(The Stone That Fell From Heaven)
from OrdoLapsitExillis Website
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LAPIS EXILLIS: Lost Secrets of the Illuminati
What is the Ordo Lapsit Exillis?
The OLE is an invisible college dedicated to the recovery of the Stone that fell from Heaven, called by our ancestors the "Grail." We owe our allegiance and our life-blood to the Forgotten Father of our august race, the Hidden God of the Two Horns, and his consort, the Queen of Heaven. The purpose of this organization is threefold
The promotion of an ideal, the "Arcadian Mystique," and the organization of efforts in the service of that ideal The pursuit of a mystery, that of the Holy Grail, and the dissemination of information gleaned from our ongoing investigations The provision of much-needed exposure for fellow researchers on subjects of mutual concern
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Priory of Sion and the Knights Templar: OLE's Historic Predecessors
The Prieuré de Sion (Priory of Zion) was a chivalrous fraternity created in medieval France with the purpose of preserving the Merovingian bloodline and returning them to the throne of France. They were officially founded as the Order de Sion by Godfroi de Bouillon in 1099. This was just prior the First Crusade, which was also headed by de Bouillon. Their official headquarters was the Abbey of Notre Dame du Mont de Sion in Jerusalem. In March 1117 they had Baldwin I, King of Jerusalem (who, it is said, owed his throne to them due to their efforts on his behalf) negotiate the constitution of the Order of the Temple, a.k.a. the Knights Templar, as the military and administrative arm of the Order de Sion.
Priory of Sion and the Knights Templar: OLE's Historic Predecessors
The Prieuré de Sion (Priory of Zion) was a chivalrous fraternity created in medieval France with the purpose of preserving the Merovingian bloodline and returning them to the throne of France. They were officially founded as the Order de Sion by Godfroi de Bouillon in 1099. This was just prior the First Crusade, which was also headed by de Bouillon. Their official headquarters was the Abbey of Notre Dame du Mont de Sion in Jerusalem. In March 1117 they had Baldwin I, King of Jerusalem (who, it is said, owed his throne to them due to their efforts on his behalf) negotiate the constitution of the Order of the Temple, a.k.a. the Knights Templar, as the military and administrative arm of the Order de Sion.
The Templar order, which had already been around more than a decade, was headed by Hughes de Payen, who was also a founding member of the Order de Sion. They are not mentioned again in history until 1152, when King Louis VII of France brought them 95 new members and gave them the priory of Saint-Samson at Orléans.
The Templars, according to tradition, were created for the purpose of safeguarding pilgrims on the road to the Holy Land, and they are most famous for their brave fighting on behalf of Christendom for the capture of Jerusalem. However, evidence indicates that this was not at all an orthodox Christian organization, but that their secret rituals and doctrine were much more mystical, hermetic, and occult-oriented, derived not from the Church, but from Christ himself.
The Knights Templar had quite a career after the Crusades. They basically took over Europe financially, dominating all of the major industries, especially that of money lending. They invented the modern checking system, and within a few years had all of Europe’s kings indebted to them. This is why, even though they were disbanded by the Pope and the Grand Master burnt at the stake for heresy, some people believe that the Templars still exist today, continuing to manipulate the affairs of Europe behind the scenes. The Swiss nation, especially, is believed to be controlled by them. The same can be said for the Priory of Sion, which continues to this day, according to the authors of Holy Blood, Holy Grail.
The Templars, according to tradition, were created for the purpose of safeguarding pilgrims on the road to the Holy Land, and they are most famous for their brave fighting on behalf of Christendom for the capture of Jerusalem. However, evidence indicates that this was not at all an orthodox Christian organization, but that their secret rituals and doctrine were much more mystical, hermetic, and occult-oriented, derived not from the Church, but from Christ himself.
The Knights Templar had quite a career after the Crusades. They basically took over Europe financially, dominating all of the major industries, especially that of money lending. They invented the modern checking system, and within a few years had all of Europe’s kings indebted to them. This is why, even though they were disbanded by the Pope and the Grand Master burnt at the stake for heresy, some people believe that the Templars still exist today, continuing to manipulate the affairs of Europe behind the scenes. The Swiss nation, especially, is believed to be controlled by them. The same can be said for the Priory of Sion, which continues to this day, according to the authors of Holy Blood, Holy Grail.
In fact, a number of illustrious figures in history, including Leonardo da Vinci, Robert Boyle, Isaac Newton, Victor Hugo, Claude Debussy, and Jean Cocteau have served as the Priory’s Grand Masters, or Nautioniers (Navigators.) The Priory has been credited by some with the creation of the European Union. The same insignia which they proposed for the flag of the United States of Europe in the 1950s is being used on the flag of the EU today. Former President of France François Mitterand was believed to be a member of the Priory, and many other very powerful people. They are also said to be in league with the CIA, MI5, and the Mafia. As for the Merovingians, their bloodline continues on. Through incestuous intermarriage, most of the royal families of Europe can claim descent from them. And from these royal families, have come all 44 of the United States Presidents.
