The 'royal' bloodline / Tribe of Dan and Edomites have hijacked all the power centers of our nations in the West. We need to investigate what is the Biblical cause and effect of the Danites / Edomites running wild in our societies. To understand Bible prophecy you must know that the Lost Tribes of Israel, are the white peoples of the West , the original NATO nations.
The anti-Christ will present himself as 'Christ' (ian), to deceive 'even the elect'. But he will be Madam Blavatsky and Albert Pike's 'christ' of the serpent seed, the joining of eastern and western mysticism, not Christ-centered per se. It will be a mix of 'gods' and demons. In Scandinavia, we thought for long that the lion as our national symbol was the Lion of Judah, but we can easily imagine it is the Lion of Dan instead, that Judah, Benjamin, Napthali and the rest is outmanouvered by the serpent seed of Dan. After reading this article, and how they have destroyed all Christian customs and laws in our nations , you will see why we can come to that conclusion.
People with conscience and with the spirit of Jesus Christ in them, can not with silent concentrate allow them to kill so many people that is inherent in their plans. Independently of the religion of the peoples they have planned to outright kill and destroy, including the white race; the other tribes of Israel. God always warns people before judgment, before Dan is allowed to do their dirty work as the Grim Reapers. This article serves as such a warning, that white man of the lost tribes of Israel, MUST heal their land from wickednes, unjustice and cruel and ungodly politics, THAN god will heal our nations ( 2 Chronicles 7:14 ). The Jews hijacked the lineage of the Lost Tribes of Israel, the white Caucasians in Europe, the jews actually claim to be Israelites what they are not, the difference is outlined in this article .
Evidence of real Israel in Bible Prophesy, and end times Holocaust
Donald Trump (424) is the Gematria of "Messiah for the House of David". That is not to say that Donald Trump is the Messiah, but that his presidency will usher in the Messianic era, - for the Jews. The Jewish Masciach, the Christian anti-Christ - and the one with the most power of our times, fooling many Christians into believing he is Christian, when he is actually Jewish .
Tribe of Dan - their emblem is the Dragon - copulated with the Nephilims, and the Baal worshipers. He will go to war, and fight and kill for the Jews, and bring their utopian New World Order when they shall rule the World to it's crescendo. The 'One' they have been waiting for, for eons. See the connection between Dan and the Edomites of Esau (who God hates, ref. Malachi 1: 3 ; Romans 9:13 ) here: It is worth remembering, Dan is represented by two different paths, as is the Scorpio identified with them, the one of the Eagle, and the one of the Lizzard, the Serpent. One is upward (spiritual), the other downward (carnal).
European Royals are ALL from Edom / Esau
" And Jesus answered them," See that no one leads you astray. For many will come in my name, saying, 'I am the Christ,' and they will lead many astray. ”- Matthew 24: 4-5
The Trump surname is an anglicized version of the German name Drumpf. In Jewish gematria, the value of the letters in Don Drumpf is 666. (Don being both his abbreviated first name and meaning «powerful ruler.»).
Merovingians; 33rd Degree (satanic) Freemasons «The Tribe of Dan inherited the pre-flood paganism [Baal worship] of the Canaanites [descendants of Ham and his son, Canaan] who occupied the northern area of Palestine at Mt. Hermon / Sion. Located at the 33rd degree parallel [latitude AND longtitude from Paris meridian], the ancient tribe of Dan influenced the basis of modern Freemasonry. The symbols of the tribe of Dan are used by the Merovingian Jews, the Jewish House of Stewart and the Jewish authors of the Protocols of Sion [Representatives of Sion of the 33rd degree]. » Source .
«The Merovingian dynasty or Synagogue of Satan, which plans to rule the world from their future throne at Jerusalem, claims to come from the tribe of Judah through Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene. However, the weight of evidence indicates that they descended from the tribe of Dan. Although Scripture states that Samson's father was "of the family of the Danites" ( Judges 13: 2 ), Yair Davidy of Brit-Am Israel claims that his lineage also includes the Messianic tribe of Judah: "Samson the superman hero came from the Tribe of Dan but his mother was from Judah. Samson, in some respects, was considered a forerunner of the Messiah who will come from Judah but his mother, according to the Midrash will be of the Tribe of Dan. ” (Brit-Am Israel newsletter, 2/9/99) . Source
Do Trump do anything to progress for the ruling from Jerusalem today?
