The Good The Bad and The Ugly

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Iron Mountain Report: A Hoax or Betrayal?

Iron Mountain A Hoax or Betrayal?

By: Paula Demers
In 1961, the Kennedy administration ordered a "Top Secret" study to determine what problems the United States would face if the world moved from an era of war to a golden age of peace. In other words, how to bring America into the New World Order. By 1963 the selection of the specialist had been made. This study group consisted of 15 experts in various academic disciplines who were selected for their expertise in their various fields. The first and last meetings were in an underground nuclear survival retreat called Iron Mountain.
In the same year that this "Top Secret" study was called, 1961, The Department of State put out a publication (#7277) called "Freedom From War, The United States Program for a General and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World". This publication describes a three step program to disarm the American military, shut down bases and have one military under the United Nations. This "military" would be the world wide police force to be used as "peace keepers" throughout the world. The plan would include that "all weapons of mass destruction" be eliminated with the exception of "those required for a United Nations Peace Force" (page 12 paragraph one). In order to "keep the peace, all states will reaffirm their obligations under the UN Charter to refrain from the threat of use of any type armed force" (page 16, Paragraph eight) To support the UN Charter, the average citizen will need to be disarmed; so they cannot defend themselves against these "peace keepers". You don't have to watch much news to see that today, the UN forces are used as "peace keepers" throughout the world, disarming people so they can't defend themselves against oppressive governments. To quote Sarah Brady, Chair of Handguncontrol, Inc. "Our Task of creating a socialist America can only succeed when those who would resist us have been totally disarmed."
I also want to point out the interesting things that happened in the mid 1960's: The protests against the war in Vietnam. The protests against Nuclear Arms. The protests for arms reduction......Much of these protests were done by college students. Many who graduated and became the doctors, lawyers, people in politics, and even the President for today.
In 1963, the same year as the selection of specialists for this "Top Secret" study, President John F. Kennedy made an astounding statement. On November 13, while speaking at Columbus University, Pres. Kennedy stated, "The high office of the President of the United States of America has been used to foment a plot to destroy America's freedom, and before I leave office, I must inform the citizens of their plight! Ten days later, President John F. Kennedy was shot and killed.

