The Good The Bad and The Ugly

Tuesday, June 19, 2018



Sumerian cylinder seal

"Gaud: jest, joke, prank, trick; also fraud, deception, trick, artifice" -- Word Origin & History for the word 'gaud',
"There could be shadow galaxies, shadow stars, and even shadow people." -- Stephen Hawking
"Yaldabaoth [Demiurge] said to the authorities [archons] with him, Come, let us create a human being after the image of God and with a likeness to ourselves, so that this human image may give us light." -- The Secret Book of John, Nag Hammadi Texts
"She [Sophia] had been deluded through the god-like Self-willed [Demiurge], and had not been deluded through anything else, save through a light-power, because of its resemblance to the Light in which she had had faith." -- Pistis Sophia, Gnostic Text
"Whenever you are seized and you undergo death-pangs (mortal fear), a multitude of Archons may turn on you, thinking they can capture you. And in particular, three of them will seize you, those who pose as toll collectors. Not only do they demand toll, but they take away souls by theft." -- The (First) Apochrypha of James, Nag Hammadi texts
"My sister put that slug in him so she could control him" -- Disney anime movie, "Spirited Away (2001)"
"We all know that UFOs are real. All we need to ask is where do they come from, and what do they want?" -- Apollo 14 Astronaut Capt. Edgar Mitchell
"And if the recycling of souls is the machinery in this universe, one could argue philosophically that entropy in this universe was designed so that there would be a recycling of souls to grow and strengthen and evolve." -- Linda Moulton Howe, Midnight in the Desert, 1-14-2016
"The entities they called Archons to appear to be identical to the ET’s of modern Ufology. Both Grey and Reptilian types are explicitly described in the codices. I would estimate that up to one-fifth of the core material in the NHC concerns the Archons, their origin, methods, and motives." -- John Lash, ancient Gnostic text expert
The Nephilim were on the earth in that days-and also afterward-when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown." -- The Bible, Genesis 6:1-4
14"His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire15 And his feet like unto fine brass" -- Revelation 1:14, The Bible, KJV
"I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things." -- Isaiah 45:7, The Bible, King James Version

The Fall of Atlantis and Rise of the Archons- Emerald Tablets of Thoth: Matthew LaCroix

The DEMIURGE = GAUD, a False God

The Demiurge is a Gnostic term for "a supernatural being imagined as creating or fashioning the world in subordination to the Supreme Being, and sometimes regarded as the originator of evil." Demiurge is a false gaud. explains that the word 'gaud' originated in the mid and late 14th century and meant a "jest, joke, prank, trick; also fraud, deception, trick, artifice".
The Demiurge is called Yaldabaoth by Gnostics, a group of Christians who were declared heretics by the orthodox church who killed them and destroyed their writings.
I am convinced this false gaud being, the Demiurge, is stealing The Light Power that is in human souls. The Gnostic text "Pistis Sophia" explains, "She [Sophia] had been deluded through the god-like Self-willed [Demiurge], and had not been deluded through anything else, save through a light-power, because of its resemblance to the Light in which she had had faith." Most likely the being of Light that near-death experiences go to is a receiver of the light for the Demiurge. Here is a quote from "The Secret Book of John", a Gnostic text from the Nag Hammadi Library: "Yaldabaoth [Demiurge] said to the authorities [archons] with him, Come, let us create a human being after the image of God and with a likeness to ourselves, so that this human image may give us light."

NDER Who Met A Demiurge

I interviewed a near-death experiencer who met the Demiurge during his NDE. When I first met the man he told me the Demiurge was around or near the moon and was alien. When he told me this he had no idea about my web site or theories about the moon. He went to the Light which he described as being:

"square, square. It's like a big spaceship...It's square. I mean. I'm looking at it. Well, it could have been rectangular but the perspective of it was so huge and giant that it had a top, a bottom, sides and it could have been a rectangle but it seemed like a square, cube, whatever. And this is pre-Star Trek Borg, you know.<laughs> I understood this before the, you know, it was square, like a big, gigantic metal spaceship. It's fly...floating in space and it ain't a planet, you know. It ain't round. Okay, and it's got that door, the inverse.... if you want to call beings from a spaceship 'aliens', I don't know ."

