THEY Are SERIOUSLY Preparing Us For Fallen ANGELS/ALIENS (2015)
Black Knight Satellite Interest Mysteriously Increasing
A day after I post an article about a new video of Russia’s Tesla Tower, other videos relating to Nikola Tesla began popping up. These concerns the Black Knight Satellite whose signals Tesla claimed to have picked up in 1899, long before Sputnik and NASA. Later signals were decoded by a ham radio operator and revealed information indicating the satellite arrived from another star system 13,000 years ago to monitor Earth. Is the Black Knight Satellite showing some interest in Russia’s Tesla Tower?
The videos being uploaded this week don’t appear to be new but their sudden appearance and increased buzz on the Internet about the Black Knight Satellite are.
In 1899, Nikola Tesla picked up unusual signals from an unknown source on his high-voltage receiver in Colorado Springs which he speculated were “intelligently controlled signals” that originated “from another world.” Astronomers have reported picking up similar radio signals since the 1930s and Dr. Lincoln La Paz of the University of New Mexico sighted the possible source in Earth orbit in1953. The U.S. Department of Defense commissioned astronomer Clyde Tombaugh to look for it. A famous article about the Black Knight has published in both the St. Louis Dispatch and The San Francisco Examiner on May 14th, 1954. At that time, there were no man-made objects in Earth orbit … that we know of.
That changed in 1957 when the USSR launched Sputnik 1. It was reported that an object believed to be the Black Knight Satellite was “shadowing” Sputnik 1. When Sputnik 2 was launched a month later, Dr. Luis Corralos of the Communications Ministry in Venezuela photographed it again shadowing the satellite. In 1960, a Grumman Aircraft Corporation tracking camera took a picture of it but the company kept its findings secret. In 1963, U.S. astronaut Gordon Cooper reported seeing a UFO-like the Black Knight in front of his capsule. A photo taken during a space shuttle mission in 1998 (seen in the videos) shows an object many believe is the Black Knight and a 2014 video feed from the ISS shows a similar object.
Of course, there’s much more about the Black Knight that we know and don’t know, including the link to Philip K. Dick. The military and space programs of both the US and Russia have acknowledged at least the possibility of its existence.
Why the sudden interest in videos about the Black Knight Satellite? Does it have anything to do with Russia’s Tesla Tower? The Roswell slides? Are we getting new signals? What else could it be?
20 Facts about the Black Knight Satellite. The Black Knight wiki.
This “Artificial Satellite” has caused major media interest since the late 50′s, and it has become one of the most talked-about objects in space. First thought to be a Russian spy satellite, the Black Knight satellite has gripped the interest of millions worldwide.
If you find our article about the Black Knight satellite too long, here are some interesting facts about this mysterious object:
- According to monitoring agencies around the world, The Black knight satellite has been transmitting radio signals for over 50 years now.
- The US and the Soviet Union have shown particular interest in this “unidentified space object”
- Rumors are that it was Nikola Tesla the first man to “intercept” a signal from the black knight satellite in 1899 after building a high-voltage radio device in Colorado Springs.
- Since the 1930′s Astronomers worldwide have been reporting strange radio signals which allegedly come from the “Black Knight”.
- In 1957, Dr. Luis Corralos of the Communications Ministry in Venezuela photographed it while taking pictures of Sputnik II as it passed over Caracas.
- The story of the Black Knight made its media debut in the 1940′s when the St. Louis Dispatch and The San Francisco Examiner wrote about the “Satellite” on May 14th, 1954.
- Time Magazine wrote about the Black Knight Satellite on the seventh of March, 1960.
- In 1957, an unknown “object” was seen “shadowing” the Sputnik 1 Spacecraft. According to reports, the “unidentified object” was in Polar orbit.
- In 1957. The United States nor the Russians possessed the technology to maintain a spacecraft in Polar Orbit.
- The first Polar orbiting satellite was launched in 1960.
- Polar orbits are often used for earth-mapping, earth observation, capturing the earth as time passes from one point and reconnaissance satellites. This would put the Black Knight in the category of an observational Satellite.