The study was completed in 1966. President Johnson gave the order that the report was never to be released, due to the nature of the conclusions reached. The purpose of this Report was to see what it would take to bring the United States into a New World Order. The "experts" decided that the American people were not intelligent enough to understand what "big brother" had decided for them; and what "big brother" would need to do to accomplish what was decided for them. If the truth came out too soon, the American people would be able to stop it.
To quote directly from the cover letter of this report: (paragraph three) "Because of the unusual circumstances surrounding the establishment of this Group, and in view of the nature of its finding, we do not recommend that this Report be released for publication...such actions would not be in the PUBLIC INTEREST (emphasis mine)..a lay reader, unexposed to the exigencies of higher political or military responsibility, will misconstrue the purpose of this project, and the intent... We urge that the circulation of the Report be closely restricted to those who's responsibilities require that they be apprised of its contents..." Those who responsibilities require they know? Would this be the people who will be working to bring us into a New world Order?
One man involved in the study elected to release it to the general public. He did it at great risk to himself using the name John Doe. Mr. Do must have believed the American people were smart enough to decide for themselves if they wanted to loose their freedom to a "golden age of peace". After John Doe released the information, the Establishment renounced it saying it was a hoax. There are not many copies of this Report left. Some large libraries have copies and it would be worth the effort to check it out. This in itself would be proof it is not a hoax.
There are very interesting terms used and repeated throughout the report. Some of these include "general condition of peace", "functions of war", "change social structure", "problems of peace", "transition of world peace", replacing the "function of war", "saving the species" (man), "disarmament transition", "social control", "selective population control", "gross population control" and "loss of national sovereignty".
The stated purpose of this Report (taken from the first paragraph of the cover letter) is:
to consider the problems involved in the contingency of a transition to a general condition of peace, and
To recommend procedures for dealing with this contingency. " We will do our best to capture the basic message in this report.
This 34 page report basically deals with the "functions of War" and how to replace those "functions" with other options. So there can be peace and the "species" (man) can survive.
The introduction of this Report shows some interesting observations this group came up with during their 2 1/2 year study. If there came a "condition of world peace" (paragraph three) it would change the social structures of all the nations of the world. There is nothing that has happened to compare with the change that would occur in such an instance. They point out that there would be consequences to peace. Not just the economy, but every other aspect of life would be touched also. It would touch the "political, sociological, cultural, and ecological" aspects. The reason they included these aspects in their study is that the world (at that time) was totally unprepared to cover all the demands that would come in these areas in such a situation of peace. They conclude that at the end of the report they give their recommendations for what they believe to be a "practical and necessary course of action." (paragraph six)
These 15 experts set you straight in the first section that they are doing to be totally objective in their study. (Section one, paragraph five) They made a "continuously self-conscious effort" to keep the values of "good" and "bad". They admit that it wasn't easy, but as far as they could tell, it had never been done before. The previous studies for peace had taken certain things into consideration:"...the importance of human life, the superiority of democratic institutions, the greatest 'good' for the greatest number, the 'dignity' of the individual, the desirability of maximum healthier and longevity,...." These experts did not. Instead they attempted to "....apply the standards of physical science...." and go on to quote Whitehead who said, "...ignores all judgments of value; for instance, all esthetics and moral judgments."
In other words, people the idea of human rights, and the value of human life are not at all taken into consideration in the putting together of the Report. They took their assignment, and decided how they could take care of all the problems without considering the people involved. In this report, as you will see, human beings are being brought down to the level of herds of animals.
Section four is interesting. (War and Peace as Social Systems). They point out that wars are not "caused" because of international conflicts of interest. (paragraph seven). They further comment that "...war-making, active or contemplated, is a matter of life and death on the greatest scale subject to social control..." In paragraph six of this same section, they comment that the "threats" against the "national interest" are created or accelerated to "meet the changing needs of the war system". This will be in more detail in the next section, where they discuss the "Functions of War". (Section five) for each section, along with their "Substitutes for the Functions of War (Section six). We will include booth the "functions" and the "substitutes" under each heading.
They go into great detail on the "Functions of War" (Section five) and the "Substitutes for the Functions of War" (Section six). The areas covered are: economic, political, sociological, ecological, cultural and scientific. These areas are all affected by the "functions of war" so they will have to find "substitutes for the functions of war" in order to have peace. see: Silent Weapons For a Quiet War
One "function of war" is that it uses organized violence to defend or advance "national interest". They believe it is necessary for a military establishment to "create a need for it's unique powers" (Section five, paragraph two)
Another major "function of war" is that it produces waste. This waste is a means to control surpluses. It also produces jobs and industrial advancement. War, basically, stimulates the economy. Paragraph eight states, "It is, and has been the essential economic stabilizer of modern societies."
In section six, they come up with options that can replace war. They have two criteria: they must be wasteful, and must operate outside the normal supply and demand system. They make a list of social welfare programs, such as heath and housing. But they comment that there is a weakness in changing the money form the military spending to social-welfare. Unless it was run like the military , "subject to arbitrary control". (paragraph 12) This control would com in the form of building (public housing--medical centers) that can be accelerated or stopped, depending on what it would take to create a stable economy. Another option would be a series of "giant space research programs". (paragraph 13)
One "function of war" in the political sense, is that war is "virtually synonymous with nationhood" (paragraph two) War has been essential for nations to exist independently. So, with "peace", nations lose their national sovereignty.
So a "substitute for the function of war" politically would have to come up with something that would be compatible with no national sovereignty. Nations can still exist in the "administrative sense" (paragraph two). But there would have to be institutions, such as a "World Court or a United Nations" that had the real authority.
One of the things considered was generating a type of space enemy. They acknowledge that, "...most ambitious and unrealistic space project cannot of itself generate a believable eternal menace...."(paragraph seven) Even the "flying saucer instances" were not encouraging enough to be used to unite "....mankind against the danger of destruction by 'creatures' from other planets...."
An effective substitute for war, would require "alternate enemies". (paragraph seven) They go on to say that a "gross pollution of the environment" could eventually replace the mass destruction by nuclear weapons, as a "threat to the survival of the species", (meaning humans). In paragraph eight, they go on to say that "...Poisoning of the air, and the principles sources of food and water supply, is already well advanced,". This, at first glance, would seem to be promising. But they go on to say, " present indications it will be a generation to a generation and a half before environmental pollution, however severe, will be sufficiently menacing, on a global scale....." In other words, pollution can offer a solution to get rid of the population that nuclear war does; and it's already being done, but it would take a generation to a generation and a half to accomplish the desired goal. They go on to explain that the rate of population could be "increased selectively". (paragraph nine) If there was a "modifying of existing programs" that deter the pollution, it could speed up the process to make this solution credible sooner.

