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Charles Hall's Millennial Hospitality book series, describing his encounters with a race of human-like extraterrestrials - the “Tall Whites” (TW) - during a two-year duty assignment at Nellis Air Force Base from 1965 to 1967, is a story with tremendous visual impact.
Charles Hall on the Sweeps Fox Show
Situated on Nevada's vast Desert National Wildlife Range, a scenic wilderness containing almost no artificial structures, the Nellis Ranges consist of almost nothing but breathtaking scenery.This is the backdrop against which Hall's story plays out. Every event he describes can be said to consist of the same basic elements: the landscape, the weather, the people (humans and humanoids), the craft, sometimes the weather shacks... the occasional glimpse of a hangar door and, believe it or not, the TW children's playgrounds.
The story cries out for the visuals of these elements. Yet it was not possible for Hall to provide us with anything other than his memories.
Visuals would have had value beyond the esthetic: they also would have demonstrated the feasibility of some of the things Hall describes. For example, he writes that he was able to view the Tall Whites' main hangar entrance high in the mountains 30 miles north of his Range 3 theodolite position on the desert floor. A photograph of that unlikely view would have helped to support the story.
Twenty years after his discharge from the Air Force, Hall began writing down his experiences, and after another twenty years, published them - at first presenting his books as works of fiction. Had he never reversed himself and begun claiming them to be true stories albeit slightly modified to protect the identities of some of the characters, there would have been no point in going back and trying to reconstruct the events as they took place on the ground.
The Tall White Aliens: Secrets Inside Nellis Airforce Base
When he was writing his stories, he did not know that it might be possible to reconstruct how they fitted into the landscape and in that way test the possibility of what he claimed to have viewed.
He did not know that high-resolution elevation data and satellite imagery of the Nellis ranges would ever be made available to the public, or that software capable of rendering photorealistic images from the raw data would be widely available.
And yet, these things have come to pass, and this makes it possible to create realistic illustrations and even a video animation of at least one element of his story: the landscape in which it takes place.
I first began experimenting with the geological data, the satellite images, and landscape rendering software in late 2004, hoping to have a first look at “geometric feasibility” and to add interest to Hall's narrative.
The results were successful on both counts. In each instance, the views described by Hall turned out to be confirmed by the graphic renderings. And the images were pleasing and even dramatic to look at.
One unexpected benefit from this work has been the opportunity it has given Charles Hall to relive his old experiences through viewing these illustrations. Here is what he wrote in an e-mail after having been shown the report as a work-in-progress:
They are so impressive, I can hardly describe them. The memories they bring back to me I am not able to describe in this short email.
Indeed, working with these images has given me the feeling that I know the terrain well, and they can bring that closeness to you also.
But what of the other elements that we would like to have: weather, people, spacecraft, and structures?
Here we are dependent on what Charles Hall remembers and is willing to help us recreate in terms of drawings and verbal descriptions. He has supplied two sketches of spacecraft shapes, and from this, a graphic model has been developed. This is included in the report.
Weather and lighting conditions are amply described in his books where relevant, and it has been possible to recreate that aspect in the landscape renderings.
Hall also describes the weather shacks in some detail, and they do play a role in his experiences. I have elected not to take on the task of rendering architecture in the present report, however, as this would require significant additional effort, and it remains to be seen if there will any interest in it.
As to the rest, we can hope that this report itself will stimulate Hall's memories to the extent that he will be able to contribute more information that can be included in future updates.
Airman First Class Charles James Hall
The Tall Whites Charles J Hall 2016
Nellis Air Force Base with its associated "restricted ranges" occupies more than 5000 square miles of southern and central Nevada desert.
Nellis is a vast military reservation, home of "top gun" flight training, exotic and leading-edge R&D projects. To the civilian airman, Nellis lies under restricted airspace, which makes it in effect a "no-fly zone".
To the rest of us, it is a no man's land, a blank spot on the map, a black hole out of which no information may come.
"click" image for detailed information
That is, no information is supposed to come, although fabulous stories have emerged over the years. Recently there has been a new one, told by a one-time air force weather observer whose assigned duty took him to a desolate outpost ninety miles northwest of Nellis AFB proper, for extended periods between 1965 and 1967.
Today Charles James Hall is a nuclear physicist, actively employed in Albuquerque, NM. In 1965-66, Airman First Class Charles Hall was Range Weather Observer for several gunnery ranges. There was nothing whatsoever exotic about his official duty assignment, and that is what makes it possible for this story to be told today. Hall’s job was to release and track weather balloons, measure the "winds aloft", and call in reports to Nellis.
Today Charles James Hall is a nuclear physicist, actively employed in Albuquerque, NM. In 1965-66, Airman First Class Charles Hall was Range Weather Observer for several gunnery ranges. There was nothing whatsoever exotic about his official duty assignment, and that is what makes it possible for this story to be told today. Hall’s job was to release and track weather balloons, measure the "winds aloft", and call in reports to Nellis.
What was unique about his situation was that as he was performing his weather observing duties, he was almost continuously surrounded by a group of extraterrestrials observing him. The beings would be in his weather shacks, all over his equipment, even watching him shower in his (otherwise-deserted) barracks, coming and going with complete freedom.
This curious feature of his work was apparently never directly discussed with his superiors. Did they know? Of course, they did, and they let Hall know that every person who had previously held that assignment had been seriously attacked or at least warned away on the threat of death.
This curious feature of his work was apparently never directly discussed with his superiors. Did they know? Of course, they did, and they let Hall know that every person who had previously held that assignment had been seriously attacked or at least warned away on the threat of death.
Over a period of seven years, at least 41 weather observers had been compromised while trying to perform their duties on the Nellis ranges. Some had required hospitalization and were given medical discharges from the air force, and some had been killed. Hall’s immediate predecessor in this position actually deserted the air force and moved away from the area. His buddies covered for him until the day of his actual discharge, when he showed up to sign the papers.