Children of Dan - Annuit Cœptis Novus Ordo Seculorum An older name for Mt. Hermon is Mount Ba'al-Hermon. See: Children of Dan - Annuit Cœptis Novus Ordo Seculorum . Mount Hermon was the port of entry for a group of evil angels, who corrupted the human race in the days of Noah. Holy Land's Mount Hermon: With a United Nation's Base Built to Deliver the Anti-Christ and Open the Gates of Hell (portal, stargate)?
“Merovingian geographical place-names and personal names were sometimes Jewish. In the 6th Century a brother of King Clothair was named Samson while Miron “Le Levite” was a count. 'Sion' and 'Le Levite' were Merovingian towns in France. Scholars have even traced Merovingian 'Salic Law' back to Judaic law. " [Bradley, p. 179]
"The Merovingian's tradition of long hair and the name Samson among the Royal House would indicate the descent from Samson and thus the Tribe of Dan." [Bloomer]
“The Merovingian kings… were called the long-haired Monarchs because they placed great value on their long hair and believed that it gave them strength. One wonders whether Samson was a Merovingian ancestor! ” [Van Buren, p. 30]. Source
«Mount Hermon (and the ancient territory of Dan. The 33rd degree became an important part of Freemasonry, probably due to a history that dates back to the Knights Templar, the French Merovingian Dynasty, and their family ties to the Danites». [Longtitudonal also from Paris Zero Meridian, not from London / Greenwich]. Source
King of Tire area .. «Tubal-Cain (Tu-Baal Cain), the sons of Lamech and descendants of Cain, as well as Hiram Abiff the architect (a different person than King Hiram of Tire), are all greatly honored and celebrated in the Masonic rituals. King Solomon, a follower of El (Jehovah), cooperated with King Hiram, the Phoenician king of Tire, in building the Temple at Jerusalem. King Hiram's father was Abi-baal, and Hiram was succeeded as king of Tire by his son Baal-Eser I. Here, in the cooperation between the Baal king of Tire and the El king Solomon may be the beginning of "strange gods" insinuating themselves into the court of King Solomon. "For when Solomon was old his wives turned away his heart after other gods" ( 1 Kings 11: 4 ) Solomon by then "built a high place [mound]" for Chemosh and for Baal-Molech. ( 1 Kings 11: 7 ) » - Source .
«Hermon is a mountain range on the northern boundary of Israel. Mt. Hermon's snowcapped peaks were a source of ice, aka (also known as) «Ice mountain». The Six-Day War not only gave Israel control of Jerusalem, but also of the Mount Hermon area (Golan Heights). » Source; Freemasonry
That is the jewish Masciach, a MILITARY and POLITICAL leader, like Barrabas, the Anti-Christ. The Jews have had plenty of such Mashiacs through the ages, all of them same loosers, all the time proved false, all the time loosing in the fullfillment of the promises, but still gullible Jews look forward for the next of this utopian promisemakers that now , yes, now, they really are on the brink to make the rest of the World their slaves, if they only support the next and present one and only of those in an endless row of mashiach candidates through the ages. Are Jews somewhat stupid or what? Never cease to believe the promises, why not accept Jesus Christ as the REAL Messiah he was, as prophesised throughout the Old Testament?
The Mashiach «The mashiach will be a great political leader descended from King David ( Jeremiah 23: 5 ). The mashiach is often referred to as «mashiach ben David» (mashiach, son of David). He will be well-versed in Jewish law, and observant of its commandments ( Isaiah 11: 2-5 ). He will be a charismatic leader, inspiring others to follow his example. He will be a great military leader, who will win battles for Israel. He will be a great judge, who makes righteous decisions ( Jeremiah 33:15 ). But above all, he will be a human being, not a god, demi-god or other supernatural being. »
A carnal man, for a materialistic carnal godless kingdom, the Anti-Christ kingdom of the Jews:
Rabbi says 666 - the Mark of the Beast =
«We do know that the number six represents the physical world. () The number 666 could thus represent the strength and perfection of the physical world, which Judaism teaches will occur in the messianic era, when the physical world will reach its ultimate purpose, to be a vehicle through which the created experience the Creator. » main.php / 277 / Q1 /
The Donald; The Danite Donald is a Celtic name. Trumps mothers name was Mary and father Frederick Christ «Fred» Trump, grand mother Elizabeth Christ Trump regarded as the matriarch of the Trump family, and was coming to USA from Scotland, born in a manger / meager hut. Elizabeth Christ Trump married Frederick Trump in 1902. Donald coming from two words: 'Dumno' means world and 'Val' that means ruler. "The Donald" means World Ruler!
