(A Synopsis of the Good Guys and the Bad Guys in Space)
from a 1993 reading
Alien Agenda: Experts Uncover The Truth About UFOs | The UFO Conclusion | Absolute Documentaries
A question from B.N., of Omaha, Nebraska, along this line. She writes:
"A red flag went up upon reading the sentence on page 5 of issue No. 417. The sentence reads as follows:
"This Awareness indicates that they being able to see some distance in the future by reading an entity's consciousness, can see what an entity's potential is in regard to their plan for a New World Order, One World Government and connecting earth to the confederation, and therefore, they may take action based on their discoveries from reading the entity's consciousness, to hinder the entity's future progress."
What was being discussed here was how certain aliens do not want individuals to advance, be it spiritually or in ways that would help an individual position or power that might cause a threat to the alien agenda. The obvious implication here is that the New World Order, One World Government is actually desired by an alien nation and not directly by beings of this planet. It was stated by an implantee over a year ago that this is the actual order of things and that there are many clones in high positions of government at this time who are carrying out the plans of this alien nation. Can Awareness indicate if the plans for a One World Government, New World Order, actually did come from the Greys and those connected with them which are so often discussed in this newsletter?"
This Awareness indicates that It believes this has been covered previously, but in the event it has not been covered, It will restate, or state the issue more clearly.
This Awareness indicates the New World Order is part of the alien agenda, promoted by those Greys from Orion. The purpose being to set up the world for its future inclusion in the Orion Empire.
This Awareness indicates that while this is planned, it is not seen as the only option or alternative. It is seen that the Galactic Confederation, which includes the Pleiadians and the Vegans and the Sirius groups, are all also concerned and hoping that the earth does not become part of the Orion Empire, or the Draco Federation. This Awareness indicates that they prefer to see the earth become part of the Galactic Confederation.
This Awareness indicates that the earth is in a particular position in the galaxy and has a special value in regard to the water on the earth as well as that central core computer that was placed under the earth's surface by Orion overseers from the past, when they in ancient times had great control over this planet, and they wish to restart that computer, and reclaim the planet as their own in their network.
This Awareness indicates that there have been a number of extraterrestrial cultures who have, in the past, made claim to the planet and who have either abandoned those claims and gone elsewhere, or who have lost control of their property through war or other conflicts, so that at present time there are disputes among these extraterrestrial cultures as to who really owns the earth.
This Awareness indicates that it is not clearly defined, even though there are certain cultures that would have entities believe that they are the true owners of the earth;
the Reptoids date a claim back some ten thousand years
the Sirius groups claim to have taken control from the Reptoids
the Pleiadians claim spiritual connection with humanity
the Vegans see the earth as not theirs but as an ally to which they wish to assist and join the struggle against tyrannies from other extraterrestrial cultures.
This Awareness indicates the Orion Greys, the tall big-nosed Greys, are those who claim some kind of ownership based on their having placed a computer in the subterranean levels of earth which has guided energies on the earth through grid-lines and through certain forces that were used through these grid-lines and through their economic controls that have been handed down over the hundreds and thousands of years since that time, up till the present.
The Orion Greys appear to be in a position of economic power, wherein they are more powerful economically, and thus hold control over other extraterrestrials, such as the Draconians and the Zeta Reticulans.
This Awareness indicates the small Greys or those of the Zeta Reticuli are basically mercenaries under the domination of the Draconians, the Draco Reptiles, which are subservient to the Orion Greys, even though they have greater military power and greater force.
The Draconian forces have the ability to take control away from the Orion Greys, but the Orion Greys are such good managers of planets that the Draco Reptoids do not envy them of their job and therefore, let themselves be the military arm of the operation, while giving the economic and political control to the Orion forces.
This Awareness indicates this essentially is the synopsis of what is occurring in the overall picture of the dispute over earth. Humanity in the meantime is semi-oblivious to all of this and simply goes along on their daily pursuit of pleasure/pain behavioral lifestyles. This Awareness indicates that there are a very few people in the human population who understand much about the overall picture in regard to the alien presence on earth or the agenda of the alien presence and its overall intent.
This Awareness indicates the Galactic Command, composed of the Pleiadians, Vegans, Sirius and Arcturans, is such that it keeps a low profile, because they have not been clearly invited by all of human representatives and governments to assist humans in throwing off the yoke of oppression that will come from these Draconians and Orion forces. In fact, most humans do not yet recognize this potential for enslavement by these forces, and therefore are more concerned about what kind of health and technology these forces may give them in terms of enhancing their own particular power over others on earth.
Those involved in these higher levels wherein there is communication with the aliens, are more concerned with what they are going to get out of the situation as individual humans than they are by what the agenda has in store for the rest of humanity.
The Galactic Command simply waits with its plans and abilities and forces until the time is right for it to move in order to help humanity, if indeed humanity does seek help.
This Awareness indicates that the recent death of Creston, also known as Ron Rummell, is that which has been a turning point in regard to the Galactic Command and its understanding of the human condition, for this entity was not sent here simply to alert humanity of the presence and threat of the Greys and Reptoids which he assumed was his reason for being here. The entity also was here to find out, for the Vegans and Arcturans and others, why it is that the humans could not stand up to the dark forces in regard to the money system and the controls and power of those operating for the dark forces on earth. The entity having lived with very little income and having to depend on help from friends to keep his research going, had a very clear knowledge and understanding of the difficulties of living on earth when controlled by the money system.
It was not until the last few years that he realized the money system was essentially controlled and placed on earth by the Orion forces, and that it was a form of control over the masses of this earth plane, and it was not until the last few years that he realized this control had great power in keeping entities afraid, for they would be fearful of losing their jobs if they began to speak of UFOs or of aliens while at work.
This Awareness indicates that the control of money was even able to determine whether entities in higher places could speak out with knowledge they had learned, could alert the masses, for in all cases if anyone bucked the system, they would lose their job and have no money and without money, they would lose their home and quite likely lose their family and it would become a downward spiral towards total isolation and despair.
This Awareness indicates that when this entity was killed and moved back into contact with his Vegan friends and fellow associates, the first thing they sought from him was information on what his situation was like. Why was it so hard to do anything? Why couldn't he do more, when he knew what was going on? And his information was: "I had no money!" To them this was total puzzlement, for they do not use money on that planet in the Vegan constellation. The Pleiadians likewise, do not let themselves become controlled by a money system, nor do the entities from Sirius, nor do the Arcturans.
It is only those entities who are subject to the Orion influences who must rely and serve the money system.
This Awareness indicates that the entity Creston, which was his Vegan name, also known as Ron Rummell, which was his earthly name, gave the Vegans and Arcturans and Pleiadians the information which they needed in order to understand why earth people have such a problem in throwing off the yoke of oppression.
With this new information, they now have an understanding that they may have to be more direct in their interference; that they may not necessarily have to follow the so-called "Prime Directive" of avoiding any influence on a culture unless invited.
This Awareness indicates that they realize now that an invitation by the subjugated masses may not be possible because of the way the money system controls everything.
This Awareness indicates in other words, in the killing of Ron Rummell, or Creston, the alien forces may have sealed their own end, their own demise, in regard to the Galactic Command, which after re-evaluating its position, and its status in regard to human affairs now has reason to become more assertive, knowing that humanity is likened unto the prisoner who cannot call for help because they have been muzzled and made speechless.
This Awareness indicates that the future will determine whether this has been the undoing of the Dark Forces, or has contributed to their undoing, or whether it has helped them as they anticipated in ridding the planet of this entity, but this Awareness suggests it has backfired on them and will create repercussions against them that will be felt hard and heavy in the coming years, as they attempt to complete their takeover of this planet.
