The Good The Bad and The Ugly

Friday, February 24, 2017

Albert Pike, William Guy Carr and 3 World Wars: Who Is Trying to Scare Us? Williams Carr Book "“Satan, Prince of the World“.

parablesblog: FOUNDATIONS - The Prince of This World

Albert Pike, William Guy Carr and 3 World Wars: Who Is Trying to Scare Us?

William Carr is the main person behind the very widely quoted “Illuminati  Plan of 3 world wars” and 3 revolutions to establish their one world state and government. But what is his foundation for that “letter”?Satan “Prince of the World” by Admiral Wm. Guy Carr – The Phaser
William Guy Carr (2 June 2, 1895  October 2, 1959) was a controversial person, an English-born Canadian naval officer and an author.
Here he writes  on his backgroundHe worked for the Canadian intelligence service in World War IICarr’sworks (especially Pawns in the Game), have largelycontributed to popularize the topics of antiMasonicConspiracy movement in the United States and inCanadaCarr was the president of the Federation ofChristian Laity (Toronto). William Guy Carr had an FBI-file, and it was investigating him.
Satan Prince of This World by William Guy Carr
As I understand William Guy Carrs Report in
Satan, Prince of the World“.

Carr writes about 2 sources,  the postulated Albert Pikeletter to Giuseppe Mazzini 1871 being just one of these:

In Italy, is Giuseppe Mazzini as famous as Giuseppe Garibaldi? - Quora

1) Page 22: Pikes letter to Mazzini
Pike explained what is intended to happen in a letter he wrote to his director (Mazzini) of the World Revolutionary Movement, August 15,1871. This letter is quoted elsewhere. It is catalogued in the Library of the British Museum, London, England 9 and has been quoted from and referred to by dozens of authorities and students of the W.R.M., including Cardinal Rodriguez of Chile. (See page 118 of The Mysteries of Freemasonry Unveiled
, 1925. English translation, 1957.) * See footnote.
The Keeper of manuscripts recently informed the author that this letter is NOT catalogued in the British Museum Library. It seems strange that a man of Cardinal Rodriguez’sknowledge should have said it WAS in 1925. * See footnote.Comment: Rodriguez understands the “cataclysm” described by Taxil as the Russian Revolution – not WWIII. That´s understandable, since 1925 was just after the Revolution – and a WWIII was not foreseeable. But nevertheless well seen by Taxil in 1896!! (Below).

William Guy Carr Speech 1958 and the WRM

2) Page 84: Pike lectures
Here are the descriptions of the 3 World Wars to be found.  Also short on p. 29.
Pike’s military blueprint, as given to Mazzini and passed on to Lemmi, was as simple as it proved effective.
Using the 26 Triangles, or councils of the Palladian Rite, those who direct the W.R.M. AT THE VERYTOP were to foment three world wars and three major revolutions. These were to be so directed that all remaining governments would be reduced to such a state of weakness and economic ruin, that the people would clamour for a World Government as the only solution to their many and varied problems.
After three global wars and two major revolutions, the United States would remain the only world power, but, during the third revolution which Pike said would be the greatest social cataclysm the world has ever known, the United States was to be disintegrated by internal treachery, and fall into the hands of the Luciferian
conspirators “Like over-ripe fruit.”
After Pike died, Mackay took over. He, as did Lemmi, considered that ALL the executive members of the Grand Orient Lodges and the Councils of the New and Reformed Palladian Rite should be given special instructions in regard to the W.R.M. They were told in a series of lectures.

1. What Weishaupt’s revised plans called for.
2. How the World Revolutionary Movement had progressed since 1776.
3. The purpose of political intrigue going on at the time, i.e., 1889 to 1903.
4. What was intended should happen to bring the conspiracy to its successful conclusion, a One World Government the powers of which they would usurp.
The lectures were prepared by Pike or writers who had been inspired by Pike’s revolutionary ardour. These lectures were delivered by high degree members of the Palladian Rite, over a period of days, (or nights), to gatherings of selected adepts who met in the Lodges of the Grand Orient or New Paladian Rite throughout the world.
It was a copy of these lectures, slightly altered to give them a Zionist touch, which ‘fell’ into the hands of Professor  Nilus, and which he published as The Jewish Peril (= The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion).