Is ruling in the genes? All US presidents bar one are directly descended from a medieval English king
Read more about the World rulership of their todays Nimrods here (be it Obama, Hitler, Lenins, Trump or Killary):
Trump as Nimrod
Saint Hippolytus says that the Antichrist at the end of time will derive from one of the twelve tribes of Israel, namely from the tribe of Dan. ( Source )
«All scripture points to the fact that the Antichrist will arise out of the tribe of Dan, and that this tribe's modern location is clearly associated with the number 33. Now on the 33rd degree of Latitude, in Northern Israel, is located Mount Zion ( Sion aka Mount Hermon), and while much attention is given to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem as the location for the Third Temple, we will probably find that the demonic Antichrist and his followers will base their Third Temple on Mt. Zion, on the 33rd degree in Northern Israel! «
Their World Government parliament, the UN, is already well placed on Mt. Zion / Mt. Hermon with the UNDOF. Jerusalem is probably mostly for show, to deceive Jews and Christians and others alike.
United Nations Base on Mt Hermon - 33rd Parallel - Nephilim Port
This Jewish Rabbi says Trump is going to make America pure and good to bring about (the Jewish) messiah. America is evil but Trump is going to make it good (for the Jews), says the Rabbi. 02 /
The Jesuit Donald Trump as a Babylonian ruler is in line with Hippolytus that says:
«For it is certain that he is destined to spring from the tribe of Dan, and to rank himself in opposition like a princely tyrant, a terrible judge and accuser, as the prophet testifies when he says,« Dan shall judge his people, as one tribe in Israel. » Genesis 49:16 But some one may say that this was meant of Samson, who sprang from the tribe of Dan, and judged his people for twenty years. That, however, was only partially made good in the case of Samson; but this shall be fulfilled completely in the case of Antichrist. For Jeremiah, too, speaks in this manner: «From Dan we shall hear the sound of the sharpness of his horses; at the sound of the neighing of his horses the whole land trembled. » Jeremiah 8:16 And again, Moses says, "Dan is a lion's cub, and he shall leap from Bashan." Deuteronomy 33:22 And that no one may fall into the mistake of thinking that this is spoken of the Savior, let him attend to this. "Dan," he says, "is a lion's cub; «And by thus naming the tribe of Dan as the one whence the accuser is destined to spring, he made the matter in hand quite clear. For as Christ is born of the tribe of Judah, so Antichrist shall be born of the tribe of Dan. And as our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was spoken of in prophecy as a lion on account or His royalty and glory, in the same manner also has the Scripture prophetically described the accuser as a lion, on account of his tyranny and violence. » ( Source )
Saint Hippolytus of Rome (AD c. 170 - c. 236):
“Now as our Lord Jesus Christ, who is also God, was prophesied of under the figure of a lion, on account of his royalty and glory, in the same way have the scriptures also beforehand spoken of Antichrist as a lion, on account of his tyranny and violence. For the deceiver seeks to liken himself in all things to the Son of God. Christ is a lion, so Antichrist is also a lion. Christ is a king, so Antichrist is also a king. The Savior was manifested as a lamb, so he too in like manner will appear as a lamb without; within he is a wolf. The Savior came into the world in circumcision [ie, the Israelites], and he will come in the same manner. . . . The Savior raised up and showed his holy flesh like a temple, and he will raise a temple of stone in Jerusalem ”
There is a muslim Dome of the Rock where they want to place Salomons Temple.
« Howbeit the most High dwelleth not in temples made with hands; as saith the prophet ” - Acts 7:48 , Acts 17:24 , Isaiah 66: 1 .
Rabbis Urge Trump, Putin to Help Rebuild Temple in Jerusalem
Today the Jews and the Freemasons is busy setting up their headquarters in Jerusalem, Israel. The seat of anti-Christ. And is busy to build the Temple and reinstate the offerings to Baal & Molech in it. The Temple Jesus promised there should not be stone upon stone upon, the temple to the occultists Salomons worship and praise, was ultimately destroyed 70 years later, as Jesus rised up the bodily Temple of God where his people can find God direct, no intervention or mediators of satanic priests and rabbies needed.