Fake Invasion - The Fake Rapture
A Cosmic Awareness Overview of the Coming Scenario
The information contained herein was received from deep trance states and "interpreted" by an entity affiliated with Cosmic Awareness Communications. (C.A.C.) Awareness tells you not to believe anything, but to question, explore, doubt, and discover for yourself what is the truth. Cosmic Awareness only indicates and suggests. |
The Fake Alien Invasion = The Fake Rapture (Full Disclosure)
Hologram Techniques to Project Pictures in the Atmosphere
This Awareness wishes to inform entities that there are methods of creating pictures in the sky, as was experienced in a Russian village, whereby certain machines are used, along with a kind of hologram techniques* to project pictures in the atmosphere upon a kind of screen created by vapor and particles placed in the atmosphere at the point images are projected.
This Awareness indicates these relating to ionized particles brought on by the machine projecting the images, or in other techniques, created by aircraft dropping fine particles and chemicals in the atmosphere which serve as reflectors for these projections. (one of the reasons for the chemtrails? ed.)
(* Hologram techniques - projecting lights into a central point through laser-type mechanism from different sources placed apart from each other, with the focal point being in the heaven)
(Revelations of Awareness 81-16)
The Alien Agenda: Coming Soon, -- The Fake Invasion, The Fake Rapture
Revelations of Awareness 90-18 Issue No. 371
This Awareness indicates that those who watch television will already have begun to notice the increase of reptilian references on your television, not only in advertisements, which are part of the conditioning process, but also in some of the more educational programs in the sense of discovery programs; that there have been large sums of money given toward the research of reptilians, just during the past few months, and that this is in part a result of the concern by those who understand the nature of the things on your plane in regard to the Reptoids and their threat.
This Awareness indicates that by studying the reptilians, and the nature of reptiles in great detail, they hope to find information that helps to deal with this threat. This Awareness indicates that it has been suggested in the Isuzu advertisement "When the reptilians come, will you be ready? will your car be large enough" etcetera. It is done as a kind of a joke, but it is also part of the preparation.
This Awareness indicates the Japanese are far ahead in terms of exposing such information to the public, having played the Cooper tapes and other UFO tapes on Japanese television during the past year quite frequently. Most Japanese people are very much informed in regard to this kind of information. It is still being withheld in the United States.
This Awareness indicates that the situation is that Reptoids are already present on Earth in considerable numbers. There are, of course, further numbers yet to come, when the timing is right for this action.
This Awareness indicates that in a time as early as one decade ago, many of your scientists discovered a planetoid moving in the direction of the Earth, toward the solar system, and mention of this was made in several of your publications and newspapers, then there was suddenly silence in regards to this phenomenon. (see Planet X - Nibiru or The Twelfth Planet)
This Awareness indicates that essentially, that planetoid has already arrived and is parked outside of the orbit of Pluto; that from that planetoid are shuttlecraft that frequently move through the solar system, to and from Earth, using bases on the moon and Mars, also Titan, a moon of Saturn.
This Awareness indicates that the Reptoids have this area already under their domain a sense, in the sense that they direct the behavior and control over the Greys and the Greys have considerable influence over the leaders of many of the countries, the nations. (years later Awareness indicated in reading that part of the Reptoid fleet on their way towards our Earth has been destroyed and crash-landed on Jupiter due to Sirian interference - Ed.)
This Awareness there is of course factions within your nation in which there is both support and conflict with the scenario of the aliens. There are many who want to prevent this alien take over the planet and are working toward that end, while others are currying favor from the aliens in hopes that by compromising with them and licking their boots they will be spared any adverse treatment.
This Awareness indicates that the purpose of this discussion at this present time is to present a rough idea of the alien agenda, for there is a chance that this agenda will not be presented in the future, wherein certain of the government/alien control groups will present a different scenario to give a different impression of what is occurring.
This Awareness wishes that you understand the agenda that is promoted before it becomes illegal to talk about any other agenda than that which becomes the official line, for this could occur in the future.
Area 51 to be Staging Ground for Alleged UFO ’Landing’
This Awareness indicates that the plan of the aliens is thus: During the next few years, more and more attention from the media and other sources will be focused on UFOs, and the publicity will become more and more popularized by the masses; especially possible is an increased focus on that which is called Area 51 in Nevada, for entities to be given more and more information on this in small articles and various press releases scattered throughout different publications, until the area becomes fairly well known, especially among those who have an interest in UFO’s, because this appears to be the staging ground for the alleged landing for the UFO’s, which will be publicity, officially announced.
This Awareness indicates by putting this in an area that is classed as secret, it can be controlled so that the press can be selectively chosen to give information regarding this landing.
This Awareness indicates that the plan would also call for, (this in reference to the alien’s general plan, which may be altered of course, especially since this is being released), worldwide attention to be brought to this along with other sightings and other events pointing to the real existence of UFO’s.
The hard-core critics and cynics of UFOlogy will then officially recognize the existence, because spokesmen from the media will have officially recognized the presence, and these critics who class themselves as intellectuals will now have someone officials on whom they can rely, and will then become hard-core believers. They will then be the main supporters of the scenario that is presented, even though it will be part of a facade, a trick, a program, to fool the masses.
This Awareness indicates it will be part of a fake invasion. This Awareness indicates that this is the reason why this Awareness has referred entities to Stan Deyo’s book Cosmic Conspiracy because Deyo presents detailed information on the fake invasion.
He has much other information that is irrelevant and of a personal position, but he does present well the information regarding the fake invasion, which he refers to as the fake rapture. It will give the impression that the aliens are here to protect mankind from a further invasion that is coming, an invasion by Reptoids.
This Awareness indicates the fact is, these aliens will already be representing and working for the Reptoids. The Reptoids will remain out of sight.
This Awareness indicates that the true invasion that these entities are protecting you against will be that of the Sirians, those from Sirius and those from the Pleiades, and those who are in fact true friends of humanity, and they will be preparing you for war against those entities who plan to come and rescue Earth from the Reptoid forces.
This Awareness indicates that it will thus be a false invasion in that sense; that there will be many who are opposed to the very entities who are trying to preserve humanity’s claim to the earth. In creating a false belief that they are fighting one group, when in fact they are actually working for the Reptoids, and believe that the human group whom they are in fact fighting against, are the Reptoids.
Kissinger’s "ET Card" -- Make Peace or Die from ET Threat
(Revelations of Awareness 96-10)
This Awareness reminds you of the statement of Henry Kissinger, after the Oklahoma bombing when he spoke and said: "It is time to play the ET card." This Awareness indicates that the ET card was used in the Peace Accord in Dayton, Ohio, and this is a continuation of the ET card.
In Dayton, Ohio, the leaders of the factions in the Bosnia/Croatian/Serb war were brought in, taken down an elevator underground, shown the remains of the alien bodies, warned of the alien threat to humanity, and told that they had to find peace in their area because there was a great threat to humanity by extraterrestrials.
This Awareness indicates that in this current scenario, it can be seen that the extraterrestrial visitation would be to introduce the Antichrist as the Messiah returned, and to some degree, this could be countered by the following scenario of what would be called "hostile forces".
In the event true Pleiadian or Sirian invasion were to follow, if the Sirius or true Pleiadian craft came to rescue humanity after the Orions had already come to the planet, the governments could say "We are now being invaded by hostile extraterrestrials and we must fight to keep them from taking the world from us! Our Pleiadian friends will help us to defend against them!" (see project Blue Beam and Galactic Overview)
Whatever the case may be, whatever the scenario may be, the circumstance will be designed to influence the masses to go along with the delivery aspects of giving their nation to the United Nations for its collective guidance of all nations, and those countries that do not cooperate and go along with this action will be gradually ostracized and possibly even punished in the future.
