The Good The Bad and The Ugly

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Four Horsemen - Feature Documentary - Official Version

Darkbird18's The Good The Bad and The Ugly Internet Information,"The Bad Internet Research/ The Shadow Government and the Illuminati and NWO Agenda/ The Four Horsemen of Capitalism /Free Markets not so Free/ Income Tax is wrong," As we will never return to 'business as usual' 23 international thinkers, government advisors and Wall Street money-men  break their silence and explain how to establish a moral and just society.
FOUR HORSEMEN is free from mainstream media propaganda -- the film doesn't bash bankers, criticize politicians or get involved in conspiracy theories. It ignites the debate about how to usher a new economic paradigm into the world which would dramatically improve the quality of life for billions.

The Four Horsemen of Neoliberal Capitalism

Charles Wharry (Darkbird18),

What are the four horsemen? War, Famine, Death, and Conquest,  This Youtube take a very hard look at of so call Free Democratic Capitalism system an show us some very hard cold facts about it! Very detailed information on this system and why it is failing to reach it true and original goals. Watch and learn how the "Four Horsemen" is in charge and why I believe the Darkbrotherhood of the Illuminati and other power elites group make sure it fails. They want the "Age of Darkness" to stay in place but the "Age of Light" is coming and most happen because it is the natural way of progress and to bring in a new age or dimension to complete the cycles. But they will not give up power without a fight!

Tuesday, June 19, 2018



Sumerian cylinder seal

"Gaud: jest, joke, prank, trick; also fraud, deception, trick, artifice" -- Word Origin & History for the word 'gaud',
"There could be shadow galaxies, shadow stars, and even shadow people." -- Stephen Hawking
"Yaldabaoth [Demiurge] said to the authorities [archons] with him, Come, let us create a human being after the image of God and with a likeness to ourselves, so that this human image may give us light." -- The Secret Book of John, Nag Hammadi Texts
"She [Sophia] had been deluded through the god-like Self-willed [Demiurge], and had not been deluded through anything else, save through a light-power, because of its resemblance to the Light in which she had had faith." -- Pistis Sophia, Gnostic Text
"Whenever you are seized and you undergo death-pangs (mortal fear), a multitude of Archons may turn on you, thinking they can capture you. And in particular, three of them will seize you, those who pose as toll collectors. Not only do they demand toll, but they take away souls by theft." -- The (First) Apochrypha of James, Nag Hammadi texts
"My sister put that slug in him so she could control him" -- Disney anime movie, "Spirited Away (2001)"
"We all know that UFOs are real. All we need to ask is where do they come from, and what do they want?" -- Apollo 14 Astronaut Capt. Edgar Mitchell
"And if the recycling of souls is the machinery in this universe, one could argue philosophically that entropy in this universe was designed so that there would be a recycling of souls to grow and strengthen and evolve." -- Linda Moulton Howe, Midnight in the Desert, 1-14-2016
"The entities they called Archons to appear to be identical to the ET’s of modern Ufology. Both Grey and Reptilian types are explicitly described in the codices. I would estimate that up to one-fifth of the core material in the NHC concerns the Archons, their origin, methods, and motives." -- John Lash, ancient Gnostic text expert
The Nephilim were on the earth in that days-and also afterward-when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown." -- The Bible, Genesis 6:1-4
14"His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire15 And his feet like unto fine brass" -- Revelation 1:14, The Bible, KJV
"I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things." -- Isaiah 45:7, The Bible, King James Version

The Fall of Atlantis and Rise of the Archons- Emerald Tablets of Thoth: Matthew LaCroix

The DEMIURGE = GAUD, a False God

The Demiurge is a Gnostic term for "a supernatural being imagined as creating or fashioning the world in subordination to the Supreme Being, and sometimes regarded as the originator of evil." Demiurge is a false gaud. explains that the word 'gaud' originated in the mid and late 14th century and meant a "jest, joke, prank, trick; also fraud, deception, trick, artifice".
The Demiurge is called Yaldabaoth by Gnostics, a group of Christians who were declared heretics by the orthodox church who killed them and destroyed their writings.
I am convinced this false gaud being, the Demiurge, is stealing The Light Power that is in human souls. The Gnostic text "Pistis Sophia" explains, "She [Sophia] had been deluded through the god-like Self-willed [Demiurge], and had not been deluded through anything else, save through a light-power, because of its resemblance to the Light in which she had had faith." Most likely the being of Light that near-death experiences go to is a receiver of the light for the Demiurge. Here is a quote from "The Secret Book of John", a Gnostic text from the Nag Hammadi Library: "Yaldabaoth [Demiurge] said to the authorities [archons] with him, Come, let us create a human being after the image of God and with a likeness to ourselves, so that this human image may give us light."

