Note: *Update 3/31/016: Many articles of Dr. Corrado Malanga are now available on this site for download. (The previous WordPress site is no longer up

This article discusses the Alien Hierarchies and Levels of Alien Interference according to the research of Dr. Corrado Malanga of Italy. This is in the form of an interview with Dr. Malanga’s English-speaking colleague, Dorica Manu.

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Dr. Corrado Malanga is a veteran researcher of the alien abduction phenomenon. He is also a scientist, and a professor of Organic Chemistry at the University of Pisa, Italy. Dr. Malanga is known for his revolutionary views of alien interference, especially the deeper levels of alien interference suggesting the aliens as transdimensional parasites. Dr.Malanga has authored two books in Italian. The first, UFOʼs Inside the Mind” (Bompiante, 2000) revealed how aliens implant their own memories inside the minds of abductees. This created a controversy and according to Malanga, after which, “all hell broke loose”. His second book entitled “Aliens or Demons: The Fight for Eternal Life” (2007) also created a stir, as his theories did not subscribe to the contemporary abduction literature, which has been neatly circumscribed to the abductee medical exams, Grey aliens, and the hybrid breeding program. Dr. Malanga also co-authored, B.V.M. Beata Vergine Maria” (Blessed Virgin Mary) Mondadori, 1995, A book about apparitions of the Virgin Mary and how these apparitions/holograms may be alien in nature.

Although his research includes those aspects of the abduction scenario, his emphasis on the aliensʼ entrapment and hijacking of the human soul as a “battery”, is what he believes is the most important reason for the alien's interference with humanity. It is all about our souls.

(EL: Note: The alien love bite scenario and the dark side of Cupid are part and parcel of an aspect of parasitical alien/entity interference, in my view. The corporeal and incorporeal entities and various implant technologies can facilitate, catalyze or even forge strong bonds between people.)

A good overview of Dr. Malangaʼs theory regarding alien interference with humanity can be viewed in the article entitled. ”The Global Picture of Alien Interferences” (

Liberation Techniques Link:

of alien interference, such as incorporeal alien parasites, the involvement of the Primordial Man, and the higher figures of creation.

Through hypnotic and neurolinguistic methods, Dr.Malanga aimed to help abductees recover their memories. He discovered after hundreds of regressive hypnosis sessions and parallel studies of psychology, neuroimaging, myths, and quantum physics, that the inner make-up of a human being (namely the abductee) consists of the Soul (feminine part), the spirit (masculine part) and a more intellectual part (the mind). The mind is that part that is more in touch with and aware of the flow of information to and from the human brain. These three parts of the human self came out during the hypnotic sessions, with their own personality, own will, and own world view. The first most visible issue in abductees, after having understood the existence of these three conscious parts, was that an abductee’s mind, spirit, and soul components were not in communication with each other. This contrasts with non-abductees or those who are not traumatized, parasites,s or dissociated. In other words, there exists with the abductee a condition of soul-mind-spirit disconnect, which enable the aliens to tap into their soul energy, while keeping the abductee unaware of this soul energy hijacking operation. This in and of itself is complex and involves carrying out the alien agenda through those parasites.

Dr. Malanga also discovered a lot about the alien's methods, their motives for interfering with us, and how they parasite themselves within the human mind-spirit. This is similar to what many shamans and spirit release practitioners such as the late Dr. William Baldwin call “attached entities”. In yet other traditions, such as the late Father Malachi Martin, spirit attachment is also known as demonic oppression, partial possession or total possession, depending on the severity of the case. I concur that the demonic possession theory is a bit simplistic when viewing alien activities, although its study is quite useful and should be reviewed by more sincere researchers in the UFO/ET field.

In a nutshell, Dr. Malangaʼs research describes the problem of alien interferences, which races are responsible for these interferences, and analyzes the many levels of alien interference. Some levels are obviously physical and others are more internal, such as affecting the energy body of the person. His work clarifies the interrelationships between different aliens and between aliens and groups who work for the New World Order agenda. Most importantly, he describes the techniques used to subjugate the abductee, used by both aliens and the military humans who are colluding with them to achieve their own goals. He proposes several levels of interference:

Level 1: Physical surgical operations on the abductee, such as invasive medical procedures, and implants.

Level 2: Alien memories implanted into the brain of the abductee.

