The Good The Bad and The Ugly

Saturday, July 14, 2012

» Planet Infowars: Network Against NWO Tyranny Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

header4 Alex Jones


Planet Infowars: Network Against NWO Tyranny:

Planet Infowars
May 24, 2012
Join the Resistance. Create your free profile at, then connect, network and find friends, allies and future family members ready to stand for the Constitution and Bill of Rights, confront New World Order minions and turn this world back towards freedom. Planet Infowars is your tool for publishing, launching a personalized media platform, and organizing with like-minded individuals at the local and global level. Planet Infowars is what you make it– waiting for you to breathe life into it. You are the resistance, you are victory! Use it while we still have some vestiges of a free Internet.
Darkbird18 is back on point with the online research form my theme, “The Good The Bad and Ugly Internet Information.” The Bad all controlling the world and have big plans to make this happen and theNWO “New World Order” is the key behind their plans. Alex Jones have been online sine I started my online business back in 1995 and he still is fighting the good fight of keeping us in the “Know” about the NWO and all the underworld groups who seek to take away our freedoms and souls! Read this article and
watch this video and let me know if he speaks the truth!

» Planet Infowars: Network Against NWO Tyranny Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

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