Baal/Shamash (Nimrod)Reptilians Symbols
Baal is a Judeo-Christian demon. In the Masonic Royal Arch Degree ritual (13th degree in the Scottish Rite) the sacred god of Freemasonry is revealed as Jah-Bal-On or Jahbuhlun. BUL = Baal, so the world is run by BAAL worshipers, as Mass Murder Inc proves.
BREAKING Arch of BAAL to be erected near CERN
Corporate medicine (Allopathy) is the leading cause of human death with 780,000 iatrogenic deaths in the USA every year, and child death and disease with vaccination (666). The AIDS scam is designed for that aim, see Depopulation and HIV by Jon Rappoport. BAAL would be behind the depopulation agenda and other poisonings and killings. The Reptilian entity behind Big Brother, aka Eye of Sauron. Allergic to Orgonite. Loves DOR and all negative emotions.
One of BAAL's main defenses is Atheism, if there is no God then it follows there is no Devil, which suits him fine.]
Aka: Gaia Baphomet Lucifer Moloch The Devil, Satan, Tezcatlipoca, Reptilians
See: Genocide
religious government
ArticleJAH-BUL-ON by Stephen Knight
[vid] Michael Tellinger's presentation of the Annunaki and more! MUST WATCH!
BookSix-Pointed Star: Its Origin and Usage by O. J. Graham The first mention of the star was in Amos 5:26 regarding the trek from Egypt to Canaan. Then in 922 B.C., when Solomon married the daughter of Pharoah and went into magic and witchcraft and built an altar to Ashtoroth and Moloch. The book traces the six-pointed star from Egypt to Solomon, to Arab Magic and Witchcraft, to Druid use(references are documented). The book traces the star through Freemasonry usage to Mayer Amschel Bauer, who, in the 17th century, changed his name to depict the red six-pointed star (or shield) which he had hung on his door in Germany, and thus began the family of "Red Shield" or Rothschild. The research carried on through this family, to their court of arms, to Cabala, to Astrology, to Hitler and his putting a yellow six-pointed star on all Jews during the Holocaust, to the Zionist symbol, and finally to the flag of the State of Israel and beyond.
Because this symbol is comprised of a six within a six within a six (6 points, 6 triangles, 6 sides of the hexagon in the middle) the research also included a look at the 666 prophecies in the Book of Daniel etc., regarding the "wilful King" (anti-Christ) and the "mark of the beast". The Scriptural significance of the number seven and a Biblical description of the real Messiah and the seven-branched Candlestick (Menorah) which God gave to the children of Israel as an everlasting covenant (which is also mentioned in the New Testament) is covered. All the sources are written at the bottom of each page making it easy for readers to see and check for themselves.
The rise of the Fallen: Nimrod Reborn To Rule Them All
Quotes [Symbol quotes Symbol quotes (specific)]
Ba’al is a name used in the Bible commonly referring to an idol worshiped by the Jews and many nations around them on many occasions just before the moral degradation....Ba’al worship normally involved sexual activity and also the sacrifice of children (1st born = one and only child).
Baal--This demon can make internal things go invisible. He can look like a Cheshire-cat. He matches how things disappear in the Alice of Wonderland story, where only gold objects stay. He speaks hoarsely and can appear as a toad, a cat, a man or all 4 at once. He rules over 66 legions of demons. He is a king demon ruling in the east, and important to Freemasons. Deeper Insights into the Illuminati Formula by Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler
name used throughout the Bible for the chief deity or for deities of Canaan. The term was originally an epithet applied to the storm god Hadad. Technically, Baal was subordinate to El. Baal is attested in the Ebla texts (first half of 2d millennium b.c.). By the time of the Ugarit tablets (14th cent. b.c.), Baal had become the ruler of the universe. The Ugarit tablets make him chief of the Canaanite pantheon. He is the source of life and fertility, the mightiest hero, the lord of war, and the defeater of the god Yam. There were many temples of Baal in Canaan, and the name Baal was often added to that of a locality, e.g., Baal-Peor, Baal-Hazor, Baal-Hermon. The Baal cult penetrated Israel and at times led to syncretism. In the Psalms, Yahweh is depicted as Baal and his dwelling is on Mt. Zaphon (Zion), the locale of Baal in Canaanite mythology. The practice of sacred prostitution seems to have been associated with the worship of Baal in Palestine and the cult was vehemently denounced by the prophets, especially Hosea and Jeremiah. The abhorrence in which the cult was held probably explains the substitution of Ish-bosheth for Esh-ball, of Jerubbesheth for Jerubbaal (a name of Gideon), and of Mephibosheth for Merib-Baal. The substituted term probably means "shame." The same abhorrence is evident the use of the pejorative name Baal-zebub (see also Satan). The Baal of 1 Chronicle is probably the same as Ramah2. As cognates of Baal in other Semitic languages, there are Bel (in Babylonian religion) and the last elements in the Tyrian names Jezebel, Hasdrubal, and Hannibal.---The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition Copyright© 2004, Columbia University Press. Licensed from Lernout & Hauspie Speech Products N.V. All rights reserved.