Darkbird18 first heard about the “Iron Mountain Report” back in 1997 and had a hard time finding it online also there were some real “Bad” people online back then that didn’t want anyone to read this information, why? But here it is for all to read and study, the powers that be knew about this study and covered it up with lies and illumination to make us think it was just some wild Idea that JFK had to spend money but the truth is JFK may have been assassinated because of this report! What is here on this blog is just the first part of the report, click on the link below to read the hold report and you can download the PDF from here

Iron Mountain Report PDF
Iron Mountain Report: A Hoax or Betrayal?

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Friday, November 15, 2013

The Revolutionary Faith – The Illuminati and the Crown | Jay's Analysis

 Jay's Analysis

The Revolutionary Faith – The Illuminati and the Crown

Queen Elizabeth with her rainbow and eyes of spies. Most notably, John Dee, the first 007.

Queen Elizabeth with her rainbow and eyes of spies. Most notably, John Dee, the first 007.

“The Tea Party, I always say, is more like the American Revolution, and Occupy Wall Street is more the French Revolution.” -Rand Paul

By: Jay

There are two major strands of the revolutionary tradition (or what we might call revlutionism) when viewed from the perspective of association with secret societies.  Both are inheritors of the Enlightenment and both were connected with the French and American Revolutions.  There is the laissez-faire capitalist tradition we see exemplified in characters like Adam Smith and David Ricardo, and on the other end is the Jacobin tradition of ‘Illuminism’ from characters like Robespierre, Marat, Danton and the other radicals of France.  This account is fairly well-known: in the lecture from Zbigniew Brzezinski I posted, he referenced this same dual trend in revolutionary thought.   I don’t mean to oversimplify: I recognize there are a whole host of varying shades of so-called “rebels” of all flavors – women’s rights activists (feminists), anarcho-Marxists, anarcho-capitalists, etc.  What I am proposing that many are not aware of is that there are deeper currents of occult and secret society-linked systems of thought that undergird the revolutionary faith.

Both of these revolutionary traditions draw energy from Freemasonry, which is commonly divided into British and Continental.  The British strand that influenced much of the American tradition retained a notion of theism and some connection with monarchy and aristocracy.  This explains why the Queen of England is the royal patron of Masonry, with the Duke of Kent and others having well-known masonic positions of power.  Similarly in America, the masonic tradition has tended to be connected to the upper class of white males, generally excluding women (except for women’s associations) and having racialist views.  One may inquire as to whether many of these people are actual practitioners of the craft, but regardless, the institution is thus very useful from a geo-political perspective.

That said, the British masonic tradition views the Continental, or Grand Orient tradition of masonry as “irregular,” like a black lodge.  The confusion would therefore arise from the desire of the Crown to have spies and infiltrators in all different branches of masonry, as well as attempting to run many of the cultic societies.  Keep in mind that from the geo-political view, the name of the great game is full spectrum dominance more than it is adherence to a particular ideology.  Ideologies are something trafficked in by those at the top, than something devoutly believed.  This idea can be seen extending all the way back to ancient Greece, for example, where Plato spoke of leaders in the Republic viewing religion as a kind of noble lie necessary for civil maintenance.  This trend in British espionage goes all the way back to Elizabeth, who was pictured in paintings with eyes covering her garment – symbolizing her spies sent all throughout Europe.

