The Good The Bad and The Ugly

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Mayan Long Count Calendar

Image result for Mayan Long Count CalendarMayan Long Count Calendar
The Mayan Long Count calendar identifies a day by counting the number of days passed since August 11, 3114 BCE.
The Haab' and the Tzolkin calendars identified and named the days, but not the years. The combination of a Haab' date and a Tzolkin date was enough to identify a specific date to most people's satisfaction, as such a combination did not occur again for another 52 years, above general life expectancy.
Because the two calendars were based on 365 days and 260 days respectively, the whole cycle would repeat itself every 52 Haab' years exactly. This period is generally known as the Calendar Round.
To measure dates over periods longer than 52 years, the Mesoamericans devised the Long Count calendar.
Left: Artist's conception of Maya stela with a Long Count inscription. Hover cursor over the stele to decode.

Mayan Match! Scientist Mike Baillie discovers correlation ...The following table shows the period equivalents as well as Maya names for Correlations between Western calendars and the Long Count calendar
There have been various methods proposed to allow us to convert from a Long Count date to a Western calendar date. These methods, or correlations, are generally based on dates from the Spanish conquest, where both Long Count and Western dates are known with some accuracy.
The commonly-established way of expressing the correlation between the Maya calendar and the Gregorian or Julian calendars is to provide a number of days from the start of the Julian Period (Monday, January 1, 4713 BCE) to the start of creation on (4 Ajaw, 8 Kumk'u).  Darkbir18 is in love with this site because it goes into the details about the Mayan Long Count Calendar to help us understand the why and the what of 2012; Good Information, well done!
Mayan Long Count Calendar

David J West

Interview with Author รข€“ David J. WestGuest Author David J. West reviews the History Channel show "Apocalypse Island"

Apocalypse Island: Pulp Fiction

I am an odd person. I am a novelist; specifically, I like to write what would be termed speculative fiction. Just putting this all up front for the sake of where I am going with everything.
Love that History Channel and the many things they provide so I was interested in seeing what this Apocalypse Island was all about. Namely, because I usually write speculative historical fiction. I like to look at weird things from the past and essentially tell you a lie, yes, but it’s an entertaining lie.
What gets my goat though is when someone tells you something that is a bald-faced lie and fully expects you to believe it. For the record I write fiction I do want to make a living at it but I am not going to take your money and tell you that it is 100% true. The History Channel in a new low aired Apocalypse Island, Sunday night and didn’t bother to tell you they were feeding you fiction.
As I said earlier I love the History Channel and was interested in seeing a program that promoted an ancient ruin or monument as they called it, an incredible distance from the Mayan homeland. I foolishly assumed, and you know what that means, that IF this was actually getting aired on a respectable channel there must be some validity to it.
I suspected that it would indeed be closer to Easter Islander monoliths than ornate and complicated Mayan stelae but still an intriguing ruin at the least. Sorry for my ramblings on to the review.
Editor's Note: David J. West's blog can be found at

Darkbird18 just love the Internet, David J. is something to look at and wonder why? But that how it works, we must have tolerance and patience because there is truth in all things. The 2012 event is moving all who comes in contact with it and making us all think outside of the box because I think we will have no choice but look at our world through new eyes. Click on the Mayan Long Count Calendar link about to get the facts on this event.
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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Blogging For Beginners: “What is the best way to get people to comment and interact with me on my blog?” | The Empowered Theme |



Remember as you create awesome content, it’s also important to ask insightful questions to engage your readers. Do your best to keep the dialog open with your readers by commenting back. There is a great WordPress Plugin you can use to nest your comments under each commentator. It’s called WordPress Thread Comment. (see my post on it)

In the past with my WordPress theme, if I wanted to comment back my comment would end up at the bottom of the comments and not connected with the comment I wanted to respond to. Not any more. I use the Empowered Theme and nestles right with the person I want to reply to. This builds my direct relationship with that person and encourages them to come back for more interaction. If you’re not blogging with the Empowered Theme and you’re having issues like I was then you’ll definitely like this WP plugin.