Eliphas Levi, a nineteenth-century satanist whose works inspired the writings of Albert Pike, the Sovereign Grand Commander of international Freemasonry. Levi enthusiastically reports: The pentagram with two horns in the ascendant represents Satan or the goat of the Sabbath. (The horn) downward naturally represents the demon, that is, intellectual subversion, disorder, and folly. Esoterically, the star symbolizes man as a deity, as the universe embodied. It also stands for Sirius, the "Dog Star" or planet where Satan dwells. It stands for "Thor," the ancient Nordic God, and it stands for Baal, or Bel, the demonic God so often mentioned in derisive terms in the Old Testament. This same star God was worshipped in Egypt, and the children of Israel, while wandering in the desert, fell under his hypnotic powers. They called him Moloch, Chiun, and Remphan. The prophet Amos castigated the Jewish idolaters for this unholy sacrilege: But ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun your images, the star of your God, which ye made to yourselves.
(Amos 5:20)
BAAL-ZEBUB, a deliberate Hebrew distortion of the name of the god of Ekron in 2 Kings. In the Gospels of Mark and Luke, Beelzebul, the Greek form of the epithet Baal-Zebul [Baal the Prince], is encountered. See Baal and Satan. 5:20)
The ancient Greek historian, Diodorus, reports that Queen Semiramis erected a 130-foot obelisk in Babylon and it was associated with sun worship and represented the phallus of the sun god Baal or Nimrod. Some Masonic researchers say that the word 'obelisk' literally means 'Baal's shaft' or 'Baal's organ of reproduction'. It is for this reason that the obelisk also represents the Illuminati bloodlines.--David Icke
On Christmas day, 1907, many years before it would become the symbol of the Third Reich, Lanz and other members of the ONT raised the swastika flag over the castle which Lanz had purchased to house the order (Goodrick-Clarke:109). Lanz chose the swastika, he said, because it was the ancient pagan symbol of Wotan, the god of storms (Cavendish:1983). (Wotan, the inspiration for "Storm Troopers," was the Teutonic equivalent of Baal in the Old Testament and Zeus in Greek culture). Waite notes that it was through Lanz that Hitler would learn that most of his heroes of history were also "practicing homosexuals" (Waite, 1977:94f). The Pink Swastika by Scott Lively and Kevin Abrams.
Jabulon, the sir, is a very strange god. He is supposed to be the leader of the Chitauli. He is a god, to my great surprise, which I find certain groups of White people, especially, worshipping. We have known about Jabulon for many, many centuries, we Black people. But I am surprised that there are White people who worship this god, and these people, amongst them, are people whom many have blamed for all the things that have happened on this Earth, namely, the Freemason people. We believe that Jabulon is the leader of the Chitauli. He is the Old One. And one of his names, in the African language, sir, is Umbaba-Samahongo-the lord king, the great father of the terrible eyes'-because we believe that Jabulon has got one eye which, if he opens it, you die if he looks at you.
It is said, sir, the Umbaba ran away from an eastern land during a power struggle with one of his sons, and he took refuge in Central Africa, where he hides in a cave, deep underground. And it is an amazing thing, sir-it is said that under the Mountains of the Moon in Zaire is this great city of copper, of many thousands of shining buildings. There dwells the god Umbaba or Jabulon. And this god is waiting for the day when the surface of the Earth will be cleared of human beings so that he, and his children, the Chitauli, can come out and enjoy the heat of the Sun.