The Happy-Go-Lucky Jewish Group That Connects Trump and Putin -putin-215007
Trump & Putin in Nuclear Charade?
Putin & Trump Following End Times Blueprint?
Did Trump Launder Money for Putin?
To set up World War 3 in order for the Chabads to kill Christians and the White people especially, when two persons like Trump and Putin is setting up their nations 'against each other', they are both controlled by the same. You can not have war unless you control two persons to set it up, and to control the outcome of it, you have to control the leadership on both sides. Just as Hitler was controlled.
It will cause terrible wars and destruction, death and mayhem if they are successful. They have already long since rejected the cornerstone for the Temple, " the cornestone the builders [masons] reject " ( Acts 4:11 , Psalm 118: 22 , Matthew 21:42 ). Remember their one and only primary enemy is Christ, and Christianity, the Spirit of Christ, they have wiped our nations clean for all christian symbols and values by now already, and the secondary enemy is Christian Israelites, the white race, who brought the Gospel of Christ to the World. All other nations and religions is just tools for their hatred for all and everything Christian.
Wars are Jews Harvest If they can get the 3rd World War going as a continuation of the 1 & 2, they will be able to kill off some more and easily persuade the remaining alive on the system of the New World Order, people tired of wars and killings will agree to everything to make it stop. Will Trump provoke and create such a war?
To install Trump as 'Christian' is just another way of mocking Christianity before God, making them an abomination and idol worshipers instead of Christians, and making them morally responsible. But Trump is much more Jew than Christian. You will not hear about that in mainstream media.
"I'll say it again – it's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God!" - Matthew 19:24
Tribe of Dan descendants that made their way to Western Europe. Dan was the fifth son of Jacob and his mother was Bilhah the handmaid of Rachel. The Tribe of Dan is always regarded as the black sheep of Israel, and is the tribe the anti-Christ is coming from (Illuminati / Merovingians). They regard themselves as the 'Bloodline of the Holy Grail'.
Some claim the Donald is a Freemason, he for sure give many strange handsigns, he for sure is a member of the Synagogue of Satan, just listen to his AIPAC speech ( Rev. 2.9 & 3.9 ):
To read the rest of this article click on this link:
President Trump & the Establishment (Part 1)
Is The Donald Really An ‘Outsider’? By Will Banyan, Copyright © 11 January 2017
“Hillary’s an insider fighting only for herself and her special interests. I’m an outsider. I’ve become an outsider fighting for you. I’m not a politician.”
A mong the millions of Americans, not to mention other interested parties worldwide, who were completely stunned by the result of the 2016 US Presidential Election on November 8, was the victorious candidate himself, real estate mogul, former reality TV star, alleged serial groper of women, currently presidential-elect and shortly to be President, Donald J. Trump. According to his advisers, “Trump was shocked when he won the election” (New York Times , Nov. 11, 2016 ), his victory over Hillary Clinton “caught him by surprise” as he had believed private polling that he was “headed for defeat.” Instead of elation, Trump was reportedly “startled” by the news, and then “subdued” as he “turned to the enormous task of assembling government” (New York Times , Nov. 9, 2016). Trump’s grim mood was more apparent when he visited President Obama on Thursday (Nov. 10) at the White House prompting some observers to interpret his demeanor as “absolutely terrified ”, “shocked and more somber ”, and “almost chastened .” A body language expert told the Daily Mail (Nov. 10, 2016 ), that Trump looked “serious and showed indications he heard information that made him fearful.”
Away from the White House, and in front of the cameras for “60 Minutes”, Trump regained his triumphant composure declaring he was “not scared ” by the onerous job he was about to assume. In a lengthy meeting with a group of editors and journalists from the New York Times , Trump said that despite being “awed by the job, as anybody would be” he was feeling quite “comfortable.” Other journalists, reporting on their private meeting with Trump, noted that he remained “the same kind of blustering, bluffing blowhard as he was during the campaign .” Of course, having defeated Clinton in the Electoral College (but not the popular vote, where he trails Clinton by some 2.9 million votes ), after a particularly noxious campaign where he had been repeatedly vilified by the mainstream media as an abhorrent, dishonest, authoritarian bigot and demagogue who was unfit for office, Trump had every reason to feel comfortable.