After being shown highlights of his life, The Light asked him what he thought about his life and did he learn enough about Love. When he gave what he pereived as an inadequate answer he was kicked out of heaven and found himself lining up to return to Earth. Just before he hit Earth's atmosphere he said: "I'm like right in front of this, you know, Norman Rockwell looking guy, you know -- big, long flowing white hair... big white beard.. He had burning, red eyes... brassy face... brass-colored face. He's translucent kinda like the gold up in, you know... 'heaven' ... whatever you want to call that place. And, uh, he's severe. This guy's not somebody that you wanna mess with. I mean, he's just full of serious intent. I mean, very, very serious guy and he's got all these star maps and he's showing them to me and I'm like absorbing it and he's trying to explain everything to me and I'm... I'm having to make some agreements before I come into a body and he's showing me why. This star's aligned with THIS galaxy and THIS planet and THIS, THAT and it's like these maps.
He opened up some new books, okay, for me and he showed me how we interact with one another. And one of them was 'waves'. We're in waves and the waves go across the whole Earth and they're like a... imagine ocean waves. And there are waves that go across the entire Earth of Light and Darkness. And he showed me how he was like a filter for the Earth to cause the waves. In other words, he caused the waves by his presence of Darkness. It's like imagine putting up a filter in front of the window and some of it goes through and somehow putting the veil caused the Light and the Darkness on the Earth to pull up. The Light pulls up and the Darkness pulls down. And so the whole Earth was like a big round ball of waves that move across. 


The Light pulled down and ... I mean, the Light pulled UP and the Darkness pulled DOWN and it was a perfect balance to him. And he was trying to explain to me how HE was superior to the Light. Okay. How WAS he superior? Because he had this thing balanced. Everybody lined up for miles and miles to come here because they wanted to experience what he has, and what he has is this perfect balance of 1/3 Light... I mean 2/3 Light and 1/3 Darkness. It's like a counterbalance, the Ying, and the yang things. But the Lightness, it's more Light than it is Dark and it's not always exactly in balance. What he was describing is that he needed me to DO some things, to keep the balance of Light up because if there aren't enough people doing 'Light' things then the balance gets too wondered and gets too dark and it's like GAME OVER -- everybody goes home, it's DONE. And he has to not... I mean, people call him the Devil. How can a guy be the Devil who wants good things to happen, you know, that wants 'Light' things to happen: Love, kindness, joy?... He ain't the Devil I've heard.

Yeah, the motive is totally insincere. It's just because he wants to prove that he's better, you know that the Light. He says, Looks. I got all these people that come down here... trillions of souls, spirits... they all come down here... they line up.

He tells the story of his failure [Wayne: Failure?] Yeah, and why would he do that? He ultimately concedes, you know.. He's in a chess game and he starts losing and when he starts losing... and I'll tell you when -- there's going to be a period of Darkness and he showed me this. Now, this is a little bit different how he showed me. Okay, I saw at least three books. Two of them, they blend together somehow. However, one of them I literally saw from a camera outside the Earth, a fixed camera, like it never moves. And it's there. And from this fixed camera, I saw the Earth pop up there. I saw it go through different phases. First, it was beautiful, wasn't completely light but it was beautiful, pristine. Then it starts to get a little darker, it gets lighter. That 2/3 balance thing he's showing me how good of a game he's played, the chess player he is, right? He's showing me how he manipulates things. When things get a little bit out of whack over here, he lets more Light in, more of your Light folks, those who like to do good things: love, kindness, joy, compassion, mercy. He starts letting more of THOSE in, right, because he wants to keep his little chess game going [Wayne: <laughs> Like a juggling act almost ] Yeah, and so he's doing this and then there's the ones that are pulling DOWN and they're like the spirits that cling to us, okay. So all the while you think he's Mr. Nice Guy -- no way!