There is plenty of evidence available to prove these lectures were being delivered as early as 1885. As invariably happens, despite the greatest security precautions, information regarding the delivery of these lectures, and their purpose, to develop the conspiracy to the final social cataclysm, leaked out.
The plot to develop the World Revolutionary Movement to its final state, as explained by Pike to Mazzini in his letter dated 15 August 1871, was discussed by several publications, two of which were, Le Palladism, by Margiotta, p. 186, published in1895, and in Le Diable Au XIX Siede, published in 1896. The lectures in their entirety were published by the Russian newspaper Moskowskija Wiedomostiduring the winter of 1902/1903,and again by the Russian newspaper Snamja in August of 1903.
The point I am trying to make is this: the first meeting of the Learned Elders of Zion to discuss Political Zionism, as we know it today, took place in Basle, Switzerland, in 1897. The origin of the Luciferian conspiracy dates back to before Zionism was even mentioned in the Bible. The first series of lectures are in no way different from Weishaupt´s/(Mayer Amschel Rothschild´s) revised version of the plot as exposed in 1786. How the plot was developed from1786 to 1886 is told in the second series of lectures, and in no way differs from lectures delivered by Pike and his top officials between 1870 and 1886.
comment of course, the Masonic circles try to dismantle this bomb – and blame the whole thing on the Masonic fraudster, Leo Taxil  – as well as a magazine “Le Diable au XIX Siècle”.
I tried to download this relevant magazine to see what is in it. I´ll never do it again. I tried 2 addresses – but the writing is guarded by a dragon: In both places were more than 100 trojan horses, and two dangerous viruses were injected into my computer (I had them easily killed with my anti-malware and anti-virus programs).
The Forum  and  the Conspiracy Archive´s author did find this ***textfrom “Le Diable au XIXème siècle”  par le Docteur BATAILLE, Tome 2, chapitre XXXV, pages 594 à 606 in French. Also, H. A. Gwynne (ed.), The Cause of World Unrest (no date, no publisher, no ISBN specified [cover – fig 9]), pp. 50-52 [see fig 10, 11, 12, as well as 13; also, an OCR PDF scan of the original 1920 edition] has this text:
*** Cardinal Rodriguez read a letter attributed by Le Diable au Siecle XIX 1894, to Albert Pike, in which the author exposes Mazzini’s plan of attack to Catholicism in Italy, to make it look like its last refuge in Russia. (La Cause. 77-78).. – Cardenal Rodriguez: El Misterio de la Masoneria – § 53)
That is why, when the autocratic Empire of Russia will have become the citadel of Papal Christianity (adonaisme papiste), we shall unchain the revolutionary Nihilists and Atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm, which will demonstrate clearly to the nations, in all its horror, the effect of absolute unbelief, mother of savagery and of the most bloody disorder. Then, everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the mad minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate these destroyers of civilisation, and the multitude, disillusioned of Christianity, whose deist soul will up to that moment be without compass, thirsting for an ideal, but not knowing where to bestow their worship, will receive the True Light, by the universal manifestation of the pure Luciferian doctrine, at last made public, a manifestation which will arise from the general movement of reaction following the destruction of Atheism and Christianity, both at the same time vanquished and exterminated.”
Now this letter is at least as old as 1896 (if it a forgery); if it is genuine, it is as old as 1871. It must therefore be considered remarkable, whether as a forgery or as a genuine document. For it predicts what has happened in Russia (23 years later), and it claims for its authors that they were preparing to bring about what has happened.”
The Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon writes: “In fact, the accusation—although not the specifics— can be traced to the earlier writings of the self-confessed hoaxsters Domenico Margiotta and Leo Taxil  (died 1907). There is no evidence that any correspondence ever existed. The British Museum has recently confirmed in writing to researcher Michael Haupt that such a document has never been in their possession.  
The Overlords of Chaos describes Pike´s paladism as a hateful satanic group with purpose of destroying Christanity by any means
WideShut:  Le Palladisme by Domenico Magiotta (apostate palladist): Once again there are no direct quotes from the alleged pamphlet or “letter” but the gist of the text suggests that Pike wanted to destroy all religions, including Catholicism, and convert everyone over to Luciferianism. In that sense the theme of the books that followed were at least similar.
P.186 is referred to about the Pike letter – but it is blank in the the Internet-edition
The letter probably exists no more, which does not exclude that it has existed.One phrase in the Letter seems typical to Pike – from another letter he wrote to the heads of his Palladian Councils July 14th, 1889 : “The true and pure philosophical religion is the belief in Lucifer, God of Light and God of Good”.