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Lapsit Exillis - The Stone That Fell From Heaven
The Ordo Lapsit Exillis is named after the Stone that fell from Heaven, the fabled jewel that is said to have fallen from Lucifer’s crown during the war in Heaven, and which in the occult is used as a symbol of enlightenment - of the descent of divine light form the mind of God into the mind of Man. As such it symbolizes Venus, the Morning Star, as well as the Luciferian doctrine of the initiates, the secret knowledge which men are not allowed, and which Lucifer’s angels were cast from Heaven for sharing with man. In Freemasonry, this is symbolized as the Blazing Star, which is often depicted as falling from Heaven. As Albert Pike writes in Morals and Dogma, The Blazing Star has been regarded as an emblem of Omniscience, or the All-Seeing Eye, which to the ancients was the Sun. Masons also represent the Lapsit Exillis as the Stone that was rejected - the secret cornerstone of Solomon’s Temple which symbolizes the core of their teachings.
For us, the Lapsit Exillis is also a cornerstone, for it is the solid rock upon which our ideals stand, and upon which we have built our work. For us, the Stone that fell from Heaven provides the foundation of our fraternity, and is certainly a jewel most valued.
The Ordo Lapsit Exillis is named after the Stone that fell from Heaven, the fabled jewel that is said to have fallen from Lucifer’s crown during the war in Heaven, and which in the occult is used as a symbol of enlightenment - of the descent of divine light form the mind of God into the mind of Man. As such it symbolizes Venus, the Morning Star, as well as the Luciferian doctrine of the initiates, the secret knowledge which men are not allowed, and which Lucifer’s angels were cast from Heaven for sharing with man. In Freemasonry, this is symbolized as the Blazing Star, which is often depicted as falling from Heaven. As Albert Pike writes in Morals and Dogma, The Blazing Star has been regarded as an emblem of Omniscience, or the All-Seeing Eye, which to the ancients was the Sun. Masons also represent the Lapsit Exillis as the Stone that was rejected - the secret cornerstone of Solomon’s Temple which symbolizes the core of their teachings.
For us, the Lapsit Exillis is also a cornerstone, for it is the solid rock upon which our ideals stand, and upon which we have built our work. For us, the Stone that fell from Heaven provides the foundation of our fraternity, and is certainly a jewel most valued.
The stone that fell to earth was an emerald that adorned Lucifer’s forehead. It was cut into the shape of a bowl by a faithful angel, and thus the Grail was born. It was given to Adam before he was expelled from the Garden of Eden. Seth, Adam’s son, having temporarily returned to the earthly paradise, took the Grail along with him. Other people transported the Grail to Montsegur, a fortress in the Pyrenees, which Lucifer’s armies besieged in order to get the Grail back and put it into their leader’s crown, out of which it had fallen; but the Grail was allegedly saved by knights who hid it within a mountain.- Julius Evola, The Mystery of the Grail
"The Arcadian Mystique is the subculture that is currently developing in anticipation of [the] new Golden Age - Arcadia being a term applied by the Grail family to the paradise of this era. This subculture - which will one day become, we hope, the dominant culture - is one built upon the ideas of occultism and Hermeticism, with a distinctly elitist and pro-monarchical perspective. This culture embraces traditional values - values that have withstood the test of millennia - and stands in contrast to our current weak, degenerate, egalitarian, anti-intellectual pop culture."
- E.G.M. Tracy R. Twyman, in an interview with Wolfzeit magazine.
There is a new era dawning, a new occult revival brewing in the coffee shops and college campuses of the 21st century: one we have called the Arcadian Mystique. This spirit of the age is destined to overtake the world of art, music and literature within the next few years. In fact, it is already well underway. Witness the popularity of films like Eyes Wide Shut, From Hell, Skulls, Dogma, Stigmata, The Ninth Gate, Tomb Raider, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Atlantis: The Lost Empire, and The Matrix, all of which contain elements of the Arcadian Mystique. We are in an age in which Madonna studies the qaballah and Kelsey Grammar, who has named his daughter Mason, talks openly on television about Masonic mysteries. Michael Richards, who played Kramer on Seinfeld, was featured on the cover of Scottish Rite magazine not too long ago.
Arcadian themes show up in shows like Relic Hunter and The Adventures of Jules Verne, while the History channel is almost as dominated by images of the Freemasons, Templars, and Atlantean ruins as it is by images of WWII. High Times magazine recently featured a cover story about Aleister Crowley and the CIA, and a couple of years earlier, ran a story about the Priory of Sion, written by Robert Anton Wilson. Symbols, key words, and other elements are cropping up all over the place in popular culture. It is about to become mainstream without us even realizing it, and yet this subtle transformation is bound to have tremendous impact. It is nothing less than the rediscovery of the world’s most ancient tradition, the Arcadian tradition, symbolized by the Underground Stream.
Technically speaking, the Underground Stream referred to in occult parlance is the river Alpheus (from the Greek for source ), located in Arcadia, Greece. It really does go underground, too, re-emerging at the Fountain of Arethusa in Spain, and it was once believed to have been brought forth from the earth by the gods. The Greeks believed their gods had once ruled earth directly from their paradisal realm on the Arcadian Plains , during the fabled Golden Age , an era of peace, harmony, and enlightenment dictated by the mystical principles of Hermeticism.