On one occasion they even turned on Hall without warning, grievously wounding him and leaving him to lie in the dust and die. In that desperate situation, alone and miles from any Earthly help, Hall conceived a way to save his own life.
Showing a talent for being a survivor, Hall was eventually told he could have that job as long as he wanted and was offered an officer track through the Air Force Academy and an eventual permanent assignment as Nellis Range commander (with time out for other career-enhancing assignments).
Hall’s experiences were never classified but his orders were highly classified. The reason for this mysterious arrangement is novel and highly surprising. Hall’s own explanation is provided under Correspondence in the sidebar at the left -- but it would be best to read the rest of this page before looking at that, because you will then be able to appreciate how it actually adds consistency to his story.
Hall’s experience with the extraterrestrials at Nellis / Indian Springs is too long and complex to be told here. He has published the complete chronicle in his Millennial Hospitality trilogy. The books are presented as fiction, and Hall goes to great lengths to fictionalize the locale as well as names of the characters, including his own. However, in current interviews, Hall now acknowledges that the events described in the books are otherwise factual.
To "decode" the story, simply apply the following:
On one occasion they even turned on Hall without warning, grievously wounding him and leaving him to lie in the dust and die. In that desperate situation, alone and miles from any Earthly help, Hall conceived a way to save his own life.
Showing a talent for being a survivor, Hall was eventually told he could have that job as long as he wanted and was offered an officer track through the Air Force Academy and an eventual permanent assignment as Nellis Range commander (with time out for other career-enhancing assignments).
Hall’s experiences were never classified but his orders were highly classified. The reason for this mysterious arrangement is novel and highly surprising. Hall’s own explanation is provided under Correspondence in the sidebar at the left -- but it would be best to read the rest of this page before looking at that, because you will then be able to appreciate how it actually adds consistency to his story.
Hall’s experience with the extraterrestrials at Nellis / Indian Springs is too long and complex to be told here. He has published the complete chronicle in his Millennial Hospitality trilogy. The books are presented as fiction, and Hall goes to great lengths to fictionalize the locale as well as names of the characters, including his own. However, in current interviews, Hall now acknowledges that the events described in the books are otherwise factual.
To "decode" the story, simply apply the following:
Fictionalized | Real |
Las Vegas | Las Vegas |
Palm Meadows | Las Vegas |
Desert Center | Nellis |
Mojave Wells | Indian Springs |
Salient Characteristics of the Tall White ETs
Hall has described these beings as tall - ranging upwards of 6-7 feet in height - and quite thin and frail. The skin color is chalk white. They are physically different from us in several noticeable ways, yet the most important physical aspect is that they are humanoid, a fact that is filled with significance.
Their life span is about ten times ours. They do not age as we do, but after around 400 earth years' time, they undergo a second stage of growth, eventually reaching around nine feet in height. They die of organ failure at an age of approximately 800 years.
According to exobiologists, extraterrestrials are not supposed to resemble us, as they should have developed independently via natural selection with randomness and varying environments leading to innumerable "genetic" paths. On the other hand, some scientists speculate that there will be resemblances due to the universal utility of various aspects of the human form (i.e., what's good for us should be good for everyone).
Meanwhile, a number of encounters known in the "UFO" field are with entities that can look quite human - so much so that a deep connection simply has to exist. The present case is one of these. (See Challenges to Darwinism - Panspermia, and Theories of Guided Evolution.)
The Tall Whites have a physical form similar to ours in all gross aspects. That is, they are upright bipedal vertebrates; they have human-like faces, etc. With suitable clothing, they can and do pass as humans during well-guarded forays into Las Vegas.
Their life span is about ten times ours. They do not age as we do, but after around 400 earth years' time, they begin the second stage of growth, eventually reaching around nine feet in height. They die of organ failure at an age of approximately 800 years. The Tall Whites have the faculty of speech, but some of their speech sounds are outside the audible spectrum for humans. In other words, we can't hear the sounds.
Normal speech sounds “like a dog barking or a meadowlark singing”. However, some Tall Whites can mimic human speech and in fact carry on normal conversations with humans. Some have demonstrated an ability to imitate specific humans so well that the imitation cannot be detected when used over a telephone.
They also can use a device that projects speech so that it is heard by humans within their heads. This works only over a short-range (several feet) and requires the human to turn the head sideways to the Tall White.
The device is also a language translator. According to its settings from time to time, Hall was occasionally able to overhear Tall Whites conversing among themselves as though they were speaking English.
As stated, there was a pattern of confrontations with our personnel, in which panic led to the injury and death of our soldiers. These beings are all well-armed, and they can and do kill, sometimes at the tiniest provocation. They react and move much more rapidly than humans can, so if they decide you have threatened them, you may be cut down and bleeding out without having even been warned.
Every Tall White adult carries a pencil-like weapon that can be set to stun, kill, immobilize, or "hypnotize" humans. It can also administer severe pain, and they frequently use it to discipline people who act in ways that annoy, frighten, or endanger them. The weapon's actions and effects are accomplished by varying the frequency of focused microwaves to interact with specific ions in the human body.
Although they can be friendly, they are at times arrogant and insulting. They appear to be sensitive to our social structures (i.e., classes), for example cultivating relations with high-ranking military officials, some of whom were often seen working with them, while holding lesser-ranking persons in disdain. Hall got along with them by letting them treat him as their "pet", a term they used in his presence.
In time, the term "Teacher's Pet" became Hall's code name that was respected among the ETs and the ranking military who were aware of his activities. He was selected by "both governments" to function as the point man in a pilot program to explore paths of cultural acclimatization between the tall whites and ourselves. Because of everyone's tendency to panic, and the ETs to strike with their weapons, Hall was awarded commendations for the rare bravery that he exhibited during this period.