However, Carr just mentions the letter en passant – after he has explained Pike´s plan to destroy Christianity at the invitation of Mazzini. The letter is not Carr´s main source – it is just  to confirm his main source.
Unfortunately, Carr keeps his sources secret – probably for a very good reason.
In Italy, is Giuseppe Mazzini as famous as Giuseppe Garibaldi? - QuoraIn the month of August 1871, Albert Pikereceived an important letter from Mazzini. AndPike did answer.The head of political action of the UniversalFreemasonry invited the Supreme and dogmatic cult leader to chart a specific campaign plan for thedestruction of  Roman Catholicism. Albert Pike called his ten councilors at solemn hours, members of theSerene Grand College of High-ranking Masonsand submitted to them for consideration the question posedby the very illustrious brother Giuseppe MazziniThe meeting of the eleven most illuminated of the infernal sect sent from this diabolical cabal, which lasted seven days (from 9 to 15 August), the following well-deliberated document, inspired no doubt by Satan himself  (translated from the original text in Latin). 
In response, a terrible, very detailed program was given as for the destruction of Christianity through corruption of Pope, priests and pastors as well as ridiculing the Christian faith through the media. In the end, Christianity would then have lost all orientation – then gradually accept the doctrine of Lucifer  and worship this “good god”, replacing the doctrine of the “poor of God” (Adonai / Christ).
In the end, the author points out that this  was written by Freemason and swindler, Leo Taxil – and is meant only as a joke. A strange joke. There’s nothing to laugh at – as had Taxil allegedly done. I also doubt that his Freemason brethren laughed!
However, there is nothing here about 3 world wars.
And here I stand, with all my lore. Poor fool, no wiser than before.” (Goethe, Faust).
For of course, Freemasons deny Pike having ever written about 3 world wars.
And how could he in 1871 know of the Nazis? Well, the Jesuit and later pope, Pius XII, gave not only money to Hitler  – sbut also dubbed  his party  the NSDAP.(Nationalsozialistische Arbeiter Partei)
However,  Freemasonry Watch describes the following nature of Freemasonry in relation to Masonry´s denials of Albert Pike being an initiator of the Ku Klux Clan: First they eliminate all “documents”Then they say no documents exist or none can be found. If there is any eyewitness testimony included in books or writings on the topicthey deny the books or writings exist, if that fails they attack the witnesses and try and destroy their character (Taxil, Margiotti) – even if they were masons and thereby ignoring their oaths on the matter, and if that fails they attack the character of the authors themselves – again if they, too, were masons.  All those who write critically of Freemasonry are anti’s and all anti’s are frauds, liars, zealots, or extremists and cannot be accepted.
Pike wasn’t just any Freemason he was the head of the Supreme Council which has de facto control of the entire worldwide masonic movement.
Then Freemasonry Watch proves that Pike was the chief judicial officer of the (Ku Klux) Klan. 
Of course there had to be a lively correspondence  between the two high-Masonic Satanists/World Revolutionary movement leaders – also beyond the above.
For  they had cooperated very closely: Together, Pike and Mazzini founded the  Scottish Rite organisations organizations in Latin America. Mazzini’s Mafia spread through New Orleans and cooperated with Pike..
Now, has the letter existed or not?  The Conspiracy Archive  writes somewhat contradictorily first that the “3 World Wars” are derived from Leo Taxil – and then that this latter passage is not found in “Le Diable”. Where can it be seen then?  In any case the  diabolical content is very well in line with the ideology of Satanist Albert Pike, the Guru of Freemasonry.
Let’s see how the world develops. The 3rd world war might well develop as allegedly described by Albert Pike.
There is a possibility that  this letter has been attributed to Albert Pike by later Illuminati/ Freemason planners.   Or that he has been removed from the British Museum – which would be easy for Rothschild: Ferdinand Rothschild became a trustee of the British Museum in 1896  and, just like Walther Rothschild, gave his precious collection to theBritish Museum – which is certainly not known for its truthfulness.
The letter first appeared with William Carr – and could have been a free invention of his (see above “Satan – Prince of Darkness” (1959) p.84).The Illuminati (or their helpers)  have several times in a more or less concealed  manner discreetly betrayed  their plans  in advance so that no one believed them.
I have no reason to believe that Carr wrote the “letter” as an antithesis to serve the Illuminati. However, his son noticed in “Satan -Prince of the World” p. 86: “He Could and did walk and talk with Kings and Those Who Occupy the High and Mighty places of the Earth …”I thought that only Masons counted there?
Also, it cnnot be excluded  that Carr had connections with the CIA and the MI5/MI6 since his days as Canadian intelligence officer? He must have had secret sources for his Illuminati information.
Even if the story of “3 world wars” would be a fake – and there is no proof of it  – it would fulfill its mission: to scare us from and prepare us for the power of the Illuminati. Because with war/terror, they rule the world.