What is of particular relevance from the Grand Orient tradition is that this is the modern origin of socialism, communism and egalitarianism.  The Grand Orient tradition of France in particular is a direct line back to the French Revolution, which has direct descent to the Bavarian tradition of Illuminism from the famed Adam Weishaupt.  The French Revolutionaries sought through a direct and immediate reign of ”red terror” to depose the monarchy and all religion with the establishment of an atheistic, secular republic based on the supposed dignity of bare humanism.  It is from the French Revolutionaries that the famous “Declaration of the Rights of Man” arises.  A modern example would be the United Nations’ supported Secular Humanist Manifesto I and II.  The French Revolutionaries were far more radical in their Jacobinism than many American fathers desired, but Jefferson, the American minister to France, was apparently a fan of the French experiment:

“The experiment failed completely, and would have brought on the reestablishment   of despotism had it been pursued. The Jacobins saw this, and that the expunging   that officer was of absolute necessity, and the Nation was with them in opinion,   for however they might have been formerly for the constitution framed by the   first assembly, they were come over from their hope in it, and were now generally   Jacobins. In the struggle which was necessary, many guilty persons fell without   the forms of trial, and with them some innocent. These I deplore as much as   any body, and shall deplore some of them to the day of my death. But I deplore   them as I should have done had they fallen in battle. It was necessary to use   the arm of the people, a machine not quite so blind as balls and bombs, but   blind to a certain degree. A few of their cordial friends met at their hands,   the fate of enemies. But time and truth will rescue and embalm their memories,   while their posterity will be enjoying that very liberty for which they would   never have hesitated to offer up their lives. The liberty of the whole earth was depending on the issue of the contest, and was ever such a prize won with   so little innocent blood? My own affections have been deeply wounded by some   of the martyrs to this cause, but rather than it should have failed, I would   have seen half the earth desolated. Were there but an Adam and an Eve left in   every country, and left free, it would be better than as it now is. I have expressed   to you my sentiments, because they are really those of 99 in an hundred of our   citizens. The universal feasts, and rejoicings which have lately been had on   account of the successes of the French shewed the genuine effusions of their   hearts. You have been wounded by the sufferings of your friends, and have by   this circumstance been hurried into a temper of mind which would be extremely   disrelished if known to your countrymen. The reserve of the Pres. of the   U.S. had never permitted me to discover the light in which he viewed it,   and as I was more anxious that you should satisfy him than me, I had still avoided   explanations with you on the subject. But your [letter] 113 induced him to break   silence and to notice the extreme acrimony of your expressions. He added that   he had been informed the sentiments you expressed in your conversations   were equally offensive to our allies, and that you should consider yourself   as the representative of your country and that what you say, might be imputed   to your constituents. He desired me therefore to write to you on this subject.   He added that he considered France as the sheet anchor of this country and   its friendship as a first object. There are in the U.S. some characters   of opposite principles; some of them are high in office, others possessing great   wealth, and all of them hostile to France and fondly looking to England as the   staff of their hope. These I named to you on a former occasion. Their prospects   have certainly not brightened. Excepting them, this country is entirely republican,   friends to the constitution, anxious to preserve it and to have it administered   according to it’s [sic] own republican principles. The little party above   mentioned have espoused it only as a stepping stone to monarchy, and have endeavored   to approximate it to that in it’s [sic] administration, in order to render   it’s [sic] final transition more easy. The successes of republicanism   in France have given the coup de grace to their prospects, and I hope to their   projects.—I have developed to you faithfully the sentiments of your country,   that you may govern yourself accordingly. I know your republicanism to be pure,   and that it is no decay of that which has embittered you against it’s[sic]   votaries in France, but too great a sensibility at the partial evil by which   it’s object has been accomplished there.”

The French Revolutionary "Declaration of the Rights of Man" which resulted in anything but.

The French Revolutionary “Declaration of the Rights of Man” which resulted in anything but.

I wonder how many “good American patriots” are aware of the extent to which Jefferson was a radical.  The so-called Tea Party crowd often cite Jefferson in quote-mining exercises looking for proofs of capitalism, slavery, and whatever else they want to use, but Jefferson, as all traditionalists and conservatives know, was a radical at heart.  His “god” was ”liberty,” just as the god of the revolutionaries was liberty. His theology was purely deistic: how any religionist would think he works as an example of good ole American hometown religion is beyond me.  But then again, good ole hometown American religion basically is civic deism.  The American experiment is therefore closely linked to the French, but with a more sober, capitalist and racial tradition.  This explains why Washington was a Mason, yet hesitant about the activities of the Jacobin Illuminists spreading to America. He wrote:

“It was not my intention to doubt that, the Doctrines of the Illuminati, and principles of Jacobinism had not spread in the United States. On the contrary, no one is more truly satisfied of this fact than I am.