The Tall White group at Nellis have family structures, not unlike our extended families. They often point out family members - uncles and cousins, etc., - who are living and working with them on the Nellis Base. They seem to care greatly for their children, who are growing up and being educated out there in the sagebrush.
They have what we would call serious issues over "control". They felt the need to control their pet, just as they observed us controlling ours.
In all our fantasies of extraterrestrial contact, we probably never imagined it would be like this. They are altogether too much like ourselves for our own comfort. Is that cause to doubt the authenticity of the story? Beware of that logic.
This aspect - that the Tall Whites deport themselves much as we would when establishing a small base with family quarters in the midst of a hostile land - deserves much more discussion. The point has natural interfaces with other pages in Open SETI and will connect to the Open SETI paradigm at several levels.
This will be addressed over time. (See Open SETI At A Glance and also Search Engine Results for "paradigm".)
A ripple of emotion passed through the crowd when I mentioned the star Arcturus, some 36 light years away. After a short pause, the older lady asked with some surprise, "Teacher, does Charlie know where we come from?" The Teacher replied, "No, not quite, but he is close."
When asked where they came from, they would usually evade the question by reminding him that he would not recognize the name of the place if he heard them speak it.
This is disingenuous as they well knew that we had our own names for many celestial objects and they could use them as well as they could communicate anything else in English to Hall. Typically they would laugh among themselves (in their barking way) whenever they threw this response to Charles -- their little joke on him. Charles wisely refrained from protesting.
In fact, they treated such topics as being what we would call "sensitive". However, Hall, via the telepathic link they often established with him, was able to perceive that the star Arcturus or something close to Arcturus is very important to them.
Their ultimate home maybe somewhere else. In recent correspondence, Hall stated:
I was never able to determine which star the tall whites called their home star. However, my best guess was a star that is roughly 105 light-years away.
Hall's "best guess" was most likely an excellent guess, as he had been able to figure out their route transit times from very careful observations of the different craft and their schedules.
The date of their establishing the present Earth base location is ambiguous. Hall received mental imagery suggesting they knew the area prior to the arrival of European-Americans. Furthermore, one of them suggested she had arrived here during the administration of our President Madison. However the various bunkers and interior spaces that Hall observed looked as though they had been built for the Tall Whites by U.S. construction firms sometime in the 1950s.
Hall was led to believe that they use their Earth base as a sort of waystation along lengthy interstellar travel routes, as though this were the only intermediate station for them. As Hall puts it, our solar system lies in the middle of a large open space that the Tall Whites must traverse between their home location and a certain distant destination.
But a glance at a table of distances to the closest stars from our system puts that explanation in some question.
The Nearest Stars
distance (l.y.) | name |
4.22 | Proxima Centauri |
4.35 | Alpha Centauri |
5.91 | Barnard’s Star |
7.70 | Wolf 359 |
8.20 | BD+36.2147 |
8.40 | L-726-8A |
8.60 | Sirius-A |
8.60 | Sirius-B |
9.40 | Ross 154 |
10.40 | Ross 248 |
10.80 | Epsilon Eridani |
10.90 | Ross 128 |
11.10 | 61 Cygni |
Clearly, there are many alternative choices for a base relatively nearby.
This means that if it is even true that the Tall Whites must have a base to use on the way from their home location to somewhere beyond here, there still must either be something special about our solar system and the Earth, or other choices are denied to them.
One thing that could be special is the simple fact that they like the climate and environment of the Nevada desert and would not consider any other place in our solar system. Not even another place on the Earth, apparently. It is possible that they need conditions that rather precisely match those of their home, and we are in no position to guess how widespread or rare such may be. They may, for example, require some trace element in our atmosphere.
At this point, it is worth mentioning that Michael Salla has been thinking about what the more hidden purposes or activities of the Tall Whites might be. Since we have at this time only the most tangential information bearing on the purposes of the Tall Whites, it is worthwhile for the reader in making his own evaluation to examine Dr. Salla’s statements.
At any rate, if Arcturus or something close to Arcturus may be significant in connection with the activities of the Tall Whites, it would be well to review a little basic information about this star.
Arcturus, the alpha star of the constellation Boötes, is the fourth brightest star in the sky. A spectral type K1 star, an orange giant, Arcturus has ceased fusing hydrogen in its core. With 1.5 times the mass of our Sun, it releases 215 times more radiation, a considerable portion of which is in the infrared.
Boötes is one of the oldest defined constellations, having been mentioned in Homer’s The Odyssey. This constellation has figured in other contact cases.
The following image links to a 3-D view of the solar neighborhood out to 50 light-years. You will find Arcturus near the top, well above the plane occupied by our sun. As you gaze at this lovely image, ask yourself: Our solar system is the only possible base on the way from Arcturus to WHERE?
Note that the map shows only the brightest 10% of the roughly 1400 star systems contained within this volume of space, but most of the fainter stars are red dwarfs. Every G-type star is shown.
Boötes is one of the oldest defined constellations, having been mentioned in Homer’s The Odyssey. This constellation has figured in other contact cases.
The following image links to a 3-D view of the solar neighborhood out to 50 light-years. You will find Arcturus near the top, well above the plane occupied by our sun. As you gaze at this lovely image, ask yourself: Our solar system is the only possible base on the way from Arcturus to WHERE?
Note that the map shows only the brightest 10% of the roughly 1400 star systems contained within this volume of space, but most of the fainter stars are red dwarfs. Every G-type star is shown.
"click" above image to see full catalog data on each star shown
The Tall Whites’ base seems to have a core of permanent residents but also hosts transients, such as visiting scientists. While here, they study such human behaviors as are available for observation around Nellis.