Imagine if you were a computer programmer and they have statements called IF-THEN-ELSE statements. Imagine that if there's this one plan that he showed you and if you do ALL of THIS, everything you dream of will come true and it will be more or less painless and you'll walk through life and you'll be, you know, the savior of the world and yet you get to be the hero, you know.
No percentages, but what I saw was there were branches that went off to either side. IF 'this' happens, THEN 'this' happens. and the IF and THEN and THEN and THEN and THEN and THEN and THEN... Yeah, but I was looking at the THENs. I'm gonna do the things and then everything's gonna work out great.
What I saw is that -- especially when I saw the pillars in heaven -- I saw that you just adjust your perception of it a little bit and you can just see the different stories popping out at you. And so I think we're creating stories. I think that's what we do and I think they're interesting stories and I think that we're better for it. I really do. And the Demiurge is sitting there going, "Yay!" You know, yeah, he's right. "I'm right". Because we do.. We go through... everybody says you got to experience Darkness before you can experience Light. And I don't know if that's true exactly, but here's what I DO know: that when we're over THERE we're insensitive to OUR pain here. We're insensitive to it really because we don't feel it. We can intellectualize it over there and I intellectualized it when I was shown the Plan that I was going to get to do. I could intellectualize it. I think I got to do better than Z plan. I can do A plan, but it was an intellectual exercise. I didn't realize I'd have to --
He's admitting he fails. He DID. And why would he do that except that he's saying, "look". He fails with his 2/3 Light strategy. It doesn't work. Eventually...Because the world gets out of control.
They don't want to reincarnate or whatever you want to call it. They won't sign the contracts anymore. When you're a chess player... I'm a chess player, okay... and if I'm playing against a computer and I know I'm going to lose and I'm behind a piece, I might as well quit.
There are people sending souls here every single day and they have no concept of our pain and suffering. And they just keep doing it. They line up... get n line.. get in line.. they have no concept that they're going to sit there and drop into a body that's going to hurt other people. And you do, everybody. I don't care who you are. You're going to hurt somebody. If you walk through a field, you're going to step on a bug, you know what I mean? You're going to hurt somebody. If you have a baby, you certainly going to hurt somebody because that woman is going to be hurt by that. If you're a woman, you're going to hurt that man. It's going to happen. It happens. We hurt each other. That's what we do. But if we can do anything in this world that makes it so we get towards that place where we're NOT hurting each other -- and I'm talking about in that beautiful world that I saw where it's pure Light... it's not pure Light, it's very very filled with Light -- it's: show mercy. Show kindness. Show compassion. If you can do those things... if you can do those things in THIS world it's like an entrance into THAT world. If you CAN'T do that here, you don't love that baby that's you... if you're cruel to yourself... if you're unkind to yourself, unmerciful to yourself... if you don't get those things figured out in this life sometime you're probably going to line up and do it again. You know, if you sit there and abuse yourself, hurt yourself... I'm not even talking about the people that go out and hurt other people. I mean, it's easy to say "I'm not hurting people. I don't go out and run people over on the road. I don't back up over people, or treat people poorly at work." What if you have this little battle going on inside your head and there's a part inside our brain inside that stores those thoughts, that works on that actual aspect. It says things like "I hate you. I wanna die. You're stupid." These little bitty part of our brain. it's right on the other side of "Don't put your finger in the fire." There's one side that does something to make you not stick your finger in a fire, not to put your finger in an electrical socket, the opposite side of the brain -- they have a name for it -- and I should have looked it up, but I wanted you to be... I wanted you to hear it straight from my heart because I know it. I bought it for twenty years. I would help everybody else, give the shirt off my back, literally. Give, the volunteer did all kinds of things and those are good things. I'm not going to say they're not going to get you into heaven because they WILL. They do. The good stuff you do DOES get into heaven. It gets into your life record. It's recorded forever and ever and ever. But am I going to get back into that line again?
Well, we can participate in THIS world and others. And I'll tell you how that works out. I saw the VERY end. I'm talking about this Demiurge, or whatever you want to call it, the guy who does all the contracts. He records everything. He's like the Producer, okay, and he's producing this show. It's his show. And if you don't sign up for his contract, you don't enter. "