Charles E. Wharry (Darkbird18);

This is something I found and I knew it was in direct relationship with my online research of the Illuminati and the NWO but this information makes some very important and key statement about what the power Elites, the dark brotherhood of the Illuminati, and Babylonian Brotherhood are up too and for how long their plans have been in effect. Mr. Pike and William Carr are key figures in the dark game of world control under the  Luciferian doctrine.  Read this article and see what Mr. Carr found out about the 2 world wars and why and how they came about and why WWIII will happen to bring in the final plan of one-world government the NWO.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Updated Info: 05/26/17 The Committee 300 Member List(Link Page) and The Illuminati Formula Appendix I: The Programmers

Appendix One The Programmers
Some of THE Illuminati's Companies
A. Introductory remarks Vril Society
B. Understanding the programmers Dr. Mengele Dr. Cameron Jerry Lee Lewis and Michael Aquino
C. Monarch Mind Control Programmers Country Music Industry The Temple of Set.
D. Dr. Green
E. Dr. White
F. The AntiChrist as a Master Programmer

May each & every person listed get right with YHWH God before they die. Short List of some addresses of abusers who are part of the Network, a.k.a. New World Order
Addresses may not be current but are my last address for them. This information may have mistakes, this is only to display to readers that the veil of secrecy is no longer holding up for the Mind Control Programmers.
AC/DC satanic Rock Band, 11 Leonminster Rd., Morden, Surrey SM4, England
Ade, Henry. CIA & drug dealer & Monarch slave abuser, 1663 County Rd.  13,  Waterloo,  IN 46793
Aga Khan IV, H.H.
Prince Karim. Satanist & leader of Ismaili Muslims, Aiglemont, 60270 Gouvieux. France
Alabama Country Music group, satanists and Monarch slave handlers, Box 529, Ft. Payne, AL 35967
Baily, John, slave abuser, 1525 Pine St., Office 10. Redding, CA 96001
Barnes, Don, slaveabuser & in co. sherriff office, 7309 Grove Rd., Frederick, MD 21701 301-694-2152; 1513 Cedarcrest Ln, Frederick, MD 21702301-663-8316
Benson, Ezra Taft, satanist/leader of LDS church. Church of Jesus Christ , Administration Bldg., 47 E. S. Temple. Salt Lake City , UT 84415
Bowers, Wilbur D., Ipsimus in Illum. & Monarch programmer & CIA drug dealer. 1735 NE 11th, Bend , OR 97701 ph. 503-EV2-5162 (EV for ‘evergreen’)
Brown, Edmund G. (Jerry). Jr., Illum. satanist & CA politician & slave abuser. 700 S. Flower St., #600 , Los Angeles , CA 90017 (phns 415-928-6346, 415-928-5073)
Brown, Charlie. Air Force Intell. & murderer & Monarch slave abuser, Box 8 . Greenbrier, TN Bundy, McGeorge, IlIum., 133 East 18th St. , NY , NY 10021 Bus. 212-371-3200
Byrd, Robert C.. Satanist and mind-control programmer & Sen. from W.VA, 311 Senate Hart Office Bldg., Washington. D.C. 20501
Clinton, Hillary. Illuminati witch & mind-control slave handler, (address besides White House) Rose Law Firm, 120 E. 4tn St. , Little Rock . Ark. 72201
Cochran, Hank CIA drug kingpin. Hendersonville . TN, 615-824-7011
Cox, Wayne, Satanic High Priest & Monarch handler & dangerous serial killer, Rt. l. Box 84, Chatham, LA 71226
Dante, Michael (Michael Vitti). Monarch slave abuser and porn maker, 3485 Canon Drive . Beverly Hills , CA 90212 218-858-9425; Orange , CA 92665 , 714637-0590
Day, Brad, slave abuser & coke pusher. 5300 Las Pablanos NW. Albuquerque, NM 87107 Drake, Jim (and son), slave abuser & porn/drug dist., 11173 N. Kendall Dr. #F105 , Miami , FL 33176
Fonda, Peter. RR #38, Livingston , MT 59047
Fonda, Jane, c/o Fonda Films, P.O. Box 1198 , Santa Monica , CA 90406
Gavoruhk, John, Police chief working for Illum. protects Monarch programmers/handlers. 121 Partridge Circle . Wintersprings , FL 32708 305-699-0618
Grace, J. Peter, business leader & illuminati. CCAGW, 1301 Connecticut Ave. , NW. #400, Washington , DC 20036
Grateful Dead satanic cult rock band and Illuminati cocaine distributors. P.O. Box 1566, Main Office St., Montclair, N.J. 07043
Greene, Jack, CIA & white slavery & Monarch slave abuser & country entertainer, Box 485A Goodlettsviiie, TN 615-859-3284
Haggard, Merle, slave abuser & country singer. P.O. Box 536 , Palo Cedro , CA 96073 Hestbeck, Vaughn. Monarch abuser & Danish cocaine distr., 515 Rhapsody Paquet Cruises. 1007 N. American Way, Miami, FL 33176
Hope, Bob, slave owner and slave handler w/ intelligence agencies, 3808 Riverside Dr., Burbank, CA 91505
Houston, Alex, satanist & Monarch programmer & CIA, 1155 Ridge Hill Rd., Goodlettsville, TN 37072 615-859-3543
Hummell, Ed, Monarch programmer, Cattleman’s Steak & Seafood Co., 10260 S.W. Nimbus Ave. Suite M-3, Tigard, OR 97223 503-620-7824 (also Las Vegas?)
Humperdink, Englebert, Castro Valley . CA 94546 510-733-6085
King Juan Carlos I, King of Spain and Illuminati, Palacio de la Zarzuela , Madrid . Spain
KISS satanic rock band, 6363 Sunset Blvd., #417, Los Angeles , CA 90028