The Tall Whites obviously possess highly-advanced technology.
Hall confined his descriptions of their technology to brief discussions of their deep spacecraft, the scout craft used for travel near the earth's surface and around the solar system, a weapon that they always carried, and special suits that afforded them limited levitation and also a defensive force field.
Brief descriptions of the deep space and scout crafts are scattered throughout Millennial Hospitality. From those descriptions and some private communication with Charles Hall, simple details of the two types of craft have been provided in the following table and figure.
Deep SpaceCraft | Scout Craft | |
Dimensions | 500' L, 300' W, 70' H | Size of bus or RV |
Color | Black (Titanium) | White |
Cockpit Windows | 2 large centered 1/3 up from the bottom | Wraparound |
Portholes | 4 rows each side | 1 or 2 rows each side |
Orthographic views of generic scout craft according to Hall's description.
3D model courtesy of Magda Gemis, Samuel Michelet, and Bruno Michelet.
Hall also was able to catch at least a glimpse of a scout ship's propulsion system, which appears to be based on “fiber-optic coils” with a very large number of windings. From his observations of this system, Hall developed a physics theory that could describe its mode of operation.
The deep space ships were capable of faster-than-light travel and could take the ETs to their home star system within two or three months' time.
The scout ships, surprisingly, were assembled here on Earth with components provided by humans for the ETs according to their specifications.
From an interview with Michael Salla:
The deep space ships were capable of faster-than-light travel and could take the ETs to their home star system within two or three months' time.
The scout ships, surprisingly, were assembled here on Earth with components provided by humans for the ETs according to their specifications.
From an interview with Michael Salla:
In book two I describe the afternoon when The Teacher and Range Four Harry were showing me the inside of one of the scout craft. Many of the items, such as the seats and the overhead compartments, still carried the mold markings placed on them by various American industries such as Boeing aircraft and Lockheed corporation. The overhead compartments were obviously "off-the-shelf" items from companies such as Airstream corporation. Many of the clothing items that the tall whites were wearing were obviously purchased straight out of the Sears and Montgomery Wards Catalogs.
Yet these crafts were capable of what appeared to be gravity-free and massless operations and could accelerate to superluminal speeds (Open SETI Physics 101). They were not as reliable in operation as the aliens would have wished.
Hall noted a very important limitation of the propulsion system used in these ships: its tendency to overheat, threatening the integrity of its fiber optic coils. The need to minimize active propulsion phases of interplanetary flights (i.e., earth approaches and cislunar flight paths; little is known relating to interstellar operations), leads the Tall Whites to make maximum use of ballistic trajectories, and this, in turn, enabled Hall to correctly deduce the times of scheduled earth arrivals and departures.
In his tour of the scout craft, Hall noticed two rows of touch-sensitive buttons just inside the door. Significantly, they bore cartouche-like symbols, Egyptian-style except with more pictorial elements in them than typical cartouches would have.
Hall notes that touch-sensitive buttons were just beginning to appear in human-made systems at that time.
And incidentally, the scout craft buttons were not the only example of hieroglyphs or cartouches encountered by Hall. He describes having found a hangar door open one day, with no one guarding, so he took the opportunity to go a short distance inside. He found the walls to be covered with cartouches, oddly colored pink against a white background.
Information about Tall White technology is scattered throughout the Millennial Hospitality series. An ongoing program of technology transfer is described in MH III and in the Karmapolis interview.
For more information about their technology, please refer to the published books and to material available at various websites (see links at right).
Hall noted a very important limitation of the propulsion system used in these ships: its tendency to overheat, threatening the integrity of its fiber optic coils. The need to minimize active propulsion phases of interplanetary flights (i.e., earth approaches and cislunar flight paths; little is known relating to interstellar operations), leads the Tall Whites to make maximum use of ballistic trajectories, and this, in turn, enabled Hall to correctly deduce the times of scheduled earth arrivals and departures.
In his tour of the scout craft, Hall noticed two rows of touch-sensitive buttons just inside the door. Significantly, they bore cartouche-like symbols, Egyptian-style except with more pictorial elements in them than typical cartouches would have.
Hall notes that touch-sensitive buttons were just beginning to appear in human-made systems at that time.
And incidentally, the scout craft buttons were not the only example of hieroglyphs or cartouches encountered by Hall. He describes having found a hangar door open one day, with no one guarding, so he took the opportunity to go a short distance inside. He found the walls to be covered with cartouches, oddly colored pink against a white background.
Information about Tall White technology is scattered throughout the Millennial Hospitality series. An ongoing program of technology transfer is described in MH III and in the Karmapolis interview.
For more information about their technology, please refer to the published books and to material available at various websites (see links at right).
Where Was/Is the Base at Nellis?
It has been possible to reconstruct views of the locations of Tall Whites' operations and facilities according to Charles Hall's recollection.
Although readers will not be able to verify this information on the ground, it still seems useful to go through this exercise in hopes that it may aid in the overall evaluation of the case and the situation, to say nothing of enhancing the sense of place in a way that text alone cannot provide.
It has been possible to reconstruct views of the locations of Tall Whites’ operations and facilities according to Charles Hall’s recollection.
Although readers will not be able to verify this information on the ground, it still seems useful to go through this exercise in hopes that it may aid in the overall evaluation of the case and the situation.
To set the scene, here are two overhead views of the area.
The first image (below-left) indicates the general location of facilities in the north: the hangar entrance used by the deep space ships; and the housing facility, situated inside the Pentwater Range; a landing area and "back door" tunnel entrances to the northwest.
This is actually slightly incorrect; the tunnel entrances should have been placed farther to the east, in the mountain proper. Gunnery and bombing ranges that figured in Hall’s story are also shown.
