The Principle of Mentalism states:
"The All is Mind; The Universe is Mental."
THE KYBALION - AMBIENT VERSION - A Study Guide For Hermetic Philosophy
In this, the first of the seven Hermetic Principles, it is stated that "the Universe is mental" and that the only essential reality of all things in mind, for the Universe in itself is a mental creation. We live within the mind of God, who maintains the Cosmos, in the same way, someone sustains a thought by mental concentration.
The Kybalion, a compendium of Hermetic Principles, gives us two aphorisms, which illustrate our knowledge.
1. The infinite mind of The All is the womb of the Universe.
2. The All creates in its Infinite Mind countless Universes, which exist for eons of Time—and yet, to The All, the creation, development, decline, and death of a million Universes is as the time of the blinking of an eye.
It is thus that God, or the All Mental, creates life through thought, just as a man can create a Universe within his own mind. The Great Creator visualizes creation and projects this toward the cosmic egg, giving origin to live in its infinite manifestations. In this way, the Hermeticist is not greatly concerned with studying the chemical composition of the elements but prefers to study the Principle of Mind, the essential components of all that exists.
Animals, minerals, vegetables, men, Gods, planets, galaxies, universes, matter, and energy: all is mind, and the Universe is mental. For this reason, in the entire Cosmos, there are the same laws, those of the mind.
Mental energy is manifested on an infinite scale of vibrations, from the densest to the most subtle. The combination of these vibrations, similar to the mixture of musical notes from a piano, produces the different elements or materials of the Universe, with different characteristics between them, but with their intrinsic nature formed by the mind.
It is due to this that the ancient alchemists believed in the transmutation of lead or any other metal into gold, as the intrinsic composition of all metals is exactly the same: mind.
In particular, our physical body is the mind; our bones, blood, nervous system, intelligence, spirit, and thoughts: all is mind.
The All Mind (God) is infinite, eternal, immutable, and unknowable. The All Mind is neither energy nor matter, it is something superior to this; it is a living and infinite mind, which can also be called Spirit, or real essence.
The All Mind has always existed and will always exist; it is absolute, which is beyond all understanding.
All that is finite, mutable, and transformable cannot be All. Since nothing exists beyond this, in reality, all which is finite must really be nothing. The Kybalion places before us the following Hermetic question: What is the Universe? If nothing can exist beyond The All, then is the Universe all?
No, this cannot be so, as the Universe seems to be made of multiple units and constantly changes. Then, if the Universe is not all, it must be nothing. We still have senses and feel the existence of the Universe. And if the Universe is something and is not The AH, what can it be? Simply stated, it is a mental creation of All.
This is the origin of the well-known Hindu principle of "Maya." The Hindus say that "All is Maya." Translated, this means All is an illusion. Certainly, a thought of ours is an illusion. If we have imaginatively created the personage of a small, green-eyed old man with a walking stick made from a branch of a tree, this personage is a fantasy and an illusion from our material point of view, but absolutely tangible, concrete, and real for the matter, elements, or personages of our imaginative dream. A ghost is a ghost for the physical man, but a material being for another ghost. It will pass through wooden doors but not through "doors for ghosts" made of "ghost wood."
An automobile manufactured by thoughts (imaginary) cannot collide with a material vehicle, but it can collide with another imaginary car, as it is on the same vibration, or within the same density of matter.
We must understand that as sapiens, creatures of flesh and blood, we are located on a specific vibratory level and we occupy a space in the order of the Universe. We should reflect on the fact that for us, matter is only that energy with vibratory characteristics similar or identical to our own and that energy will be the opposite pole. On the other hand, for a man whose body is made up of the energy of a different vibratory state, matter for him will be the energy similar to that constituting his body.
Therefore, neither matter nor energy exists; there exists only one primordial energy, matter, or essence which comprises everything.
If we could escape from our classification in the Universe and join the All Mind, participating in its nature, the Universe would instantly disintegrate (only for us) as we would have changed the observer's situation or position.
It is not difficult to understand that if from the point of view of the absolute "all is an illusion," then from our mortal situation "nothing is an illusion" because all that occurs affects what we can see and feel. Now, as sapiens, we have been made in the image of God and have within us the divine spark. If the corporal part of us is finite, relative, and mutable, the divine spark or spiritual essence is absolute.
Reflecting on this will lead us to a transcendental discovery: sapiens is the only being in the Universe who participates both in the nature of the thinker (God—divine spark), as well as in the structure of that imagined by the thinker (material world— physical body).