CommentLuv is also a fantastic plugin to allow your commentators to leave a link back to their blog after their signature line in their comment on your blog. I see it as a kind thank you gesture or motivator to be a regular commentator. The benefit to them is potential traffic to their blog and it also gives them a back link which is valuable for Search Engine Optimization (SEO), as Google looks at how many backlinks are connected to blogs to determine their Page Ranking, etc…

As you visit blogs and comment on the content you want to be able to leave your picture behind. That’s called your Gravatar. You can go to and quickly upload a picture to be placed with your blog comments around the web. Make sure it’s the same e-mail that you’re using within the General Settings of your blog so that everything links up neatly.

How to set up your Gravatar.


Darkbird18 is now following these Guys on the Empowered Tribe Network and is seeing a whole new way to do Internet Marketing with the New Social Media on the Internet, watch these YouTube's and you will see how Kary and the boys are changing the Internet World by a storm! Read on to begin setting up your blog online now because the blog is the key behind getting online user to interact with you and what you are doing online………



Blogging For Beginners: “What is the best way to get people to comment and interact with me on my blog?” | The Empowered Theme |


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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Daily Reckoning:Thoughts on the Greater Depression and Should The US government defaults on its debt?

By Doug Casey


10/04/10 The Gold Report: Doug, at a recent conference you said that the US ought to default on its national debt now. Why that rather than letting it play out?

Doug Casey: Several other things almost equally radical should be done besides defaulting on the debt. I recognize that an outright default is most unlikely, but the national debt should be defaulted on for several reasons. To start with, once the US government defaults on its debt, people will think twice before lending it any more money; giving politicians the ability to borrow is like giving a teenager a bottle of whisky and the keys to a Corvette. A second reason is that the debt is an albatross around the necks of the next several generations; it’s criminal to make indentured servants out of people who aren’t even born yet. A third reason would be to overtly punish those who have been lending money to the government, enabling it to do all the stupid and destructive things that the government does with that money.

The debt will be defaulted on one way or another. The trouble is they’re almost certainly going to default on it through inflation, by destroying the currency, which is much worse than defaulting on it overtly. That’s because inflation will wipe out the relatively few people who are prudent in this country, those who are actually saving money. Because they generally save in the form of dollars, they’re going to wipe them out financially.

It’s just horrible. Runaway inflation will reward the profligates who are in debt – people who’ve been living above their means. And punish the producers who’ve been saving and trying to build capital. That’s in addition to the fact it will destroy millions of productive enterprises. A runaway inflation is the worst thing that can happen to a society, short of a major war. They just should default on it honestly, as it were.

TGR: But your belief is we’ll try to inflate our way out of it to pay for it.

DC: Don’t say “we.” Say the US government. I don’t consider myself part of the problem. Americans have to learn that the government isn’t “us.” It’s an entity that has its own interests, its own life, its own agenda. It views citizens as milk cows – or perhaps even beef cows – strictly as a means to its ends.

TGR: Whether it’s overt or by default, doesn’t that end up in the same place down the line?

DC: There are two ways they can default – one by saying, “We don’t have the money and we’re not going to pay you,” and the other by continuing to print up money and giving people the number of dollars that they’re owed, except the dollars are worthless. The first alternative is by far better, for many reasons we can’t fully explore now. But it’s going to be traumatic either way.

TGR: But the assumption that we could actually just print more dollars and pay off the debt implies that somewhere the debt will stabilize.

DC: Oh no. It doesn’t have to stabilize. To pay interest on the national debt, and to pay for additional spending, all the Federal Reserve has to do is buy bonds from the US government. It doesn’t have to stabilize at all. The government is most unlikely to cut back on its spending, most of which has become part of the social fabric – Medicare, Social Security, unemployment benefits, food stamps, corporate bailouts, continuing foreign wars, domestic “security”…These people are crazy enough that it could get like Germany in the ‘20s or Zimbabwe a few years ago.