This aspect concerns the alien's desire for immortality, by living within and through us. Malanga reports it as many abductees stated while in regressive hypnosis, “The aliens live across us and our mind. “(Alien Cicatrix, p. 21-26) Here, many symptoms of the alien abductees were such that they felt, “not of this world” or recalled other lives as an alien. Or dual liveʼs as an alien. (EL–being transferred to an alien body and working with them.) The alien memories Malanga calls, Active Alien Memories or AAM. These memories comprise also the lifetimes that a particular alien may have been a passive part of while being “parked” inside many different “abductee” bodies/carriers throughout long spans of time.

For example, one abductee may have within him/her an AAM of one alien (of many thousands of years old) that contains 5 lifetimes (or more) of “abductee carriers”. If the AAM can be opened via careful regressive hypnosis, these memories may appear like past lives. This of course calls into question a new or abridged definition of reincarnation.

Level 3: Copying of the Abductee

Two basic types of aliens predominated in the AAMs, the locust/mantis or serpent/reptilian forms. The reason according to Malanga is that human DNA is compatible with reptilian DNA and our brain is larger and able to carry more information. They designed us this way to use us for their AAM storage. To preserve the AAMs the aliens cloned each abductee in case of bodily death of the original. Malanga describes the cloning apparatus (described by abductee's Soul components) as both horizontal and vertical cylinders, arranged in 4 different rooms, within a possibly subterranean-military/medical environment. It was discovered later that on rare occasions the “copy” or clone of the abductee was sometimes returned from an abduction temporarily, but usually the original is returned. This caused odd memory lapses where the clone had a slightly different backup memory than the original or vice-versa. (Alien Cicatrix, p. 21-26)

EL- Malanga later clarifies his term clone and now uses the term “copy” to define what the aliens were doing, when copying an abductee/person. A clone Malanga said, has to be grown up from point zero, a baby, and then into an adult. A copy, on the other hand, is something like a Xerox copy, they somehow create a copy that wasn’t observed to have been “grown-up”.


Level 4: Attempts to move the light-dots matrix (SOUL-CONSCIOUSNESS) of the abductee and constrain it into an alien body

This is after the cloning process whereby abductees described a light within a vertical metallic cylinder, vibrating extremely fast. This causes the dot matrix consciousness or “soul matrix” of the person to be ejected out of the body and directed into the next transparent cylinder. The original body is still in the first cylinder while the consciousness is put into a new body. Sometimes this was an alien body, but the Soul vibration can not accept the alien DNA frequency for extended periods of time and usually reject its containment. The Soul can be put into the cloned body, and then back into the original.

In some testimonies, the person reports being placed and functioning within an alien body, and carrying out various tasks for their alien handlers. (For example, the Simon Parkes testimony on the AMMACH video interviews, see:

According to numerous abductee hypnosis testimonies, they (or more accurately their Soul Component) reported that the Soul consciousness cannot be copied. The aliens know this and this is why they are using our Souls. Ultimately they want to create some genetic bridge that will alter their own alien DNA to be compatible with our Souls.(via various human-alien hybrids) Once they have created a genetic hybrid with DNA that is compatible with our human Soul frequency, is when the human souls will be hijacked into complete alien enslavement. (EL–In other words, the aliens, who only have a mind and spirit component to their being must use our Souls to incarnate into hybrid bodies, where the will of the Soul is completely repressed or taken over by the aliens will. This is not good) This, according to Malanga is the bottom line of the alien agenda. The secret of the Tree of Life is that humans or human DNA contain compatibility with the frequency of the Soul. Apparently, not all humans possess this DNA compatibility with the Soul. Or to put it another way, Malanga discovered via the abductee Soul component testimonies, that only 20-25 % of humans are souled, or had this DNA soul compatibility issue.(Alien Cicatrix, p. 21-26) Another way to perceive this, which the latest discoveries of Dr. Malanga also confirm – is that the Soul of these people with apparently incompatible genetics stays behind in another dimensional reality so that the “connect” aspect will not function within that life-genetic container.  As Malanga would now say, “These soul entities still remaining on the less dense energetic planes of existence–the so-called “Higher Realms” of Religion and New Age–are afraid to “come down” and have the experience on the Earth plane”. Therefore what these beings are really doing is inviting us to come up to where they are–to ascend. (EL- They want company I suppose? And why they need us there is my concern. For another understanding of what their level of existence and dimensional reality really is, I suggest studying the Buddhist 6 Realms of Existence). The beings from these other higher planes of existence are offering us an eternal golden jail.