The Greatest LIE in Spirituality | The Kybalion, Hermeticism & Occult Knowledge [Documentary]
By understanding this Principle, it is possible to get an idea of the reason why the man was created; he is the instrument used by God to create the material of the Universe with his thoughts. The Supreme Creator uses man's brain to create life. Within this process of creation we can distinguish two stages:
1. Man, God of his own Universe
2. Man, the organ of the creation of life (the sexuality of God?)
In the first stage, sapiens imagines an entire Universe within his thoughts, a process astonishingly similar to creation by divinity. It should be asked if, in this Universe imagined by sapiens, there are not also planets, galaxies, vegetables, minerals, and even ourselves on another dimensional scale.
In reality, that which is infinitely great becomes confused with the infinitely small. We cannot say when something will become so small as to disappear or so large as to disintegrate. We truly believe there is an entire Universe in the thought of each man, and for him, this passes within a second; for those who live in his imagination, millions of years could have passed.
In the second stage, life created by man within his imagination and existing within his mental Universe passes from this world to the Universe of God, where man himself lives; that is, his material density is similar to that of his creator.
It is possible that the same may happen to man, and that at a given moment he may pass to another Universe higher than the one we know.
The understanding that all is an illusion ("all is Maya"), can perturb one who is not prepared for this truth, for in his own vulgar interpretation he would have us believe that if all is an illusion, it is not worthwhile doing anything because ultimately nothing has any value if "all is nothing." This error should not be committed. It stems from placing oneself on the level of an observer existing outside of this Universe.
The spiritual betterment promised by Hermeticism consists of the development, strengthening, growth, and evolution of the divine part of sapiens—what is usually called the Spirit. This essential part is developed at the expense of the oneiric (illusory) and thus sapiens can be converted into a mutant; an individual whose center of gravity shifts from the illusory to the absolute existing within himself (his own spirit, which is an emanation of God).
This very profound change enables the individual to gradually begin to understand the truth and finally reach the knowledge of absolute truth, which is immutable, immortal, and eternal, and which does not suffer change as time goes by because it is beyond time. In the end, only absolute truth is completely truthful, as relativity can only encircle a small section of the absolute. It is due to this that Hermeticism, as proclaimed by the Kybalion, speaks of the wise and the semi-wise.
These latter are those who are limited to having knowledge of the illusory world of Maya, the world imagined by the Great Creator, without ever ascending to the original source of all that exists. They are a species of sages from the world of phantoms, the oneiric world. The true Hermetic sage becomes polarized within the essential part of himself, and then his spirit manifests through his own brain. He avoids the world of oneiric fantasy in order to penetrate into the level of the Great Thinker, where the absolute resides.
This explains why personality, the means of adapting to the illusory in order to become blind in reference to its inherent nature, impedes the individual's higher spiritual development by blocking his contact with reality. Generally, the more programmed a person is, the more difficult it will be for him to elevate himself to the knowledge of the world of the absolute.
The Principle of Correspondence states:
"As above, so below; as below, so above."
This Hermetic Principle refers to the similarity between the various vibratory planes or classifications that exist within the arrangement of the Universe. The great scale of life runs from matter to spirit, existing in the midst of an infinite vibratory scale. Within this range, the same laws acting on density, for example, also act on that which is spiritual or subtle.
There is a correspondence or similarity among all cosmic phenomena, and the study of this analogy enables one to reach the unknown commencing from what is known. For example, astrology is based on the supposition that man is a microcosm and he has inside himself an analogous replica of the Universe, and that by means of this basic outline, we are joined to the planets of our solar system and are influenced by them.
The chart of the horoscope endeavors to reach the design of our internal vital structure by means of the Law of Correspondence. The planets manifest their influence through the different parts of our bodies with which they correspond. We know that Aries corresponds to the head and Pisces to the feet, and there is a sympathetic connection between the zodiac sign, its ruling planet, and the area of the body dominated by it.
A talisman is an object through which a magnetic relationship can be established between the individual to be protected and the corresponding cosmic force. The Cosmos influences man with its energy, but at the same time, is also influenced by man.
Here is a principle of feedback, whose exact dimensions we cannot visualize. It is said that if a person throws a pebble into a lake, this simple act will someday influence the boundaries of the Universe in some way. Universal unity exists in the sense that all are united to all; we cannot separate ourselves from people or from our environment. You, the reader, are joined by an invisible thread to each inhabitant of our planet and to all beings that exist in the Cosmos.
If you hate someone, you are destroying yourself. If you wish to wreak revenge on someone, that force you set in motion will eventually fall upon you. Let us remember the Christian principles based on pure Hermeticism: "Do unto others what you would have them do unto you" or, "Love one another." This Principle of Correspondence is explained by the fact that "All is Mind; The Universe is Mental." Mind energy is the common nexus of all that exists.