He is the chief of the Chitauli. And, like Satan, he lives in a house underground where great fires are always lighted, to keep him warm. Because we are told, that after the great war they fought with God, they became cold in their blood and they cannot stand the freezing weather, which is why they require human blood, and also they require fire always to be kept working where they are. [Interview] CREDO MUTWA On Alien Abduction & Reptilians
"In the ritual of exaltation, the name of the Great Architect of the Universe is revealed as JAH-BUL-ON......BUL = Baal, the ancient Canaanite fertility god associated with 'licentious rites of imitative magic'. .....Baal, of course, was the 'false god' with whom Jahweh competed for the allegiance of the Israelites in the Old Testament. But more recently, within a hundred years of the creation of the Freemason's God, the sixteenth-century demonologist John Weir identified Baal as a devil. This grotesque manifestation of evil had the body of a spider and three heads - those of a man, a toad, and a cat. A description of Baal to be found in de Plancy's Dictionary of Witchcraft is particularly apposite when considered in the light of the secretive and deceptive nature of Freemasonry: his voice was raucous, and he taught his follower's guile, cunning and the ability to become invisible. JAH-BUL-ON by Stephen KnightIt is said, sir, the Umbaba ran away from an eastern land during a power struggle with one of his sons, and he took refuge in Central Africa, where he hides in a cave, deep underground. And it is an amazing thing, sir-it is said that under the Mountains of the Moon in Zaire is this great city of copper, of many thousands of shining buildings. There dwells the god Umbaba or Jabulon. And this god is waiting for the day when the surface of the Earth will be cleared of human beings so that he, and his children, the Chitauli, can come out and enjoy the heat of the Sun.
He is the chief of the Chitauli. And, like Satan, he lives in a house underground where great fires are always lighted, to keep him warm. Because we are told, that after the great war they fought with God, they became cold in their blood and they cannot stand the freezing weather, which is why they require human blood, and also they require fire always to be kept working where they are. [Interview] CREDO MUTWA On Alien Abduction & Reptilians
Holocaust. Dictionaries prior to 1960 defined the word holocaust as human sacrifice, usually by bloodletting, then fire. Now it means something else. This holocaust was done in service to Baal or Moloch, as defined by the countless historical records. This goes on today. It's more a Canaanite thing, a reptile thing, a Dark Gods thing, than anything else. A Nephilim thing. CBSWORK
"Logically, the name should be spelled Yah-Baal-On, but...over the years the spelling has been 'corrupted' by Freemasonry until it reached its current form."----Tex Marrs (Codex Magica p54).
the tip of the Santa Monica Pier has the exact same latitude as the Temple of Baalbek in Lebanon. The circle shown on the pier corresponds precisely to the latitude of the center of the hexagonal temple atop the platform of Baalbek. Linguistically Bel is a cognate of Ba’al. Baalbek was the cult center of Ba’al worship going back nine thousand years.
The adidas Jabulani (above) was the ball used in all World Cup 2010 games in South Africa.
Phrygian cap A bronze figurine of Baal, right arm raised is shown below, dating to 14th-12th centuries, found in Ras Shamra (ancient Ugarit).
artifact unearthed in the holy of holies of the pagan temple in the Canaanite city of Hazor / Hatzor, in northern Israel, that dates to 1400 years before the time of Christ. It is described as follows: "a basalt offering table, pillar-shaped, with a carved symbol of the storm god Baal on its side. That symbol was a circle with a cross in the center"
The British Museum
Are we seeing more proof that Nimrod/Baal is the Antichrist?
Above is a tablet from the early 9th century B.C. which depicts the Babylonian sun-god Shamash seated on the right, holding emblems of his authority, a staff and ring, and the king with two attendants on the left. In the center, on an altar, is a large 4-point sun image, with additional small wavy rays between the points. In Hebrew, the word for sun is:
Are we seeing more proof that Nimrod/Baal is the Antichrist?
8121. shemesh, sheh'-mesh; from an unused root mean. to be brilliant; the sun; by impl. the east; fig. a ray, i.e. (arch.) a notched battlement:-- + east side (-ward), sun ([rising]), + west (-ward), window. See also H1053 in Strong's Hebrew Dictionary
Icon of Shamash (or possibly Ashur), Assyrian relief 865–860 B.C.E.