The ostracizing of the nations would include economic boycotts and a kind of a cut-off of any culture and economic relating, so that the nation loses any foreign trades to or from its borders, so that contacts with the nation would be considered outlawed. Eventually, the hope would be that the nations would join with the United Nations of the world and become part of the New World Order.
This Awareness indicates that in order for these countries to be thus coerced into this action, the leaders would need to be enticed into thinking something for themselves would come of delivering the country to the New World Order, and thus, those in leadership within each country would hope to gain something from the New World order personally, and individually and collectively.
Meanwhile, the people of each nation would be hoping to see something worthwhile come from their country being delivered to the United Nations and losing its own sovereignty.
This Awareness indicates that it does appear that once entities begin to get closer to this day of reckoning, more questions will be asked, more skepticism and more suspicion will be spread among the people. Rumors will fly, and even though the media of each country will promote the New World Order, there will be many people who will object and have grave doubts about this NWO and its real purpose.
The Role of the Many Half-Breeds Created from Stolen Eggs
This Awareness indicates that you may wonder: How can this be that humans would be so fooled? This Awareness indicates that there are other aspects that need to be looked at in the alien plan.
This Awareness indicates that for many years, aliens have been abducting humans and have been taken sperm and eggs and for some time, have used fetuses for their own purposes, trying to build up their own race, -- this is in reference to the Greys, trying to strengthen their own race, which is weakening and dying because of radiation that has depleted their reproductive abilities, wherein they have to rely on cloning in order to continue, and wherein they have to rely on human glandular substances in order to keep immunity and resistance to disease, and nutrients for themselves.
Therefore, some part of the abduction program of the aliens is for their own survival, but other aspects of the abduction program, especially in more recent times, in the past 20 years especially, have been to create a hybrid or half-breed, half-human and half reptilian; these being entities who can serve to interface between the aliens and the humans on some levels at a time in the future; these being created from the collection of eggs from abducted women, whom they use repeatedly, mostly from abductions that take place within the entity’s own home.
In some cases, however, women are collected and not returned, and kept in cages underground, where they are used for laying eggs, or the given of eggs, for the alien purposes. They are often implanted with sperm from the Reptoids for the first trimester, and then the child was taken to be raised elsewhere.
This Awareness indicates that this purpose is to raise an army of half-breeds who will be able to pilot the ships that have been built and are stored in great underground taverns, which will be brought out at the time of the invasion and used to fight against those from Sirius, the Pleiades, Arcturus, and others of the confederation of humans, who have a desire to protect mankind.
A 25 Million Army of Implants Now in the U.S. Awaiting the Call
This Awareness indicates that this is essentially an overview of the situation that is coming in the future. There will be announcements, there will be presentations, and official lines, if this plan is carried through, and any entities who deviate from the "official" lines will be seen as troublemakers and imprisoned.
This Awareness indicates that these entities who have been abducted and implanted will be likened to a 25 million person army in the United States, subject to the directions and control of the aliens through the implants and can be trained in further abductions for use in operations as needed. It is because of this that certain factions of the government are most nervous about the implants and may initiate a national emergency to round up all troublemakers, those who do not follow the official line, and those who have received implants other than from the government itself.
This Awareness indicates that one may ask: Why does the Alien Force require so many entities with implants? This Awareness indicates that the Reptilians do not trust humans at all, even the government officials that are working with them. They trust only those whom they can control with the implants placed within them, who have no choice but to obey, and they trust only the Greys also having implants.
The Reptilians being most cautious in their domination of others, do not leave things to chance. They also will trust and use the half-breeds to fight their war for them against the humans from the Pleiades, Sirius, Arcturus, and Vega.
This Awareness indicates that this is essentially the plan of the aliens, and it can take on various shades and alterations from time to time with the appearance of one thing happening, when in fact another is occurring, as described in this plan.
This Awareness indicates that you may well see half-breeds, --half-human, half-Reptilian, -- masquerading as Pleiadians, wearing long wigs of blond color. This Awareness indicates that there are also humanoids or human types; the blond Nordic types, many of whom work with the Greys as subservient to them. These are the Aryan race, created long ago, captured by the reptilians, and used. They also are related closely to Earth humans and the Aryans who populated the Earth in Carpathia.
This Awareness indicates that these entities may at certain time shift loyalty, but it cannot be counted on, for they have also implanted and have been subjects of the Greys, the Orion forces, or Orion Empire, and the Reptoids, for many generations; that this in reference to some of those who are referred as the Blondes. This Awareness indicates there are both short and tall Blondes. The short Blondes are dominated by the tall Blondes.
Alien Plan to Divide Humanity by Wars
(Middle East Situation a Part of This)
This Awareness indicates that there are a number of human types and some are more allied with the aliens; others are more allied with the humans and Pleiadian and Sirius types.
This Awareness indicates that it also appears that part of the alien plan is to divide humanity, to lead humanity into a conquest, one group over another, so as to keep humanity weakened as much as possible with war and violence.
This Awareness indicates that this is in part what some of the energy is about in the Middle East, and it is very likely that this will continue for some time.
Alien Plan for the One World Government
Another aspect that is occurring, has to do with the effort by some to unify the world into a One World Government. This is part of the plan also, to unify the world into a One World Government with the argument that only by joining together can humanity defeat the invasion of the Reptoids.
This Awareness indicates this is designed to bring about the One World Government. It would be to the benefit of either side for humanity to be more united in a sense, thus, the alien plan would like to see united humanity that obeys their own plan and dictates, but those in government who are attempting to break out of the trap would like to see the One World Government, wherein entities can unite as humans, to fight the invaders.
The UFO Phenomena
(Revelations of Awareness 81-16)
This Awareness indicates that the plan would call for entities to be in such a chaotic confusion and to be open and willing to receive space visitors who would put things in order so that entities will gladly turn over their lives, their governments, and their rights to these entities so that the "New World Order" can be established by these so-called ’space beings’ for the benefit of mankind in the future.
This Awareness indicates, however, that the plan is a plan of the Alien Force for the purpose of setting up the "New World Order" that is the One World Government, which is not so concerned about giving freedom to all, but rather is concerned to have power over all nations. ( This Awareness indicates that there are also other forces that counter this plan; these being true space people, and others who are working upon this plane for the more highly motivated purposes).
This Awareness indicates that essentially, there are many of these UFO organizations which have been set up to condition the masses into thinking that all space people or UFO people are higher spiritual beings; therefore, if you see one of these, simply give yourself to them in a devotional manner, for these are Angels of God come to rescue you from the problems of the world.
This Awareness indicates that essentially, this is the programming that many of these organizations seek to present; but essentially, there are both alien and beneficial types in various situations whereby some of these UFO beings serve the Dark Forces and some serve the Forces of Light.
This Awareness indicates that it is necessary for entities to be ever and always watchful in terms of their liberties and freedoms. That you do not give away to strangers who walk out of dark alleys, who stand behind the counter at your bank, who ask for your thumbprint at the market, who seek your private information, who ask for your personal data, or who ask that you support a program, or who come to you from outer space, or who stand in pulpits and tell you how to think.
That any of these and many others may be telling the truth or maybe seeking to take away your priceless liberties, and you must be ever and always watchful.
