Some of the best Internet Information happen many years ago and have been last because they're Baird deep in the Internet archives of Information. Alex Brown: Internet Marketing Online Class is one of these resources, the basic Internet "How-To" and the doing business online can be found here.
Amplify’d from
The texts could not have been written without access to the following
resources: Google; Wikipedia; and Bloglines from which I used the
following blogs to keep upto date throughout the course: ClickZ; Dana VanDen
Heuvel; Diva
Marketing; Inside
Adwords; John Batelle's Search
Blog; Modern
Marketing; Naked
Conversations; Scobleizer; and Slashdot.
Guest speakers to class, and others, whose insights have influenced the
text include: Dan Baxter DealCatcher; Dave Brown; Richard Gordon University of Delaware; Mark Hughes BuzzMarketing; Lou Honick HostMySite; Jason Howard StudyLink; Eliza
James; Travis Katz MySpace; Graham Richmond ClearAdmit; Gary Spangler DuPont; and Dave Williams 360i
Internet Marketing Text
Social Media
See this Amp at
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