Dreams of Demiurge

I received an email from someone who validates elements of my Interviewee's experience:
"Anyway, as I read your friend's story, I found myself recalling various dreams I've had in my life about pretty much his whole experience (but in disjointed pieces).  At the time that I had them I pretty much just dismissed them as normal creative dreams and didn't place much value on them - I just thought they were interesting thought creations of mine and probably the kinds of things most other people dream about when they sleep.  I was just a young human child...  I've never actually heard anyone mention the same dreams though.  Now that I am reading about someone else who experienced the same things with very good detail and cohesively putting all the moments together into a storyline, I find myself zoning out constantly now in order to try to dig deep into my memories (30+ years ago) to recall them all and other dreams that I had that could be significant in order to understand these spiritual processes.  Now I see those dreams in a totally different light.  They were spirit memories I was recalling while asleep I guess or quite significant astral traveling...
But it felt so weird back then dreaming like I was an adult when I was a young kid.  Speaking of scary - that demiurge (just as your friend described him) can be frightening - let me tell you.  That serious expression (not angry, not passionate, not excited, just as serious as you could ever imagine a face to look) and those flames he has for eyes - literally, flames.  I woke up one time right as the end of one fascinating dream seemed to get interrupted with a close-up of his face.  At the time I had no idea who that character was - just some strange scary guy I saw in my dreams at least a few times and that particular time was rather startling.  Another time I recall him standing in front of a huge spaceship window and maybe like a whole wall of controls and levers on the wall on one side of the window I think?  I feel like I had that dream a number of times as a young child.  I remember it.  Such a strange "random" thing to dream about for me - I had no idea why I kept seeing this in my dreams.  I remember going back there as if I was sneaking around exploring it at times too when the scary guy wasn't around.  I was in that place so many times. It's hard for me now to remember all the specifics though...  I feel like I returned to that place many times after some of most amazing dreams I had.  It was like time traveling every time I went to bed.  I was in the future, in the past, on other worlds, in other dimensions as all kinds of creatures and different people.  All over the place.  My dreams were incredible.  It's a shame because it feels so important now that I wish I had my mom help me to record them into a journal at the time.  It was all so vitally important.  I feel like I have had many experiences in space as an energy orb type being.  If I still have those dreams, I just don't remember the dreams now when I wake.  Maybe I've become too anchored/consumed by this material existence...  Maybe my light has dimmed through my life of suffering...  Maybe the demiurge finally figured out how to control me or at least how to block or suppress some of my spirits will.  I guess I gave him more trouble than most. A shame though, because the dream experiences were just so absolutely incredible.  Like I said though, some may have never happened and have been completely created by my imagination...  But I definitely remember these moments that your friend described.  His story is your best story.  At least the visual descriptions of his story are accurate to me.  They resonate with my recollections.  There's something to this.  I believe you are on the right path by focusing on that man's NDE visions and valuing his story...