- In the 1960′s the Black Knight satellite was located once again in Polar Orbit. Astronomers and Scientists calculated the object’s weight to be over 10 tons which would be at that time the Heaviest Artificial Satellite to orbit our Planet.
- The Black Knight’s orbit was unlike any other object orbiting Earth.
- The Grumman Aircraft Corporation gave much importance to this mysterious “Satellite”, On September 3, 1960, seven months after the satellite was first detected by radar, a tracking camera at Grumman Aircraft Corporation’s Long Island factory took a photograph of the Black Knight satellite.
- The Grumman Aircraft Corporation formed a committee to study the data received from the observations made but nothing was made public.
- In 1963, Gordon Cooper was launched into space. On his last orbit, he reported seeing a glowing green object in front of his capsule in the distance moving towards his Spacecraft. The Muchea tracking station, in Australia, which Cooper reported the object to, picked up this Unidentified object on Radar traveling East to West.
- It was the Ham Radio operator who apparently decoded a series of signals received from the UFO Satellite and interpreted it as a star-chart centered on the Epsilon Bootes Star System.
- According to the decoded message, the Black Knight satellite originated from the Epsilon Bootes Star System 13.000 years ago.
- On August 23, 1954, the technology magazine Aviation Week and Space Technology released a story about the Black Knight Satellite that angered the Pentagon who were trying to keep the information secret.
- NASA has released official images that apparently show the Black Knight Satellite.
Alien Hunters Spent the Last Century Looking for the Black Knight Satellite
Is it a 13,000-year-old blanket from outer space? Maybe.
- Oct 30 2015, 12:00pm
- In 1899, Nikola Tesla heard from aliens.The pioneer of radio had constructed a massive tower at his home/laboratory in Colorado Springs for the purpose of experimenting with wireless power but instead may have accidentally become the first human being to receive a message from the cosmos."I have a deep conviction that highly intelligent beings exist on Mars," Tesla told a reporter from the Albany Telegram in 1923. "While experimenting in Colorado...I obtained extraordinary experimental evidence of the existence of life on Mars. I had perfected a wireless receiver of extraordinary sensitiveness, far beyond anything known, and I caught signals which I interpreted as meaning 1--2--3--4. I believe the Martians used numbers for communication because numbers are universal."
Despite Telsa's "deep conviction," his otherworldly hypothesis earned him the ire of his contemporaries, many of whom dismissed his assertions as little more than a publicity stunt. However, many have since returned to Tesla's wild conjecture in the past century and it has been suggested by the Tesla Society that perhaps what he really was receiving were radio waves from deep space or interference from storms on Jupiter.While this is slightly less exciting than getting a phone call from ET, sometime in the 20th century a competing theory arose, claiming that Tesla was actually contacted by a 13,000-year-old alien artifact in orbit around Earth, an object which has since become known as the Black Knight Satellite.The history of the Black Knight is actually a conglomerate of several independent stories, all of which involve an unidentified object in orbit around Earth, but outside of a common moniker, share little else in common. No one is quite sure when the myth began or who started it, but its history spans from Tesla's turn of the century experiments to the launch of the International Space Station, and the evidence in support of the Black Knight's existence ranges from internet hearsay to photographic "proof."According to those who believe in the existence of some mysterious alien artefact lurking in the solar system, the Black Knight's next attempt to contact Earth occurred in 1927. This time the alleged Black Knight transmission was picked up by a Norwegian engineer named Jørgen Hals.While he was experimenting with radio signals, Hals noticed that some of the signals would echo back to him several seconds after the initial transmission had ended. He was at a loss to explain what accounted for these Long Delayed Echoes. In the 80-odd years since Hals' discovery, no one has been able to conclusively explain what accounts for these eerie echoes, making them a perfect target for those with a penchant for conspiracies.In 1973, science fiction author Duncan Lunan wrote an article for Spaceflight Magazine that speculated that a 13,000-year-old alien object in orbit around the Moon could have been responsible for these otherworldly echoes. For reasons that remain unclear, many of those who support the Black Knight theories usually cite Lunan's 13,000-year-old space probe as a potential manifestation of this mysterious satellite, despite Lunan never having mentioned the Black Knight at all. The persistence of these rumors has prompted Lunan to outright deny having anything to do with seeding the theory.The next alleged "sighting" of the Black Knight was in the early 1960s when TIME