Hall is aware of at least seven entrances concealed in the mountain canyons. The main entrance to housing is through the hangar on the east side of the mountain range. (image left)
Hall is aware of at least seven entrances concealed in the mountain canyons. The main entrance to housing is through the hangar on the east side of the mountain range. (image left)
The next view was an earlier graphic construction which did not include French Peak on the west; it also lacked labels on the main valleys. However, Hall has added important new data to this image.
A composite of these images will be placed here when it becomes available. (image above right)
Facilities and Activities
Numerous facilities and activities within the Pintwater Range and the prominent dry lake in Three Lakes Valley, known as “Dog Bone Lake”, will be described.
Relief view of the area encompassing Tall White activities
Hall is aware of at least seven entrances concealed in the mountain canyons.
The main entrance to housing is through the hangar on the east side of the mountain range, top right in the above chart. Notice the three gunnery and bombing ranges located just north of the Indian Springs area. Hall made use of “weather shacks” located on each range. The position of the theodolite at the Range Three weather shack is shown.
Hall writes (personal communication):
The tall whites had at least 5 areas of interest visible from the Range Three theodolite stand.
These five areas included:
1) The main base and its deep space craft hangar located northwest of Dog Bone Lake. It had an associated children's playground...Tall White facilities and deep space craft final approach path to the hangar at the northern end of the Pintwater Range.Image courtesy of Google Maps®. A pilot's eye video of the approach has been provided farther down on this page.Arriving deep space craft were observed to first hover or land at Dog Bone Lake near the upper end of Three Lakes Valley, then to proceed northwest to the hangar entrance, which is built into a mountainside.Arrivals always occurred at sundown, full moon.Sun-Earth-Moon configuration for approach of deep space craft.This is a rough two-dimensional representation. Sizes and distances are not to scale.Hall observed that arrivals always occurred at sundown on full moon days.
Hall believes that this configuration, with the sun on one side of the earth and the moon on the other, and the earth moving away from the approaching craft, provided the “smoothest” gravitational field through which the craft needed to maneuver.This might have been an oversimplified explanation, yet clearly, with the crafts' propulsion units' tendency to overheat, the Tall Whites were not free to choose any arbitrary entry into the earth-moon system. They needed a path that minimized the required use of the propulsion system. It is also possible that the craft were hand-navigated on the approaches and that this factor played a role.
Deep space craft departures took place at midnight at the time of the new moon.Configuration for deep space craft departures. Not to scale.Hall observed that departures to deep space always occurred at midnight at the time of the new moon.Arriving deep space craft proceed northwest, along the line of sight viewed in this image, from Dog Bone Lake to this peak.The hangar, which is also the main entrance to the Tall Whites' underground housing,is built into the top of the peak; its entrance is just below the top, facing south, approximatelywhere a patch of sunlight from the setting sun can be seen.Approaches are made at sundown on full moon evenings
2) The main underground alien housing area with its tunnel entrances and associated children's' playground....
Let's stop and investigate how much of this main northern facility can be seen with Hall's theodolite, positioned as it is, some 30 miles to the south.
There are two considerations: does the terrain profile permit this view, and what would be the effect of the telescope's optics and magnification?
Addressing the first question, the next image shows the viewing path from the theodolite up the valley. Clearly the valley is relatively flat and the high terrain in the distance would seem to be unobstructed.3D view of terrain looking from theodolite position toward the facilities thirty miles north at the north end of the valley.Dog Bone Lake is in valley to the right (east).The next image is a landscape render of the ground-level view from the theodolite stand, showing that much of the high terrain to the north is indeed visible.Ground-level (elevation 2 m) view from the theodolite position toward the high ground at the north end of Indian Spring Valley.In other words, this is the view along the green dotted line in the previous image.The peak containing the main hangar and housing is faintly seen on the distant skyline to the right of center.This image provides no information on land use (roads, etc.).[The above image] is so well done, I found myself reliving some of those beautiful afternoons when I took my truck for a joy ride up the valley.
When you look at the center of the picture , and then a little to the right, right down on the desert where the desert floor meets the base of the distant mountains, just behind the near set of hills and just far enough to the right so that the near set of hills does not block the view of the more distant mountains, there is a small valley.It was in that valley that the Tall Whites would typically post a scout craft to parallel me and watch me from a distance whenever I would take my truck up the valley for a joy-ride... as I describe in Book II, in the chapter entitled "Day with a view".
We will return to this point later. This watching of Hall on his trips north could have been for his protection, as at one point he had a nearly disastrous encounter with a government security patrol on one of these excursions.As to the effect of the telescope's optics and magnification:Deep space craft hangar and underground housing areaas seen from range 3 theodolite position through typical theodolite scope with 1.5° field of view.Distance is about 30.5 miles.“I was shocked by the accuracy of [this image], the view through the theodolite.On many, many summer mornings, those mountains looked just that way through my theodolite.”Similar to previous figure but “taken” just before sunset.Hall mentioned that his ability to see the hangar and picnic area on this mountain was best just before sunset, as here, and just after sunrise.Nevertheless 30 miles of obliquely-illuminated haze does seem to be causing a problem with seeing in this rendition.The peak containing the hangar, viewed along the line of sight fromthe Range 3 theodolite (which was Hall's usual viewing position), but only 4.2 km from the peak.The time is just before sunset. The blue/white star marks the position of the hangar entrance.The red/white star designates the location of a picnic area (!) which is what first caught Hall's attention.The hangar door was hidden among the trees and was hard to spot (through the theodolite from 30 miles away) when closed.Note: the landscape renderings on this page do not actually depict trees.Departure of scoutcraft from an important landing area northwest of the main housing area which is under the mountains.View is toward the southeast at dawn,the time of day when Hall observed scoutcraft departing with military guests for visits to the moon,which would be directly overhead.Canyons in these mountains contain at least seven concealed tunnel entrances - back doors to the underground housing.