Let me say something else though.  I remember seeing another figure as well, in addition to and similar to the demiurge as described by your friend.  This one was maybe taller and younger looking.  I 'think' he was bald and with a big bushy black beard (not white).  He was in a different dream, but he still had the bronze/golden-like skin and flame eyes.  That one was not in the same place - I thought I remembered more of like a brighter Greek-Roman kind of area with whitish pillars and steps and him walking along (rather than a dim spaceship).  Forgive my spotty recollection.  These dreams happened 30 years ago.  I wonder if he was a son/direct progeny of the demiurge, or maybe a demiurge of a different world altogether.  I really have no idea, but there was a resemblance and he was definitely humanoid in body shape too.  He was actually the one that I saw very close up at the end of one of my dreams - I was flying around some huge object and then I flew over some hair and then all the sudden realized it was a black beard and that guy's face took over my sight and he was just glaring at me and I woke up.  Those eyes...  Flaming eyes.  It's not a sight you can easily forget even if you saw it in a dream 30 years ago."
"Orb of light dream memories. I remember floating around in some rooms. There were other light orbs with various colored auras. Maybe there were large tall crystal shards or something like that in a room and some orbs were next to them communicating with them or somehow accessing or exchanging information from/with them. Me being a curious being, I was also viewing information about everything around me. From the other orbs to the objects (like the crystals around me). The information was incomprehensible to our human minds. The spiritual orb can process data like a computer. Imagine having a heads-up display that could project to you like a hundred windows with data at once from everything all around you and you could understand it all. That's kind of like what it I remember. Of course, I also remember accessing something like what you mentioned in the history book. That was crazy - you are absolutely spot on with that. It was like accessing millions of heads-up display windows at once with images of all kinds of things sliding past really fast.
I remember your entire sequence from the dark pit with ghostly surroundings to the rectangle of light, to the room with the light in the center and orbs wandering the perimeter of it. Was it like a metal walkway or something? I remember moving to a corner and looking up at a ceiling and then one of the orbs approached me and had me follow it. Then I recall walking up to those doors, being told to look down. It was like some kind of stone on the ground there. Moving through the doors into a large cavernous hall. Looking off to the sides and seeing large pillars on the sides of the entrance covered with weird living crystals.
I remember some kind of grassy area with pathways. Lines of orbs with different colored auras. I wandered off onto the grass and communicated with other orbs that I knew. I could see what they had looked like as humans somehow. There was some kind of communication like "good luck, I'll be seeing you again" or something.
I remember the falling through space in a line of orbs. Maybe it was like 2 lines next to each other or something? I think I remember seeing orbs next to me, not just in front and behind me.
There were definitely other light orb dreams, but my memories are currently too spotty to feel I can describe them.
I remember having a dream where I was some kind of light is like an angel a humanoid kind of form with wings Leaping up from a surface to glide up into a void..."
"Those were such weird dreams I never thought they were based on reality, until recently. Once again I must remind you that I am trying to recall incredibly distant memories and my recollection is not 100% and the details are corrupted. Afterall, I am being limited by my human restrictions."
Recently, he sent me 14 well-drawn sketches of the Demiurge and other figures from his dreams with descriptive labels but asked me not to share the drawings. The sketches included:
"demiurge -- closeup of something resembling the demiurge" -- "creepy close up of the brassy face, black beard, weird expression and flame eyes";