reported an unknown object was discovered to be in polar orbit around the Earth, something of an anomaly considering that both the US and Soviet satellites of the time were all in an equatorial orbit. A few weeks after these initial reports, the US Department of Defense announced that the object had been identified as a piece of the Discoverer satellite.Many were skeptical of this explanation, so for years, this mysterious "dark" satellite continued to be cited as evidence of the existence of the Black Knight. As it turns out, the skepticism was warranted, but not because the object was an alien spacecraft. Rather, declassified documents revealed that it was, in fact, a part of the United States' CORONA project, a mission that produced the world's first successful space photo-reconnaissance flights in an effort to monitor Soviet missile facilities.So the Black Knight lived on through the 70s and 80s as little more than a highly speculative urban myth with next to no hard evidence to support its existence. This all changed in 1998, when those on the Space Shuttle Endeavor flight STS-88 photographed an amorphous black object hovering ominously above the Earth. In addition to providing what appeared to be the first photographic evidence of this evasive alien artifact, the STS-88 flight marked another major milestone for NASA by being the first American mission to begin construction of the International Space Station. In an interview with space journalist James Oberg, Jerry Ross, one of NASA's most flown astronauts, related how a blunder during the construction of the ISS is the explanation for the unsettling photos of what appears to be the Black Knight.
A video of the release of the Trunnion Pin Thermal Cover
The STS-88 mission required two space walks, one of which involved wrapping four trunnion pins on the ISS node in thermal blankets to prevent heat leaks through the pins' exposed metal. According to Ross, while he and fellow astronaut Jim Newman were on an EVA installing these thermal blankets, one of them came loose from its tether. (This was the third item to escape from Ross in two spacewalks, but the only loss that was unintentional.)
This was captured on video by other members of the STS-88 crew, who can be heard on the video speculating as to whether a retrieval maneuver would be possible. In the end this proved unworkable and the object was photographed several times before falling out of orbit a week later, burning up on its descent to earth.
So concludes the ultimate chapter in a wild story that spans a century, which seems to have drawn its lifeblood largely from the pervasive atmosphere of paranoia that colored the Cold War years. Yet despite the most conclusive evidence in favor of the Black Knight's existence being categorically debunked by NASA folk, the renegade thermal blanket will forever live on in the Agency's archive of ISS related space debris as Item 25570, and perhaps more glamorously as the infamous Black Knight Satellite in the internet's infinite Imaginarium.
Charles Wharry :
These two articles about the "Black Knight Satellite" and why it up there is something that I just got knowledge about and I feel there is something really dark about this satellite and it is part of the NWO and the New Age of Darkness that is about to happen and all people of faith will be tested because they will try to make you give up your faith and belief in God the Father and the Son Lord Jesus Christ but ever more just put use so far backward that we will never be able to regain our true freedom with the spirit have given to us. There are YouTubes that have some very details of the NWO plan and what they will use to make this happen, But this all knows to us who read the bible the book of the past, present and the future so who are these folks working for and why? I ask myself that question all the time and I come up with one answer they are working for the Father because we people of faith must be tested because to make steel out of Iron you must apply great heat and the Iron become steel a must stronger metal! So be prepare to be tested
These two articles about the "Black Knight Satellite" and why it up there is something that I just got knowledge about and I feel there is something really dark about this satellite and it is part of the NWO and the New Age of Darkness that is about to happen and all people of faith will be tested because they will try to make you give up your faith and belief in God the Father and the Son Lord Jesus Christ but ever more just put use so far backward that we will never be able to regain our true freedom with the spirit have given to us. There are YouTubes that have some very details of the NWO plan and what they will use to make this happen, But this all knows to us who read the bible the book of the past, present and the future so who are these folks working for and why? I ask myself that question all the time and I come up with one answer they are working for the Father because we people of faith must be tested because to make steel out of Iron you must apply great heat and the Iron become steel a must stronger metal! So be prepare to be tested
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