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TGR: At what point do we tip over and turn into a situation such as Zimbabwe or the Weimar Republic?

DC: At the moment we’re in an economic twilight zone or, if you wish, the eye of a hurricane. There is apparent stability in the economy. The stock market’s high. The bond market’s high. Only the real estate market is in visible trouble. Retail prices are level; they’re not going up and maybe they’re even going down in some cases. This is a temporary situation. We will inevitably – and soon – hit the other side of the storm. At some point those trillions of dollars created by the US government – and many other governments around the world have created trillions of currency units – are going to have an effect. When will that be? The timing is uncertain. But I think it’s going to be soon.

TGR: Will it be rapid?

DC: If these things were perfectly predictable, it would be easier to dodge the bullet. This is an almost unique time in world economic history, and I think we’re not only going to have economic consequences, but social and political consequences, and very likely military consequences. So hold on to your hat.

TGR: To protect what individual wealth we may have, you’ve recommended selling real estate and renting, holding assets outside the United States, owning gold, etc. When we’re out of the eye and in the thick of this economic hurricane, what types of equity investments should people be holding?

DC: Now is a very bad time to have most kinds of equities; stocks in general are very overpriced, by almost every parameter. I’m not looking to sell my gold until I can buy solid blue chip stocks for dividend yields in the 8% to 10% area. That’s after they cut their current dividends. Although it’s certainly not the bargain it was 10 years ago. Nonetheless gold will go higher. Stocks will go lower. I don’t know exactly when I’ll sell my gold and buy stocks, but it will be when there’s a panic into gold and when stocks are bargains.

I’m sure I’ll be afraid to make the trade when the time comes – but good trades almost always run counter to your emotions. Perhaps the tip-off will be when Newsweek or Time – if either still exists then – run a front cover with a golden bear tearing apart the New York Stock Exchange. I think it will be a generation before American real estate is a solid buy again. And the world at large will likely have quite a different character then.

TGR: I take your point about equities in general, but are you also staying away from gold equities? Or do you maybe see an opportunity there?

DC: They’re a special situation; on the one hand they are a play on gold, but on the other hand they’re stocks. There’s an excellent chance that with the trillions of currency units being created, the government inevitably will wind up inflating other bubbles. There’s a very good chance for a bubble in gold and a very big bubble in gold stocks. So I would say that they are an exception to other equities. We could see these juniors go up by an order of magnitude or more, even while most other stocks are going down. Historically, junior resource stocks are the most volatile class of securities in existence.

TGR: Might other sectors also be in that situation?

DC: My crystal ball is hazy, but it seems to me that junior resource stocks are the best speculative place in the equities market. There’ll probably be others, but I don’t see them very clearly at this time. I’m waiting to see what materializes. You have to look at all markets of all types, everywhere in the world, to find things that are overpriced, as well as things that are underpriced.

Most of the time the trend in any given market is uncertain. I prefer to act only when, in my subjective opinion, the odds are greatly in my favor, and when the potential return is a multiple of my investment. In other words, most people invest 100% of their capital in hope of a 10% return. I prefer to wait until I can invest 10% of my capital for a 100% return. As to what’s going to happen over the next few years, I feel confident that we’ve entered upon the Greater Depression in earnest. It will be an extended period of time when most people’s standard of living drops significantly. But as I said, I think there’s an excellent chance of a bubble igniting in resource stocks. That will build on the bubble that’s going to come in gold.