Alabaster relief in the Louvre. Drawing, offering to the god, by Saint-Elmo Gautier. The god appears to be Shamash, whose helmet has three sets of horns. The attendant with the sheep appears to be holding the solar disk emblem. The tassle held by the other attendant looks like a poppy.
a Persian triple-horned headpiece depicted on gate A in the citadel of King Sargon II (721-705 B.C.), in Khorsabad (Iraq). The triple-horned headpiece indicated deity and was worn by the pagan Sun gods Shamash and Ashur. This may well be the origin of the triple-tiered papal tiara as claimed by the Catholic Encyclopedia, cited above.
Greek coin. Baal enthroned left, head facing holding eagle, corn ear & bunch of grapes. rev. Lion left attacking bull.
Baal figure
All Roman Catholic monstrances have a crescent to hold the wafer-god of Babylon within it, thereby depicting an exact duplicate of Babylonian worship of the sun-god BAAL.
So in St. Peter's square, the symbol of Baal is within the symbol of Ishtar, and at the center is an Egyptian obelisk, all representing pagan sun worship.
The symbols of Baal and Shamash worn by a Catholic Bishop.
Icon of the Angel Gabriel in the Church of Virgin Mary in Cairo
Interior of the Coptic Church of Virgin Mary in the old city portion of Cairo
On the left is a medallion from the Vatican pavilion of the 1988 World Expo, which depicts what is called a Monstrance, used to display a consecrated host. It bears a remarkable similarity to the symbol of Baal / Shamash
At left are two examples of the ciborium, in which are kept the Eucharistic wafer hosts of the Catholic Mass. The one on the left uses the Cross Pattée as a handle on top, and the other uses the four point cross within a circle, the ancient symbols of Shamash and Baal.
Vatican 100 Lire gold coin. Note the symbol of Baal, found in Hazor, is behind the head of the figure supposed to be that of Christ.
Nazi SS Totenkopf Flag
ExternalRiddles in Stone, Secret Architecture of Washington DC
Spider The demon Bael, from Collin de Plancy's Dictionnaire infernal (1862)
Baal Stone
Daniel Killing the Dragon of Baal by Jakob Wet
Demon: Baal Pehor.
Vice: Obscure Love (to be complacent with crimes).
Samael Aun Weor stated:
"Baal Pehor, the obscene dread of Moab's sons, who dwelled from Aroer to Nebo, and even far beyond the Southmost of the desert of Abarim... He dwelled also in Hesebon and Horonaim, in Zion's Realm, beyond the flowery dales of Sibma clad with Vines, and Eleale to the Asphaltick lake.
"Frightful, left-handed, tenebrous Baal Pehor, he enticed the Israelites in Sittim on their march from the Nile to perform for him wanton rites, which cost them woes...
"From there this Elohim, fallen amidst the luciferin reddish fires, his lascivious orgies he enlarged even to that hill of scandal, by the Grove of the homicidal Moloch...
"Thenceforth, it is obvious that their abominable debauchery was established hard by hate, till pious Josiah drove them thence to hell..."
- Quoted from Parsifal Unveiled
Baals Bridge Square Lodge 13 have in their archives an old brass square that was found under the foundations of Baals Bridge. This Square dated 1507 is reputed to be one of the earliest Masonic items in the world. The old brass square, known as the Baal's Bridge Square, was recovered from the foundations of Baal's Bridge in Limerick when the bridge was being rebuilt in 1830. It is inscribed 'I will strive to live with Love and Care Upon the Level By the Square' and bears the date, 1507.'s_Bridge_Square.htm
Charles Wharry (Darkbird18);
The Whale is one of my best go to research sites for the deep underground information on the "The Bad" "Darkbrotherhood" and the Illuminati (NWO Agenda) because Google only has the top surface of the deep dark information on this subject. This article is about their God who they worship, Nimrod is reborn in our time to become the king, yet again of Temples to BAAL and of Babylonian culture. "Baal who is a Judeo-Christian demon" who work for the dark side of light because they are in darkness and will never understand are forgive the light for coming into this world. They use ancient pagan rituals and symbols that hide within our ancient consciousness; to control us and keep us asleep. But knowledge is power and one day we will be waking and our true "forgotten Self" will be back and they will lose all control and will have to return from when they come. But until then they're in control and the war is with the world of the unseen. Read this info for knowledge. Thanks. More info at The Baal/Shamash/(Nimrod)
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