In fact, Trump’s victory has been portrayed by many commentators and mainstream media outlets as a defeat for the US power elite. It was: “a shock to America’s bipartisan establishment ” (Michael Lind); “an unmistakable rejection of a political establishment and an economic system that simply isn’t working for most people ” (Jeremy Corbyn); “a humiliating rebuke to America’s political establishment ” (Chicago Tribune ); “a punch in the face of the cultural elite, the Washington insiders and Wall Street, too ” (New York Post , Nov.9, 2016); and an “another sign that the dominant divide in the world is no longer left versus right but national versus global, working-class versus elite, populist versus establishment ” (Wall Street Journal, Nov. 9, 2016). While those aggrieved by Clinton’s loss have sought to portray most if not all Trump voters as white racists , other commentators have acknowledged that Trump successfully appealed to those voters who had been left behind by the “donor class agenda” of “liberal cosmopolitanism .” This was an agenda devoted to:
more pro-corporate transnational regulatory harmonization agreements (“trade agreements”), more legal immigration plus toleration of mass illegal immigration, and “entitlement reform,” defined as cutting the Social Security and Medicaid benefits of middle-class retirees, rather than raising taxes on the rich (Lind ).
Not surprisingly, Trump’s victory has been celebrated by those who believe there is a conspiracy by the power elite to build a “New World Order” or “One World Government.” John McManus, for example, the president emeritus of the John Birch Society hailed Trump for having beaten “the odds”. McManus credited Trump with defeating “the Establishment” and the “planners who intend to create a one-world government run by themselves” (The New American , Nov. 15, 2016 ). During his marathon election podcast, Infowars ’ Alex Jones reportedly declared Trump’s victory was “better ecstasy than bagging the prom queen”, that his “life’s purpose had been completed” and that finally, he had “won.” The American Free Press hailed Trump’s triumph as a “major step in the right direction for nationalists and populists who care about the future of America…” The Illuminati Watchdog claimed Trump’s election was a “repudiation of the Illuminati’s One World agenda .”
But this enthusiasm for Trump was neither unanimous nor unqualified. McManus, for example, caveated his praise for Trump thusly: “Assuming, of course, that he is truly anti-Establishment”. As did the American Free Press : “Assuming Trump sticks to his campaign promises…” Others, who had been skeptical about Trump from the beginning, remained unconvinced. David Icke, for instance, declared in a podcast from Estonia : “I think that Trump will be a disaster. And I think that those who have put their faith in Trump are going to be deeply disappointed with what happens during his time in the White House.” Moreover, Icke added, “I don’t think for a second that Donald Trump is an outsider…” The anti-Semitic blogger Aangirfan, who had earlier dismissed Trump as “not what he seems ”, accusing him of “conning people ” and “pretend[ing] to be anti-establishment ”, claimed that Trump was backed by “an alliance of certain Zionist Gays, Zionist Likudniks, Zionist Nazis and Zionist members of the Deep State…” This “Kosher Nostra”, he alleged, had “rigged the voting machines” to ensure a Trump victory; Trump’s only aim was to “make the rich richer ”
This Company Secretly Rules The World Part 1 (1994) Driving this wariness amongst those presumed to be his most reliable supporters, is the not unfounded suspicion that Trump, a billionaire property developer (with a net worth of US$3.7 billion according to Forbes's most recent estimate ) who once funded his opponent’s Senate campaign and donated $100,000 to the Clinton Foundation , is no “outsider” but in actual fact, a secret insider. Though neither a member nor a participant of the Bohemian Grove, Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), or any other US-based, transatlantic or global policy-planning forums or think-tanks, Trump’s key backers includes a lot of people who are. And contrary to the anti-insider rhetoric of his campaign, both his transition team and proposed cabinet picks are dominated by people who are not only mostly millionaires and billionaires , but also are technical “insiders”.
This is, of course, all very much at odds with the image Trump created of himself during the campaign as a true “outsider” determined to protect those left behind by globalization, and the virulent reaction of the Establishment, which portrayed him in turn as a vile usurper of the political order and a threat to international peace. A closer look at Trump’s relationship with the Establishment suggests a complex situation where even an erratic and opportunistic billionaire cannot truly escape the network of “globalists” and “Washington insiders” that he claims to be running against. As his presidency approaches, it seems more likely that Trump will be little more the leader of a new elite faction that seeks to temporarily wind back the globalization agenda – whilst protecting the interests of the 1% to which he belongs – rather than being a true agent of change.
