbolism for the Black Sun 666. Anna Nicole Smith either suffered a fatal flashback to a Nazi Satanic Ritual or someone triggered a “termination alter” locked inside the Black Sun. What is so special about Anna Nicole Smith and her offspring, Dannielynn, to the Underground THIRD REICH? – Hidden SS Bloodlines of WOTAN implanted in America. One thing is certain is that Anna Nicole Smith and her oldest son, David Wayne Smith (1/22/1986- 9/10/2006) had been sacrificed to pave the way for Dannielynn to ascend as a heir apparent to some Diabolical Horror and EVIL of the Cult of the Dark Messiah.
October 30, 2004, Hugh Hefner (the DEVIL) and Anna Nicole Smith– Halloween Party at the Playboy Mansion. I suspect that a very select group of Hefner’s Guest Playmates (Presidential Models)- ultra secret MK ULTRA/MONARCH “Sex Toys” like Anna Nicole Smith come packaged with preset codes, keys and triggers programmed special to served a very select elite and powerful Satanic circle.
Anna Nicole Smith & the Secret Dark Messiah MONARCH Code
On August 12, 2006, Attorney Howard K. Stern, Smith’s domestic partner and business manager along with a character named Ford Shelley, a Myrtle Beach, South Carolina Real Estate Developer, deliberately triggered and keyed Smith’s 4 year old MK ULTRA/MONARCH alter and videotaped her because the DEMO was worth a lot of money among the ILLUMINATI.[31]
Within six (6) months of Smith’s MONARCH DEMO tape, she would be found dead in February 2007. After her death, Stern’s secret DEMO video tape of Smith in a multiple personality disorder (MPD) alter was thereafter covertly removed from her home in the Bahamas by Shelley, who allegedly held title to the home.
It was Shelley that exposed MK ULTRA/MONARCH Anna Nicole Smith in mind controlled “trance formation” to the worldwide internet as a possible insurance policy to keep he and his family alive.[32] Smith’s DEMO video tape was reportedly recorded in his home. His wife, Gina Shelley, painted Smith’s face with lipstick. After Smith’s death, Shelley also removed computers, hard drives and other video tape evidence. Shelley claims to have broke Smith’s secret MK ULTRA/MONARCH codes and triggers.[33]
It stands to reason that Smith’s Satanic ritual abuse began around the age of 4 years old, and Shelley by evidence of the DEMO video tape was able to open Smith’s “protective” original personality. It is unknown whether he broke through to any of her other alters protected by the original personality. It also stands to reason that Smith had a wide variety of alters that included ultra secret presidential and executive mission alters. That’s the way they roll.
In November 2011, Stancil Ford Shelley, Jr., age 47, was disposed of by feds. He pled guilty in federal court in Florence, South Carolina to mail fraud in regards to shady real estate transactions. He is serving time at Bennettsville Federal Correctional Institution.[34]
Anna Nicole Smith & MK ULTRA Hypnotic Chemicals
Smith’s autopsy established that her body contained large amounts of MK ULTRA experimental hypnotic drug- Chloral Hydrate.[35] Presidential MONARCH Sex Slave Marilyn Monroe’s body was also found to contain large amounts of Chloral Hydrate.[36] During the 1950s, SATANIST Anton LaVey found and promoted Monroe career out of a strip club. LaVey was an early MK ULTRA Occult Bureau programmer and handler.[37],[38]
Marilyn Monroe opened Hefner’s first issue of Playboy Magazine in December 1953, the year MK ULTRA began.[39]
Large supplies of Chloral Hydrate was also discovered at Jonestown, a secret CIA Medical Mind Control Experiment and Concentration Camp at an isolated offshore site in Guyana, South America.[40]
Hugh Hefner and Bill Cosby– is it at all possible that one would be more absolutely diabolical EVIL than the other?
“MK-Ultra Monarch Programmer/Handler … Hugh Hefner has enriched himself as America’s # 1 MK Pimp for over 50yrs, supplying Global Mgt. Team and whoever else has codes “triggers” and enough money to afford “state of the art” Oz-Dorothy, Jewel prog’md DID (MPD) lovelies. This NSA-CIA asset w/his degree in psychology (read Mind Control Prog’mr) controls an army of BETA-trained Sex Slaves available for blackmail, espionage (honeypots), underground porn and whatever else their ”ALTERS” (mind files) are Prog’md for. Hefner works closely w/MK Prog’mr/handler Heinz (Henry) Kissinger, and operates under full protection of NSA/CIA military-apparatus.”[41]
Hefner and a very close ultra secret inner circle held the overriding backdoor keys to Anna Nicole Smith and the women coming out of the Playboy MK ULTRA Factory. In my opinion, Bill Cosby, attached to Hefner, would be one of few people cleared since the 1950s to be in this type of highly classified Korean War MANCHURICAN CANDIDATE- trauma based mind control business straight from the SS- Knights of the Dark Messiah right out of Dachau and Auschwitz.
Smooth Criminal & the Magical Drug
In 1969, Bill Cosby joked and bragged about poisoning women with Spanish Fly. Spanish Fly acts as an enhancer of the female libido and is taken by females to help them achieve better arousal levels and better orgasms. It also may be used as medicine in some occasions.[42]
At a 2008 Hugh Hefner Playboy Mansion Party, Cosby allegedly fixed 18 year old aspiring model and dancer, Cloe Goins, a drink on the side, then she said, “everything kind of went a little foggy … dizzy.” Cosby escorted her to a bedroom; she doesn’t remember entering the bedroom. Goins said her next memory was waking up “butt naked.”