"demiurge going over contracts" -- "talking to me about some kind of agreement, and showing me a bunch of scrolls or something" and "controls/levers etc on the wall behind I think";
"demiurge pointing at star charts" -- "kind of looked like some old greek scholar type" and the "robe worn had some kind of pattern all over it... best I can muster up is the male symbol". He was "pointing at maps/charts/diagrams on a wall behind him" and "some kind of diagram that looked like Saturn and arrows";
"demiurge -- I remember many visions very similar-to something like this in appearance many without the binocular goggles" -- this sketch had no labels, but showed an image of the demiurge with goggles pointing to his right
"demiurge towering over a tabletop with a spinning compass" -- "big guy with dark spectacles or goggles just standing in the back looking down at me" ... "a spinning object that eventually opened up to look like a compass and then it fell"
"inside the chamber with the one that you die if you look at" -- "pillars"... "kind of looking off to my right side"... "weird crystals/gemstones talking -- actually saw little rays spray out when they communicated"
"orbs crystal rocks" -- "Moving through a room with orbs and long rock/crystal shards/obelisks. taking in a massive amount of information from everything in the room -- like a hundred windows in a pop-up display. It's hard to describe."
"a platform in front of a window to space" -- "dim lighting"... "controls/knobs/etc".."space"..."some kind of raised platform"..." seemed like there was no gravity as the cape kind of floated out"... "some kind of door/vent to go through (hide in?)...
"a strange naga thing on a stone platform above step" -- "multiple animals head that phase in and out with serpent body (only definitely remember a ram head)"
"a room inside the door from the pit" -- "room with bright light in the center after ascending up from the pit. the orb beings just kind of glide along I think, but they have kind of a sporadic pulsation to them" ... " energy/light orb"..." very bright light in the center"..." energy / light orb"..." walkway"
"demiurge -- looked like a child version with little spherical robots" -- "weird mechanic-type alien guy floating in zero gravity in a well-lit whitish curved spaceship room. Most of the body in some kind of clothing, even head. Wearing weird binocular goggles. Some robot orbs floating around. He was really close to me and it seemed like he was working on me or something. Something about him reminded me of the other 'demiurge' beings in other dreams."
"demiurge -- sneaking around the ship" -- "dim lighting"... the curved wall of controls/levers or something?"...(space)...some kind of hatch/vent opening above room"
"owl-man guide one on one" -- "blue/blue-green guy who states something to me, and he resembles an owl to me in form (much better-looking fellow than my drawing -- not scary)"...(white room)... (back space window)"
"demiurge --- sepia-vision --- turning towards me and approaching" -- "the whole thing is like viewing sepia shades or like night vision or something.... "stones/steps/platform...."flame/energy eyes"... miter hat? ceremonial looking robe"