3) Their favorite scout craft hangar and underground rest area located in the arroyo just northwest of the dry lake bed on which sat the old Range Four. It had an associated children's play ground....
This facility can be located at the very top of the following image.This satellite image shows the locations of the gunnery and bombing ranges, scoutcraft hangar, playground,and other Tall White activities at the southern end of the Nellis Range.Image courtesy of Google Maps®.
Notice the "Scout-craft Parking" area in the middle of the above image. This was a sheltered area in which Hall often saw a scout craft "parked" when he drove by, headed north.The next image shows the situation a bit more clearly...The road running north-south (note the compass rose) at the foot of the hills was used by Hall on his excursions to the northern end of Indian Springs Valley.He often would see a scout craft parked in the little valley to his right, in the center of the picture, observing him as he passed by.The craft would then follow or “parallel” Hall's truck from a distanceA closer overhead view of the favorite Tall White rest and play area.An anomalous white object or spot can be seen at left center (i.e., over rough terrain to the west).Parallax studies indicate that this object is on the ground.
View toward the rest and play area from the Range 3 theodolite position.The area is concealed between the two fingers of high ground in center of picture.
...had its hangar door dug into the southern side of an east-west arroyo.
View looking west into the arroyo:Looking west into the Tall Whites' favorite rest and play area.A scout craft hangar was built into the south (left) wall of this canyon area."Another shockingly good rendition.It sure brings back the memories.However, there is an additional arroyo that [this figure] does not show becasue of the resolution.It runs through the center of the valley.”This image was prepared from 1/3 arcsecond-resolution elevation data.
4) Two other scout craft hangars and underground rest areas with associated children's play areas located in the lower mountains in the northern parts of the Indian Springs valley. These two are not otherwise described in my current books and writings. One of them appeared to include additional food storage and processing facilities but I'm not certain of the details.
In an e-mail to Dr. Richard Boylan, Charles Hall stated,"In the 1965-1967 time frame, I personally and frequently observed on many separate occasions the tall white scout craft and the tall whites entering and leaving the valley just below French Peak. Several of the range maintenance men at that time informed me that the tall whites had at least a scout craft base dug in toward the top of French Peak."He also writes (in other correspondence):I'm not certain where the scout craft hanger on French Peak is located. However, my friends reported seeing the Tall Whites gathering grass seeds and other seeds in the fall, on the mountains that I have circled in red.
Sometimes, I also saw scout craft in the valleys below that area.
Several of the other scout craft hangers in the northern end of the Indian Springs valley were hidden down in narrow east/west valleys with steep sides. For these reasons, I, myself, would look for the scout craft hanger inside of the red ellipse as well.View of French Peak from the south.French Peak.Text describes Tall White activities in the area enclosed by the ellipse and the broad valley to the north.
In addition, the map shows the entrances to the Indian Springs valley on the west (in yellow, etc.) which the tall whites liked to use when they were traveling between Indian Springs Valley and the valleys that lead up to French Peak. They used these corridors sometimes on a daily basis.
Remember these corridors allowed them to safely travel from place to place without showing up on the FAA radar screens. I'm certain they terrain-followed these corridors up to the base of French Peak.
As Hall has explained, while their presence at Nellis was sanctioned at high levels, the Tall Whites maintained a very low profile, and tried to avoid unnecessary radar detections of their craft when operating in the ranges. Hall describes “radar evasion corridors” used by the Tall Whites' scout craft transitioning between the lower Indian Springs Valley (near Range 3) and the area south of French Peak.View west into "radar evasion corridors" used by the scout craft.This is as they would be seen from an elevated position near Range 3... in other words,a “pilot's eye” view of the parallel ridges.Craft would “terrain follow” just north of these ridges below the ridgelineto avoid detection by radar on Charleston Peak, well to the south.
The next image shows the configuration of Charleston Peak, the theodolite positions for ranges 1 and 3, and the radar evasion corridors.The radar station of concern to the Tall Whites is installed on Charleston Peak,a recreational area to the south of the ranges.The ski area, seen as a small white blotch at the tip of the labeling arrow,plays a crucial role in the Christmas Eve emergency arrival of a deep space craft, to be described below.
Radar evasion corridors as seen from just over Charleston Peak where radar is located.Scout craft would “terrain follow” behind the low ridges seen in the distant haze, beyond the foreground ridge and to the right of center.“I was equally impressed by this figure. It clearly shows why the Tall Whites preferred to terrain-follow close to the desert and hide in the radar corridors.”Some of my friends who were range maintenance men said they had observed the tall white scout craft continuing on up the sides of French Peak to another scout craft hangar entrance up towards the top.
Christmas Eve Emergency Arrival of a Deep SpaceCraft
An important episode in Hall's story dealt with his role in facilitating the arrival of a severely damaged Tall White craft from deep interstellar space.
From the evidence, it appears the problem with the arriving craft had been known by the local Tall Whites and by our military for at least two months.
As in so many of his encounters at Nellis, the landscape itself played a significant part. Hall's actions took place at Ranges 1 and 3, while the craft itself made its initial arrival at a ski development on Charleston Peak, which became a base for the operation, after being evacuated for this purpose.
The last two figures in the previous section, shown in connection with the “radar evasion corridors”, along with the figures in this section, demonstrate the geometry of the landscape underlying this event and show what can be seen from each of the ranges.
Topographic map depicting the ranges and Charleston Peak to the south.
Note that Range 3 is almost directly north of Charleston Peak, providing a direct view of the base area.
Charleston Peak viewed along the bearing from Range 3 (note the compass rose),
exposing the base facilities of the ski area.
Charleston Peak viewed from the bearing along which lies Range 1.