The idea that I meant to convey, was, that I did not believe that the Lodges of Free Masons in this Country had, as Societies, endeavoured to propagate the diabolical tenets of the first, or pernicious principles of the latter (if they are susceptible of separation). That Individuals of them may have done it, or that the founder, or instrument employed to found, the Democratic Societies in the United States, may have had these objects; and actually had a separation of the People from their Government in view, is too evident to be questioned.”

By contrast, the tradition of Continental or Grand Orient Masonry that spread from France to Italy, Germany, Prussia, and eventually Moscow, is one of the secret forces behind world communism.  Monsignor George Dillon, James Billington and John Daniel have written works analyzing these divisions and trends that I recommend.  One clear sample of evidence for this claim is the cached site of the Grand Orient of France, which reads as follows (notice the claims of “liberty, equality, fraternity” – the rallying cry of the French Revolutionaries:

Spartacus-Weishaupt, founder of the Bavarian Illuminati

Spartacus-Weishaupt, founder of the Bavarian Illuminati

“Lafayette received a sword from George Washington in honor of the part played by French Freemasons in the American War of Independence.
In this way, the preparation of the ideas of Liberty and Equality in the Masonic Lodges contributed to the great reforms of the French Revolution.

And this is how answers to a question which was studied in the Lodges of the Grand Orient de France before the war would be highly instrumental in setting up the French welfare system.  But these are just a few examples, for in the past three centuries the history of French Freemasonry has been that of France and of its great social victories in the humanist context in which it has placed itself.

Whether it be the abolition of slavery with Victor Schoelcher, the setting up compulsory, nondenominational state school with Jules Ferry, more recently the work of Arthur Groussier with industrial tribunals, the protection of women and children in work, then the shortening of the working week, paid leave etc… these are some of the problems studied in the Masonic Lodges of the Grand Orient de France and made the law of the Republic by the enlightened men who for their time were at the cutting edge of progress.

The Grand Orient de France lives in its century and takes the lead in the emancipatory battles of its time.

Whereas in other forms of Masonry – particularly those which are the direct descendants of English Masonry and have retained their dogmas – a member must be a practising believer, the Grand Orient de France as an institution, is a society which practises Absolute Freedom of Conscience that is to say it leaves its members free to believe in a revealed truth whatever it may be or to be totally agnostic. Thus in the Masonic Lodges we find believers of all faiths together with atheists, agnostics and freethinkers. This is the meaning of the freedom of conscience which the Grand Orient de France defends when it defends secularism in all the activities of the state and not only in education which it wants to see remain free, nondenominational and compulsory for all. This new concept of Freemasonry – of Absolute Freedom of Conscience which was born on the ” Convent ” (Annual General Meeting) of 1877 and whose gave birth to a new form of practise in Freemasonry which is called Liberal Freemasonry. This form is fast developing in all the countries of the world where men aspire no longer to be the slaves of dogmas and enforced beliefs and want to change the societies in which they live, preparing a better and more enlightened future for tomorrow.”

Mandatory secular state schooling, state welfare, egalitarianism, abolition, women’s rights, the secular Republic, atheism, so-called ‘free-thinking,’ relativism, socialism and communism, etc., all founding principles of the modernist hell we experience today can be traced here.  There’s only one problem here: what if men aren’t all radically equal?  Clearly the end result of this philosophy is pure Marxism.  In cultural and social Marxism, all differentiation, hierarchy and difference are somehow metaphysically “bad,” and must be stamped out.  But man cannot live in rebellion against nature, and since Marx was so often taken with the idea of man being alienated from nature, how ironic it is that this Grand Orient tradition, which Karl Marx and Antonio Gramsci draw directly from, is so anti-natural.  In fact, it is a war on nature, God and all things healthy.  That is what bleary-eyed revolutionary idealists never understand.  I’m reminded of the great quote from Spengler: “There is no proletarian, not even a Communist movement, that has not operated in the interests of money, and for the time being permitted by money – and that without the idealists among its leaders having the slightest suspicion of the fact.”