Kissinger, Henry, Illuminat & P2 Freemason, 1800 K. St. , NW. #400. Washington . D.C. 20006
Kreskin, occultist, P.O. Box 1383, West Caldwell, NJ 07006
Lang, Velton, white slavery & drug running, 264 Bluegrass Dr., Hendersonville, TN 37075 615-824-6076 (also at Twitty City 615-822-3210)
Lewis, Jerry Lee, Monarch slave programmer & musician, P.O. Box 3864. Memphis , TN 37173 ; 3324 Lynchburg St. Memphis , TN 38134 901-388-1135
MacLaine, Shirley, actress/author/New Age occultist, 8899 Beverly Blvd. , Los Angeles . CA 90048 Madonna, satanist & monarch slave, 75 Rockefeler Plaza, New York, NY 10019
Manson, Charles, satanist & monarch slave and monarch slave handler, Corcoran Prison, 1002 Diary Ave., Corcoran, CA 93212
Martin, Diane, CIA drug dealer & Monarch slave abuser, 45-641 F. Apapane St., Keneoke, HA 96744 McKee, Lloyd, drug dealer & Monarch slave abuser, 6501 Meoqui, Albuquerque, NM, 87107; 3000 Colonnade Ct. NW. Albuquerqe, NM 87107 505-345-4194
McOuinn, Mike, slave handler & money launderer, Miami, FL 305-386-1512 & 305-251-5320 Meadows, Hal, dir. of the CIA near death mind-control programming center. Swiss Villa Ampetheater, Box 27, Lampe, MO 65681
Merritt, Jeff, CIA drug runner & slave abuser, St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands, 809-744-4000
Mitterrand, Francois
Maurice Marie, Illuminati & close friend to Rothschilds & Pres. of France, Palais de l‘Elysée. 55-57 rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré. 75008 Paris, France
Nelson, Willie, singer & monarch slave handler. P.O. Box 33280 , Austin . TX 78784 Nunn, Sam. IlIuminati, 303 Senate Dirksen Office Bldg., Washington. D.C. 20510
O’Brien, Earl. CIA Monarch abuser, 12614 Lakeshore, Grand Haven, Ml 49417 Overstreet, Tommy, CIA & white slavery. P.C. Box 41103 , Nashville , TN 37204
Parton, Dolly, satanist. Crockett Road , Rt. #1. Brentwood , TN 37027
Pope John Paul II (aka Karol Wojtyla), Illuminati & Freemason. Apostolic Palace, Vatican City
Pride, Charley, slave abuser & white slavery & country singer & CIA. c/o Chardon Inc., 3198 Royal Ln., #204, Dallas, TX 75229
Prophet, Ronnie, Satanist & Monarch slave runner, 1030 17th Ave. N., Nashville, TN 37208 615-321-0539
Queen Beatrix (Wilhelmina Armgard). Illuminati & Queen, of the Netherlands , Binnen Huf 19. The Hague 2513 AA. The Netherlands
Reynolds, Dr. Herbert H., Illuminati & Univ. CEO, Baylor Univ., Waco TX 76798; 336 Guittard Ave. Waco, TX 76706 817-753-4011
Riley, Ken, CIA & Neo-nazi & Loretta Lynn’s handler/road manager, Rt. 3, Rosebrook Ct., Gallatin, TN 37066
Rockefeller, Winthrop Illumnati kingpin & porn dealer. Winrock Farms, MorriIton, AR 72110 501-727-5481
Rorick, David (a.k.a. Dave Roe), satanist & white slavery, 1211 Mallard, Franklin, TN, 37064
Rose, Ivan, CIA & White slavery & Monarch abuser, RR 2, Mt. Pleasant Rd., Spartansburg, PA 16434 814-694-2496
Ryan, Dr. Michael N., one of Illum.’s coverup doctor who patches up slaves, 353 New Shackle Is. Rd., Hendersonville . TN 37075, 615-824-8475, 615-824-8496
Smith, Dan, car & drug dealer & slave abuser, P.O. Box 262 . New Martinsville, W. VA 26155
Stevens, Jim, Monarch slave abuser & drug runner, 1726 N. Magnolia, Ocala, FL 32670 904-622-1966 904-622-2139
Tanis, Bob, CIA & Air Force Intell., Monarch abuser & Mafia & pornographer, 7278 N. Lakeshore, West Olive. MI 49460
Train, Russell, Club of Rome, 1803 Kalorma Sq., Washington, D.C., 20008-4021 202-332-5800
Trump, Donald. Illuminati, 725 Fifth Ave. New York, NY 10022
Vanderpool, Darcy, Monarch programmer, 2620 Regatta Dr. # - 116, Las Vegas, NV 891 702-242-4222
Walker, Jimmy, Monarch save abuser/pornographer, 904 Carswell Waycroos, GA 31501 912-285-5594
Warlock, Billy, actor, 9200 Sunset Blvd., #625, Los Angeles, CA 90069 Westberry, Kent, songwriter, satanist & white slavery. 359 Lee Road , CottonTown , TN 37048
*Some of THE Illuminati's Companies:
Air America , CIA front, works out of Tulsa ; Nederland , TX ; Berea , OH . & Jackson , MS . The Tulsa addresss is 1419 S. 135th East Ave. , Tulsa , OK 74108-4131 918-234-3041
Cargill, Inc., large grain cartell run by Illum. P.O. Box 9300, 15407 McGinty Rd, Minnetonka, MN 55440
Dungeon Master, Desmodus Inc., hard gay porn, s & m pubIisher, Box 11314. San Francisco, CA 94101
Eli Lilly & Co., Illuminati drug co., Lilly Corporate Center, Indianapolis, IN 46285
Machinery International, Inc., CIA front, 302 Fall Cr Dr.. Richardson , TX 75080 214-234-2969
Rothschild Pediatric Group, 4770 S. I 10 Service Rd., Metairie, L.A 70001 504-887-1133
Rothschild Pedatric Group, 1970 Ormond Blvd., Destrehan, LA 70047 504-784-6036 Southern Air Transport, CIA front, 6400 N.W. 36th, Miami, FL 33166 Summit Aviation, CIA front, Summit Airport, Middletown, Delaware 19709 302-834-5400
Appendix One (continued)
a. Introductory remarks Vril Society
b. Understanding the programmers Dr. Mengele Dr. Cameron Jerry Lee Lewis and Michael Aquino
c. A list of known programmers Country Music Industry
d. Dr. Green
e. Dr. White
f. The AntiChrist as a Master Programmer

