Frequently Asked Questions
- Prior To Filing A Complaint
- After A Complaint Is Filed
- Related Evidence
- Urgent Complaints
- Terrorist Tips
- Disclosure of Information
- Spam Emails
- Media
- Employment
Prior To Filing A Complaint
- Q: How do I file a complaint with the Internet Crime Complaint Center?
- The Internet Crime Complaint Center accepts online Internet crime complaints filed by the person who believes they were defrauded or filed by a third party to the complainant.
- Q: What details will I be asked to include in my complaint?
- The Internet Crime Complaint Center can best process your complaint if we receive accurate and complete information from you. Therefore, we request that you provide the following information, if available, when filing a complaint:
- Your name
- Your mailing address
- Your telephone number
- Name of the individual or business that defrauded you
- Address of the individual or business that defrauded you
- Telephone number of the individual or business that defrauded you
- Website and email address of the individual or business that defrauded you
- Specific details on how you were defrauded
- Any other relevant information necessary to support your complaint
- Q: How are complaints resolved?
- The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) thoroughly reviews and evaluates each complaint so that we may refer it to the appropriate federal, state, local, or international law enforcement or regulatory agency. Every complaint that is referred is sent to one or more law enforcement or regulatory agencies that have jurisdiction over the matter.
Once we refer a complaint to the appropriate agency, it may then be assigned to an investigator. We, therefore, ask that you provide a telephone number in the event an investigator needs to contact you for additional information. IC3 cannot guarantee that your complaint will be investigated. - Q: Do you have a definition of Internet crime that I can refer to?
- Internet crime is defined as any illegal activity involving one or more components of the Internet, such as websites, chat rooms, and/or email. Internet crime involves the use of the Internet to communicate false or fraudulent representations to consumers. These crimes may include, but are not limited to, advance-fee schemes, non-delivery of goods or services, computer hacking, or employment/business opportunity schemes.
- Q: Can I file a complaint if I have been defrauded of money or goods?
- If you believe you are the victim of an Internet crime, or if you are aware of an attempted crime, you can file a complaint on our website. Be sure to include as much information as possible about yourself (i.e. name, email address, mailing address, etc.), the perpetrator, and the Internet crime that you are reporting in order to expedite your complaint.
- Q: Should I file a complaint if I received an email asking for my bank account information in order for money to be transferred from another country?
- If you believe you are the victim of an Internet crime, or if you are aware of an attempted crime, you can file a complaint on our website. Be sure to include as much information as possible about yourself (i.e. name, email address, mailing address, etc.), the perpetrator, and the Internet crime you are reporting in order to expedite your complaint. Be sure to copy and paste the entire email, including the header information, in the complaint. For more information on this topic, please see Internet Crime Schemes.
- Darkbird18 is always researching the Internet for “Good” Information that will be helpful and useful to the Internet user and when he runs across something that is useful which is rear like a diamond in a coal mine. Internet Crime Complaint (IC3) FAQ is one of those rear finds because for once the government is doing something that will help us online, read on to get the full resources of this website……………………………. Tags: Internet crime
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