These persons with disconnected souls may not express heightened spiritual understanding and will function within the lower realms of consciousness. Perhaps psychopaths fit into this category?

In a nutshell, most of the aliens conducting the abduction-related genetic experiments do not have a Soul component in their being, and their genetics are incompatible with the human Soul frequency. Within the triad of components, human abductees have mind, spirit, and soul. Aliens had mind and spirit or only mind in SOME races. The various types of aliens, bodiless aliens, and other beings from higher levels of creation will be elaborated on more later.

Level 5: Different kinds of incorporeal aliens made up of light-aka- the LUX light being or those coming from another dimension-aka—the bi-dimensional parasites such as the Horus-Ra figure, Six Fingered ones, or Growl.

These are the ones who seem to have more control that the other aliens. Two basic types here, the LUX being from our own 3D universe, and the black shadow beings who come from a 2D “dark universe”–  which is archetypically located behind our universe. These incorporeal beings take on various body forms (not necessarily physical, however) in order to interact with us here.

The Fall of Atlantis and Rise of the Archons- Emerald Tablets of Thoth

These spirit kinds of parasitic beings also had a kind of “AAM”. They appear to live a long time but are actually mortal. These beings may have been believed to be SOME of the immortal gods in mythological cultures. According to Malanga, these incorporeal beings under the direction of the “Primordial Man” figures, control the aliens which organize the abductions. Those aliens in turn control the cyborg Greys.

The incorporeal aliens have something similar to spirit but different than a soul. And there are three kinds of human beings:

1. The Body and Mind

2. The Body, Mind, and Spirit

3. The Body, Mind, and Soul

4. The Body, Mind, Spirit, and Soul

It is postulated that the incorporeal aliens, (light beings and dark shadows) want to host or possess humans who have Souls, in order to feed off the energy so they can live forever and to manifest their control over the One Consciousness” the true “God”.

The LUX being is unique in that it is from our 3D universe, but somehow lost its “body form” that enabled it to retain a Soul aspect. Malanga now affirms that the LUX being is an emanation of Lucifer who rebelled against his creator, the white, bright Primordial Man (The good Father Figure, Adam Kadmon, the wise old man figure), and so itʼs like an orphan and is envious of the human condition, always seeking human bodies with Souls (and also without souls) to possess, in order to live, to manipulate, to weave his intrigues, to feel important…, etc.

The black shadows who take on the Horus-Ra figure or Growl (six-fingered types who are tall, blonde, with slit eye pupils) originate from the “dark universe” where the Soul component cannot experience its bi-dimensional form. Much of this theory is discussed at length in Dr. Malangaʼs Genesis 2 and Genesis 3. ( *LInks or pdf: In Italian: )

Level 6: This concerns the Primordial Man and the hierarchies of beings above the PM

This level concerns how they interact with the abductee who is working on freeing him/herself, or after they became free of alien abductions, but still not free from other types of intrusion occurring from higher levels of creation.

These are the questions I posed to Dr. Malanga through Dorica Manu, his English-speaking colleague.

Q: 1. What are the alien hierarchies as you understand them?

A: It looks like the less important ones are classical gray aliens which, at least in 99% of the cases, seem to be a kind of biological machine. They are run by other small aliens, but just a little bit higher (1.50 m) with a much more insectoid-looking faces and which appear they might be sentient beings. So, they might’ve made copies/clones of beings that were already very servant in character.

Every race has different models of “grays” so, we have descriptions of grays with differences regarding the height, the shape of the skull, and the color of the skin–from deep black to blue and to light brown. Next, the alien which seems to be less important is the so-called “5-fingered blonde”. Above the 5 fingered blonde are the Mantis (insectoids).