This Keyhole® image clearly shows the ski runs. Coordinates are shown at the bottom.
Charleston Peak from Range 1 (ground level).
Charleston Peak (center rear) viewed from Range 3, early December.
Hall facilitated the arrival of a disabled deep spacecraft that briefly used ski area base facilities.
“This is another shockingly impressive view from the Range #3 theodolite.”
Children of the Tall Whites
Notice the reference to playgrounds at virtually every Tall White facility. In fact, Hall’s weather shacks were playgrounds for the Tall Whites’ children. He especially endeared himself to them by leaving his theodolite open and allowing the children to look through it whenever they wished.
In one of his radio interviews, Hall mentions that "The Teacher’s" constant refrain was "We love our children more than you do," and in fact, if you know what’s good for you, you will open every conversation with a Tall White female by saying "I know you love your children more than we love ours."
In his interview with Salla, Hall mentions:
One of the big items [supplied to the Tall Whites by the US military] was children’s clothing. In the mid 1960s, on at least one occasion, the USAF purchased more than $600,000 [1965 dollars, as one of Salla’s readers points out!] worth of children’s clothing from the Sears stores and warehouse in Los Angeles, California, picked it up in government trucks, and shipped it to Indian Springs Auxiliary Field, Nevada. The trucks delivered the clothing to the main Tall White base at the north end of Indian Springs Valley.
Let’s do a bit of arithmetic. A children’s "outfit" today might sell for around $75. That might be equivalent to, say, $15 in 1965. Very roughly, the shipment then might have contained some 40,000 "outfits". A child might have required, say, three outfits for their wardrobe at one time. But our children outgrow their clothing. So would those of the Tall Whites.
Furthermore, since the TWs in general live ten times as long as we do, their childhood years might also run ten times ours. Therefore if an Earth child, outgrowing clothing from time to time, might go through or wear out some five sets of clothes, then each Tall White child ultimately speaks for 3 x 5 x 10 = 150 outfits. That means the order would have equipped some 250-300 children with their clothing needs.
It would be useful to determine how many children were present in the colony. If there were significantly fewer than 250 children, this would suggest that some of the clothing was for use elsewhere - either elsewhere on the planet or off.
In a letter, Hall indicates that the number of children present may have fluctuated greatly over time, but could have occasionally exceeded 200.
Since there was considerable flux into and out of the colony, children could have been taking their "Earth outfits" with them when they left.
To further help understand why there had been a single large purchase, I asked Hall if the body build or anything else about the TW children would have required special tooling on the part of the manufacturer. That could have helped to explain the large size of the order, as the manufacturer would have needed a large order to cover the retooling cost.
It would be useful to determine how many children were present in the colony. If there were significantly fewer than 250 children, this would suggest that some of the clothing was for use elsewhere - either elsewhere on the planet or off.
In a letter, Hall indicates that the number of children present may have fluctuated greatly over time, but could have occasionally exceeded 200.
Since there was considerable flux into and out of the colony, children could have been taking their "Earth outfits" with them when they left.
To further help understand why there had been a single large purchase, I asked Hall if the body build or anything else about the TW children would have required special tooling on the part of the manufacturer. That could have helped to explain the large size of the order, as the manufacturer would have needed a large order to cover the retooling cost.
Here is Hall’s reply:
As regards the children’s clothes question, remember that Sears made and marketed children’s clothes in every conceivable size and variation. The TW children were the same size as human children of the same height who are simply on the thin side.Clothes for the TW children did not have to be specially made.
Remember also that the TW mothers also make and alter clothes for their children, just as human mothers do. One night, in an episode that does not appear in my books for various reasons, The Teacher came with her little girl. Her little girl was wearing a simple frill [flounce] around the waist of her suit similar to the type of frill that little girls typically wear on their bathing suits.
The Teacher proudly informed me that she had added the frill (meaning that she had personally constructed the frill and added it to the suit - sewing, etc.) because she wanted her little girl to feel like a little girl.
The Teacher occasionally expressed concern because all of her little girl’s TW playmates her age were boys.
She stated, for example, that one reason she liked to have her little girl play with the little girl described in Book one in the Chapter entitled "In Remembrance Of Me" was because she wanted her little girl to have playmates who were also little girls. The TW little girl and the human little girl were so very similar in personality. They were both simply "little girls", even down to the clothes they both enjoyed wearing.
It must be said: perhaps the TWs had a good reason for doubting how much we love our children. Consider what they might have observed of our everyday life down there around the base and in Las Vegas.
To which I might add that the story, The Wayward Wind, reproduced on Paola Harris’ page, shows how the TWs were overwhelmingly impressed by Hall’s letter to his father, expressing love for him.
This little note to Hall’s father was so very important to the TWs that - who knows? - it might have affected our relations with them then and into the future.
Several notable points come to mind here:
The Teacher proudly informed me that she had added the frill (meaning that she had personally constructed the frill and added it to the suit - sewing, etc.) because she wanted her little girl to feel like a little girl.
The Teacher occasionally expressed concern because all of her little girl’s TW playmates her age were boys.
She stated, for example, that one reason she liked to have her little girl play with the little girl described in Book one in the Chapter entitled "In Remembrance Of Me" was because she wanted her little girl to have playmates who were also little girls. The TW little girl and the human little girl were so very similar in personality. They were both simply "little girls", even down to the clothes they both enjoyed wearing.
It must be said: perhaps the TWs had a good reason for doubting how much we love our children. Consider what they might have observed of our everyday life down there around the base and in Las Vegas.
To which I might add that the story, The Wayward Wind, reproduced on Paola Harris’ page, shows how the TWs were overwhelmingly impressed by Hall’s letter to his father, expressing love for him.
This little note to Hall’s father was so very important to the TWs that - who knows? - it might have affected our relations with them then and into the future.