Technically speaking, the Underground Stream referred to in occult parlance is the river Alpheus (from the Greek for source ), located in Arcadia, Greece. It really does go underground, too, re-emerging at the Fountain of Arethusa in Spain, and it was once believed to have been brought forth from the earth by the gods. The Greeks believed their gods had once ruled earth directly from their paradisal realm on the Arcadian Plains , during the fabled Golden Age , an era of peace, harmony, and enlightenment dictated by the mystical principles of Hermeticism.
As this era came to a close, the human descendants of the gods, the Grail families , took on their Hermetic teachings and traditions, and passed them down to their own descendants through the rituals of secrets societies. To modern occultists, then Alpheus represents an underground stream of secret knowledge passed down from the gods of the Golden Age through the subterranean Grail families and the organizational offshoots of the Prieuré de Sion - the Templars, the Rosicrucians, the Freemasons, etc. And of course, the OLE is helping to pass along this traditions as well.
Today, the Hermetic tradition of Arcadia has degenerated into a confused and conflicting collection of varied occult systems of practice and belief, most of which are more geared towards self-flattery than the continuance of a sacred tradition. And the importance of the Hermetic/Arcadian tradition has diminished as Materialism and other shallow ideals have gained prominence. Those who feel unfulfilled by the pursuit of modern ideals, and who feel something in their lives to be lacking often turn to corrupted versions of the Hermetic arts that end up doing more harm than good. As a member of the Priory of Sion, Paul le Coeur, once wrote in his book The Age of Aquarius:
Today, the Hermetic tradition of Arcadia has degenerated into a confused and conflicting collection of varied occult systems of practice and belief, most of which are more geared towards self-flattery than the continuance of a sacred tradition. And the importance of the Hermetic/Arcadian tradition has diminished as Materialism and other shallow ideals have gained prominence. Those who feel unfulfilled by the pursuit of modern ideals, and who feel something in their lives to be lacking often turn to corrupted versions of the Hermetic arts that end up doing more harm than good. As a member of the Priory of Sion, Paul le Coeur, once wrote in his book The Age of Aquarius:
...when a stream is polluted it is necessary, if you are to find the pure water, to go back to the source. It’s the same with tradition - it only remains pure at its origin.
It is the aim of the Ordo Lapsit Exillis to act as a beacon guiding worthy initiates back towards that ancient tradition, back to the source of the Underground Stream and to instigate the rebirth on the Golden Age on Earth once again. It is a process which any wise seeker of the truth would feel honored to be a part of. We hope that you will join us in this endeavor.
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Hierarchy of the OLE
The Ordo Lapsit Exillis is an organization consisting of three grades: Legionnaire, Quartermaster, and Navigator. These degrees represent the level of obligation which the candidate has taken, and therefore the level of initiation that he or she has received. The following paragraphs describe the duties required of and the benefits received by the members of each grade.
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Hierarchy of the OLE
The Ordo Lapsit Exillis is an organization consisting of three grades: Legionnaire, Quartermaster, and Navigator. These degrees represent the level of obligation which the candidate has taken, and therefore the level of initiation that he or she has received. The following paragraphs describe the duties required of and the benefits received by the members of each grade.
Legionnaire (First Degree):Motto: Ab initio (“From the beginning...”)In this initiatory level, members learn about the OLE, its works and its teachings, as well as the benefits and requirements of membership. The Legionnaire is given access to the OLE’s exclusive website and discussion group, and is invited to attend Order functions. They are under no further obligation than to pay their dues for access to the site, and to remain silent about all officially classified OLE materials, including the content of the website and discussion group. If the candidate wishes to advance to the next level, he is encouraged to spend his time in the First Degree absorbing the Order's teachings, including materials on the recommended reading list, and to meditate on the mysteries discovered therein.We especially appreciate those who can not only read and memorize material, but who can reach within themselves to find new and different ways of interpreting the material - connections and ideas hat have not yet been made. The candidate should be able to absorb and comprehend the mysteries of the OLE on a number of levels: symbolic and literal, material and spiritual. The mysteries of our Order, and a love for the essence of the Grail should infuse the candidate’s mind, body, and soul.
In addition to learning and meditation, candidates of the First Degree are encouraged to find some way of making themselves useful to the Order, at least one method of serving the Grail in a proactive, hands-on fashion. Here are a number of suggestions, although the possibilities are by no means limited to those on this list:
Quartermaster (Second Degree)Motto: Dirigio (“I guide...”)Invitation to join the Second Degree is at the discretion of the Order’s Navigators, although those who feel themselves worthy may submit a written petition summarizing their qualifications, and addressed to the Outer Head of our Order, Rex Mundi.
Those of the Second Degree have proven their loyalty to the Order, sown their understanding of the teachings, and actively demonstrated their utility by serving the Grail. They are therefore initiated into some of the inner mysteries and hidden doctrines of the Order. They also continue their work in the service of our ideals, now with greater privileges, and greater responsibilities. Those of the Second Degree have the right to act as authorized agents of the OLE, and can make business or other arrangements on our behalf. (They are given official OLE calling cards for this purpose.) They may also sponsor legionnaires that they believe should be advanced to the next level. They are given access to materials and receive benefits that members of the Legion do not. They communicate directly with the Navigators of the Order on issues of concern.