Nearby the Mantis, but a little bit under them, are the Reptilians which are less important, have LESS know-how… they are less developed beings. Malanga states that there are at least 12 races of aliens, five of which comprise the main reports in abductions. (EL-Those interfering with humanity with respect to the first level of alien interference. See article “Levels of Alien Interference, Types of Aliens, Alien Cicatrix, p.18-21 and 21-26)

In Alien Cicatrix, p. 18-21, Malanga reports 6 basic alien types, although many variations of aliens have been reported. These were: tall greys, black greys, tall whites, various types of Greys, such as the Ebens or cyborgs, heart-shaped Greys, and blue beings that appear like blue-greys. To briefly summarize the general hierarchy of the aliens from the less powerful to the most is:








Description of alien types in more detail:


Heart Shaped Grey

The Greys: Yes, the classic alien you see all over: short, 3,94 feet, big black eyes, three/four long fingers.gray2
They are biological machines. Robots. Slaves. They stink like hell!!
They are the ones you remember most because they are in the front line, in charge of “taking you away” and “bringing you back”.
Are mentally strong and use telepathic communication.
Have a “magic stick” to deliver painful electric charges on you, in case you don’t want to follow them. Yes, we use this treatment on dogs. (From:

The Oranges

These are mammalian, about 2 meters tall, with vertical pupils, elongated heads, and a very suntanned-like complexion. They have 5 fingers and tend to dress in dark blue overalls, which have two interlacing triangle symbols on the left pectoral. They are described as both male and female and beautiful, but with a closer look they are not that beautiful and their hair looks like it has never been washed! They have a detailed map and knowledge of human DNA.




Sauriod Creatures

Two main types: The more aggressive one is about 2.8 meters tall, with five claw-like fingers and feet/toes. One rostrum-shaped nail is on the forearm and foot like a catʼs extra claw. The skin seems dampish and translucent, with brown-green colored scales that when carefully examined are softer than expected. The skin becomes progressively red in the abdomen zone and on the digital pulps: in these zones, it becomes thinner and red lymph can be seen flowing underneath it above all when the alien behaves in a kind of angry way.


The presence of two roundish and little protuberant horny surfaces characterize the left and the right side of the skull, while in the center there is a more tender structure under which we see the lymph pulsation; this structure seems a backbone in relief and runs, clearly, all the length of head, neck, back, and of the big tail. They use the big stumpy tail as third support when standing on their two short and stumpy legs. Fingers and toes are abundantly webbed. The tongue appears to be bifid and stumpy. The eyes have a sub-eyelid membrane that runs in a diagonal way, from the lower side to the top and from the nose to the external side. The pupils are vertical and the iris changes its color in relation to the alien’s mood, from yellow-green to bright red. They have no external ears and it seems they are able to control the opening and closing of their internal ears.

Saurians look like dragons or maybe like standing crocodiles, even if their face (or muzzle?) is rounded like a snake’s one, with thin lips and nostrils at the end of the nasal septum, depending on their age, as they grow without limit. They are amphibian beings; they are always seen together with another species of aliens apparently subdued to them.aquaticreptilian

The second type of sauroid being has eyes that are froglike, 2 meters tall, translucent skin, vertically long, and slim teeth that look like whalebones. On their head, they have small horny excrescences. These beings are similar to one another and it’s difficult to identify particular differences between the two of them. They dress in a suit similar to the Nazi military uniform of the last world war.am_draco1


Even if we are unable to tell the male from the female, the reptilians are maybe the only ones still able to have sex. The reptilian AAMs are the only ones conserving memories of reptilian sexual intercourse. Even in the Bible, the serpent is the one who reveals to Eve (the human) the sexual life. (EL- Note the drawings are not necessarily all those described, but various types observed)


Tall, 6 fingered ones (In essence, a Growl shadow inside a cyborg body)


Nordic 6-Fingered One

Tall (2.5 meters), white complexion, long white hair, 6 fingers, pale blue eyes with a vertical iris pupil. They usually wear a long white kind of robe, wear a round neck medallion with the symbol of the hexagram (The Star of David). It was understood that this is an artificial humanoid body a cyborg. This cyborg is a product of the 3D universe made apparently by the Insectoids Made especially for the Growl, dark shadows to be able to operate in this 3D reality.

They use this android form body, and can only interfere in our universe when taking a body form. These have also been described as incorporeal aliens that parasite the human energy body. (EL-These may be the “widow’s peak hairline” aliens that some of Barbara Bartholic’s clients have encountered, for example, in the Ted Rice Case. I also want to point out that many abductees may perceive the Nordics as very beautiful creatures.)

One-Eyed Beings or Horus-Ra

These one-eyed beings we understood later to be Horus-Ra.