As there is external correspondence (with that which is external), this also exists within our body, and also in relation to the opposite sex. Let us observe the likeness between the tonsils and testicles or ovaries, between the spermatozoon and the medulla oblongata in the brain, or the relation between this latter and the sex. In this case, the loss of sexual sensitivity is often derived from increased intellectual sensitivity and vice versa.
This is shown by an insatiable sexual appetite or lechery, which generally leads to a deterioration of intelligence. With respect to the opposite sex, we can see that the penis corresponds to the clitoris and the uterus to the prostate.
Sympathetic magic is the art of establishing artificial correspondence between a person and a wax figure, talisman, plant, or any other object. In this way, the influence received by the wax doll will finally be directed toward the individual who has served as the model. Based on the same principle, an individual can enter into correspondence with a tree or a plant, and transfer his own illness to them, being thus equivalently healed.
Acupuncture shows us a case of the advantageous use of corporeal equivalences, where through stimulation on the lobe of the ear, a headache may be cured. At first, it is very difficult to believe that there can be any relationship between the lobe of the ear and the head, but concrete experience has proven that there is. It is possible by means of the needles used in acupuncture to cure many ailments or to lessen pain—all this by correspondence.
The study of the Hermetic aphorism "As above, so below; as below, so above" is of extreme interest, as this explains the bonds of reciprocal influence which exist between an individual and terrestrial and celestial Nature. The environment, radiating its forces upon us, brings about changes inside us and in the events which occur to us daily.
On the other hand, our psychological condition and our mental state are projected toward Nature, and as a consequence of this, fortunate or tragic events may occur in our lives. This Hermetic aphorism has great practical value, which will be revealed only to the zealous student.
We will give some examples:
1. An individual keeps his room untidy and in complete disorder. This material fact of a physical nature immediately reflects upon the individual's psyche, and he is intellectually and emotionally converted into a replica of the physical conditions he maintains. His psyche will be the likeness of his room and vice versa.
2. The same individual from the above example spends a whole day scrupulously cleaning and tidying his room. As a consequence of this, he experiences a careful cleaning of his psyche and feels extraordinarily happy, "light," and comfortable.
3. An individual who is bitter and negative habitually meets people who instinctively reject him, and without any rea son whatsoever they may end up hating him.
4. A woman believes she is ugly and feels unattractive. Al though she is really "fascinating," her mental attitude repels the opposite sex.
Further explanation of these cases is not necessary.
Within the context of this important theme of the Principle of Correspondence, we will take a close look at the relationship between legal acts to which the individual is subject and the concomitant dependence and lack of freedom, which takes place on the plane of energy. To illustrate this, let us suppose that a wife is not in harmony with her husband, and they separate but are not divorced.
Thus she is still firmly joined to her husband, and if he is a negative individual who wishes evil to befall her, this woman cannot become detached from these forces; she will continue to receive them and they will surely continue to harm her even after ten years apart from her mate. What is the reason for this?
The cause resides in the aphorism "As above, so below; as below, so above," because while there is a legal contract between both spouses, they still are in reality indissolubly joined so long as the contract is legally binding. The laws of men project their influence into the world of energy which we shall call the "astral plane," "mental plane," or "fourth dimension" in order to designate a place where the vibrations are much more subtle than the material ones.
What occurred in the previous example also happens to ordinary people who are joined by a contract forming a legal entity, as in the case of a corporation. While the articles of incorporation are in force, the partners will remain united and each one will have some effect on the life of the rest, either positively or negatively, and in turn, will also receive from them a force that will determine the important events in their lives. Thus there is danger in uniting our lives with those persons affected by heavy or negative Karma, which, in the case of a legal tie, will inevitably fall upon us.
Through this Principle of Correspondence, it is possible to understand how immensely cruel it is to condemn a felon to life imprisonment. As a result of the law of sapiens, this individual will remain a prisoner indefinitely or permanently even after his death. Life imprisonment basically means prison after death.
Those in this situation should not despair, and I wish to counsel them to practice a kind of mental defense to attain freedom upon death. This "way out" as we could call it, consists of repeating the following prayer every day: "I free myself from the laws of man and deliver myself into the hands of divine justice." In order for this formula to be effective and for the individual to truly become free, it is important that he should deeply feel what he is saying. If this is repeated mechanically, it will surely fail. It is different when a prisoner is condemned to capital punishment, as in this case death frees him.
We must also mention the enormous importance of astronomical discoveries or observations for sapiens. If any individual should discover a new star through his telescope and this star emits subtle energy of a destructive nature (all bodies emit energy which might be called "mass energy"), these forces will reach our planet in a very intense form, as a mental channel has been created for them.
The temples of ancient Egypt were constructed so that during certain times of the year a person, looking toward the sky through a precisely situated opening, would see a specific star known to the constructors, with which the subject would try to establish mental contact in order to receive a positive influence from it.