Several notable points come to mind here:
They sew. We apparently share a sense of fashion with them. Where are all the little Tall White girls? Little TW girls must exist somewhere because TW adult females are present in the colony. Why did they not come here? They evidence "love" among their own kind; little for us. But then, where have we shown anything resembling love for them?
Tall Whites vs. Gods, Genes, and Consciousness
The recently published Gods, Genes, and Consciousness (Von Ward, 2004) is currently being discussed in the Open SETI Forum (II) on Gods, Genes, and Consciousness.
Since the "tall whites" contact case is the first one to be extensively addressed in Open SETI, and since Von Ward's schema as presented in his book could be used to help understand human reaction to ALL contacts, it would be worthwhile for the reader to check that forum and that topic. Participation, furthermore, is highly encouraged.
The Tall Whites represent an interesting application of Von Ward's term Advanced Being (AB). Although their technology is quite beyond ours at this time, evidence suggests that by other and less tangible measures - "wisdom", "intelligence", "moral stature" - they might be quite comparable to ourselves.
This subject merits much discussion, It is hoped that it will be taken up in the Forum.
This report never seriously questioned the authenticity of Charles Hall's contact with a colony of “Tall White” extraterrestrials on the Nellis Range. The reason for that is the generally convincing nature of Hall's reporting, however subjective that assessment may be.
If a “scientific study” is required, others may conduct one.
This editorial stance is consistent with the position taken throughout this Open SETI Initiative website, in which I assert that “contact with ET” or even “searching for ET” should never have been left in the hands of the scientific establishment in the first place. It is unlike anything that science normally does; it is more a matter of intelligence gathering, which is probably the way the most productive work in this area has been accomplished.
This report is exactly what it claims to be: an illustrated adjunct to Hall's narratives.
Nevertheless, if in the process of preparing this report, I had encountered issues or contradictions calling Hall's story into serious question, then certainly those problems would have had to be resolved before the report could be completed and published - at least in its present form.
Nothing of the kind has happened.
The next question is to consider where that leaves us. There was, as recently as the 1960s, a well-established and possibly very old colony of extraterrestrial humanoids living on the Nellis Range, and at that time the arrangement appeared to be secure for long into the future. Furthermore the relations of the colony with its present hosts - the U.S. Military and government - were congenial; technology transfer was taking place and larger cooperative programs (which seemed benign to all parties, by the way) were contemplated.
Hall believes that the arrangement continues to this day, although he has had no contact with it since leaving active duty.
The parameters of the contact activity or colony are such that it would have zero impact on our society, other than the filtering down of anything resulting from technology transfer. It seems to have been physically confined to the military reservation, although there are troubling aspects, such as what is being done with all of the scout craft-based there. Where are they going and what are they doing?
Hall's books and interviews have been available to the public for several years, and have made no impact whatsoever outside of a community of interested cognoscenti. Certainly, this report will not materially change the situation.
One would think, given the general lack of interest in this sort of thing on the part of average citizens, that nothing whatsoever is called for in the way of a response to these reports.
On the other hand, even with no more information than we have available through Hall's books, the research value of the details reported by Hall is immense... immeasurable. The mere knowledge that beings from such distant points of origin can so closely resemble us is enough to cause a revolution in our life sciences, particularly biochemistry and genetics. That is, it would be enough if correctly used.
Consider also the implication of the close cultural correspondences, such as the ability of these beings to recognize and work with our social hierarchy. “Take me to your leader”, indeed.
The parallels with our own culture are... either breathtaking or damning, depending on whether one believes they can possibly be true. This... familiarity of their cultural (and physical) styles is actually one of the largest challenges to the story, because so very much rides on it.
My position is that it is true and we would do very well to begin to try understanding what it means.
Epilog: A Possible Identity for the Tall Whites
Who are the Tall Whites? What do we mean by that question? We mean: what group of beings, about whom we may have independent knowledge, might the Tall Whites be?
In fact, there is a candidate group. In our report on the work of French writer Anton Parks, Les Chroniques du GÃrkù / Notes, we describe a number of nonhuman races that seem to have shaped our history and genetics and are possibly influencing or manipulating human society even today.
One of these, the Imdugud, known to the Babylonians as Anzu, actually are native to our solar system. They are not the famous "Anunnaki." In fact, they long ago lost a war against the Anunnaki for the mastery of this system.
Among the interesting matching characteristics of the Tall Whites and the Imdugud:
Among the interesting matching characteristics of the Tall Whites and the Imdugud:
Very tall humanoid "Nordic" with white skin Often have blue eyes Emit barking or whistling sounds Solitary Warriors/soldiers
Parks adds in private communication that the Imdugud are among the very few that practice natural childbirth and raise families. (Most use genetics and cloning and take advantage of very long or indefinitely long life spans. In other words, they are immortal.)
Yet there are contradictions, perhaps the most noteworthy being their apparent home base. Although the Tall Whites would never reveal this information to Charles Hall, they allowed him to believe it was not local, and via circumstantial data, Hall has placed their home tentatively at the star Arcturus. However, it is also possible that Arcturus is simply another base - a "second home."
Parks "remembers" that as of three or four thousand years ago, our solar system was their home base. Although they could always travel out, it was not their preoccupation to do so.
We will be tracking this new development. Meanwhile, interested readers should look at Possible Extended Contact with Imdugud, or find mention of Imdugud(Anzu) in the section on Races.
I've posted about the "Tell Whites ET's" and Charles Hall USAF office experience while on duty in Arizona USAF base back in the 1960s have always been my favor UFO research subjects because his story has very detail facts and description of these alien beings and why they are here and that the US government have been working with them for a very long time. His story is something all UFO researchers and anyone who would like to understand the truth behind the UFO cover-up and the why behind this cover-up.
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