Navigator (Third Degree)Motto: Ad Augusta Per Angusta (“To holy places through narrow spaces.”)Those elevated to the Third Degree have shown extraordinary understandings, usefulness, and loyalty to the Order. They have also demonstrated their ability to keep silent about classified OLE materials, and to meet their obligations to the Order. The Navigators are those who direct the policy and activities of the Order. They are initiated into all of the Order’s inner mysteries. They obtain maximum benefits from their membership. About the details of the Navigator no more can be said.
Statement by Boyd Rice
from LucidZoom Website
from LucidZoom Website
On December 23rd, St. Dagobert's Day, of 2003, Boyd Rice formally and absolutely dissolved the organization known as the ORDO LAPSIT EXILLIS, citing internal corruption of its purposes, goals and function by core members, namely Tracy Twyman and Brian Albert, who was never actually recognized as a legitimate member by most of us. The Order was never intended to serve as a business, moneymaking organization or a corporation, nor was it ever intended to serve as a vehicle for the self-aggrandizement or self-promotion of any single member, regardless of rank in the hierarchy of the Order.
Neither Mr. Rice nor those who have resigned their positions within the order, including myself, recognize the legitimacy of the current membership of the organization calling itself the ORDO LAPSIT EXILLIS, nor do we acknowledge the legitimacy of the use of the name "ORDO LAPSIT EXILLIS" as applied to any organization or order currently in existence and claiming service to God and the Grail.
Furthermore, it should be known that the title of Exalted Grand Master as proposed by Ms Twyman never held any legitimacy in the Order, nor did Ms. Twyman hold any such title at any time. The only title ever granted to Tracy Twyman was the spurious title of "Baroness Von Twyman" granted to her by Tom Weir AKA "Nicholas DeVere" of the so-called "Dragon Court." This title was apparently so embarrassing that it was never used publicly.
Neither Rice nor any of the former members of the now-defunct OLE recognize any "Dragon Court" as having any legitimate claim to any crown, throne or aristocracy.
Furthermore, Rice has asked Ms. Twyman and Mr. Albert to cease and desist using any of his copyrighted material or intellectual property in print, on websites or in conjunction with DAGOBERT'S REVENGE or their Organization. This includes, but is not limited to, interviews conducted by Mr. Rice or with Mr. Rice, articles and editorials authored by Mr. Rice and any image, be it photographic or otherwise, of Mr. Rice.
Be it also known that any incidents of harassment perpetrated against Mr. Rice or the former members of the O.L.E. have been and are being documented for criminal and civil follow-ups.
Despite rumors to the contrary, Mr. Rice is still pursuing his Grail research and the inner circle of core members still continues to function as a self-supporting research and action team. There will be a new website and organization that will be fully sanctioned by Boyd Rice. Participation in it will be made available to those who seek to serve the Grail in earnest.
Finally, as an open inquiry to Tracy Twyman:You have decided to distance yourself from Boyd Rice. Despite his repeated requests to remove all that is his intellectual property and copyrighted material from your websites, you have refused and failed to do so.
If you are going to grandstand and make an issue of your independence and your not needing to be associated with Boyd Rice, then why not show the courage of your convictions and distance yourself once and for all? You may do so by removing his material now.
P.S. Knowledge of the Grail doesn't come with a "non-refundable fee" attached.
This statement was necessitated by Ms. Twyman's refusal to comply with repeated requests to remove Rice's writings etc from her various Pay-Per-View websites and out of Rice's concern for people earnestly seeking association with the original OLE, as well as his colleagues and associates.
Beneath the Banner of the Black Sun,
K.S. Anthony
Boyd Rice
Dragon Blood
Thursday, August 8, 2013
A Journal for the Incoming of Maat

There is an old legend about an ancient Star-Stone that fell to Earth ages ago when the archangels Lucifer and Michael first battled. Michael struck Lucifer on the head and the crown jewel fell off and down to Earth (Malkuth). This legendary stone is called the Lapsit Exillis, or Stone of Exile. The Stone the builders rejected, which ended up being the Capstone.
The Jewel has been equated with the Emerald Tablet of Hermes, as well as the Graal. It is symbolic of yet another allegorical rendition of the 'Fall' of not only Lucifer from Heaven, but of The Middle Pillar on the Tree of Life (Tiphareth, Yesod, Malkuth), which created Daath/Death/Dimensions/Time-Space (i.e. Life).
There are many links in this web of Dragon gematria. In Arthurian legend, The Stone holds the Excalibur that only 'The True King' with Strength can withdraw. The Sword is the Flaming Sword (The Spirit) being cast into matter. The Flaming Sword traced along the paths of the Tree of Life from Kether to Malkuth enumerate to 777, the number of the Divine REVELATION (See Liber 777.) 777 is also the Dragon (DRUK=710) of the Deep (Binah=67), and OVLM HQLIPVTh, ‘The World of Shells’. 7 is Zain, a Sword, therefore 777 is the triple, or 'Flaming' Sword.