What can we conclude from this?  Continental or Grand Orient masonry is still very much a powerful force in the world, and is still associated with communist and socialist trends, as well as with feminism and Marxism.  It has been at work in the South American and Mexicans revolutions, as well as in Europe and Africa.  The Jacobin socialist Illuminists are still at work in America, too.  They are the force behind radical egalitarianism that is destroying everything, including its fellow tradition, capitalist revolutionism.  The foolish and moronic masses have no idea how bad it is going to get when the communist-socialists have their way and dismantle the western traditions of cohesion.  God is the author of distinction and differentiation.  Some things are holy, some are not. Some men are evil, some are good.  Radical egalitarianism as a philosophy ends up destroying everything for the sake of the false trinity, “liberty, equality, fraternity.”  From the geo-political perspective, this is partly at work in the modern machinations we see attempting to blackmail both the Vatican and the British Crown.  The question we must ask is, do we really want to see complete victory and exaltation of the worst?  Andrew Wilkow put it well when he said we don’t raise the smaller trees in the forest by cutting down the taller.

La Barbe: France’s Bearded Feminists

The Revolutionary Faith – The Illuminati and the Crown | Jay's Analysis

 Charles E. Wharry (Darkbird18),

The Illuminati is here again (The Dark Brothers), (The Bad) have great powers and can’t be seen for they hide in plain sight. For 1000’s years they have been doing the work of darkness but at one time they had light within them but something came into their secret groups and put them into the darkness of the dark brothers who can only do wrong because they can’t do right because they have no light within them. Read this article and see more of their work.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Above Top Ancient Aliens last episode "The Mystery of Puma Punku

HC's Ancient Aliens last episode "The Mystery of Puma Punku" DEVASTATED the show haters., page 1  FroAbove Top

Image result for ancient aliens conspiracy video
Topic started on 17-3-2012 @ 10:25 AM by 1AnunnakiBastard
One of the best episodes of all seasons, so far. The crew dedicated the entire episode to scrutinize the megalithic buildings of Puma Punku, in the highest area of Peruvian Andes. The most astonishing structures every registered in ancient civilizations, because is the only one that presents visible and clear signs of hi-tech machinery crafting in giant blocks with hundreds of tons, assembled as legos.

Puma Punku - Unexplained Structures

Ancient ruins around the world have withstood the test of time and remain standing for academics and laymen alike to ponder and study. Many of the methods used to create these ancient cities, temples, and monuments remain rather mysterious and unexplained. The Archive’s Unexplained Structures Series endeavors to acquaint the viewer with these locations and present some of the potential alternative explanations for their existence. “The ruins of Puma Punku are one of four structures in the ancient city of Tiahuanaco. The others three structures are; The Akapana Pyramid, the Kalasasaya Platform, and the Subterranean Temple… Even with modern day technology and information, these structures defy logic, and confound those who seek to solve the mysteries that lie within them. The ruins of Puma Punku are said to be the most fascinating, and most confusing of all… They are arguably the oldest, and most baffling ruins on the face of the Earth.”

A couple of professional and experts in machinery and hi-tech tools, did participate of this episode, reproducing scaled models of the stunning notorious "H" blocks in their workshops, to prove that only high advanced technology could have made the original ones and there's absolutely NO way of primitive natives, with chisels and stone-hammers have cut those blocks with laser precision. Giorgio Tsoukalos particularly debunked the mainstream scholars and BLASTED the shills, skeptics, haters and naysayers of the "Ancient Alien" theory, with a simple explanation: Puma Punku is placed in a point of the Andes so high that no trees ever grew in the area, so the official explanation of archeologists about the infamous "rolling bearing method" with trees trunks, for transporting those blocks, is baloney.
They also made new tests with actual RC replicas of the notorious aerial vehicles reproduced in gold models by the ancient Incas, that archeologists claim they are "stylized birds", and proved AGAIN they are fully functional aircraft.
And they managed to make the connection of Puma Punku with the Sumerians and the Anunnaki, by using an artifact exposed in a Peruvian museum, which is a ceramic bowl with several Sumerian cuneiform glyphs carved all over its surface.

               Ancient Aliens Debunked 

Puma punku mystery solved, ancient aliens debunked

Puma Punku: Ancient Alien Technology From 12,000 Years Ago?

Darkbird18 here back on point about our Ancient past and what may of have happened but was never recorded because it happens so long ago. Above Top is one of my main online research sites for UFO information. Watch these Youtube and see if something did happen in our past that may have to change the world and I have put two YouTubes about Puma Punku and what happen down there that have scientific experts fighting about the truth about how the ancient structure was design and created by these ancient people of this area