It is also necessary to mention that this teaching of the seven Hermetic Keys is basic so that the student will discover what remains hidden or what may be read between the lines.
I wish to conclude this commentary on the Principle of Correspondence by honoring the memory of the extraordinary Egyptians, who possessed great Hermetic knowledge before their decline. Both laymen and ignorant archeologists have always commented that in ancient Egypt people were so backward that they worshipped animal Gods, which was considered the height of moral decadence. As far as we are concerned, this was the manifestation of ancient Hermetic wisdom.
To explain: the Egyptians had animal Gods, not to be worshipped by them, but by the ordinary animals (those not set up as Gods). The object of creating animal Gods was to maintain the purity and elevation of the human race. These "magical" methods were used to prevent animals from penetrating into the human scale, from being incarnated as sapiens. In the chapter "The Illusion of True Knowledge," we dealt with the incarnation of consciousness which relates to this subject.
Upon receiving the irradiation of man's consciousness, animals partly assimilate the energy of the divine spark or magical fire, which then enables them to enter into the human scale for the first time after they die as animals. This occurs primarily with domestic animals or those which for any special reason are constantly in contact with man, such as a circus dog, for example, as he is exposed closely to human vibrations.
I must pause for a moment to imagine the ironic smiles of those who believe that certainly, the writer of this book suffers from some mental disorder. I think I understand them perfectly well because if I had not had the opportunity of verifying the absolute truth of Hermetic science to my satisfaction, or if I was a neophyte in these matters and was reading this book, I would think as they do.
On the other hand, if unbelieving readers could change places with me for a few minutes by means of magical transmigration, they would completely agree with me. It is necessary to live the Hermetic experience to confirm what has been learned intellectually. I also feel obliged to state that in Hermeticism one does not believe or disbelieve; one simply understands or does not understand.
We continue with the explanation of the animal Gods. When an animal incarnates as a human being for the first time, it will be like an individual on a very inferior level, with very strong animal instincts, and will certainly cause great harm to society. It will either become a delinquent or an immoral pervert as it lacks adequate restraints on its instincts. This animal individual must very gradually rise in level throughout many reincarnations. It must be understood that if many animals are converted into the sapiens species, humanity will face a serious crisis, and this is precisely what is occurring now.
By means of ritual magic, the Egyptian priests sacrificed and mummified a dog, for example, and buried it in a secret place. This dog received a name and was anointed as the "God of the dogs" at the moment of its death. Thus, this animal was converted into the occult guardian, which prevented dogs from entering the human scale, and it had been specially prepared for this. We reserve the complete and profound explanation of this magical operation, which would only serve to satisfy the curiosity of the unversed.
We must add that man can never reincarnate as an animal, and that not everyone reincarnates, but this is a separate subject.
The Principle of Vibration states:
"Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates."
This law indicates that everything in the Universe vibrates and that nothing remains stationary. Matter, energy, and spirit are only the result of different vibratory states.
The spirit represents the extreme pole of the fastest vibrations whose frequency is so high that it appears to be absolutely still. The other pole is formed by extremely dense matter. Hermeticism states that between both poles there are millions and millions of different intensities and modes of vibration. We know that the molecules comprising matter are in constant vibration and that in turn, the atoms forming them are also in constant motion and vibration. In their turn, the electrons and protons are also vibrating rapidly.
Without any fear of error, we can affirm that there is nothing in the Universe that is not "mental matter vibrating at different frequencies." Light, heat, magnetism, and electricity are only different vibratory modes. That mysterious plane known as the "fourth dimension" is only a vibratory state of high frequency. If a person could make his physical body vibrate at a very high frequency—let us call this frequency X—he would physically penetrate into the world of the fourth dimension.
Nevertheless, it is not any such remote possibility that interests us, but only the control of our own vibrations. Our thoughts, emotions, desires, or impulses are only vibratory states. Our physical body is an assembly of systems, which vibrate at the same frequency, and health is only the harmonious vibration of the body. Illness is disharmony, and death is the rupture of the vibratory cohesion of the biological systems. In our personal life, everything revolves around vibration; if we are happy it is due to a positive vibration, and sadness is due to a negative vibration.
Our thoughts will make us more or less intelligent according to our mental vibration. Each person has a mental wavelength of his own, according to the vibratory frequency of his intelligence; the shorter the mental wave, the more intelligent the individual, and vice versa.
The difficulty some people have in communicating comes from their different mental wavelengths. When their vibratory frequencies do not coincide, mutual understanding is impeded. If we wish to communicate with an individual and have him really understand us, we must make an effort to adapt our mental wave to his vibratory state in order to establish perfect affinity. This explains the surprising differences between two persons who normally understand each other well; one of them will have notably varied his mental wavelength, either by lengthening or shortening it, leaving the other person "out of frequency," just as if he tried to tune in to a certain radio station on a wrong frequency.