               Illuminating Angels & Demons (Full Documentary)

CIA Documentary - Project MK ULTRA Mind Control Techniques

A. Introductory Remarks
For any recipe you need a cook. So who has been cooking up the RECIPE for making Monarch Slaves? The authors felt that after reading the recipe, that some readers would be interested in learning about the master chefs who make human robots using trauma-based mind-control. According to an ex-Programmer, the Programmers for decades have been treated like royalty whenever they step foot onto a military base, or enter a hospital that carries out mind control. They are always expected. Generally, the commanding general on a base would meet them and escort the programmer in a limo. If the base commander couldn’t make it, an important physician might take his place.
The programmers have keys, and codes to get into special areas. After many thousands of Americans died in WW II fighting Nazism, our government’s intelligence agencies (incl. the military intelligence groups) in cooperation with the Illuminati and its people in the Vatican, smuggled 10,000 of the worst Nazi-fascist war criminals into this country. This is on public record now. Part of this was under Operation Paperclip. The DoD (Dept. of Defense) also worked at smuggling Nazi mind control programmers under Project 63. Every W.W. II veteran who fought ought to be angry that after putting his life on the line for "democracy" and freedom, and supposedly defeating the Nazis, our government brought in men like the S.S.’s infamous butcher Dr. Joseph Mengele to program American children with trauma-based mind-control like he had in the concentration camps. In fact, Fritz has worked with an Illuminati victim of Joseph Mengele, who was programmed in Germany in a concentration camp, and then smuggled to the U.S. via Canada by Jesuits working with the Illuminati.
Once in the U.S., this person continued to be programmed by Mengele, who went by many names including Dr. Green. He is described in detail in part d. of this Appendix. We must begin to get beyond the fronts and covers that the programmers have for the world. Jewish professor Ernst Bergmann, of the infamous Leipzig University , is also surprisingly a strong advocate of Nazism. His main book is A National Socialist Philosophy of Culture. He writes, "A new type of mankind is being developed." He is mentioned here so that people stop looking at labels, and start looking at what is really going on. One of the principle goals of Nazism was to remake mankind. The Ahnerbe of the Nazis was set up to do genetic research and experiments. And one element of that was to be able to create the prefect obedient mind-controlled slave.
A first glance at the lies told us by our press will give one the impression Nazism was anti-communist, nationalistic, & Christian. However, a close look at Hitler and today’s Nazi leadership, will reveal that Nazism is Socialism (or Marxism, exactly what communism is about) and that Nazism is not nationalistic, but international in its view. Further, it is Satanic and based on the Nordic mystery beliefs (Odin, Thor, etc.). It is not based on Christianity.
The Vril Society was the mother of the Nazi party. "Vril" means the Light Force. What Light force? Lucifer the light bearer’s light force. The true nature of Nazism is being concealed. When Hitler came to plan, he was placed into power in accordance with the Illuminati plan which was spelled out in writing. This plan said, "Nowadays if any state raise a protest against us it is only pro forma (provided in advance) at our discretion and by our direction, for their anti-semitism is indispensable to us for the management of our lesser brethren."
Illuminati international bankers brought Hitler to power, and Illuminati kingpins like Rockefeller, Onassis and the King of Sweden traded with the Nazis. Spain stayed neutral during the war to serve as a conduit of supplies to keep Hitler’s war going. Hitler was a participant in rituals where human sacrifices were carried out. He himself killed a number of men by pulling their hearts out of their bodies while they were alive. One Monarch slave remembers his father, who was powerful in the Illuminati, describing how Hitler killed a man in front of him by pulling his heart out. Some of Hitler’s key advisors and key men were in the Illuminati.
There are also lots of tie ins with the OTO, the Vril Society, the Thule Society, the Society of Green Men. The head of the Tibetan Monks that Hitler imported to help him lead Germany was known as The Man with the Green Glove. The monks were posted in Berlin, Munich, and Nuremberg.
By the way, the NWO is still using Tibetan Monks. Have you ever watched how much travel the Dalai Lama gets in? And did you notice that Tibetan Monks were imported in the Bakaa Valley Colorado by a U.N. leader? The Mishpuka (Jewish Mafia) leader Pritzker who lives in seclusion on Haulon Rd., Libertyville, IL 60048 on a 1300 acre piece of expensive real estate, had the Dalai Lama consecrate a shrine for him. Haulon Rd. has two access points, a northern and a southern. (The road was bought by Pritzker and is guarded. Pritzker has been active in Chicago for the Mishpuka. He is reported to have spent millions renovating his house, where for some reason, dead bodies keep showing up on its estate grounds.)