They are about 3/4 meters tall, with dark violet skin, and a third eye in the middle of their forehead. We do not know if it is anatomical or technology or some kind of appendage.(EL–the third eye is a common symbol for “third eye vision” when this chakra is fully opened in many esoteric/mystical texts)horus18frenk

In the male specie, they have under the chin, a beard-like looking appendage. They have protruding scapular bones, which are often mistaken for wings folded back. They have three fingers plus a thumb which look very bird, claw-like. They have great telekinetic powers when they move. But they were usually observed through a screen and “not really there” but rather communicate from far away to other aliens via technological devices. Because they didn’t want to show up, they didn’t want to be seen and understood. They are the “Lords”…they are so ugly and so different from any mental structure we already had that, in the beginning, our abductees were unable to describe them properly.





Insectoid Beings and the wrinkled skin, long-necked slave beings.

These are similar to the praying mantises, have a green chitinous body and they walk on their hind legs. They are very small beings, with a long neck that has muscles that flex and rotate the head (the equivalent of our sternocleidomastoids). Their mouth is small with lips different in thickness (the upper lip is noticeably smaller than the lower one) and their eyes are dark and moist. It is believed that they use our female abductees to reproduce themselves now, although it has been theorized that before that perhaps, they may have laid and hatched eggs to reproduce.mantisbeing-uf

They are five-fingered.  (EL-In the Simon Parkes case, his mantis creature is green about 9 ft. tall, and wears a purple robe. In his testimonies, he infers that these creatures are somewhat above the reptilian beings in the hierarchy. (See:

A: It seems that there are 3 types of Mantis from the less social status and height to those higher social statuses and height: Brown, Green, and White. The White ones may rule over the reptilians too but I would not say reptilians are their slaves.mantis-small



Q: 2. What about the Draco, where do they fit in?

In Maarit’s case, she perceived the Draco as being higher in command to the reptilians but the Horus-Ra incorporeal being used either the snake or chicken/bird body and appeared to have a higher authority over all of these.

A: I’d say the Draco are the same ones Malanga calls Horus-Ra.

Q: 3. Can you tell me which alien beings are more physical and which ones are incorporeal beings? What is the difference and what do they do, what do they want?

A: In addition to the physical aliens with bodies are the bodiless beings: The LUX in primis and the ones derived from the other “dark” Universe. These are the ones that use, in different manners, 3D bodies in order to operate in this universe. And I am referring especially to 2 types of beings which are:

  •  Ra, which inhabits the alien we call Horus
  • The Growl inhabits the 6 fingered blonde, artificial body, and is known as the Nordic alien. It wears a long white robe and also wears a medallion in the form of a 6-point star, hexagram, (the star of David).
  • The LUX being comes from our own universe as opposed to the other incorporeal beings. When the LUX attaches to the person it will so do from the front. Conversely, the black shadow beings often attach or are perceived from behind or in the back of us.




LUX Being

Q: 4. I've heard you say that the growl being can be the type of being who “astrally intrudes” like a 4th dimensional reptilian in certain love bite intrusion experiences. These have been reported numerous times in my work when the reporting partner in a “Dark Side of Cupid” love relationship, starts having visits by the entity who is attached to or possessing their partner. This is a type of astral, sexual energy vampirism. Can the Growl being shapeshift into a lizard-like being and intrude in this manner, such as activating the kundalini and sexual energy of a person affected by this kind of love bite relationship?

A: It could be, but it is complex. Black shadows connect directly to the mind, altering the perception of the subject. So, it can make you see things that are not what they seem to be. We cannot say it is always the black shadow, and we cannot say it’s always the reptilian. Also, I think in most cases a shadow entity is involved…People are more likely to exchange the overshadowing dark entity for a reptilian because there’s a lot of literature on the internet talking mostly about reptilians.

What may be happening during this traumatic event in some cases is that the presence of a reptilian AAM is also perceived. At any rate, I think deep regressive hypnosis should be done in order to understand what is really happening; it may even come out that an abduction occurs in between…

The Growl 6-fingered being will attach to the spinal cord of the person’s energy body. The Horus-Ra being or the Ra (dark shadow being in essence) attaches to the coccyx. Both beings are “black shadows” and are often perceived as overshadowing from behind. The bi-dimensional black shadow beings interfere with the person’s mind component.

Remember, the AAM can be one of the many alien types such as Mantis, Reptilian, Orange, Military, etc., any alien being that has a body.