There are different reasons for vibratory drops in people. Health problems, depressive states, inertia, internal conflicts, and intellectual apathy are some of the principal causes. In the case of those individuals who permanently have a very long wavelength (of low frequency), this is caused by the individual's lack of intellectual preparation.
The environment is also a very powerful influence on people's vibrations, as we live within an ocean of vibrations that constantly have an impact upon us, awakening similar forces within us. The cosmic and terrestrial space which surrounds us is saturated with vibrations, and they have an important influence on people. One can sense in the inhabitants of a city, for example, either a positive or negative vibratory atmosphere, and the same thing can occur with a visit to a family home where we will immediately feel a warm and positive atmosphere or a force that repels us.
What takes place in our homes is that the vibratory radiation of those who live there penetrates the physical structure, impregnating it with positive or negative energy easily sensed by the visitors. Thus, there are homes, which awaken in visitors an intolerable sadness, or in some cases, visitors feel a profound depression or even suicidal tendencies.
We receive the psychic states of those who live or work in these places. The behavioral habits, the emotional states, the habitual thoughts, and the moral and spiritual standards of the individual determine the goodness or unsuitability of his vibratory state, which in turn decisively influences his daily life. Family and human groups in general are made up of whirlpools of energy that are felt by those coming into contact with them.
Vibrations accumulate within the individual, that is, he collects good or evil vibrations, and there are times when he is a veritable time bomb due to the latent forces within him. These forces are either destructive or creative and under the influence of an adequate detonator, will violently explode, producing either favorable or negative events.
This force has the characteristic of greatly affecting anyone who comes into contact with a person whose vibrations are intense, the result being that one can be contaminated by what the "sender" feels. This is especially true when a "sender" shares his troubles with another and then feels great relief while the listener becomes depressed. Perhaps the most vulnerable persons are those in professions such as psychiatry, who are damaged or tainted by contact with their patients' mental scars.
Those places where base passions are let loose, such as bars or brothels, are the center of the base and negative vibrations, which noticeably harm those who frequent them.
Any man who wishes to be successful in his personal objectives or who wishes to increase his capacity to accomplish things, either spiritually or materially must, through self-discipline, raise his vibrations in order not to be affected by what is called "bad luck" or misfortune.
It is necessary to practice strict mental hygiene in order not to be affected by elements in the atmosphere surrounding us. There are strong negative forces actually capable of killing a person because their tone or basic note is destructive and capable of causing disintegration. We know there are sounds (vibrations) that can destroy the cohesion of matter (infrasonic) or which can produce medicinal healing (ultrasonic). The power of the laser is well known (vibration), its light can pierce the hardest material.
Sapiens unconsciously seeks a remedy for his vibratory disharmony and resorts to good music, which reestablishes his internal equilibrium. Nevertheless, there are musical rhythms so inharmonious that they create negative states within people. The sound of certain instruments has cadences that under certain conditions cause deep sadness, as is the case of the "queen," a type of indigenous flute. We also know the pernicious effect of sounds that exceed certain decibel levels and which provoke considerable nervous fatigue causing loss of both manual and intellectual efficiency.
The vibration of the spoken word also has a powerful effect on listeners, either beneficial or harmful. There are those with great personal charm, but whose voices, although not disagreeable, are repellent. This depends on the result of the impact of sonic oscillations. If this impact is harmonious with ours, we will feel affection and liking, and vice versa. People are not aware that they are received either well or badly according to their vibrations.
It is easy to verify the influence of an individual's oscillatory energy. There is a very simple experiment, which consists of having two groups of indoor plants which must be put in separate places. One group of plants should be spoken to every day as if they were human beings and given thoughts of love, friendship, and fortitude. The other group should be abandoned to chance. As the days go by, it will be seen that the plants spoken to and given positive attention become very beautiful and grow faster, although they have the same earth, light, and water as the others.
Another very simple experiment is to test the inductive power of our vibrations on people. For this, it is necessary to contact someone who does not like us. After overcoming the feeling of repulsion this person provokes in us, we must make an effort to feel deep sympathy and cordiality for him. After a short time, we will see a radical change in him and he will come to feel very friendly toward us. Many times it is we ourselves who cause rejection due to our hostility toward others.
Through the Principle of Vibration, it is possible to understand that curses really exist but has nothing supernatural about them; they are only the condensation and projection of powerfully destructive vibrations. The same phenomenon exists with blessings but acts inversely.
When a couple who are lovers speaks words of love, the pleasure experienced is not only due to the knowledge that they are loved but also to the vibratory influence of the words.