Part 2
A Cosmic View of How Reptoids are Created
This Awareness wishes to proceed to another step or level of understanding the present situation. This Awareness indicates that from a cosmic point of view, all entities are aspects of this Awareness, whether they be alien to earth, inhabitants of the earth, or whether they be from other planets or systems, or other planes of existence; all are aspects of the Universal Consciousness, a consciousness that resides throughout the universe in all things.
This Awareness indicates that when consciousness began to divide and fragment, each fragment took on its own unique appearance. Many of these fragments then divided further and created multitudes of fragmented beings similar to each other. Other fragments of the original group are divided into multiple fragments, creating multitudes of other beings, having different features, different from the first fragmented group. For example, those of the Reptilian types and those of the human types came from different fragments of consciousness.
This Awareness indicates that in the sense of polarity, such as a line of a magnet or magnetic bar, the positive pole on one end and the negative pole on the other end; if this bar were made of light or consciousness, and one end of that bar was to develop faster than the other end, the faster-growing end would become the head, the other end the tail.
Now, if the positive end of the bar became the head, it would result in a creature different from the bar in which the negative end became the head.
This Awareness is speaking in terms of molecule levels, also in terms of galactic and stellar levels, and in terms of universal levels; that whatever creature is created it has a positive and a negative side, and one side is energized more than the other. The positive side, if energized more, becomes the head, and the negative side, if energized more, becomes the head.
The Reptoids were born out of the negative end of such polarized energy, and the mammals were born out of the positive side of such energies, and they are, of course, many degrees in between. Thus, you see the cat with its cat eyes having certain qualities similar to that of the Reptoids and Greys and the dog with its round eyes and round pupils having certain qualities and facial features more akin to that of the human.
Of course, the monkeys and anthropoid types are even closer to human shapes and forms and, of course, the serpents and reptiles are closer to the Reptoid forms and shapes.
This Awareness indicates that many entities have been conditioned to believe that man evolved out of the animal; that the energies of evolution coming up from the animal led to the creation of mankind, of humankind.
This Awareness suggests that essentially, it was the opposite; that out of consciousness came rays of energy, split and divided like that from a prism, wherein light broke into various colors and light itself carrying consciousness, unique to its own vibration and color, then again began to split, created still further aspects of being, which again split, carrying further aspects of being, which aspects again split and continued ad infinitum.
This Awareness indicates that the animals essentially are cast off from the consciousness of humans and other higher creatures, and split in consciousness that occurred as this big bang of consciousness occurred, creating all the reflections moving down into greater and greater fragmentation.
Thus, the Creators, the Creator was the consciousness, but the gods that took on the form were partly the next aspect of that Creator, and subsequently came the plants and animals that followed as consciousness splintered and fragmented further.
Darwin’s Theory is Backwards
This Awareness indicates that Darwin’s theory that it all started out "here" somewhere, with multitudes of atoms combining into molecules, combining into living cells, splitting and becoming larger celled creatures, eventually evolving into small amoebae and further evolved creatures, is simply backward of the actual creation.
This Awareness indicates the humanoid type creations occurred close to the beginning, even before there were plants, but these creations did not move into form, in the density levels of physical form, until quite sometime later, after the big bang of consciousness, wherein a cooling process took place, in the sense that the vibrations slowed down sufficiently to create a flux of energy that can be classed as physical form.
This Awareness indicates that even the physical form that you recognize is only solid for your own perceptions, the levels of your perception. It is possible that if you were to move into other frequencies you would pass right through physical forms without being hindered or stopped by them. Were you at such a frequency, it would be the same for you.
This Awareness indicates that therefore, in this sense, the Reptoids came from a different ray than that of the humans or that of other creatures or creators, and though they have shared in the universe together, they are of such difference in their makeup that they tend to be incompatible. The humans would be extremely distraught at seeing a Reptoid, and a Reptoid would look on the human with great attempt as an individual and see it only as something worthwhile in the sense of its usefulness to the Reptoid.
This Awareness indicates that with this understanding, it must also be understood that the fragmentation that started everything also was accompanied by physics principles, - principles of light and consciousness of a universal nature that will not allow the origin and source of one’s creation to be totally forgotten. Thus, each tends to develop at some stage the realization of one’s own source and the spiritual evolution sufficient to take the entity back to the recognition of the oneness of all things.
This Awareness indicates that entities can have a sense of the oneness of all things, realizing that all is one, and still be eaten by an aspect of consciousness in the sense that their own form may be devoured by the form created from another aspect of consciousness.
This Awareness indicates that the spiritual recognition of oneness does not guarantee that everyone will leave everyone else alone. It simply acknowledges that the forms are not the ultimate reality and that the ultimate reality is what really matters. This Awareness indicates that everyone can cling to their own shape and individuality and form as much as possible, but it may not prevent you from losing that form.
What is truly important is that you recognize your consciousness is eternal and endures forever, that consciousness is universal, and that you can hold and cling to universal consciousness regardless of what is occurring to your form.
It is as Kapila taught:
You may be the tree on the bank or you may be the river. If you are the tree on the bank, you may be washed away. If you are the bank, you may be eroded. If you are the river, you go on and on.
If you are the physical body, it may be chopped down and washed away with time. If you are the bank of information holding knowledge and wisdom, things of importance to you, you may be eroded and washed away with time; but if you are consciousness, Universal Consciousness, and identify yourself with Universal Consciousness, then whatever happens to the body or to your knowledge matters little in so far as your own being is concerned, for you will endure forever as consciousness.
(Revelations Awareness 90-18/NO. 371)
The Value of Humanity
The value of humanity is not in what humanity has done, but in its potential, yet unknown, for humanity’s potential is on the brink of expressing itself, and, if surviving, will soon reach a state of expression that will be as the expression of divinity. It will be associated with angelic powers. It is only a matter of time.
The difference between humanity and the Reptilian or Reptoid types is that humanity is accompanied by the evolutionary growth and development of compassion, while the Reptoids have stripped away compassion from their being and have become technologically cold, efficient, powerful.
Reptoids are Spiritually Bankrupt Beings
(Revelations Awareness 91-16/NO.391)
They have great power. They have great technology. They are extremely efficient in what they do, but they lack compassion. They do not care for others, even among their own rank in the way that humans care.
This Awareness indicates that they are spiritually bankrupt, whereas humans are on the brink of spiritual abundance. It is so close, and when it comes, human powers will excel and exceed the technologies available to those Reptoids, for the spiritual powers will allow humans with their mentality and consciousness to have domination over those technological powers of the Reptoids.
This Awareness indicates it is not such a matter of good or evil, it is a matter of returning to the source, to the original consciousness from whence all came, and the Reptoids are at the extreme opposite end and have no direction to go except to return, and the humans are now close to Cosmic Consciousness. It will be but a matter of time before humans, in the collective consciousness, can have greater power without touching the Reptoids with all of their technologies.
Why Reptoids and Sirians have legitimate claims to the human race
The Sirians were masters of genetic engineering and as mentioned in the Sitchin books The Earth Chronicles, helped to bring about the creation of the Cro-Magnon man through these genetic engineering experiments, much earlier in the history of mankind, using genetic engineering from mammals mixed with the earlier genetic mutation brought on by the Dragon, or Draco Reptoids along with their engineering of the Neanderthal types.
That by adding the engineering of the mammalian brain over the Reptoid brain, the Sirians managed to create a more evolved humanoid; the Cro-Magnon or upright man, known as the Homo Erectus, or Erect Human. It is for this reason that both have legitimate claims to the human race and to the ownership of the Earth, at least legitimate in terms of the argument.