The AAM attaches to the brain component of the person, using the Soul energy to energize its will within the abductee. The AAM is deposited in the left hemisphere (for right-handed people)  and the AAM is deposited in the right hemisphere in left-handed people. The AAM  tends to overshadow the spiritual part of the host. It lives, thanks to the soul of the abductee…

This is a diagram of commonly found implant locations on the human body: Implant Map

Q: 5. Is the 6-fingered one (Growl or Tall Nordic one with 6 fingers, slit iris pupils) as important as the LUX? Is it more important than the Reptilians?

A: Yes, Growl IS more important than LUX and reptilians, but less important than the other black Shadows, Horus-Ra.

Q: And compared to Ra?

A: They are “competitors” to Ra. LUX is not that high (Maybe not anymore) It invented churches and religions in order to control people and feed on their energy, keep them dummied down.

Answer: They are actually at the same “height”. They are two entities very similar to one another. None of them has a body so we cannot identify them very well the differences. Ra is much more evil, I had that impression. Even if the other one is mean in a much more obvious way. Above them are the Higher Hierarchies.

Q: 6. Who is the Primordial Man”? Is this what you refer to as the “higher hierarchy”?

Answer:  The higher hierarchy in our universe is the hierarchy related to the so-called Primordial Man. The PM, which seems to be – but is not – a giant, a father, the white-bearded god. It gives you the impression to be your father, your defender but in reality, wants to be your master (in the sense of owner or boss ). Beyond this kind of appearance is hidden his real form which is the form of a fish. A fish-man.


If you pay attention to this polymorphism of the aliens, you notice that the most ancient beings are the fish, next are the amphibious (but before them, are the insects), and next the birds, so we have all the characteristics of a space-time evolutionary line of how the things came into being on earth. Because, first we had the fish from which the amphibious derived, from then which derived the mammals, then the birds and the snake. While the insects are somehow different, they too came from oceans/sea/water, from marine algae. It’s enough to read our myths to understand all that we have just said. All fit perfectly. Dr.Malanga uses the Kaballah with its various levels of sephiroth to notate where in the hierarchy these alien and incorporeal beings reside. See the image below. (This is in Italian.)


Conscienza – Supreme One Divine Consciousness

Secondo Creatore – Second Creator from “dark universe”

Primo Creatore – First Creator “Our Light Universe”

Anima Secondo Creatore – Soul of Second Creator

Adam Kadmon (UP) – Primordial Man, Father Figure

Uomo Con Anima -Souled Human

Alieno Corporeo -Corporeal Alien (ones with a body/form)

Alien Incorporeo – Incorporeal or bodiless aliens (black shadow types)

Uomo SENZA anima–Soulless Human


Q: Where is the LUX beings positioned in this Kaballah?

A: In my opinion, it should be between the PM and the corporeal aliens.

Q: 7. How will the PM act towards the abductee, especially after he/she frees themselves from the physical alien abductions? Does he try new tricks or ways of interfering?

A:  The PM will attach to the Soul component of the person, which is different than the other beings who are parasites, who generally only have a mind and spirit component. They attach to mind and/or spirit). The PM will try to keep you coming back lifetime after lifetime unless you willfully disconnect from him in this cyclic processSo, after disconnecting from the PM, the abductee may start to experience various modes that the aliens and even the PM do to try to reconnect and interfere in their lives. (EL- The PM is in our “light universe” often referred to as the next highest being under the Creator 1 of the light universe. To understand these hierarchies, it is good to view it as symbolically represented as the mirror split of the One Divine Consciousness into two “universes” or two Creators. Then under the creator 1 is the PM. This can be found in Malangaʼs Genesis 1, 2, and 3 articles.

(See Genesis 1, Part 1, English)

Genesis 2 & 3 Italian:

He explains how the second “dark universe” has a corresponding Creator, whose soul stayed behind in the One so that all beings from the bi-dimensional dark universe do not have Soul components as we understand them. The dark shadow bi-dimensional beings come from the second creator “dark universe”. All humans who are abductees have a Soul component, otherwise, they would not be “abductees”.)