Our political leaders have been aware that Nazi Mind-control experts were imported after the war. For instance, some of the Nazi war criminals smuggled in became some of Richard Nixon’s personal friends. Even the Mossad were fully aware that thousands upon thousands of the worst monsters that the world has known were smuggled into the U.S. for the Illuminati by the Vatican, the Intelligence Agencies, and other groups.
The Rothschilds and Nelson Rockefeller forced the Jewish Zionist leadership in Israel to keep silent about the Nazis who were smuggled into the U.S. after W.W. II. In return for Israel’s silence and the Mossad’s silence about the thousands of high level satanic Nazis who were brought into the U.S., the nation of Israel was allowed. They made a deal, according to high level insiders.
Nelson Rockefeller had enormous power in South America. In June 1945, when the U.N. was being set up at San Francisco, Nelson Rockefeller attended. While Nelson Rockefeller was there, he busied himself with directing the South American delegates. Rockefeller’s bloc of 19 Latin American countries had more U.N. votes than Europe’s nine members. Rockefeller was a key person, if the Zionist’s wanted the U.N. to vote so that the nation of Israel could be established. The Zionist leadership used what they thought was blackmail, if you don’t let Israel be established we will expose how you are smuggling Nazi war criminals into the U.S.
Of course, the Illuminati wanted Israel to be created--so those in the Zionist leadership who knew the bigger plans of the Illuminati, knew that the Illuminati-run CIA wasn’t giving up anything. If anyone asks why the Mossad didn’t expose MI-6 and the CIA’s extensive hiring of Nazi war criminals, they say today that they were using it for blackmail to get Israel what it needed. Those in the know, realize that is just an excuse. The Mossad has hired its own share of Nazi criminals, and at some point learned mind-control programming from the CIA, perhaps even from Mengele (Dr. Green). The Nazis used Croats and White Russians to carry out some of their genocide policies. Not all of the monsters of W.W. II were German, many were White Russian collaborators.
Essentially every White Russian War Criminal from W.W. II that survived the war was placed on one NATO payroll or another. The U.S. intelligence even hired German SS administrators. Why? Because U.S. intelligence is controlled by the Illuminati. The White Russian Nazis were settled in the NY-NJ area, especially in South River, NJ. One of the worst monsters was Stankievich who ended up living in Richmond Hills and working for the CIA. He got a job working for Radio Liberty in NY! Isn’t that ironic that "Radio Liberty" has hired such monsters. Does our government put out propaganda or is it really the champion of freedom that it portrays itself to be?
The Nazi mayor of Minsk was brought over by the CIA and given a job at the N.Y. Library of running the Slavic desk. One of the chief White Russian war criminals, the Vor Kommando Moskau chief recruiter was made head over a NY county medical society.
John Foster Dulles, brother of the director of the CIA, was trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation. The Rockefeller Foundation was a participant in Nazi mind control research done by Mengele and others for the Kaiser Wilhelm Medical Institute in Berlin. After the war, John Foster Dulles helped smuggle Nazis into this country, including those who were Illuminati Mind-control experts.
Bill Casey, later director of the CIA, was also busy helping bring in Nazi war criminals after the war. He served on the International Rescue Committee in NY which he used to bring Nazis into New York. Prior to the war Jewish German scientists were smuggled into New York through the Arnold & Constable Store, which housed the ADL on the top floor.
The South American countries, especially Argentina, ruled by the Perons, was connected to both the Illuminati in Germany and the Illuminati in the states. Many Germans went to Argentina, and they simply continued doing what they had done in the past. Satanism working under the veil of Nazism was very strong in Argentina where many of the German Illuminati leaders moved after the war.
Another place that the Germans loved to move to was Oregon, especially Portland, OR. The head of Hitler’s intelligence was the brilliant Reinhard Gehlen who worked for the CIA after the war. He is Illuminati. His brother was Doe Winters who lived in Pullach after the war.
Mengele, (the Dr. Black of Monarch Programming, who was an Illuminati Grand Master himself) would occasionally visit Doe Winter’s Pullach residence. To renovate the image of Nazi criminals, they became Anti-communist crusaders. A group of fascists from Asia and Europe were taken by U.S. Intelligence and moulded into the WACL (World Anti-Communist League). And we of the sheppel (sheep) were given more Hegalian dialectics. Those of us who still care about humanity’s freedom, and that human spirit not to be broken by the elite’s total mind control, have got to get beyond labels, and the media’s propaganda, and the false fronts.