They each feel some legitimacy to their claims. Of course, the humans, for the most part, would prefer their Sirian cousins over the Reptoid cousins or grandfathers, but there is a claim by Reptoid creatures for their argument that they were the original creators of humans, although their creation was intended for the purpose of enslaving the creature for work in mines and in the field for the gold, and the Sirian action was that which disrupted their enslavement plans for the creation and it altered the nature of the humanoid so that the humanoid could evolve and have similar qualities of thought to those who were by those humanoids considered as gods.
The Ultimate Security of Humans
(Put Away that Fear and Terror)
This Awareness indicates you may see your body, you may see your knowledge as a costume. The body is but a costume, covering your consciousness. The knowledge is but a script that you use to portray in this life, but your consciousness is you, and you endure as that great actor, or actress in consciousness, regardless of what happens to the role or to the costume.
This Awareness indicates that this is the ultimate security.
This Awareness indicates that It wishes you to have all kinds of ultimate security so that when threats come into your consciousness when your role is threatened, when all the body of knowledge that is accumulated in your experiences is seen as a script for this life, and when the physical body that you have acquired through nurturing, eating exercising and attending, is available to you, and when these two things are threatened with extinction, you may wish to preserve them, and you may do all you can to preserve them, but it is important that you not be terrorized inside if they are threatened, for your consciousness endures, and that consciousness is the ultimate you, for these things, are your past life when the curtain is drawn, and you may have future lives and roles and scripts for you.
This Awareness indicates you no longer are terrorized or threatened or fearful or worried about the previous life that you lived when things didn’t go well, and again, it may occur that when this lifetime loses, when this play is over, you may lament and be saddened to see this end: the final curtain of one great glorious play, but it is only the beginning of the next great play yet to come.
This Awareness suggests therefore that you put away terror and fear regarding your life and death. Get into living fully; living your life to the fullest in accordance with the values that are the Highest and Best and not those that are based on fear and terror, for those values that are based on fear and terror tend to drag down the soul, tend to weaken the soul, tend to diminish your capacity and ability to serve as true deities whom you can be, whom you descended from, whom you truly are when you rise above the petty self.
This Awareness indicates your Higher Self IS Cosmic Consciousness. Become cosmically conscious and you will have no further fear. You will be guided to play the role you are most needed for in this lifetime. You will be guided to discover the knowledge, to witness, to share the knowledge, to help others gain the knowledge they need to develop their Higher Self.
The Kahuna Ring
This Awareness indicates that the 4th aspect of this alien scenario has to do with the fact that the aliens do not understand spiritual values. They are becoming curious and have some fear of humans who are highly spiritual, and they are weakened in the face of highly spiritual energies and tend to back off when the human is strongly motivated and assertive in his or her beliefs.
This Awareness indicates that at some time in the past, approximately in the early 70’s or late 60’s rather, this Awareness gave information on establishing the Kahuna Ring around the Earth, out in space, to protect against war and violence that was ravaging the earth, and to call upon the Kahuna Ring to enlighten the masses, and to give strength to those who were trying to awaken the masses to a greater and higher spiritual understanding.
This Awareness indicates that to establish this Kahuna Ring, It asked entities to meditate periodically so that there was someone meditating at all times on the Kahuna Ring, helping to establish and form it and energize it. This Awareness indicates that this went on for approximately a year, in which there were entities meditating at different times around the Earth, energizing and maintaining the Kahuna Ring
The Power of Light - A count of 144
From our file "The Lord’s Prayer"
This Awareness indicates also that It wishes you to not only meditate, 15 minutes daily, at times you set for yourself, but to begin each meditation with a count of 144. This being a mystical number associated with Light frequencies.
This Awareness indicates the aliens are well aware of the power of Light. They use it in their technology, but they are not used to using it in drawing in spiritual Light. By counting 144 with the intention of drawing in spiritual Light to this planet, it will have a profound and powerful effect in reducing the strength of negative technology used by the aliens, and it will strengthen the spirituality of humans so that they can find for themselves the inner guidance, and inner strength and spiritual unity to deal with the difficulties that are coming.
This Awareness indicates it will also diminish much of the violence that is occurring on Earth in your cities, streets, and in the areas of conflict around the world conflict around the world
(Revelations of Awareness 90-18 issue no. 371)
"This Awareness wishes entities to look toward each other and cease finding the flaw in each other’s eyes and look for the Divine Light that rests behind those eyes, that you may communicates with one another as gods.
This Awareness wishes entities to cease being gods of power and begin being gods of mercy and love."
The NWO Agenda is the Alien Agenda
by Makia Freeman
October 28, 2015
from TheFreedomArticles Website
Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative news / independent media site The Freedom Articles and senior researcher at, writing on many aspects of truth and freedom, from exposing aspects of the global conspiracy to suggesting solutions for how humanity can create a new system of peace and abundance. |
The New World Order agenda
is the alien agenda as the late Phil Schneider said.
The trail to the top of the NWO pyramid
goes off-planet to Extraterrestrials… and beyond.
UFO Strefa 51 - 4/8 Phil Schneider Sep. 1995 - The Alien Agenda
The New World Order agenda is the alien agenda, as the late whistleblower Phil Schneider once said.
Many are too afraid to touch on the topic of aliens for fear of losing popularity, credibility, or alienating (pun intended) their friends and readers. There are even many alternative researchers who struggle with the idea that the creeping centralization of power is a manifestation of an alien agenda.
However, the truth is the truth, and the evidence, as we shall see, is overwhelming. If you're wondering how ETs (extraterrestrials) or aliens fit into the whole picture of the NWO (New World Order), it's simple:
they're intimately involved at the top of the pyramid. The NWO agenda is the alien agenda; they are one and the same.
It's essential to realize that the directors of the entire NWO worldwide conspiracy are non-human entities: groups of interfering ETs, and behind them, a shadowy force known as the Djinn or Archons.
If you go down the rabbit hole deep enough, the trail goes off-planet - both to other worlds and to other dimensions.
But Aren't There Many Alien Agendas?
Yes. There is not just one alien agenda.
There are many alien agendas that crop up and emerge as common themes throughout the testimonies of alien contactees and alien abductees.
Here is a brief and incomplete list of some of them, which run the gamut from positive and helpful, to negative and hostile:
wanting to directly help humanity and see it evolve (although not "save" humanity)
wanting to help stop humanity killing itself and destroying the planet (e.g. through nuclear weapons)
wanting to befriend and exchange information with humanity
wanting to go back in time (time travel) to prevent an undesirable outcome from
wanting to borrow or steal humanity's genetic material (DNA) to re-seed, re-breed or re-integrate their own species (e.g. as is the case with some ET races who have taken a "wrong" evolutionary path and bred out emotion from their genetics)
wanting to create a hybrid human-alien race
wanting to dominate humanity, turn it into a servant or slave race of farm animals, and feed off its emotional energy
wanting to trap humanity in perpetuity through an endless cycle of birth, death and re-birth (e.g. through the soul net of soul recycling/forced reincarnation)
wanting to assimilate humanity into a android-like collective (like the Borg from Star Trek)
It would be most accurate to say the New World Order agenda is an alien agenda, not "the" alien agenda.
The NWO plan is most influenced by the last few agendas in the list above - to trap, subjugate and dominate humanity, and make it a stable source of (emotional) food for its masters.
Where is the Proof of the Alien Agenda?
How do we know about this alien agenda?
There is so much proof it is far, far beyond the scope of this article to include it all, however I will give an outline and numerous examples. There are many sources with a broad spectrum of provability.