Old Wine in New Bottles? This skepticism about Trump’s anti-Establishment credentials is well-founded in US political history. The spectacle of the elite “Insider” cynically styling themselves as an “Outsider”, in order to win the US presidency is not without precedent, and has been a fairly common electoral tactic since the 1960s. President Richard Nixon was arguably the most successful at this game, painting himself as the champion of the “Silent Majority” against both college student anti-war demonstrators and the “Eastern Liberal Establishment.” Though not born into the power elite, nor an early beneficiary of its privileges, such as an Ivy League college education, Nixon’s relationship with the US ruling classes was more complicated than he was prepared to admit. While he clearly was not a favorite of the Eastern Establishment (and was deeply antagonistic towards the Rockefellers) he did receive the fulsome material support of the so-called Sun-Belt or “Cowboy” elite of the Southern, Mid-Western, and West Coast states, from Texas through to his home-state of California.
Nixon was never invited to Bilderberg and was only briefly a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, but he was a frequent participant at the Bohemian Grove where he was able to mingle with “some of the most important and influential men…from across the country” (Nixon, Memoirs , p.284). It was through his access to these networks, most of it carefully hidden by Nixon to sustain his self-made image, which proved critical in supporting his remarkable political career, where he rose from a freshman Congressman to become Vice-President of the United States within six years, and then, after a period in the political wilderness in the 1960s, return to the White House as President in 1969.
Nixon obliquely acknowledged this fact in his Memoirs , noting that he had come to the White House “as a Washington insider, but with an outsider’s prejudices” (ibid, p.351). He also came loyal to the Sun-Belt Establishment, instructing his Cabinet members to broaden their staff recruitment beyond the “Eastern schools and companies” and to instead “get new blood from the South, the West and the Midwest” (ibid, p.352). Despite the regional loyalty that drove his apparent hostility towards the Eastern Establishment, Nixon still recruited from it, most evident in the pick for National Security Advisor, Henry Kissinger, a Harvard professor, a prolific CFR member, and foreign policy advisor to Nelson Rockefeller. As noted by author Evan Thomas , Nixon also “tapped William Rogers, a Wall Street lawyer, as secretary of state and Elliot Richardson, a Boston Brahmin, as secretary of defense.”
Similar sentiments have been expressed by other presidents and their advisors. During Jimmy Carter’s campaign in 1976, for example, his campaign manager Hamilton Jordan in what was intended to signal Carter’s repudiation of the Establishment, accurately predicted their roles: “If, after the inauguration, you find a Cy Vance as secretary of state and Zbigniew Brzezinski as head of national security, then I would say we failed. And I’d quit.” Jordan did not quit. And Vance and Brzezinski, who had first engaged with Carter directly through David Rockefeller’s Trilateral Commission, were appointed exactly as predicted.
In the late 1970s, Ronald Reagan, another Bohemian Grove regular, distributed anti-Trilateral Commission propaganda (Reagan: A Life in Letters , p.783), and in 1980 his primary campaign painted Republican rival George Bush Sr as a Trilateral Commission supplicant, and subsequently attacked Carter as a Trilateralist. “…I know about the Eastern Establishment and the Trilateral Commission, and I am not about to be taken over by them”, Reagan assured one concerned voter in 1980 (ibid, p.250). Yet his campaign manager and future CIA Director, William Casey, belonged to both the Trilateral Commission and the CFR; the previously maligned Bush became his Vice-President, and in 1984 Reagan hosted a reception for the Trilateral Commission at the White House.
More recently, President Obama has sought to burnish his own anti-Establishment credentials. In a lengthy interview in The Atlantic Monthly (April 2016), Obama told journalist Jeffrey Goldberg that he “secretly disdains” the “foreign policy establishment” and its apparent “fetish” for “credibility purchased with force.” Obama went on record to criticize the “playbook that comes out of the foreign policy establishment” that prescribes “militarized responses” to a range of contingencies. A month later Obama’s deputy national security advisor, Ben Rhodes, the subject of a feature article in New York Times Magazine (May 08, 2016 ), took issue with the “Blob”, his name for the “foreign policy establishment”, which he associated with those “Iraq-war promoters from both parties…”
Yet in practice, Obama was making decisions that barely deviated from the consensus emerging from that milieu of mostly Washington DC-based think-tanks, consultants, columnists, academics, and former officials who make up the Establishment. Moreover, Obama, who received a great deal of financial support from Wall Street in 2008, actually made very few appointments outside of the Establishment, as evident in the resumes of his Secretaries of State (Clinton and Kerry) and Defense (Gates, Panetta, Hagel, and Carter). In the case of Rhodes, as documented by Eli Lake in Bloomberg (May 06, 2016 ), his path to the Obama Administration was through that same “Blob” he now derided: starting with the Woodrow Wilson Center; then as an aide to Lee Hamilton, Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee; and then working for Hamilton and former Secretary of State James Baker III on the Iraq Study Group, which was “not an independent challenge to the foreign policy establishment…it was the establishment’s reaction to the Iraq War.”