Is the Demiurge mentioned in the book of Revelations?

The interviewee's description of the Demiurge is eerily close to this description in Revelation 1:12:
13 "And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle. 14 His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire15 And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters. 16 And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp two-edged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength."

Creative Play of the Demiurges?

Stanislov Grof is a researcher into psychedelics and hallucinogens and has analyzed 4000-6000 experiences. In his 1998 book "The Cosmic Game: Explorations of the Frontiers of Human Consciousness" he related the account of an experiencer who experienced being one of four demiurgic powers:
"Creative Play of the Demiurges 
The insights into the nature and dynamics of the cosmic game do not have to emerge on the level of the supreme creative principle. Gail, a minister who participated in our training program for professionals at the Maryland Psychiatric Research Center, had in her psychedelic session an interesting sequence that portrayed cosmogony as a competitive creative game of four demiurgic suprahuman entities. Although her experience is very unusual, since it involves several demiurgic beings rather than one creative principle, I will include it here. It illustrates with exceptional clarity many of the issues related to the problem of the incarnation of spiritual beings and the “taboo against knowing who you are.” Here is the corresponding excerpt from her session:
I found myself in a dimension that seemed to lie beyond space and time as we know it. What comes to my mind when I think about it now is the concept of hyperspace used by modern physicists. However, such a technical term would not describe the profound feeling of sacredness, the awesome sense of numinosity associated with my experience. I realized that I was a suprahuman being of immense proportions, possibly one that transcended all limitations, or one that existed before any limitations were known. I did not have any form, being just pure consciousness with superb intelligence suspended in Absolute Space. Although there was no source of light there, I cannot say I was in complete darkness.
I shared this space with three other beings. Although they were purely abstract and amorphous like myself, I could clearly feel their separate presence and communicate with them in a complex telepathic fashion. We amused each other by various brilliant intellectual games; fireworks of extraordinary ideas were being thrown back and forth. The complexity, intricacy, and level of imagination involved in these games by far surpassed anything known among humans. It was all pure entertainment, l’art pour l’art since, in the form we were, none of it had any practical implications.
I have to think in this context about whales who float in the ocean with their enormous brains and are endowed with an intelligence that matches or surpasses ours. Since nature does not create and maintain organs and functions that are not being used, the mental activity of the cetaceans has to be comparable to that of humans. Yet. because of their anatomy, they have the only minimal capacity to give any tangible physical expression to what is going on in their minds. I once read a speculation of a researcher who suggested that the whales may be spending most of their time entertaining each other using their amazing voices that carry in the ocean over distances of hundreds of miles. Do they tell each other stories and communicate artistic creations? Do they have philosophical dialogues or play sophisticated games? Or are they like Indian or Tibetan yogis who in their deep meditations, in the solitude of their caves and cells, experience connection with the entire history of the cosmos and other realities?
After this introduction, describing the general ambiance and context of her experience and reflecting on the disembodied existence as a purely spiritual being, Gail focused on the part of her session that has immediate relevance for our discussion about the “taboo against knowing who we are.” One of the beings came up with an intriguing idea. It suggested that it would be possible to create a game involving a reality with many different creatures of various sizes and forms. They would appear to be dense and solid and exist in a world filled with objects of different shapes, textures, and consistencies. The beings would come into existence, evolve, have complex interactions and adventures with each other, and then cease to exist. There would be groups of creatures of various orders, each existing in two forms—male and female—that would complement each other and participate in reproduction.
This reality would be bound by distinct space and time coordinates. Time would show a mandatory flow from the past through the present to the future and later events would appear to be caused by the preceding ones. There would be vast historical periods, each different from the others. One would have to travel to get from one place to another and there would be many different ways to do it. A variety of rigid limitations, rules, and laws would govern all the events in this world, as it is with all the games. Entering this reality and assuming different roles in it would provide exquisite entertainment of a very unique type.
The three spiritual beings were intrigued, but incredulous, and expressed serious doubts about the suggested project. As exciting as it sounded, it seemed unlikely that it could be implemented. How could an unlimited spiritual being existing in the world of all possibilities be made to believe that it is confined to a solid body of a strange shape, with a head, trunk, and extremities, and that it critically depends on the ingestion of other dead creatures and the presence of a gas called oxygen? How could it be convinced that it has a limited intellectual capacity and that its ability to perceive is constrained by the range of something like the sensory organs? It seemed too fantastic to be seriously considered!
In what follows, Gail describes how the demiurgic beings resolved the problem. A heated intellectual exchange ensued. The originator of this plan responded to all our objections, insisting that the project was perfectly feasible. He/she was convinced that sufficient complexity and intriguing nature of the script, consistent association of specific situations with compelling experiences, and careful covering of all the loopholes was all that was necessary. It would trap the participant into an intricate net of illusions and trick him/her into believing in the reality of the game. We were getting increasingly fascinated by all the possibilities and finally became convinced that this unusual project was viable. We agreed to enter the game of incarnation excited by the promise of extraordinary adventures in consciousness.
This experience has somehow resolved whatever concerns I have ever had regarding the matter of karma. It left me with a firm conviction that I am in essence a spiritual being and that the only way I could have possibly gotten involved in the cosmic drama was through a free decision. The choice to incarnate involves voluntary acceptance of a large number of limitations, rules, and laws, as it always does when we decide to play a game. From this perspective, it does not make sense to blame anybody for anything that happens in our life. The fact that, on a higher level, we have a free choice whether or not we enter the cosmic game creates a meta-framework that redefines everything that occurs within it."
Another near-death experiencer's account that I ran across on strongly suggests that he met the Demiurge also just like the guest I interviewed.
This man, who goes by the name of Paul, wrote on
"I don't think this world is structured to know or care what the truth is. In fact, I believe that the truth is countered at every turn, and intentionally kept hidden by our base-level controllers and manipulators, who are the stewards of darkness. They wouldn't want us to have the knowledge that we hold claim to absolute freedom, which is accompanied by an enormous power, and true liberty. They would rather we looked down on ourselves as faulty, and defective, and in need of help and management by the 'enlightened ones'. And maybe we are all to willing to believe it.