A: Maybe psychic attacks, happen during the night after working with someone. Or being attacked by others. They will try to interfere with your dreams too. Above the PM and two creators, there is something else. (This is in Genesis 3) When an abductee gets rid of aliens, and the PM, then this is dangerous from some other entities’ point of view: The ones above this universe and above the PM. It is THEM, the ultimate eye on top of the pyramid. According to the Jungian symbology of archetypes, the eye with a pupil is a symbol for the vagina/womb and the unborn baby. A baby which does not want to leave the commodity and comfort of its dimensions.

That is when other beings may interfere. The military interferes at the level of alien interference. In the beginning, years ago, it seemed to Malanga that the military intervened after the aliens left the abductee alone, but that was not true. The military showed up more often after disconnecting the Growl and LUX (incorporeal beings), only because they had more leeway and because Malanga had not understood at that time all the implants and interferences from the higher levels–RA and Primordial Man, who know about and allow for military intervention.

They may enter into someone's life through some higher being, who tells you that you can ascend now. Or some Ascended Master scheme, playing on your ego, telling you that you are special, more evolved. They may try to lure you to “Come up to us at this level, bla bla”. We at first thought it was LUX doing this. Malanga called them “those from higher dimensions/planes”, like Archangels and Metatron. The ones behind many New Age Ascension thoughts. They are out of this creation on another level of existence.

Q: -Perhaps these are like the Titans or Gods from the Buddhist 6 Realms of Existence definition? In this realm, those from the God Realms must eventually come down to the human level in order to evolve. (See:

A: Yes it may be! We can now say we are sure from testimonies of ex-abductees having had the issues with these ones and having recalled and experience the journey backward.  (EL– In other words, those who realize they as humans have already descended down from higher levels of creation to earth, places where these so-called “Gods” are now and we are on our way back to the Source. The human realm of existence–according to Buddhist cosmology, is the only realm of the six where we can become free from samsara, illusion.)

We already came down from this level (the alleged higher “Gods” level) to experience and realize the nature of our soul here as humans: Duality is an illusion, freedom from samsara, etc. Now, these ascended “God” beings tell you that you deserve to come up to where they are, saying we are at a lower level and to pray, meditate, and so forth in order to ascend, etc. They offer us a place in paradise in the 5th dimension. They are trying to lure you back into the net, a golden prison. This can happen in dreams or channeled through someone. They are similar to us in that they have a soul part but are afraid to come down to our level in order to continue their evolutionary process. They are collaborating with Horus-Ra in order to keep us stupid here to maintain this reality. They tend to want to take the ones who are waking up, and then isolate them from others.

Q: 8. The fish body you’ve mentioned before, is it a 3d body? Is this related to Dagon, the Fish God, or the hats worn by Vatican Popes and Bishops?

A: Yes, absolutely. And yes it’s all about recycled myths. In the case of the Catholic clergymen even Jesus has associated with the fish symbology. The same archetypal figure is interpreted differently all around the globe.

Q: 9. How many PMs are there, can there be more than one? Or for that matter how about the LUX, are there many?

A: The answer is a very difficult one because their number can be an archetypical number, I mean a symbolic number. When I ask the soul parts*, they always answer in an evasive way: some of them say 12, some say 13. Just like the tribes of Israel. (Malanga’s answer)

Soul parts refer to the aspect of being communicated with while the abductee is in the SIMBAD or FMS session. We separate out the mind, spirit, and soul in order to connect directly to the soul part, which exists beyond time and space, and has the power to eliminate alien interference. In reality, we exist all as one consciousness, but for the purpose of freeing ourselves from alien parasites, we work with each unit separately to find the intrusive parts and get rid of them.

Q: 10. How come 12 or 13 in terms of a number?

A: There’s a story about the 13th tribe of Israel… 

Dr. Malanga talks about this in the Genesis 3 article, as an example. The soul parts do not have it clear about this 13th type of PM, so maybe there are not 13 beings but 13 different species. Or maybe there are 13 PMs indeed, but I don’t know this for sure.

Q: 11. What about Dragon like beings? I’ve spoken to several individuals who had encounters with dragons. But they are rare. Some malevolent and some allegedly benevolent.

A: The 13 rare dragons might be related to the PM (fish-man -monster – Draco) or to a set of confused perceptions mixed together. You know that our first perceptions of these beings are very difficult to grasp and get so distorted.

But the dragon type must be somehow related to reptilians and Ra taking on the form of the Egyptian Horus figure. Enki and Enlil are the two sons (but also the main races) of Anu. One of these two sons is a reptilian.