 Darkbird18 like the Daily Reckoning because they help me keep my eye on “The Bad” and how they have mess up this Nation and the why behind this Economic Tragedy. It looks like the NWO is making the US Dollar worthless therefore it time to make a New World currency? This article talks about how for the debt have gone and what we made have to do to save our Nation and the way of life, which is Freedom and the American Way! But ready this Article by  Doug Casey of the Daily Reckoning and he will open your eyes to the truth so read on………………

Thoughts on the Greater Depression

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Sunday, October 3, 2010

Cryptome:Huffington Post Spying Game


30 September 2010. Add dissimulation from Keith Thomson and Cryptome response.

29 September 2010

The Huffington Post Spying Game

Cryptome was interviewed by telephone today by Keith Thomson, a reporter for The Huffington Post. After a bit of palaver Keith said a confidential source claimed a Chinese spy agency had given Wikileaks $20 million. What did Cryptome think about that?

We said that kind of money is usually given by spy agencies to publications like The Huffington Post rather than an offbeat like Wikileaks. Could be, though: according to reports Wikileaks has joined with major publications to provide the kind of information for which spies would pay $20 million.

Also, now that there are billions of dollars being distributed around the world by spy agencies for which $20 million is a small sum, it is possible that such a contribution could have been made to Wikileaks alone, if not to the illusory Wikileaks, then to an legitimate financial agent of the venture -- of which Daniel Schmitt said there are several. This would fit claims by Julian Assange to have raised over a million dollars recently, and just yesterday Wikileaks Tweeted that money was no problem.

Keith said what would you do if someone sent Cryptome a million dollar donation, a check. We said we would publish the check as a sting operation. Nothing like that can be kept secret, the recipient might try to keep it secret but it will come out, usually by someone within the receiving group aggrieved at being short-changed.

Keith said this discussion is off the record. Cryptome said it does not do off the record interviews. We publish accounts of them.

Some email exchanges:

Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2010 19:33:17 -0500
Subject: Keith Thomson, Huffington Post columnist here...
From: keith thomson <kjthomson[at]>
To: ny[at]
Cc: jy[at]


I admire your work. I'm eager to ask either of you a couple of quick
Crytpome questions—analog preferably—for a story I'm working on. Please advise.

Keith Thomson


Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2010 07:07:17 -0500
Subject: Re: Keith Thomson, Huffington Post columnist here...
From: keith thomson <kjthomson[at]>
To: John Young <jya[at]>


Thanks for your reply. I'm currently doing book research in an area largely
inhospitable to cell phones, but I expect to be back in the 21st Century late
today or tomorrow and will call you.


On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 5:44 AM, John Young <jya[at]> wrote:

It will be a pleasure to speak with you when convenient.

Best regards,

John Young and Deborah Natsios

212-873-8700 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting   212-873-8700 end_of_the_skype_highlighting


From: kjthomson[at]
To: John Young <jya[at]>
Subject: Re: Cryptome E-Gold Donation
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 2010 09:41:55 -0500

John, thanks. K

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 29, 2010, at 9:29 AM, John Young <jya[at]> wrote:


The E-gold contribution file:

As I said in our telephone talk, no other donation like this
has come our way.

BTW, donations to Cryptome are reported by me as taxable
income, trivial as they customarily are.




Added 30 September 2010, 6:42AM:

Date: Wed, 29 Sep 2010 20:25:34 -0500
Subject: Re: Keith Thomson, Huffington Post columnist here...
From: keith thomson <kjthomson[at]>
To: John Young <jya[at]>

John, read the following on your site.

<<Keith said a confidential source claimed a Chinese spy agency had given
Wikileaks $20 million>>

That a Chinese spy agency has given Wikileaks $20 million is news to me;
I didn't say that, and wouldn't. The only time we discussed dollar amount
was in hypothetials. Not sure where you got this.

Darkbird18 is always looking for Good Information on the Internet because what they are not telling us is something to watch. Wikileaks is a great website that have information on leaks form governments and corporation that they don’t want anyone to know but digs deep to find the truth about what this all means and the why this information is being turn upside down. Read about Chinese Spy Agency and $20 Million donations. So read on to get the hold story……………………

Huffington Post Spying Game


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Friday, October 1, 2010

Empowered Tribe | Build Your Tribe. Build You!


Welcome home!