The ones listed first here are more "provable" to the rational, logical mind, for those interested in hard evidence:
photographic and video evidence of ETs and UFOs
eyewitness accounts of alien contactees and alien abductees of their encounters and interactions with ETs
alien, abduction and UFO researchers (ufologists) who have listened to and collected hundreds of case files of contactees and abductees
testimony of former governmental and military insiders who saw case files and worked in "alien departments" of their organizations
declassified governmental and military documents and case files
past and present stories, myths and legends from all over the world
We will go through each of these below, but first, let's consider the story of Phil Schneider.
Phil Schneider was the first to state:
"The New World Order agenda is the alien agenda."
The Alien Agenda According to Phil Schneider
Military engineer and geologist Phil Schneider was a brave whistleblower, who went public in 1995 (and was murdered by "suicide" a year later in 1996).
He is the one who first voiced the sentence "The New World Agenda is the alien agenda" - and he would have known, because according to his claim, he personally came face-to-face with both hostile Grey and hostile Reptilian ETs while working on the construction of DUMBs (Deep Underground Military Bases).
Incredibly, Schneider got into a gun fight with some of these ETs, which resulted in a exchange of fire where Schneider was wounded and the ET was killed.
Schneider's accounts include a host of other stunning claims, such as detailed descriptions of underground bases and cities beneath America, the US Government's secret deals with hostile ETs, the advanced alien technology being used by secret US agencies, the existence of "corbomite" (element 140), mining operations on the moon and the alien/NWO genocidal agenda to reduce the earth's population by 85%.
As much as possible, Schneider backed up his assertions by showing his scar to the cameras, as well as what he claimed was a sample rock of corbomite.
Cynthia Drayer, Phil's ex-wife, has highlighted the many suspicious details surrounding Schneider's death.
Schneider was close friends with Al Bielek, the man involved in the Philadelphia Experiment and Montauk Project.
In this video Bielek reveals special information that Schneider had confided in him, including tales of 7 foot Grey aliens dictating policy at a secret UN underground base, and how Schneider secretly flew to Japan in a private jet to reveal how the Kobe "earthquake" was a nuclear attack by the US.
Schneider's account is also corroborated by the Dulce Papers (or Dulce Book) which talk of a fight between humans and aliens in 1979 at the underground base at Dulce, New Mexico.
Now let's look at some of the proof of an alien agenda.
Alien Agenda - Photographic and Video Evidence
Thanks to the spread of technology, there is plenty of genuine photographic and video evidence for the existence of UFOs, despite the internet also being flooded with fake photos and fake footage.
It may take you awhile to discern which is which, but if you familiarize yourself with watching them, it will become apparent.
As a starting list, the following ones appear genuine: the Phoenix lights incident, ET craft/orbs appearing (and rapidly speeding off) in London, Jerusalem (Dome of the Rock), Australia, Hawaii and (one of my personal favorites) over a little river in Italy.
Check out this footage also of UFOs descending into a cigar-shaped mothership in the skies of South Africa.
Of the ten of thousands, hundreds of thousands or even millions of genuine sightings, it is probable that some are terrestrial (from Earth not another planet) and originate in the secret black military programs which don't officially exist.
However it is extremely unlikely they can all be explained away due to this.
Alien contactee Alex Collier
has brought forth some mind-blowing information
about the alien agenda over the years.
Alien Agenda - Eyewitness Accounts of Alien Contactees and Abductees
See the earlier article The Top 20 Most Fascinating, Mind-Blowing Alien Contactee/Abductee Cases for a brief summary of 20 contactee cases:
Billy Meier, Alex Collier, Simon Parkes, Whitley Strieber, Jim Sparks, Alec Newald, Clifford Stone, Charles Hall, Ernie Sears, James Gilliland, Bonnie Meyer, Niara Isley, Nadira Duran, Susan Reed, Maarit, Kim Carlsberg, Dr. Frank Stranges, Stan Romanek, Thomas Reed and Bridget Nielsen.
There are many other alien contact cases such as Travis Walton, Sherry Wilde and Tracey Taylor… far too many to list.
As I wrote in that article, there are tens of thousands of documented cases of alien contact and abduction, and in reality probably many more we don't know about, since some people either don't recall the incident (self-imposed memory suppression as a psychological defense mechanism to protect against trauma, or externally imposed memory wipe/mind control), or are too afraid to go public with it for fear of ridicule, ostracism or other reasons.
Alien Agenda - Alien and UFO Researchers
For those still skeptical, the work of various alien, UFO and abduction researchers is very compelling.
For instance, take the work of Dr. David Jacobs, a tenured professor of American History at Temple University for 37 years, who has interviewed over 150 alien contactees or abductees.
Jacobs found in the accounts a repeated theme of extraterrestrial beings abducting and sexually molesting humans to create a race of hybrid human-aliens.
Take the work of Budd Hopkins, who developed his own hypnotic regression methods to help heal the trauma of thousands of alien abductees - who he realized had become mere specimens in an ongoing ET genetic experimentation on humanity.
The common thread running through these cases was the fact that the abductees had a sense of missing time and that their reproductive organs were often tampered with.
In some cases, female abductees were found to have 1 missing ovary, with no apparent scar tissue to show how it was removed.
Take the work of Dr. Karla Turner, a former college instructor wrote 3 books on alien abduction:
Into The Fringe (1992)
Taken (1994)
Masquerade of Angels (1994)
As she became acquainted with a plethora of alien abduction cases, she also became convinced that the aliens (many of which were Reptilians) were visiting humanity with malicious intent.
As Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot write:
"From beginning to end, Turner had been struck by how contradictory the stories of the aliens were. They would, she averred, say anything they wanted to attain their ends.
As the abductees in Taken reported it, the aliens insisted variously that they had come to help us cope with upcoming ecological disaster, interbreed for our good and theirs, help us evolve, take our genetic material to revivify their dying race.
Sometimes they claimed they had outright created us; other times, that they were genetically altering us for our own good."
Many other researchers have helped add to our knowledge base of an alien agenda, such as,
Mary Rodwell, John Mack, John Carpenter, Bill Baldwin and Barbara Lamb.
Of special note are the work of Dr. Roger Leir (who pioneered research into the shocking phenomenon of alien implants) and Barbara Bartholic, whose protégés included Karla Turner, Eve Lorgen and James Bartley.
Bartley actually wrote the following about Bartholic:
"Barbara quickly realized energetic harvesting was a key component of the alien abduction syndrome.
Barbara was an empath and highly intuitive and laboured endlessly to document every facet of a person's alien abduction experiences.
She knew the negative aliens manipulated the energy centers and emotions of alien abductees in order to nourish and empower themselves at the expense of the abductees.
This process is being played out on a macro society-wide scale.
Alien abduction is an all out assault on the abducted humans: physically, emotionally, energetically and spiritually."
Bob Dean has revealed a lot about
the alien agenda gained through his time at NATO.
Alien Agenda - Testimony of Former Insiders
There are many level-headed former governmental and military operatives who have attested to the existence of an alien agenda, too.
Take the whistleblowing efforts of Bob Dean, who has given an abundance of presentations about his time at SHAPE (Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe) at the top of NATO.
Dean tells the story of how NATO knew there were ET craft above our skies, commissioned a study to see what could be done about it, and that the conclusion of the study was that the ETs probably had no hostile intentions and were here to observe - because if they had really wanted to enslave or destroy us, they could have done it a long time ago!
This was obviously a highly unsettling conclusion for the military brass to deal with, but so was another of Dean's revelations:
that the top commanders at the Pentagon knew there was a very high likelihood that some alien species (such as the Nordic-looking race of ETs) appeared so human-like that you could walk right next to one and never spot the difference!