Malanga divides these beings (aliens ) into 2 big categories:

1 – The ones originated in our universe (White PM, LUX, Insectoids, reptilians, 5-fingered blond, grays, beings with a physical component -body ) So the reptilian is a creation/son of the Primordial Man, the fish. By associating these 2 figures we can obtain the symbolic idea that there are 13 rare dragons.

Interesting that they are 13 🙂

2 – The ones from the other (2nd/(mirror/dark-universeEL) creation (Black PM, beings with no physical component whatsoever like Ra, the Growl, the blue being) The blue being attached to the spirit, while the Ra and Growl being attached particularly to the mind. All of them will overshadow the human spirit, because of their spirit component.

Q: 12. So the beings from the second creation are the ones primarily responsible for the incorporeal parasites? They seem nastier, more evil if you will. Are these beings in charge of the aliens they use to abduct and vampirize our soul energy? (As well as farming our genetics)

A: Yes. Incorporeal black shadow beings are from the second creation. The LUX is from the first creation. All aliens with and without a body are under the control of the PM(1) figures or the beings above the Primordial Man.

Q: 13. Can humans be parasites by incorporeal beings only and not be actual alien abductees in the physical sense of being abducted? If so, how does this manifest differently in terms of comparing them to the symptoms of alien abductions?

A: Yes, it happens. Abductees mostly do not consciously remember abductions. So you really cannot tell the difference. If there are no implants, microchips, no AAM, then they are not an abductee. Implants, microchips, AAM, and incorporeal parasites affect the way you think, and your perceptions. LUX entities can and do parasite and host soulless people, or soul-disconnected people, in such a way that they manipulate mass public opinion, thoughts beliefs, and religions. The popular opinion (about aliens, spirituality, etc.) is rarely the truth since the largest majority of people are not soul connected. Not everyone who is possessed is interfered with by LUX. It can come and go.

What can we do? With understanding, and becoming whole again, we will naturally stop feeding the “shadow” as Jung would say.  Stop feeding the aliens and buying into the illusions they feed us. This is how we get out of this mess.

Q: 14. It appears to me that the most important thing here for people is to realize the nature of their divine soul consciousness.

A: Yes

This consciousness had been split into three components (by the Primordial Man who created aliens, which in turn created the human body/containers). The three components are split into mind, spirit, and soul (or anima). But in this split consciousness experience, we perceive reality as a duality or a virtual reality matrix kind of world.

EL: It appears that the Gods–including the Primordial Man, aliens, and incorporeal beings–their job is to keep us locked into this “split un-integrated” consciousness so that they can feed off of our soul energy while we are unaware or somehow believing it’s “good for us”. And in a life of abductions by aliens, we are in an enslaved state to continue recycling while they feed off of our souls. Once we integrate our mind, soul, and spiritual consciousness, then we also enter a new kind of battle with these beings who keep trying to “re-access” the abductee into their agenda. This can happen with physical abductions or be more subtle like in dreams, astrally, or through channeled material that tries to lure us into worshipping them.

Q: Here is it true also– that this issue with aliens, is not only a problem for “abductees, contactees, experiences, and milabs, but the entire human race?

A: Yes, true. The duality is an illusion. From Malanga’s Genesis 1:

“Gods do not exist as we tend to believe.” These godly figures are merely “handlers” and manipulative.

  •  There are no good or bad aliens. Aliens are just aliens.
  •  Everything is already written in myths (Not in manipulated official history)

  • Charles Wharry (Darkbird18);
This article from Dr. Corrado Malanga on Alien Hierarchies and how these beens may also have subconscious control over all of their abductees which is part of a hybrid breeding program. This theory has been talked about for many years but many people didn't believe in Aliens at all which makes this theory of hybrid breeding programs insane but the main point about what Dr. Corrado Malanga is that these been have been around for 1000s of years even with the Primordial Man and has interference with humankind development to control them so that the aliensʼ entrapment and hijacking of the human soul as a “battery”, is what he believes is the most important reason for the alien's interference with humanity. This knowledge goes all the back to the ancient esoteric wisdom of the Agnostics, who first wrote about these transdimensional parasites aliens called the Archons. My research has gone very deep with the research from Dr. Corrado Malanga and those who read this article need to realize that this world is a very wonderous place but at the same time very dangerous.