Goins: “I came to remember seeing this big man crouched over me, and he was at my feet, kind of licking and kissing them and I think he bit my toe that’s what woke me up.”[43]
Most of Cosby’s victims associate chemicals with rape and sexual abuse that produce clear definitive dissociated states, decades long memory loss and amnesia barriers. Many of these incidents of narco rape and sexual abuse involving Cosby go back to the late 1960s.[44],[45]
Spanish Fly is not a natural chemical associated with dissociated states, memory loss and amnesia barriers. Yet, what he said above definitely represents his man’s state of mind from a very early period to callously use chemicals clandestinely to overcome and violate individual free will. Nevertheless, it is not evidence that Cosby in fact used Spanish Fly to violate anyone’s rights or the laws of society.
However, no matter how compelling Goins’ story is, she like the other women have absolutely no corroborating physical evidence other than their controversial repressed memories that any wrongdoing between them and Cosby ever took place. Repressed memories are hypothesized memories having been unconsciously blocked, due to the memory being associated with a high level of stress or trauma. The theory postulates that even though the individual cannot recall the memory, it may still be affecting them consciously.[46]
According to the American Psychological Association, it is not possible to distinguish repressed memories from false ones without corroborating evidence. The term repressed memory is derived from the term dissociative amnesia, which is defined in the DSM-IV as “an inability to recall important personal information, usually of a traumatic or stressful nature, that is too extensive to be explained by ordinary forgetfulness.”[47]
It is almost unbelievable that in over six (6) decades of allegations of rape and sexual abuse that not one of Cosby’s victims can come forward with corroborating physical evidence that he committed any offenses against them. There are no witnesses that saw Cosby spike anyone’s drinks. There is no chemical evidence of any drugs that Cosby could have used to commit any crimes. There are no rape kits- DNA. There is no evidence of any blood, bruises, scarred or torn tissues to tie him to criminal activity.
For these women’s stories of rape and sexual abuse against Cosby to be true, he would have to be a revolutionary new, powerful, smooth and magical criminal that has access to an equally new and magical miracle drug that causes in itself prolonged memory and amnesia blocks- long enough to allow physical evidence of any wrongdoing to naturally lapse.
In fact, I believe that there isn’t a chemical drug alone that can cause dissociated states; memory loss and amnesia barriers without some forms of subliminal suggestions and hypnotism. However, the quest for such a magical chemical/drug and science to destroy individual free will points only in one direction. It’s called Narco-hypnosis.
The CIA & the Magical TRUTH Drug
Since 1953, the CIA, U.S. Navy and the U.S. Army Chemical Corps through Project CHATTER, BLUEBIRD, ARTICHOKE rolled into MK ULTRA have been in search of such a miracle and magical drug to obliterate individual free will with amnesia blocks.
Again going back to the Navy’s ultra secret Project CHATTER, it duplicated and expanded the SS’ Dachau Concentration Camp “aviation series” terminal experiments that also involved “mind control” experiments by hypnosis and narco-hypnosis using experimental chemicals and drugs, particularly mescaline, on victims.
Additional mind control/behavior modification research was conducted at the Auschwitz Concentration Camp under Dr. Josef Mengele, using a range of chemicals including various barbiturates, morphine derivatives and electrical shock torture.[48]
Expanding on the Dachau Narco-hypnosis Experiments, CIA psychiatrists attempted to induce a trance state after administering a mild sedative. A second technique involved a combination of two different drugs with contradictory effects. A heavy dose of barbiturates was given to knock the subject out, and then the subject got an injection of a stimulant, usually some type of amphetamine. As the subject started to come out of a somnambulant state, the subject would reach a certain ineffable point prior to becoming fully conscious. Described in CIA documents as “the twilight zone“, this groggy or “foggy- dizzy” condition as described by Goins above was considered optimal for interrogation, suggestions and hypnotism.[49]
Bill Cosby’s MODUS OPERANDI producing dissociated states, memory loss and amnesia barriers in women that he violates is an advanced and sophisticated form of experimental CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH trauma based Narco-hypnosis straight out of DACHAU and Auschwitz.
The DEVIL’s Playmate Body Count
Highly unusual automobile accidents, drug overdoses, homicides, a plane crash all have claimed the lives of at least 17 of Hefner’s young Playmates including the infamous Marilyn Monroe, Jayne Mansfield and Anna Nicole Smith.[50]
The 1974 death of 1968 Playmate of the Month, Paige Young, is linked to Hugh Hefner and Bill Cosby who used her as a personal “Sex Toy.” When Paige took her life on a Palm Sunday, she wanted to make a STATEMENT and stir an investigation into Hefner’s Satanic Playboy Circle, she left pictures of Hefner labeled the DEVIL, and a large PENTAGRAM that had nothing to do with the five wounds of Christ on the floor of her Hollywood apartment. Undoubtedly, she was trying to tell us about repressed memories of a PENTAGRAM being a central part of a Ritual to indoctrinate her into the Cult of the DARK MESSIAH.
Paige wasn’t far off. Look at Madonna’s odd PENTAGRAM showing a HollyWeird mind control Satanic Cult Ritual with Diabolical EVIL and DEMONIC anchors at each of the five points.
Paige Young and the Satanic PENTAGRAM
In HollyWeird, Paige’s STATEMENT was as it is today a forbidden subject. Palm Sunday was originally to commemorate Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Later on it was combined with pagan activities; today the palm and willow are blessed and carried in the procession. It is ascribed to a pagan holiday where olive and willow are blessed. Powers attributed to the palm are exorcising evil spirits, and warding off DEVILS.[51]
Hugh Hefner and Bill Cosby’s Narco-hypnosis Sex Kitten Programming- trauma based MK ULTRA/MONARCH multiple alters are undoubtedly anchored in the occult- SATANISM. That is one of the messages that the tragic Paige Young was trying to tell us.
[15] Id.
[29] Id.