NDER Who Met A Demiurge

I interviewed a near-death experiencer who met the Demiurge during his NDE. When I first met the man he told me the Demiurge was around or near the moon and was alien. When he told me this he had no idea about my web site or theories about the moon. He went to the Light which he described as being:

"square, square. It's like a big spaceship...It's square. I mean. I'm looking at it. Well, it could have been rectangular but the perspective of it was so huge and giant that it had a top, a bottom, sides and it could have been a rectangle but it seemed like a square, cube, whatever. And this is pre-Star Trek Borg, you know.<laughs> I understood this before the, you know, it was square, like a big, gigantic metal spaceship. It's fly...floating in space and it ain't a planet, you know. It ain't round. Okay, and it's got that door, the inverse.... if you want to call beings from a spaceship 'aliens', I don't know ."

After being shown highlights of his life, The Light asked him what he thought about his life and did he learn enough about Love. When he gave what he pereived as an inadequate answer he was kicked out of heaven and found himself lining up to return to Earth. Just before he hit Earth's atmosphere he said: "I'm like right in front of this, you know, Norman Rockwell looking guy, you know -- big, long flowing white hair... big white beard.. He had burning, red eyes... brassy face... brass-colored face. He's translucent kinda like the gold up in, you know... 'heaven' ... whatever you want to call that place. And, uh, he's severe. This guy's not somebody that you wanna mess with. I mean, he's just full of serious intent. I mean, very, very serious guy and he's got all these star maps and he's showing them to me and I'm like absorbing it and he's trying to explain everything to me and I'm... I'm having to make some agreements before I come into a body and he's showing me why. This star's aligned with THIS galaxy and THIS planet and THIS, THAT and it's like these maps.
He opened up some new books, okay, for me and he showed me how we interact with one another. And one of them was 'waves'. We're in waves and the waves go across the whole Earth and they're like a... imagine ocean waves. And there are waves that go across the entire Earth of Light and Darkness. And he showed me how he was like a filter for the Earth to cause the waves. In other words, he caused the waves by his presence of Darkness. It's like imagine putting up a filter in front of the window and some of it goes through and somehow putting the veil caused the Light and the Darkness on the Earth to pull up. The Light pulls up and the Darkness pulls down. And so the whole Earth was like a big round ball of waves that move across. 


The Light pulled down and ... I mean, the Light pulled UP and the Darkness pulled DOWN and it was a perfect balance to him. And he was trying to explain to me how HE was superior to the Light. Okay. How WAS he superior? Because he had this thing balanced. Everybody lined up for miles and miles to come here because they wanted to experience what he has, and what he has is this perfect balance of 1/3 Light... I mean 2/3 Light and 1/3 Darkness. It's like a counterbalance, the Ying, and the yang things. But the Lightness, it's more Light than it is Dark and it's not always exactly in balance. What he was describing is that he needed me to DO some things, to keep the balance of Light up because if there aren't enough people doing 'Light' things then the balance gets too wondered and gets too dark and it's like GAME OVER -- everybody goes home, it's DONE. And he has to not... I mean, people call him the Devil. How can a guy be the Devil who wants good things to happen, you know, that wants 'Light' things to happen: Love, kindness, joy?... He ain't the Devil I've heard.

Yeah, the motive is totally insincere. It's just because he wants to prove that he's better, you know that the Light. He says, Looks. I got all these people that come down here... trillions of souls, spirits... they all come down here... they line up.

He tells the story of his failure [Wayne: Failure?] Yeah, and why would he do that? He ultimately concedes, you know.. He's in a chess game and he starts losing and when he starts losing... and I'll tell you when -- there's going to be a period of Darkness and he showed me this. Now, this is a little bit different how he showed me. Okay, I saw at least three books. Two of them, they blend together somehow. However, one of them I literally saw from a camera outside the Earth, a fixed camera, like it never moves. And it's there. And from this fixed camera, I saw the Earth pop up there. I saw it go through different phases. First, it was beautiful, wasn't completely light but it was beautiful, pristine. Then it starts to get a little darker, it gets lighter. That 2/3 balance thing he's showing me how good of a game he's played, the chess player he is, right? He's showing me how he manipulates things. When things get a little bit out of whack over here, he lets more Light in, more of your Light folks, those who like to do good things: love, kindness, joy, compassion, mercy. He starts letting more of THOSE in, right, because he wants to keep his little chess game going [Wayne: <laughs> Like a juggling act almost ] Yeah, and so he's doing this and then there's the ones that are pulling DOWN and they're like the spirits that cling to us, okay. So all the while you think he's Mr. Nice Guy -- no way!