If we reflect on this, it is possible to conceive of the existence of magical words, which are only the combination of letters that produce oscillatory phenomena. The traditional karate shout (kiai), for example, was originally conceived in order to effectively paralyze the adversary. It had to be emitted in a certain tone and frequency because if it was not, it would have no effect.
The attentive student who meditates on the Principle of Vibration will be able to understand things of great importance; the one without eyes to see or ears to hear will remain on the threshold of the mystery.
The Principle of Polarity states:
"Everything is dual; everything has two poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled."
This principle involves the teaching that unity as such does not exist in the Universe because everything is dual; everything has two faces or opposite poles. The most profound secrets of life are hidden behind this simple fact, as it is the polarity that maintains the rhythm of life. If there were no opposite poles, life would not be possible.
The basic point to be understood in the study of polarity is the fact that opposites are always present in the same element; this law can never be applied to different elements. The temperature has two extremes, cold and heat, but one cannot speak of the positive pole of temperature in relation to the negative pole of electricity. The Principle of Polarity works along a vibratory scale of degrees in which strength is manifested, a gradation that goes from the positive to the negative.
Thus, light and darkness represent two extremes of the same thing; in one case there is the presence of light and in the other, the lack of it. Love and hate are opposite poles of the same thing, that is, the human feeling of attraction and repulsion. Spirit and matter are the same thing but are manifested in opposite vibrations. The same is true with life and death and good and evil.
It is necessary to note that in these terms there is no absolute, as no one can state what is absolute cold or heat, for example. We simply speak of more or less a quantity of something at a given moment. Thus, undoubtedly, we could say that "love is less hate than no love." And "fear is less bravery than pure bravery." The two poles can always be classified as positive and negative, and their difference is just a question of degree.
This is why Hermeticism upholds the feasibility of mental transmutation, that is, of transforming something into its opposite. Hate may be transmuted into love, poverty into riches, cowardice into bravery, and ignorance into wisdom, by means of sliding along the scale of polarity. There is always an extremely positive and an extreme negative, the positive pole being of a higher nature than the negative. Courage is positive with respect to fear; light with respect to darkness; love with respect to hate.
The Hermeticist, acting as a true scientist of the mind, can raise his internal vibrations at will and transmute negative into positive.
According to The Kybalion, "the undesirable is slain by changing its polarity." Illness can be converted to health by changing its polarity through the power of the mind, which polarizes at the extreme opposite of what it is trying to overcome. Logically, it is only possible to transmute opposites of the same thing, as it would not be possible, in any way, to transmute a pear into a peach. On the other hand, it is possible to transform a green pear into a ripe pear.
In occultism, there is a well-known symbol found in ancient esoteric books—the snake biting its own tail. Specifically, this represents polarity, in which the two extremes are perpetually attracted and seek to devour each other, although this never occurs. The vacuum attracts plenitude, innocence, and experience are mutually absorbed.
Under this principle, the existence of an accessible truth to sapiens in his habitual condition of life is denied, and we maintain that all truth is semi-truth, and it is only possible to reach absolute truth by raising oneself above the Principle of Polarity, beyond opposites, to reach the world of causes. Naive people believe that the time will come when good will triumph over evil in the world in a definite manner. According to this principle, the victory of either good or evil is impossible.
Good and evil represent the two extremes of something and are therefore absolutely relative. If a fox enters a chicken coop and devours a chicken, it is very bad for the hen, but very good for the fox that is only following the natural principle of staying alive. In reality, evil works for good and good for evil. Life works for death, for from the moment one is born, one starts to die. Death works for life, as all destruction is a transformation, which creates a new form of life. What would happen to the light if there was no darkness? Does not light owe its existence to the fact that darkness exists?
Solely from the evidence that something exists, we must immediately know that the opposite is also a reality.
Due to polarity men and women are attracted and try to fuse.
This is the law of the eternal serpent who constantly bites its own tail. It is very interesting to analyze the aphorism that "extremes meet." If we apply this to love, for example, we can verify that it is easier to transform hate into love than to convert indifference into love. As opposites meet, the distance is shorter from one extreme to another than from the middle of the scale to an extreme pole. Hermetically speaking, we may say that the shortest distance from one point to another is not a straight line, but a circle.
This circle represents the gradual scale that runs between two poles, the positive represented by the number one hundred and the negative by zero. These figures are entirely arbitrary and for demonstration purposes only. We maintain that it is easier to cross the bridge from zero to one hundred than to go from fifty to one hundred.
The drawing shows this, as the distance is much shorter than if we lay out the circumference of the circle as a straight line. In our example, number fifty is the symbol of eternal indecision and apathy, representing those who are lukewarm and have no place in the kingdom of God. This explains the phenomenon of conversion when one individual changes his ideology for a diametrically opposite one.