The Dragon has many forms. First as TN, Tan, (from which comes 'Tanith'.) = 59, the number of 'Dragon' and 'Archon' in Simple Gematria. TN with Nun final (N=700) = 709 = Αρχη – ‘Beginning’, SERPENTS - Arche-Serpents, or The Reptilian Archons - The Dragon Kings, the Kings of Edom.
709 + 1 = 710, the number of DRUK (דרון), the 'Thunder Dragon' of Bhutanese mythology. 710 is also Ψι ‘Psi’, the 23rd letter of the Greek Alphabet, denoting a form of psychic energy. As 71 x 10 it is LAM in Malkuth, or the Dragon-Serpent LAM manifested in full as DRUK, the Dragon. SETH (Set) or SYTh also = 710, as both the name and the 'word' (hiss) of the Serpent.
The Stone (ABN, 703) + The Sword (ZIN, 67) together enumerate the Key to their solution. Only Ο Φοινιξ - The Phoenix / Ορυς - Horus, (=770) has the Power.
'I am the Lord of the Double Wand of Power; the wand of the Force of Coph Nia— but my left hand is empty, for I have crushed an Universe; & nought remains.'
The ORDO LAPSIT EXILLIS is the Order of the Exiled Stone and has the same number of the STN (Stone/Satan) itself - 769 (60+9+700). 769 is the number of THE BOOK OF SATAN, which can be obtained from Myself by mail order upon contact. It is THE WEB OF ARACHNE in the form of a Gematria Database on a CD - THE GEMATRIA DATABASE CD = 769. The Disk of Death (-Daath - Knowledge.) The ☉ - SECRET NAME which is the No word of the Beast. (666 + 103 [ALALIA - 'Speechless', Not talking'] = 769. 769 is also THE SPIDER, equating the Spider with its Web, and Satan with his Word, and the OUTER ORDER (=769) which carries the STN.
When it is realized that the Divine King/Queen-dom is Serpentine, or Dragonine in essence, the 'reptilian' nature of things doesn't seem quite so startling. The Reptilian current is everywhere apparent, if not especially so in the number 666, for זוחליהם, 'Reptile', 'Reptilian' = 666. 666 is the number of the Beast in its Solar-Phallic form. It is the number of 'Dark Matter', which is the 'The Unseen' world beyond the 'Illusion'. 666 is the Heart and Core of the Computer / A.I. System. It is then Significant regarding the situation with the 'Gray Aliens' and 'The Gray Race' which may be 'The Archons', or 'The Dragons' that the Gnostics talked about.

It is Blood that is in THE HOLY GRAIL (=769=STN), which is another form of the Lapsit Exillis. The Grail is considered the Womb of Babalon (Binah), but it also can be seen as the Chalice of Venus (♀, Netzach), and when enlightened with Sol (☉) [And Luna ☾, its reflection.] becomes Mercury, the Androgyne. The BLOOD in THE HOLY GRAIL enumerates to 945, the number of Αστρον Αργον, Greek for 'The Silver Star', the name of the Inner Order of the A∴A∴. A 'sister' Order of The Horus-Maat Lodge is known as The Servants of the Star and the Snake, or S.S.S. which preserves the lineage of the Serpent. The Star is the Star-Stone, or Ixaxaar (Lapsit Exillis) that 'fell to Earth' and spawned the progeny of the Snake. The Star Sirius is the Star of Set and it is significant that the number of LAPSIT EXILLIS is 665, one less than 666, and equivalent to Ο Σειριος 'The Dog, Sirius' as well as Αντιδικος 'Adversary, Satan'.
The Dragon has many forms. First as TN, Tan, (from which comes 'Tanith'.) = 59, the number of 'Dragon' and 'Archon' in Simple Gematria. TN with Nun final (N=700) = 709 = Αρχη – ‘Beginning’, SERPENTS - Arche-Serpents, or The Reptilian Archons - The Dragon Kings, the Kings of Edom.

The Stone (ABN, 703) + The Sword (ZIN, 67) together enumerate the Key to their solution. Only Ο Φοινιξ - The Phoenix / Ορυς - Horus, (=770) has the Power.
ThAN as (400+1+700) = 1101 = Σαχλος – ‘Saklas’ 'The Fool', which I have come to find may be a prototype for Santa Claus (E: 666), the Christmas Clown. 1101 is the number of SURPRISE, THE DRAKO ALIENS, THE ALIEN ABDUCTORS, THE MEN IN BLACK, GRAY ALIEN DISCS, THE NUCLEAR ALIENS, RPSTOVAL, Giza Pyramid, Obvious, Look For Patterns In The Alphabet.
This associates the Dragon with the UFOlogical/Extraterrestrial phenomena, as well as with the Egytian Mystery Religion, as well as certain aspects of the Abrahamic, and Qabalistic spiritual literature.
Reversed, 1101 is 1011 = SATAN, THE MASK, THE RIDDLE OF AL, THE SUPREME SPELL, THE CONCEALED WISDOM, TEONANCATL (The shamanic name for psychedelic psilocybin mushrooms), The Lord of the Gates of Matter (The name of The Devil [15] card.).