The Triumph of the ‘Outsider’ Perhaps to a greater extent than any major party US presidential candidate since Senator Barry Goldwater’s failed run against the deeply corrupt President Johnson in 1964, Trump positioned himself in opposition to Wall Street, the Washington DC political class, and the broader Establishment. In his speech on June 15, 2015, announcing his candidacy , Trump claimed most politicians were beholden to corporate interests:
“They will never make America great again…They’re controlled fully — they’re controlled fully by the lobbyists, by the donors, and by the special interests, fully.”
Trump memorably revisited this during the first Republican primary debate in August 2015 , where he cited his own role in buying politicians as evidence of a corrupt system:
“I will tell you that our system is broken. I gave to many people before this — before two months ago I was a businessman. I give to everybody. When they call, I give. And you know what, when I need something from them two years later, three years later, I call them. They are there for me. That’s a broken system.”
In subsequent campaign rallies, Trump repeatedly presented himself as an opponent of the “financial elite ”, “Washington insiders ”, “media-donor-political complex ”, and “global special interests ” who had “bled this country dry”, and led the US “from one financial and foreign policy disaster after another.” Unlike Clinton or his Republican rivals, Trump claimed that he alone had rejected the “globalism” of the “leadership class .” “This election”, Trump declared in Florida , “will determine whether we are a free nation or whether we have only the illusion of democracy, but are in fact controlled by a small handful of global special interests rigging the system…” Speaking in Gettysburg , Trump vowed to “clean up the corruption and special interest collusion in Washington DC”, and to “protect American workers” by renegotiating NAFTA and withdrawing from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). Trump positioned himself as the only opponent of the “Washington Insiders”:
As for his opponent, former First Lady, former Senator, and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Trump constantly attacked her as a mere “puppet” of “big business, elite media, and major donors .” She was, he insisted in other speeches, “an insider, supported by powerful insiders, attacking Americans who have no political power ”, a “voice for Wall Street, for hedge fund managers, for the top tenth of the one percent ”; in fact, claimed Trump, “She is the corrupt establishment .” In his incendiary address at Palm Beach, Florida , Trump accused Clinton of being “at the center” of a “global power structure” that has “robbed our working class, stripped our country of its wealth and put that money into the pockets of a handful of large corporations and political entities.” Hillary Clinton, he claimed,
“meets in secret with international banks to plot the destruction of U.S. sovereignty in order to enrich these global financial powers, her special interest friends and her donors.”
It was a controversial allegation that he repeated on Twitter:
Trump’s anti-Establishment campaign was in turn, clearly bolstered by the vociferous reaction of the political and media elite. He was consistently and loudly vilified and denigrated by various media commentators, public intellectuals, and political opponents as a dangerous, narcissistic, ignorant, and deeply bigoted dilettante whose very existence jeopardized all that is decent. Trump was accused of being a vandal who had “broken” the “guardrails of democracy” by disregarding the political norms of tone, trustworthiness, knowledge of public affairs, ideology, national security, and tolerance (Frum ). Numerous political heavyweights and commentators lined up to condemn Trump as a “demagogue”; but not a run-of-the-mill demagogue, he was: “dishonest” (Meg Whitman ); “dangerous” (Michael Bloomberg ); “racist” (Daily Beast ); “incoherent” (Joe Klein ); and the “homegrown” sort who “threatens our values” (Obama ). In October New York Times columnist Roger Cohen gave thanks the election was barely a month away:
To continue reading this article from the Conspiracy Archive by clicking on this link: President Trump & the Establishment (Part 1)
Charles Wharry (Darkbird18):
This article will open your eyes to the truth that is hidden because of the dark brotherhood of darkness agenda, who is controlled by the ancient counsel of the ancient master before Atlantis. This knowledge goes back to the time went Saturn was the Sun. So prepare yourselves for Donald Trump because he is in the seat of power, which is the US.
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