This world is all about slavery and bondage, which begins in the spirit realm, where unaware humans aren't as savvy as our adversaries. In truth, as long as we strive to be kind, then we are perfectly imperfect, without the need of correction and management from our evil slave-masters with their 'perfecting of humans' "Illumination" scheme

What you thought was your advocate, was your enemy, and a very cruel enemy at that. Moreover, the supreme being that I experienced and saw was nothing like what we're told.
 God and your rulers are more powerful than you, so, do what you're told, for your own good. If you don't do what God or your rulers tell you, there will be consequences. If you rebel against God, or your rulers, you will be punished. God needs to correct you because history tells us that your kind is idiots and cause problems. Your rulers need to correct you because history tells us that your kind is idiots and cause problems. Believe in their religious story or you're evil. Believe in their patriotic story or you're evil.
The bottom line is, you are an absolute moron, born defective, and you are prone to incredible disaster unless you are tightly monitored, managed, and under the strictest of authority by someone who is smarter and more powerful than you. I guess we just ought to sit down and shut up and be thankful that we're not in jail, or in hell. God was-all-like “OOPS!” when your kind was created.
Religion is infiltration for nationalistic programming under the guise of independent benevolence. Moreover, religion is a mechanism for stirring and capturing adoration for forces of darkness, thereby empowering the same. It is the biggest scam going and allows our slave masters the ability to program entire continents of peoples. The “church” is the initial dove through which the rulers become the lion. This is spiritual captivity and bondage through mass deception, all in the name of love, and care. This type of deception is just dripping with glee-inducing invisible foes from the spirit realm."
People lap-up this confusing garbage because they are desperate for answers due to their incredibly confusing circumstances of being a human: a) how did we get here; b) why are we here; c) what happens to us when we die?
People are taught to fear God which causes people to live in fear. When people are in fear they are easier to control. This world is all about having power over other people which is the very essence of evil."
======== end of Paul's NDE report

This Ugarit description of Enlil is a very close match to the Demiurge being my interviewee talked to:
"But he became this in the last resort under the supervision, indeed by the connivance of El reigning from his distant abode beyond the
earth. From the standpoint of people on earth, looking around them in fear and trembling, the encounters between the negative and positive
forces in their environment were tense and awesome affairs, and Baal's victory was always in the balance and never certain. But
the people of Ugarit could also take comfort from their belief that beyond the squabbling powers that impinged so insistently on their
everyday lives stood a remoter but by no means disinterested figure, the god El, who had fathered the gods, the nice and nasty both,
and had created the universe, contrary powers and all, who must therefore have planned it that way and built both good and evil into
its very fabric, and who could for that very reason be trusted to uphold its equilibrium. For all his mistakes, his choosing the wrong
side, his blustering, his pleading, his changes of mind, his putting up with impertinence from his underlings, his—if you will—lack of
power, he was the one ultimately in charge, whom the other gods had to visit for approval whenever they had an enterprise planned,
and whose was the final decision, which, however reluctantly, they had to accept. And perhaps most remarkably of all, he masterminded
the balance he sought, not by calling on openly superior force but by relying upon an engaging mixture of diplomacy and conciliation,
sharpness and persuasion. He arranged it so that usually good and life triumphed, but even evil and death were his 'darling' and 'beloved'
children (KTU 1.1 iv 20; 1.4 viii 23~24) and had, as it were, their rights too."

Darkbird18's Archons Alien Agenda research, To read the full detail Archons and Gnostic Ancient Text Research article click here... .    

Charles Wharry (Darkbird18);

The Alien and UFO phenomena are both parts of the same Archons (Demiurge) Agenda because they've been here since the beginning of earth time. But they're in Inorganic being who was create first but with a different light, a light from the "Below" which mean they're not part of the light being who is "Human" but something else, they have no souls, or "Light Energy". But they're in control because they can control the human race through "Dreams" and mind control but they put their minds and thoughts into our dreams, which are dark and morbid; they also live off of Light energy from the Organic beings, which is the human race! Be aware of this and know that,"your minds aren't your Own!"

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