The Dragon TAN is typified by the number Ten (10), being the crowning of the Serpent. It is the Ouroboros, LVIThN, Leviathan. LVIThN = 496, the number of Malkuth, the 10th Sephira which governs THE BODY (=496) and the material world - the Body of the Dragon. 496 is also 1 through 31, the
Key of AL.
The letters surrounding the Sigil of Baphomet are those of the name Leviathan, and it is not the face of a goat as many assume, but the Dragon that is given as the face of Satan/Baphomet.
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THE KEY OF IT ALL mentioned in AL.III47 equals 992, which is 496 + 496. 1~31 (AL) + 1 ~ 31 (LA).
992 is also the number of THE ORDER AND VALUE, mentioned also in AL.II.55 referring to the cipher used in these transmissions. This is THE FORBIDDEN FRUIT given by the Serpent before the Great F13A831L74L74 of THE ENTIRE COSMOS into THE UNIVERSE initiating THE WHEEL OF TIME. This is the Key to Liber L Vel Legis (=J: 992), The Book of the Law.
The Serpent (NChSh = 358) is one less than Satan (ShTN = 359), which is itself one less than the Circle (360). 360 is the number of the Wheels, Disks (Sephiroth & Chakras), and the Soul itself. (Soul= 360 in Jewish Gematria.) 360 is the perfect-ion, The Garden Of Eden (=J:360) in which the Serpent (358) was on the central tree (1/I, 359) which gave the Knowledge to Adam at Conception (=J:360). The 'Fall' is the opening of the Gate of Malkuth, to which in the Waking State initations is the equivalent of 'Opening the Eye of the Dragon'. 360 is the number of the Hebrew דרקון - Drakon, and in Jewish Gematria 360 is furthermore the number of The Angel Of Death, TUAOI ('The Fire Stone', associated with the destruction of Atlantis.)
There is a Hebrew name for Malkuth called 'The Gate', and it is a temurah of TARO as ThROA (=671).
It is the 360 (O - Eye-Aura-Egg) of ADAM QADMON (= 311 =) AISh 'Man', a title of Tiphareth. The O, or Opened Eye of the Dragon. 671 is The Nucleus of THE DNA MOLECULE that operates in and by THE BEAST SYSTEM of NUMBERS + LETTERS.
The Παντελες ‘Perfect’ Κυριακον ‘The House of the Lord’, Παραδεισος – ‘Paradise/Heaven’.
It is all in Το Κρανιον ‘The Skull’ of Ο Μαντις ‘The Prophet’.
The Ερημιτης ‘Hermit’ knows it as the "five aspects of Typhon":
1. ThARO, the Mother of Revolutions, or Circles of Time;
2. ThORA, the Law;
3. ThROA, the Gate;
4. AThOR, womb or Mother of the Har (= Horus), the Child;
5. ROThA, a Wheel, a restatement of the Mother of Revolutions, or re-turnings, of Time.
Of these, the ThARO is the supreme grimoire containing formulae of Time and the Aeons.
There is a secret here, for Kaph is the 11th letter, and 671 divided by 11 is 61. 61 is AIN, 'Nothing', which reversed would imply ALL (also 61). In AL.III.72. Ra-Hoor-Khuit exclaims:
'I am the Lord of the Double Wand of Power; the wand of the Force of Coph Nia— but my left hand is empty, for I have crushed an Universe; & nought remains.'
Coph (/Kaph) Nia is 11 (Kaph) x 61 (NIA) - The Wheel or Axle (DOT-Daath) of the ALL/NIA.
This is the 'Galaxy', fractal and holographic, unitary. The essence of what Ra-Hoor-Khuit symbolizes, a self-oriented and aware Ba (3), or Being. Note that 61 + 11 = 72, the number of the verse in AL, and 311 not only equals ADAM QADMON and AISh 'Man', but also QOPh NIA - 'Coph Nia'. The 'Man'-Soul born of Nu + Had
Daath is transliterated from the Hebrew דעת - DOTh, and it is from the 'Dot' in the center of the Circle that the ALL issues forth bringing 'Knowledge'. This is the 'Forbidden Wisdom' which modern science is trying to formulate in terms of the 'Big Bang Theory'.
The Knowledge (Daath - 474) of Satan (359) is 833, which is apt for its position as such for it is the number of the sum of the alphabet in Hebrew-English Gematria:
A1 B2 C3 D4 E5 F6 G3 H5 I10 J10 K20/500 L30 M40/600
N50/700 O70 P80/800 Q100 R200 S60/300 T9/400 U6 V6 W6 X90/900 Y10 Z7
N50/700 O70 P80/800 Q100 R200 S60/300 T9/400 U6 V6 W6 X90/900 Y10 Z7
The GNOSIS (=833) of the WITCHES (=833) who use Gematria to EXTRACT INFORMATION (=833). 833 is Ο Μαργαριτης ‘The Pearl’, 'The Pearl of Great Price', and can be formulated as a cipher of Nuit - 5 ÷ 6 = .833 The reconciliation of the 5 and the 6, or the Pentagram and the Hexagram is one of the simplest formulas of The Great Work. 833 - NU (56) = 777. 359 + 418 (Aiwass) is also 777.