Dean later himself had face-to-face meetings with some of these ETs, who he claimed appeared indistinguishable from terrestrial humans.
Another former military man Robert Salas (a retired Air Force captain) went public with his encounter with a UFO while on duty in a nuclear missile silo.
This was a military cover up until recently declassified. He relates the amazing story of how a large, pulsating red oval 30-40 foot in diameter hovered over the front gate.
Seconds later the missiles underwent a "control system failure".
Did peaceful, intelligent ETs disable the nuclear weapons? Listen to his story and decide for yourself. If so, it's certainly not the first time such a story has been told …
Alien Agenda - Declassified Documents and Case Files
Many governments have declassified and released their UFO files.
Earlier this year in 2015 the US Government declassified files from Project BlueBook.
This site shows a list of 24 countries/organizations that have done so, including,
Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, India, Ireland, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand (Additional Report), Peru, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Ukraine (not in English), United Nations, United Kingdom, Uruguay and even Vatican City.
This is impressive evidence for those would deny the existence of UFOs.
Alien Agenda - Alien Stories, Myths and Legends
Humanity's history is replete with references to aliens.
The dragon is an ubiquitous symbol in China.
But is it just a myth, or does it signify something deeper?
The ancient Vedic texts of India mention vimanas or flying discs.
Zulu shaman Credo Mutwa, introduced to many in the Western world by David Icke, tells many stories of how reptilian beings feature throughout his people's history.
Zecharia Sitchin, Jordan Maxwell and many others have talked about how the Bible itself originally stated "elohim" meaning "the gods" not "God" as it became mistranslated.
According to Sitchin, 2 reptilian ET beings named Enlil and Enki of the Annunaki seeded humanity.
If humanity itself was created by an advanced extraterrestrial race, as the article Scientists Find Extraterrestrial Genes In Human DNA and others suggest,
How could there not be an alien agenda with humanity right now?
How could aliens not be intimately involved with our progress right now?
And since the world is pushed towards the NWO, wouldn't it be fair to assume it is happening in alignment with their desires - an alien agenda?
So Aliens Are Among Us - But Are They Malevolent?
Given the compelling amount of evidence above in this article (a tiny fraction of all the evidence in existence on the topic) - which not only indicates the existence of ETs, but also shows many are interfering in Earth affairs with a hostile agenda - it's surprising that there is still the belief out there among some circles that,
"all ETs are benevolent and have humanity's best interest at heart".
This is foolish nonsense - and dangerous nonsense too, because it gives people a false idea about our galactic neighbors, and thus lowering their defenses and making them more susceptible to some kind of invasion or manipulation.
For some reason, this notion has been pushed by none other than Dr. Steven Greer of the Disclosure Project.
Greer has done a truly outstanding job in bringing ET and UFO witnesses to light, and has exposed many aspects of the conspiracy, including the suppression of zero point or free energy technology.
Sadly, because Greer is a leading expert in the ET/UFO field, many blindly accept every word he says on the subject.
He insists all the so-called "negative" interactions experienced by so many alien abductees are secret black military operations - MILABs (Military Abductions).
Greer is dead wrong on this point, as Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan of Project Camelot pointed out in this heated discussion, as well as other leading experts on exopolitics such as Dr. Michael Salla who wrote the rebuttal Exopolitics vs Exospin.
Some have theorized this is due to Greer's connection with Lawrence Rockefeller of the infamous Rockefeller family (one of the 2 main NWO families along with the Rothschilds).
Aliens Atop the NWO Pyramid
Many have exposed the alien connection to world events, but David Icke has been the most comprehensive in the many books he has written on the Reptilian theme which has inextricably intertwined with the NWO.
The Biggest Secret (1999), Children of The Matrix (2001) and The Perception Deception (2013) in particular contain a monumental amount of dot-connecting and information showing that at the apex of the NWO pyramid are non-human entities.
Specifically, the connection between hostile ETs (like many Reptilians) and certain humans (of certain bloodline and vibrations frequencies) is made through black magic - Satanic ritual of sex and sacrifice.
These human "leaders" (whether royalty, politicians, business chiefs or military heads) are not running the show - they are willingly giving over their souls to other forces (demonic possession) in exchange for (what they perceive to be) power.
Conclusion - Open Your Mind to the Wider, Deeper Conspiracy
We are not alone, and we never have been alone, as Bob Dean says.
What makes some people think humans are the only species with high intelligence or capable of rational thought in the entire known universe? It is narrow-minded to think so, and it is equally narrow-minded to assume that any extraterrestrial motive or alien agenda would be neutral or beneficial to us.
The cosmos is brimming full of life of all kinds.
We all need to remember the Game is a whole lot grander than we think.
The New World Order doesn't end with just,
political control
police brutality
free trade agreements
international banking
suppressed technology
Copious evidence shows it goes off-planet into far more bizarre realms (like the alien agenda) than the average person could imagine.
How many are up for the task of exploring and analyzing these realms to get to the bottom of the Truth?
The New World Order: The Historical Origins of a Dangerous Modern Conspiracy Theory
| by Myles Flores
Executive Summary
• The New World Order (NWO) conspiracy theory posits that a cabal of elites is working behind the scenes to orchestrate global events to enslave the global populace.
•The NWO theory’s anti-Semitic origins cause adherents to intentionally or unintentionally propagate harmful anti-Semitic narratives.
•Social media companies must address NWO content on their platforms for its potential to incite hate and offline violence.
The Hoax of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
The New World Order (NWO) is a conspiracy theory in which adherents believe that a cabal of powerful elites is secretly implementing a dystopian international governing structure that will grant them complete control over the global populace. Under this regime, dissidents will be arrested, and the masses enslaved. Supporters of the conspiracy theory claim that most global leaders are complicit in the establishment of this “New World Order,” aiding the NWO through the manufacturing of global events (such as the coronavirus pandemic and mass shootings) and controlling their associated narratives to sow civil unrest.
The NWO conspiracy theory can be found in the online chatter of fringe conspiracy theorists. While the associated rhetoric within these online groups can appear innocuous at first, this conspiracy theory presents a real-world danger, as it promotes a fatalistic worldview for adherents, possibly inciting them to commit violence against communities, infrastructure, and individuals deemed complicit in the NWO’s implementation. This cabal narrative is commonly associated with other anti-Semitic conspiracy theories that claim Jewish culpability, alleging that they are behind the orchestration of the NWO, leading to an increased danger to Jewish communities.
While the associated rhetoric within these online groups can appear innocuous at first, this conspiracy theory presents a real-world danger, as it promotes a fatalistic worldview for adherents, possibly inciting them to commit violence against communities, infrastructure, and individuals deemed complicit in the NWO’s implementation
Anti-Semitic Roots
Many modern-day conspiracy theories – including the NWO theory – have anti-Semitic origins. Influential groups and movements from the 19th and early 20th centuries are largely to blame for the proliferation of anti-Semitic narratives. Within these narratives, Jewish people are frequently framed as the orchestrators of global events and accused of creating a supranational governing structure for nefarious purposes. These dangerous narratives are still widely promoted today.