I know you’re probably saying…”Welcome home, but I just got here?”Well let me explain by asking a question. Where do you feel most comfortable, in a room of friends who know you or a room filled with strangers? Where do you thrive the most, in a room of friends or strangers? Most people would say, with friends or with people they know.

Being online is the same thing especially if you’re leveraging social media and your blog. Not only do you want and NEED a place where people know you, you want to create that environment all around you. The Church gets this. They typically want you to go to church on Sunday and come back during the middle of the week for bible study. Why? Because you can learn and grow so much faster in a small group.

Sales groups get this. They may have a sales meeting early in the week and sometimes one or two more throughout the week. Ever been to a sales meeting where they beaten their numbers for the week or month?  PARTY! Some big businesses even get this. Have you heard of a group task force or team working on a specific project? Ok, so you can see where am I going with this. These are all mastermind groups of one form or another.

“The Master Mind may be defined as: Coordination of

knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony, between two or

more people, for the attainment of a definite purpose.”

- Napoleon Hill

I’m sure you have read, or at least heard of Napoleon Hill’s book “Think and Grow Rich.” This book has assisted in showing hundreds of thousands of people the power behind a mastermind. In fact you actually create mastermind groups all the time whether you know it or not.

Have you made a major purchase sometime in your life? Buy a car or house? Did you finance the purchase? Have you started a project or business? Did you get advice from others on how to move through the process or “close the deal?” Bottom line is we all need the support from others from time to time, especially when it comes to making money online.

A Peek Back in History

When my friends Jon Alfredsson, Kary Rogney, Michael Feil, Nick Logan and myself first started a group – aka a tribe – little did we know what we were about to create. We were forming a mastermind syndication alliance that would forever change the way online marketing, especially social media, is being done today.

Bold statement? Absolutely!

But that is exactly what each of us believes today. But that’s not what we were thinking at the time. We were meeting on a weekly basis to get to know each other and share each others content. We were just trying to figure out how to get this thing called “Free Traffic” to our blogs. We were tired of struggling online for months without earning more than a dime to show for our efforts. We have spent thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours of our time into our own trainings…only to wind up confused, discouraged and wondering if this online game is worth playing.

But a revolution was about to take place…

Today there are literally dozens of online tribes and communities all working towards a bigger vision. They come in various shapes and sizes and for many different reasons. But it’s those groups who understand the reason for the mastermind and have a clear vision of purpose that are the most successful. Not all tribes and communities are the same. AND THAT’S A GOOD THING. You want to find a home. Someplace where you feel welcome…where you belong. So again I say…welcome home!

What Is a Mastermind Group and Why Do I Want One?

In its simplest form, a mastermind group is a group of people who share the same ideas and come together working towards the benefits of the group. You may have heard that two heads are better than one. Or where two heads come together a third is created. All true. Again you are forming mastermind groups all the time. The idea I want you to take away is…what do you give back to those you seek information from?

To really understand the power behind a true mastermind group is to understand the law of reciprocity. You cannot continue to take from the group without giving back…or even giving first. I know this may not be a new concept for you, but it appears to be an unknown concept to an incredible amount of people who are marketing online right now.

Now there’s an opportunity for you to clean house in a big way. By creating your own mastermind group that is not only focused on helping each other, but also determined to share each other’s knowledge, support and leadership with the rest of world.

Darkbird18 is working with these Guys and girls in the Tribe Syndication Network which is base on the New Social Media Marketing Plan which work toward working as a Tribe(Group Thinking) to syndicate all ideas into one movement to make the group succeed as a whole. Sharing online business knowledge and resources to build the Social Media Tribe to rule the Social Media Network! The basic core value of the Internet to work as a group and share the virtual world for all to have because the power of the markets have gone back to the Buyer and the seller must work with this new concept and the Internet is the new playing grounds for this new market. Join the Tribe and lets work together and make it happen for all. Thanks for Your Time.

Empowered Tribe | Build Your Tribe. Build You!