ORDO LAPSIT EXILLIS as 1009 equates with the full value of ShTN (359) as the DARK LORD. 1009 is the number of THE DRAGON BLOODLINE and Χθονιος (Cthonios) 'Under', 'Beneath', 'Infernal', 'Underworld'; referring to the nature of the Beast. 1009 is also number of THE LAM WORKING, LAM being a form of Dragon as the Lion-Serpent on microcosmic level as Spermatozoa (the root zoon means 'beast'), and a macrocosmic level as Interdimensional-Demiurgic-Serpent-Man. 1009 is the 1 in the 00, or Infinity/Cycle becoming 9. Plus 102 (see previous posts) = 1111, THE ARK. 1111 forms the X of the Abyss, the Mark of the Beast.

The Devil Card is called the 'Lord of the Gates of Matter' as well as the 'Child of the Forces of Time' because it is the saturnian material aspect of creation and the carnal bestial/reptilian impulse. The connection with Pan, as the Pangenitor or All-Begetter and Panphage 'All-Devourer' shows the formulas of Solve et Coagula resumed by the Ayin/Eye correspondence of this Atu.
The Blood of the Dragon is the combined Elixir of Kalas that coagulate to form the ShThN - Stone (=1400). 1400 is another number of ORDO LAPSIT EXILLIS, as well as THE BLOOD OF THE DRAGON itself.
1400 is את, meaning 'Essence', and see as the Earth/Universe (Tau) of the Air/Aethyr (Aleph [Final value - 1000]). 1400 is Πρωτον, First/Before (Time)/At The Beginning’ denoting ShThN before the Falling of The Blood of the Dragon from Heaven to Eartth. As such we see Ερμαφροδιτος – ‘Hermaphroditus’, or Baphomet, The Double One.

The Hermaphrodite is a form of Hermes as the androgynous double one attributed to Mercury. The magical formula of Mercury is Azoth (AZVTh = 414), which is the 'creative principle of nature' and the 'fluid of the astral light'. It is the A-Z / A-Th / A-O (Alpha - Omega) and equates with the AIN SVPh AUR, or Limitless Light. It is then significant to note that it is verse 8 of Chapter 1 of Revelation that the title of 'The Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End' is given as the title of Jesus. It is the First Matter of the Beginning (414) as well as the Perfect Stone of the End (474) and together comprises THE PHILOSOPHER'S STONE (=888). As such it is the Jewel created when Above meets Below (as seen in the number 8), the 0.
This is the blood of the Dragon. Blood in Hebrew (DM = 44) is equivalent to Fire (LHT = 44) and Water (DLI=44). 44 is also the number of ChVL, the Phoenix. The Blood (DM) of the Fire (LHT)-Water (DLI) Phoenix (ChVL=44) = 176 = BLOOD. (Note that today is August 8, THE LION'S GATE = 888.)
The Ixaxaar is one with Azerate (=692=), the Κυβος (Cube) of the THE SECRET and THE SEVEN SEALS of THE ZERO. This is the Pandora's Box that once opened can never be closed, the Malkuthian equivalent of the DOTh in the midst of Eden. This is the 'wish-fulfilling gem', or the Black Diamond of the Dragon. (Note that in Liber 777 the animal attributed to the 0 is the Dragon.)
Πανδωρα’ς Θεςη = 1458, the number of the sum of the series of numbers 0 through 9 written in Hebrew-English Gematria:
It is also THE KEY TO THE ABYSS which the smoke billows out from in Revelation. The word Azerate mentioned above is the name given to the Goddess of the Abyss, the 11th Zone, and her number using Hebrew (AZRAT) is 218. The 218 Current, known under the name The Temple of the Black Light is another Order of the Dragon, and their main book is Liber Azerate. Their aim is to accelerate the Mahapralaya, or dissolution of the cosmic demiurgic boundaries of the Universe to let the freedom of Chaos once again reign supreme. The symbol of their Order is the 'Broken Pentagram', or 'open' Pentagram which signifies the Opening of the Eye (11) of the Dragon (10) for it has 11 points instead of 10 which lead to the Great Beyond.
The Four Elements stand within the Spirit, and the Spirit interpenetrates as the 'Matrix', or 'Womb' (5). 5 is not only at the center, or belly of 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9, but the symbol itself shows a pregnant belly/womb. 5 is Hé, the 'Window' looking both ways in and out-side. As can be seen in the diagram, the Rays of the Pentagram are formed by connecting the points of the Quadrangle to the Spirit-Source. The Pentagram can be turned 'both ways' as Upright or Inverted. This same shape is found in the 'Eye of the Dragon' which is formed by spheres 7, 8, 9, and 10. The number 4 contains the complete series of the whole as the Tetrakrys, (1+2+3+4 = 10). The Τετρακτυς is 1626, THE DOT IN THE CENTER, and Crystalline Structure of Matter.