This secret may act as consolation to those with serious problems; they are closer to success than they may think, only mediocrity has no remedy. Hermeticism maintains that indecision is more fatal than error; the reason for this is clear. Those who are able to read between the lines and digest this knowledge will derive great wisdom.
The ancient alchemists held that it is possible to transmute lead into gold. In some cases, this referred to a material act, and in others it was symbolic. Gold is only one end of the scale of metals; therefore, the alchemist changed the vibration and the polarization of the lead until it was transformed into gold. When this refers to the transformation of the internal metals into spiritual gold, the example is equally valid.
Following the Principle of Mental Transmutation employed by advanced Hermeticists, we will make a brief sketch of the mechanism that must be employed, although this will be useless in the hands of those who have not first reached internal unification under the command of a "Superior I." This subject will be covered in subsequent pages. ( Note to finish reading this very detailed article about Wisdom click on this link, The Stellar Man)
by Elva Thompson
August 24, 2015
from HeartStarBooks Website
"Pragmatically speaking,
I like the fact that the masses vote, abuse drugs,
believe in Jesus, follow sports, and worship a flag.
They are tools of social engineering
that keep the many sedate, pacified,
and out of many people's hair
(chiefly, my own)."
Matt Paradise
Bearing The Devil's Mark
The satanic fabric of society
Definition of civilization:
Having an advanced or humane culture, society, etc.
Our so-called 'civilized' society is built on a monstrous Lie.
It is not humane or advanced, it is a cold-blooded, satanic hierarchical system built on the suffering and blood of mankind and the animal nations.
All life forms on this planet are under attack from a perverted and insane consciousness; a debased mindset that has descended into bestiality far below the innocent realm of animal instinct.
All of us that do not speak out against barbarism and cruelty in all its manifestations are complicit in the ongoing destruction of our planet and its creatures. Sadly, many of us have become carbon copies of impostor consciousness, perverse in our thinking and blind in our ignorance and insensitivity.
We play into, and give credence to a satanic system of debt, political choice, medical fraud, mind-numbing fake news, planetary despoliation… and, in effect, accomplices, and co-conspirators of inequality and oppression.
Teresa's Escape from brutal 'satanic cult' and bizarre rituals (1989) | 60 Minutes Australia
Nothing happens by accident
The violent events that happen in this world are not accidental.
They are carefully crafted scenarios, hatched by the criminally insane, the thirteen satanic families of the coven, and their political enforcers.
In the double-speak of evil,
war is peace
liberation is enslavement
help and relief are hindrance and exploitation
education is the ignorance of falsehood
Black Magic
The thirteen elite families are practicing black magicians.
They know the laws that govern this dimension and are aware of auspicious astrological times of power. They use planetary alignments and conjunctions to enhance financial crashes or to start a war.
They do nothing by chance, being creatures of ritual and repetition.
They have duped, drugged, and distracted us with the sensory stimuli they constantly apply through their 'entertainment' outlets, and, even though we may be aware of their plot to take over the world, many feel helpless in the face of such blatant evil and corruption.
To keep us chained to a dimension of the senses, and block our divinity, they have to manipulate the energetic health of our planet with malignant, terrifying energy.
They know we are immersed in a sea of vibration, resonance, and frequency, and they manipulate the grid with human sacrifice.
Negative energy
Because of the horror injected at the power points on our planet by the satanic elite, humanity's collective soul is tarnished and degraded by the dark, demonic impulses which flow throughout our world.
The planetary grid is kept in a low state of vibration by 'shock and awe' collective fear, child torture and sacrifice, brothels, factory farms, vivisection laboratories, slaughterhouses, the terrorizing of civilian populations, and the constant barbarism of war.
The real casualties of war are 'we the people'. We are not paid mercenaries to murder. We are humanity, poisoned, maimed, and displaced by the whim and balance sheet of our satanic masters.
We are adrift in a hostile world where trauma is the norm, and lies are served up for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Heads or tails - The two sides of the coin
Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pairs of opposites.'
To take on the satanic elite and level the playing field, it is important that we understand the dynamics of duality.
In the Matrix game of 'us and them' there have to be two opposing sides:
Those who mend and those that break… those who give and those that take.
In our dual world, both types of consciousness exist side by side.
They are the opposing aspects of the same force forever battling it out in the matrix game of snakes and ladders.
The game of 'us versus them' is tailor-made for impostor consciousness and will only cease when humanity refuses to play the game… but that's a long way off… for many don't even realize there is a game, and those that do, don't realize they are playing it.
The disconnect from divinity
Trauma creates disconnection from the heart, and once we lose this vital connection we become entrapped in the five-sense world of sensation and self-gratification.
No longer are we selfless beings.