Imagine if you were a computer programmer and they have statements called IF-THEN-ELSE statements. Imagine that if there's this one plan that he showed you and if you do ALL of THIS, everything you dream of will come true and it will be more or less painless and you'll walk through life and you'll be, you know, the savior of the world and yet you get to be the hero, you know.
No percentages, but what I saw was there were branches that went off to either side. IF 'this' happens, THEN 'this' happens. and the IF and THEN and THEN and THEN and THEN and THEN and THEN... Yeah, but I was looking at the THENs. I'm gonna do the things and then everything's gonna work out great.
What I saw is that -- especially when I saw the pillars in heaven -- I saw that you just adjust your perception of it a little bit and you can just see the different stories popping out at you. And so I think we're creating stories. I think that's what we do and I think they're interesting stories and I think that we're better for it. I really do. And the Demiurge is sitting there going, "Yay!" You know, yeah, he's right. "I'm right". Because we do.. We go through... everybody says you got to experience Darkness before you can experience Light. And I don't know if that's true exactly, but here's what I DO know: that when we're over THERE we're insensitive to OUR pain here. We're insensitive to it really because we don't feel it. We can intellectualize it over there and I intellectualized it when I was shown the Plan that I was going to get to do. I could intellectualize it. I think I got to do better than Z plan. I can do A plan, but it was an intellectual exercise. I didn't realize I'd have to --
He's admitting he fails. He DID. And why would he do that except that he's saying, "look". He fails with his 2/3 Light strategy. It doesn't work. Eventually...Because the world gets out of control.
They don't want to reincarnate or whatever you want to call it. They won't sign the contracts anymore. When you're a chess player... I'm a chess player, okay... and if I'm playing against a computer and I know I'm going to lose and I'm behind a piece, I might as well quit.
There are people sending souls here every single day and they have no concept of our pain and suffering. And they just keep doing it. They line up... get n line.. get in line.. they have no concept that they're going to sit there and drop into a body that's going to hurt other people. And you do, everybody. I don't care who you are. You're going to hurt somebody. If you walk through a field, you're going to step on a bug, you know what I mean? You're going to hurt somebody. If you have a baby, you certainly going to hurt somebody because that woman is going to be hurt by that. If you're a woman, you're going to hurt that man. It's going to happen. It happens. We hurt each other. That's what we do. But if we can do anything in this world that makes it so we get towards that place where we're NOT hurting each other -- and I'm talking about in that beautiful world that I saw where it's pure Light... it's not pure Light, it's very very filled with Light -- it's: show mercy. Show kindness. Show compassion. If you can do those things... if you can do those things in THIS world it's like an entrance into THAT world. If you CAN'T do that here, you don't love that baby that's you... if you're cruel to yourself... if you're unkind to yourself, unmerciful to yourself... if you don't get those things figured out in this life sometime you're probably going to line up and do it again. You know, if you sit there and abuse yourself, hurt yourself... I'm not even talking about the people that go out and hurt other people. I mean, it's easy to say "I'm not hurting people. I don't go out and run people over on the road. I don't back up over people, or treat people poorly at work." What if you have this little battle going on inside your head and there's a part inside our brain inside that stores those thoughts, that works on that actual aspect. It says things like "I hate you. I wanna die. You're stupid." These little bitty part of our brain. it's right on the other side of "Don't put your finger in the fire." There's one side that does something to make you not stick your finger in a fire, not to put your finger in an electrical socket, the opposite side of the brain -- they have a name for it -- and I should have looked it up, but I wanted you to be... I wanted you to hear it straight from my heart because I know it. I bought it for twenty years. I would help everybody else, give the shirt off my back, literally. Give, the volunteer did all kinds of things and those are good things. I'm not going to say they're not going to get you into heaven because they WILL. They do. The good stuff you do DOES get into heaven. It gets into your life record. It's recorded forever and ever and ever. But am I going to get back into that line again?
Well, we can participate in THIS world and others. And I'll tell you how that works out. I saw the VERY end. I'm talking about this Demiurge, or whatever you want to call it, the guy who does all the contracts. He records everything. He's like the Producer, okay, and he's producing this show. It's his show. And if you don't sign up for his contract, you don't enter. "