B. Understanding The Programmers
Many men have contributed to the research of trauma-based mind control. The men who learned how to torture during the ancient Babylonian days, during the Roman days and during the Medieval days passed their secrets to the rulers of the secret Mystery Religions. Some of the 13 Illuminati bloodlines trace their history back to the ancient times of Babylon. Because the programmers are driven by the spirit-world, they are very jealous and competitive towards each other. It is a dog-eat-dog world amongst them. The demonic forces within in them are in competition too. Yes, the programmers have had their friction, their jealousies & power struggles with each other. Some of these inner battles have been fought with and over their mind-controlled slaves. When two programmers work on a single slave, they might both put in their own secret back doors to insure that the slave remains loyal to himself rather than other programmer.
There has also been ongoing tension between the half-blooded & full blooded Illuminati programmers. Because each of the various programming centers specializes in perhaps a dozen types of programming, programmers go to different programming centers. The props for the scripts are often kept at the programming centers. The programmers will dress according to the script they are giving the victims, which might mean they may be dressed as the Wizard of Oz, a Nazi, a doctor in a white coat, a white rabbit costume, a corrigan sweater as Mr. Rogers, or in the nude.
One of the most cruelest evil geniuses in recent times was Dr. Mengele. Dr. Mengele used 3,000 twins during the time of 1943-1944 for research. Most of these twins died. The twins were chosen out of the vast numbers of people who were brought in to the German concentration camps. By the time W.W. II ended, Mengele knew a great deal about how to torture children in order to get them to bond totally with him. Even today some of the survivors of his horrible experiments believe that Mengele loved children. They love him as their father. Mengele also developed the ability to create artificial twinning between two people. Mengele carried his violin with him when he came onto military bases. His violin hid his color bands and probes for color programming.
Other men worked with Dr. Mengele and soon became programmers in their own right. Dr. Cameron of Canada became a Monarch mind-controlled slave programmer known as Dr. White.
Another programmer who was not a full blooded generational Satanist was Gog known as Dr. Blue. Heinrich Mueller is known as Dr. Blue. Dr. Blue lived in the northwest area and has two sons--their programming and cult nicknames are Teddy Bear (Theodore) and Robin Hood (Michael).
Two programmers known successively as Dr. Black are L.W. and W.B. A protege of L. W. is Ed Hummel who works in states such as Texas and Oregon. Ed was originally from Texas, and W. and B. were originally from Oklahoma before they began working in the Northwest.
Two of the most ruthless programmers on the West coast are Jerry Lee Lewis and Michael Aquino. These two men are as cold blooded as they come, ranking right beside Mengele in their ability to torture. Michael Aquino (DOB 10/16/46, 2430 Leavenworth St., San Francisco, plus other addresses), because he was in military intelligence, was in a position to pass on his diabolical programming abilities to dozens of military officers. His wife works with him, and her name is Lilith Sinclair (DOB 4/21/42). Michael Aquino has travelled all over the U.S. doing programming. Michael Aquino used Cathy O’Brien as the star victim in his training video which teaches military officers how to create Monarch mind-controlled slaves.
One of the old time programmers (early 1950s-80’s) who worked as a psychiatrist in southern California went by the programming name of Sid. The principle Illuminati programmers were known as Dr. Black, Dr. White, Dr. Green, and Dr. Blue. They oversaw the training of thousands of part-time programmers. The better programmers are able to get into the mind of the victim much like Colombo (Peter Falk), who is, by the way, in his personal life is part of this all.
The reader needs to understand that a victim who is given the Monarch mind-control may have a number of programmers, but the slave will be trained to only respond to the voices of a limited number of users. If someone tries to use a slave and has the wrong voice, it could trigger suicide programming. A human robot may have alters which can rescue the body from a suicide alter, but the message will be clear to the mind-controlled slave that it should stay away from non-approved users or face possible suicide. We have now entered an era where second and third generation robotic mind controlled slaves are programming. The programmed are now doing much if not most of the programming. This means many of the programmers are men with MPD.