British Israelism was one of the first religious movements to become a haven for anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. A founder of the movement, John Wilson, espoused claims meant to empower Christians by arguing that they, rather than Jews, are the true descendants of the Lost Tribes of Israel. Wilson demonized the Jewish faith by claiming that Jesus was not a Jew, thus implying that Judaism is grounded in falsehood and evil—a claim that persists today in NWO-adjacent conspiracy theories. Wilson played a foundational role in the normalization of religious anti-Semitism within British Israelism, yet it was not until the arrival of Wilson’s protegee, Edward Hine, that more radical anti-Semitic theories began to intertwine within the movement. Under Wilson’s influence, Hine began preaching increasingly explicit anti-Semitic theories, causing the British Israelite movement to attract more anti-Semitic recruits. These increasingly radical views within British Israelism formed a new ideology known as Christian Identity.
Established throughout Europe and the United States during the 20th century, adherents of Christian Identity purport that they are the true Israelites favored by God. Over time, Christian Identity groups grew in size and embraced more explicit anti-Semitic conspiracy theories due to the publication and popularization of anti-Semitic texts. One such text was the American version of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which falsely argues Jewish elites’ alleged plan for global domination. In conjunction with the Protocols, other conspiracy theories, such as the Zionist Occupied Government (ZOG), spread and began to be widely cited. The onset of World War II only furthered the targeting of Jews during this time period, solidifying the foundation of anti-Semitism in which modern conspiracy theories arose, including the NWO.
The NWO Theory in America
While anti-Semitic conspiracy theories flourished globally, the United States in particular experienced a surge of fringe conspiratorial organizations in the mid-20th century that heavily contributed to the widespread acceptance of the NWO.
The most famous and popular of these organizations is the John Birch Society (JBS), which primarily focused on rooting out communism in the United States by making claims of global plots by communist elites. These claims ultimately laid the foundation for future conspiracy theories of elites striving for global domination. In conjunction with anti-communist conspiracy theories arose the widespread believability of an underground organization pulling societal strings. These conspiracy theories, such as the belief in the Illuminati, began to gain popularity, especially gaining traction in the counterculture era of 1960s and 1970s America. As a result, the combination of the countercultural interest in secret societies alongside the anti-elite conspiracism of the JBS created the infrastructure for broad belief in the existence that secret global organizations seek control over the United States. This, compounded with the release of Pat Robertson’s book, The New World Order (published in 1991), cemented the NWO theory as a cornerstone within America’s conspiratorial culture.
The NWO’s application within American discourse can be seen through the reaction to major events, such as the 9/11 terrorist attacks. As millions mourned, questions naturally arose as to culpable parties and their potential motives. Whereas most Americans correctly believed al-Qaeda to be the perpetrator in this circumstance, conspiracy theorists took advantage of the emotional turmoil to further sow their conspiratorial beliefs. NWO adherents were no exception and stood as major players in this conspiratorial competition. Even more recently, we can see NWO presence in response to violent events. With mass shootings an unfortunate commonality in present-day America, many turn to social media to broadcast their reactions. Without fail, NWO commentary is noticeably peppered within the responses, with claims that the NWO orchestrates these mass shootings as false flag events to enact the widespread disarmament of citizens to better conquer them.
Extremism academic Michael Barkun has analyzed conspiratorial frameworks to explain why conspiracy theories like the NWO can spread effectively in these circumstances. Barkun identifies three main principles that are embraced by conspiracists: 1) nothing happens by accident, 2) nothing is as it seems, and 3) everything is connected. Barkun’s principles are evident in the NWO theory, reflecting all three criteria. Over time, these principles have contributed to the NWO theory’s global influence.
The NWO and Ties to Violence
The FBI has indicated that political conspiracy theories can motivate domestic extremists to participate in criminal and sometimes violent acts. In the last decade, the NWO and other conspiracy theories have been cited as an explanation for violence. An example of attempted violence was in October 2016, when two men — 30-year-old Michael Mancil and 21-year-old James Kenneth Dryden — were arrested for stockpiling weapons in preparation to attack the High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) facility. The two men believed that the government-funded HAARP facility controlled the weather, preventing Americans from talking to God, and was complicit in making sacrifices for the New World Order cabal. Another incident was in December 2018 when a man was arrested for planning to blow up what he believed to be a satanic temple monument in order to make America aware of an impending NWO. In both of these examples, the perpetrators were influenced by multiple conspiracy theories, demonstrating that the NWO theory overlaps and feeds into other conspiracy theories. The amalgamation of conspiratorial beliefs found online often incites violence offline.
The NWO Theory and Social Media
Today, the NWO theory’s success in reaching mainstream audiences is mainly due to its proliferation across social media platforms. These platforms’ recommendation algorithms – the automated system they use to ensure their users are matched with material they would find interesting – are essential in the ease and bounds that these conspiracy theories are spread online. In many cases, online users who engage with NWO material online are then recommended other, sometimes more extreme, conspiratorial content, thus demonstrating that the NWO theory works as a soft radicalization point.
In the last several years, social media companies have struggled to police adherents’ online chatter, as their messaging is often inconsistent and thus not always applicable to existing social media policies. For instance, not all NWO conspiracists directly post racist or hateful content in conjunction with their narrative; instead, they emphasize misinformative claims. However, because the NWO theory is deeply rooted in anti-Semitism, posts involving allegations of an impending NWO may intentionally or unintentionally propagate hateful and anti-Semitic narratives. Such narratives provide a pipeline for radicalization into more virulent anti-Semitic language, theories, and associated violence.
Social media companies must address the proliferation of the NWO theory because of the potential the conspiracy theory has to incite adherents to carry out violence. Adherents of the NWO theory can use the conspiracy theory’s malleability to push hateful narratives against any group or individual they deem complicit in the perceived NWO agenda. NWO adherents genuinely believe that they are victims of a nefarious cabal and are pushed to act in what they believe is self-defense.
While social media platforms remove explicitly malicious NWO content, most material remains because of the limitations of their current policies. These policies set a very high threshold for a group or post to be removed from platforms. However, social media sites have recently pushed to eliminate content that is considered complex, multifaceted, and implicitly hateful. This adjustment was largely set in motion by the proliferation and the offline manifestation of the QAnon conspiracy theory. In response to this dangerous and harmful conspiracy theory, YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter purged thousands of QAnon adherents’ pages and posts. Some sites like YouTube have even gone as far as to add a sect of their policy directly addressing QAnon. Like QAnon, the NWO theory has radicalized individuals towards violent action.
…because the NWO theory is deeply rooted in anti-Semitism, posts involving allegations of an impending NWO may intentionally or unintentionally propagate hateful and anti-Semitic narratives. Such narratives provide a pipeline for radicalization into more virulent anti-Semitic language, theories, and associated violence.
The NWO conspiracy theory has a complex history with a high degree of believability and a broad support base. Its malicious elements give its adherents the agency to threaten violence against any individual or group deemed complicit in the NWO agenda. Not only that, the conspiracy theory acts as a gateway to further hate and violence and has provided the foundation for more radical movements. If NWO-adjacent rhetoric is left unchecked on social media platforms, it can lead to further dehumanization, radicalization, and violence.
Charles E. Wharry (Darkbird18);
What is the Alien Agenda? I've been researching this topic for many years on this blog and have found some very disturbing information on this subject that shows just like in the TV show The X-Files" that almost all governments are involved in this agenda and there is a massive cover-up to keep us in the dark about why they have sold us out! They did this for power and greed and just like in the X-Files and ancient Atlantis they have been lying to them because the Alien agenda is to keep the human race as slaves and free source of food (Organic Energy). The human race of mankind has an energy form that was given to us the by Creative Intelligence who created us that can reach the very highest form of knowledge and power and then will no longer be a free meal for these lower dimension inorganic beings; they didn't have light in them and don't know LOVE, only hate, fear and greed. They were created for this because we must overcome "The Beast" within us.
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