We are held captive by the impostor consciousness that inhabits the world of self-gratification. The ego "I" eclipses our divine multi-dimensional nature, and inhibits our spiritual awareness for growth.
The loss of the sixth sense
We can only use the five chakras,
sense of space, create our physical reality.
We have lost contact with our inner self and multi-dimensional awareness, and are unable to access our sixth and seventh senses:
the third eye [pineal gland]
the crown chakra
However, the animals we torture, hunt, and murder in the manifested world, still retain awareness of the 6th and seventh senses. They are in effect, nearer to divinity than self-seeking, arrogant humanity, and are more aware of their place in this reality than we are.
Animals flee from a tsunami, they do not run like a dull sensed human towards impending death to take a photograph!
Who are the animals?
Rudolph Steiner postulated in his books Man as Symphony of the Creative Word' and 'Occult Science' that man the microcosm, reflected the macrocosm, and that the animal kingdom was specialized parts of the whole spread out in creation.
Following Rudolph Steiner's research into' Man a symphony of the Creative Word, Sir George Trevelyan in his book 'Operation Redemption' had this to say about the animal realms: the microcosm and the macrocosm.
"Thus the ruminants may be seen as the digestive system externalized.
Across the face of the earth is extended this mechanism of digestion, the cow consuming grass and fertilizing the living earth. The lion seems to be the chest in specialized development, the rhythmic system of heart and lungs.
How slight are its digestive organs, how powerful its manned shoulders and thorax, how royal its glance and its roar!
The eagle, representing the bird kingdom, is seen as a metamorphosis of the head and larynx. It has no great intestine, its body is a system of warm air sacs to keep it floating, the glory of its plumage flashing in the sun compares with the flashing of thoughts in man.
Thus snakes are the guts, the fishes, as recognized in astrology, are the feet. The crustacean, floating in the sea, are like the floating organs in the blood such as kidneys, and it is well known that blood and seawater are chemically practically identical.
Thus man, the microcosm, reflects the macrocosm and the bodily organs appear spread out through the animal kingdom."
If this is indeed a truth, the understanding will be accompanied by a terrible revelation.
If the animal kingdom with all its variations is aspects of ourselves, then we have been co-opted by the Matrix Program of 'us versus them' the impostor consciousness, to attack the very fabric of our being.
The planet is dying… because homo sapiens is dying. His spiritual defeat is on the horizon, and his brave new cyborg world will be populated by his robotic consciousness.
He will have fallen once again….
The Return
"We can only escape from the world by outgrowing the world. Death may take man out of the world but only wisdom can take the world out of the man.
As long as the human being is obsessed by worldliness, he will suffer from the Karmic consequences of false allegiances. When however, worldliness is transmuted into Spiritual Integrity he is free, even though he still dwells physically among worldly things."
Manly P. Hall
'Transmutation, not presumptuous denial, is the weapon of the master.'
All great philosophers have postulated that the wonder and transcendence of cosmic consciousness can only be attained when the 'self' is expunged.
Self, the chattering, fearful ego mind of "I", that guards the gate of consciousness at the expense of spiritual reality.
It is difficult for many of us to cultivate a quietude of mind because the soft voice of the soul can only be heard when our ego stops talking long enough to hear it. The ego is constantly trying to interfere with our efforts to contact our true nature of the All.
But, only when the ego is subdued, the internal dialogue of conflict shut off, can we participate and re-connect with our multi-dimensional divinity.
From the place of ultimate truth, we realize that everything that exists including the planet and the universe are aspects of ourselves. We know that we only can access 10% of our divinity, our DNA.
The other 90% has been hijacked by the enemy of life, the consciousness of cruelty, and this in turn has created duality. In truth, there is no in or out.
It is all the same unified field of That Art Thou.
That Art Thou
Everything exists within a unified field of consciousness and everything is connected. In truth there is no separation, it is only impostor consciousness that blocks our understanding.
Once we withdraw from the game and observe from our hearts, it is possible with the intent to psychically reconnect with all of life. This is the path and ultimate goal of the spiritual warrior.
Then all is possible...
We can break a hunted hare from her circle and save her/our life. We can turn a pod of pilot whales away from the horrific brutality metered to them by the servants of darkness, the impostor consciousness.
Through divine synchronicity, we become powerful catalysts for change; beacons of the living truth.
For we have been re-born into the holiest of understanding. Namely: That Art Thou (You Are That). This is our path… the ascension timeline beckons.
Will you be on the bus...?
Thank you for this post; very, very helpful. Wishing you blessings and health.
Thank you for viewing the information from this blog and keep coming back because I have been researching the Internet for over 10 years and from what I've found the world and ancient human history are nothing to what they've been teaching us in the education system!!!
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