The number 1234 has been mentioned previously, but here it is important to point out that 1234 being the number of the first 4 Zones (Kether 620, Chokmah 73, Binah 67, and Daath 474.), further veils the Lapsit/Graal/ShTN/Pandora's Box. As THE NINE GATES it is the Dragon Eye looking in all directions. The Eye of the Dragon is a form of THE MARK OF THE BEAST (=1234) for it grants the Vision of the Dragon. It is THE KEY TO THE BOTTOMLESS PIT, for 474 (DOT) is the Abyss/Pit. It is ruled by THE PRINCE OF DARKNESS, who is actually LUX, or Lucifer - the Bringer of Light for Y20O780D434 in full = 1234 - Yod being the I of Set. 1234 is the Creator B412R510A111H10M80A111 and the Destroyer S360H10I20V13A831.
Furthermore, THE EMERALD TABLET (=751) as well contains the direct link to ShThN (=751) and
The Royal Lineage of Bistea Neptunis, or 'The Beast from the Sea' (both = 751). For information on the Royal Bloodline and the Beast, I recommend The Merovingian Dynasy: The Satanic Bloodline of The Antichrist & False Prophet. 751 is also the number of the elements as
I - Yod - The Spirit
A - Aleph - Air
M - Mem - Water
Sh - Shin - Fire
T - Tau - Earth
This shows the Silent Word, or Voice of the Silence being spoken by way of Manifestation; 'I A M Sh T' :
751 is also MARDUK, the 'oldest of all Dragonkind', and the bringer of life and wisdom. "Marduk is a venerable Dragon who has come to Gaia many times as human due to his interest in human emotions and experiences. Marduk is known specifically as the Lawgiver. He is believed by Dragonkind to have created more than just the worlds, but all Order from the Chaos, while being a Being of Chaos. Marduk is an extremely powerful Dragon whose steps into the Keys of Wisdom and Power have been widely documented. He is a teacher to Men as well as a student OF Mankind. He is open to contact with humans, and often seeks us out in search of forgotten or new information."
751 is also MARDUK, the 'oldest of all Dragonkind', and the bringer of life and wisdom. "Marduk is a venerable Dragon who has come to Gaia many times as human due to his interest in human emotions and experiences. Marduk is known specifically as the Lawgiver. He is believed by Dragonkind to have created more than just the worlds, but all Order from the Chaos, while being a Being of Chaos. Marduk is an extremely powerful Dragon whose steps into the Keys of Wisdom and Power have been widely documented. He is a teacher to Men as well as a student OF Mankind. He is open to contact with humans, and often seeks us out in search of forgotten or new information."
The Four Elements stand within the Spirit, and the Spirit interpenetrates as the 'Matrix', or 'Womb' (5). 5 is not only at the center, or belly of 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9, but the symbol itself shows a pregnant belly/womb. 5 is Hé, the 'Window' looking both ways in and out-side. As can be seen in the diagram, the Rays of the Pentagram are formed by connecting the points of the Quadrangle to the Spirit-Source. The Pentagram can be turned 'both ways' as Upright or Inverted. This same shape is found in the 'Eye of the Dragon' which is formed by spheres 7, 8, 9, and 10. The number 4 contains the complete series of the whole as the Tetrakrys, (1+2+3+4 = 10). The Τετρακτυς is 1626, THE DOT IN THE CENTER, and Crystalline Structure of Matter.
This is Cosmos arising out of Chaos, who Set, or Satan is the God of. Hence the Prince of the Air, and the Lord of the Earth - The Child of the Forces of Time and The Lord of the Gates of Matter.
The Lost Stone, or Lost Word - The Omnific Word - is the No Word that IS the Soul itself.
The Lost Stone, or Lost Word - The Omnific Word - is the No Word that IS the Soul itself.
...How shall he destroy himself? -Liber I, v. 00.
And in the word CHAOS let the book be sealed; yea, let the Book be sealed.
-Liber I, v. 21.
Recommended Links:
o Stones, Metals and Gems - from The Secret Teachings of All Ages, Manly Hall
Ordo Lapsit Exillis (The Stone That Fell From Heaven) is from our ancient human history past but has been kept hidden from many eyes because of what this stone has meant to meant secret societies and religious groups. My research shows it has many different meanings and occult symbolizes from many different groups. But the main theme behind this stone is satan and Holy Grail (Jesus) are somehow put together with this stone. These two articles are talking about the same stone but in very different ways, one is talking about the Holy Grail and the Knight Templars (Priory of Zion) and The Ordo Lapsit Exillis is named after the Stone that fell from Heaven, the fabled jewel that is said to have fallen from Lucifer’s crown during the war in Heaven, and which in the occult is used as a symbol of enlightenment - of the descent of divine light from the mind of God into the mind of Man. While the other article has a very different opinion about this stone by saying this,"There is an old legend about an ancient Star-Stone that fell to Earth ages ago when the archangels Lucifer and Michael first battled. Michael struck Lucifer on the head and the crown jewel fell off and down to Earth (Malkuth). This legendary stone is called the Lapsit Exillis, or Stone of Exile. The Stone the builders rejected, which ended up being the Capstone". Which makes this information very interesting and valuable for research on this topic.
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